Dengue is the most important arthropod borne viral disease of public health significance. Compared to nine reporting countries in the 1950's, today the geographical distribution includes more than 100 countries world wide. The WHO estimates that more than 2.5 billion people are at risk of dengue infections, with 50 million cases occurring annually with 22,000 deaths'. The dengue virus is an enveloped single stranded RNA of the family Flaviridae. There are four serotypes which share genetic and antigenic features but infection with the one serotype does not provide long-term protection against other serotypes. The principal vector is the day biting Aedes aegypti which typically breeds in clean stagnant water in a wide variety of sites including man made containers in the domestic and peridomestic urban environment
The coronavirus COVID-19 has recently started to spread rapidly in Malaysia. The number of total infected cases has increased to 3662 on 05 April 2020, leading to the country being placed under lockdown. As the main public concern is whether the current situation will continue for the next few months, this study aims to predict the epidemic peak using the Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Recovered (SEIR) model, with incorporation of the mortality cases. The infection rate was estimated using the Genetic Algorithm (GA), while the Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) model was used to provide short-time forecasting of the number of infected cases. The results show that the estimated infection rate is 0.228 ± 0.013, while the basic reproductive number is 2.28 ± 0.13. The epidemic peak of COVID-19 in Malaysia could be reached on 26 July 2020, with an uncertain period of 30 days (12 July-11 August). Possible interventions by the government to reduce the infection rate by 25% over two or three months would delay the epidemic peak by 30 and 46 days, respectively. The forecasting results using the ANFIS model show a low Normalized Root Mean Square Error (NRMSE) of 0.041; a low Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) of 2.45%; and a high coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.9964. The results also show that an intervention has a great effect on delaying the epidemic peak and a longer intervention period would reduce the epidemic size at the peak. The study provides important information for public health providers and the government to control the COVID-19 epidemic.
An outline is given of a simple cost-effective strategy aimed at the immunization of all children and pregnant women residing in the plantation sector of Malaysia. It is based on a partnership between government, nongovernmental organizations and the private sector, and is supported by UNICEF.
PIP: A cost-effective strategy aimed at the immunization of all children and pregnant women residing in the plantation sector of Malaysia is outlined. It is based on a partnership between government, nongovernmental organizations and the private sector, and is supported by UNICEF. Over a million people reside on the Malaysian plantation estates: only 17% of the estates have their own hospitals; immunization services exist on only 1.5%; 40% of the estates are at least 5 kilometers from the nearest government health facility; and 64% lack transport for workers and their dependents to seek care away from the plantations. Two nongovernmental organizations, the Malaysian Paediatric Association and the Malaysian Society of Health, initiated discussions with the United Planting Association of Malaysia. A pilot study was undertaken by the groups on 6 estates in Selangor State, which included all the children at their first birthday. Tuberculosis, diphtheria/pertussis/tetanus, poliomyelitis, and measles immunization coverages were 88%, 44%, 59%, and 66%, respectively. The association of plantations accepted the organizations' proposals for all estates to: register all births; provide free transportation to government health clinics for the immunization of all eligible children and pregnant women; and enforce immunization schedules and record-keeping. The Ministry of Health agreed to provide free immunization of children and pregnant women; send mobile teams to estates that could assemble 20 or more eligible people for immunization; provide the estates with educational materials dealing with immunization; arrange that the maintenance of the cold chain be supervised by local medical officers of health; consider the training of estate hospital assistants with the help of the nongovernmental organizations. The total immunization plan was launched in September 1990. A manual was distributed to the estate managers, hospital assistants on the estates, and the medical officers who would implement and monitor the program. It is expected that total child immunization will be achieved in the foreseeable future in the estate sector.
The COVID-19 pandemic that emerged in 2019 has inflicted numerous clinical and public health challenges worldwide. It was declared a public health emergency by the World Health Organization and activated response teams at almost all Malaysian healthcare facilities. Upon activation of the National Crisis Preparedness and Response Center in January 2020, the National Institutes of Health Malaysia established a COVID-19 operation room at the facility level to address the rise in COVID-19 infection cases each day. The National Institutes of Health COVID-19 operation room committee formed a workforce mobilization team for an effective and efficient mobilization system to fulfill requests received for human resource aid within the Ministry of Health Malaysia facilities. Selected personnel would be screened for health and availability before mobilization letters and logistics arrangements if necessary. The workforce from the National Institutes of Health, consisting of various job positions, were mobilized every week, with each deployment cycle lasting 2 weeks. A total of 128 personnel from the six institutes under the National Institutes of Health were mobilized: tasks included fever screening, active case detection, health management at quarantine centers, and management of dead bodies. A well-organized data management system with a centralized online system integration could allow more rapid deployment and answer some of the key questions in managing a similar pandemic in the future. With improving infected COVID-19 cases throughout the country, the National Institutes of Health COVID-19 operation room was effectively closed on June 15, 2020, following approval from the Deputy Director-General of Health.
The health of a population and the development of health services in a country at a particular time in history are directly linked to the socioeconomic system. This paper discusses health and health services in Malay Peninsula during the time that it was a British colony. Economic production under British colonialism, which is basically a capitalist system, is organized primarily for the purpose of realizing profits. The health of the population is in direct conflict with and generally subordinated to this main objective. The pattern of health that emerges reflects this general framework. Moreover, health services under the colonialist system are developed primarily to serve the economic interests of the colonialists. Hence, the structure of health services is biased toward curative medicine and centered mainly in the urban areas.
Men's health discourse has been around for more than 2 decades. The higher mortality rates and the shorter life expectancy in Asian men compared with their women counterparts show the disadvantaged status of men's health. Thus, discussions on men's health should address their health needs and not be confined to sex-specific male urology and reproductive health. In Asia, assessing men's health needs is challenging because of the vast differences in the socioeconomic status and the diverse culture among its member countries. Although, the epidemiology of men's health provides the focus for what to address in improving men's health, having an optimal strategy requires the understanding of men's health-seeking behaviors and the social determinants surrounding them. Thus, public health approaches addressing health behaviors and health promotion in the society should be one of the keys in improving men's health status. Locally relevant information is needed to inform effective public health approaches.
Since the First Malaysia Plan (1966-1970) many reviews have been done on the five-year health plans of the Ministry of Health (MOH). These included the Mid-Term Reviews and the review done at the end of the respective five-year plan period. There was no structured evaluation method carried out until the Seventh Malaysia Plan (7MP) period (1996-2000), among others because of the complexity of the MOH health plans. The evaluation of the 7MP was the first one conducted using a better-structured process. The findings and recommendations of the evaluation were used and incorporated in the subsequent 5-year health plan, under the Eighth Malaysia Plan (2001-2005).
Matched MeSH terms: Public Health Administration/standards*
The Australian penchant for monitoring overseas developments in general and health matters is noted. The face validity of the findings of the International Project on Culture and Management (IPCM) is assessed positively and certain structural commonalities of the health systems of the USA and Australia are identified, without attributing causality in the development of managers' attributes. Linkages between Australia, Malaysia and Hong Kong are also explored briefly. In addition, key attributes of the sample of Australian managers are discussed together with the limitations related to emerging forms of provision and organization in health services and to their distribution in the study sample. The IPCM findings may be used in course design but are unlikely to cause any major change, although one may debate on the values of applicants towards health service management education courses. The findings may help to stimulate the establishment of performance measures for management education in Australia.
Matched MeSH terms: Public Health Administration/education*
Genetic counseling service is urgently required in developing countries. In Malaysia, the first medical genetic service was introduced in 1994 at one of the main teaching hospitals in Kuala Lumpur. Two decades later, the medical genetic services have improved with the availability of genetic counseling, genetic testing and diagnosis, for both paediatric conditions and adult-onset inherited conditions, at four main centers of medical genetic services in Malaysia. Prenatal diagnosis services and assisted reproductive technologies are available at tertiary centres and private medical facilities. Positive developments include governmental recognition of Clinical Genetics as a subspecialty, increased funding for genetics services, development of medical ethics guidelines, and establishment of support groups. However, the country lacked qualified genetic counselors. Proposals were presented to policy-makers to develop genetic counseling courses. Challenges encountered included limited resources and public awareness, ethical dilemmas such as religious and social issues and inadequate genetic health professionals especially genetic counselors.
Bacillus anthracis is a bacterial pathogen of major concern. The spores of this bacteria can survive harsh environmental conditions for extended periods and are well recognized as a potential bioterror weapon with significant implications. Accurate and timely identification of this Bacillus species in the diagnostic laboratory is essential for disease and public health management. Biosafety Level 3 measures and ciprofloxacin treatment were instituted when B. anthracis was suspected from a patient with gangrenous foot. 16S rDNA sequencing was performed to accurately identify the suspected bacterium, due to the superiority of this method to accurately identify clinically isolated bacteria. B. megaterium was identified as the causative agent and the organism was subsequently treated as a Biosafety Level 2 pathogen.
Stroke has emerged as a major public health concern in Malaysia. We aimed to determine the trends and temporal associations of real-time health information-seeking behaviors (HISB) and stroke incidences in Malaysia. We conducted a countrywide ecological correlation and time series study using novel internet multi-timeline data stream of 6,282 hit searches and conventional surveillance data of 14,396 stroke cases. We searched popular search terms related to stroke in Google Trends between January 2004 and March 2019. We explored trends by comparing average relative search volumes (RSVs) by month and weather through linear regression bootstrapping methods. Geographical variations between regions and states were determined through spatial analytics. Ecological correlation analysis between RSVs and stroke incidences was determined via Pearson's correlations. Forecasted model was yielded through exponential smoothing. HISB showed both cyclical and seasonal patterns. Average RSV was significantly higher during Northeast Monsoon when compared to Southwest Monsoon (P public health policy interventions.
Matched MeSH terms: Public Health Administration/methods
Scientific progress is a significant basis for change in public-health policy and practice, but the field also invests in value-laden concepts and responds daily to sociopolitical, cultural and evaluative concerns. The concepts that drive much of public-health practice are shaped by the collective and individual mores that define social systems. This paper seeks to describe the ethics processes in play when public-health mechanisms are established in low- and middle-income countries, by focusing on two cases where ethics played a crucial role in producing positive institutional change in public-health policy. First, we introduce an overview of the relationship between ethics and public health; second, we provide a conceptual framework for the ethical analysis of health system events, noting how this approach might enhance the power of existing frameworks; and third, we demonstrate the interplay of these frameworks through the analysis of a programme to enhance road safety in Malaysia and an initiative to establish a national ethics committee in Pakistan. We conclude that, while ethics are gradually being integrated into public-health policy decisions in many developing health systems, ethical analysis is often implicit and undervalued. This paper highlights the need to analyse public-health decision-making from an ethical perspective.
Matched MeSH terms: Public Health Administration/ethics*
A survey was conducted to assess competencies of dental graduates of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya, as perceived by the graduates and their employers, based on the five-year undergraduate curriculum introduced in 1995. All senior dental officers in the Ministry of Health (MOH), representing employers, and all 164 dental graduates of the years 2000, 2001, and 2002 were sent a self-administered questionnaire covering eight areas of competency. The respondents had to rate these areas on a scale of 1 (very poor) to 4 (very good). The responses for each area were then dichotomized into poor (1 and 2) and good (3 and 4). If less than 60 percent of the respondents rated an area as good, then it was categorized as needing attention; 60-69 percent as satisfactory; and 70 percent and above as excellent. One hundred and six graduates (64.6 percent) and twenty-nine employers (96.7 percent) responded; of the graduates, 73.6 percent were working in the MOH and 22.6 percent in private practice. About 57.1 percent of employers reported that at least five graduates have worked under them. Graduates (85.7 percent) and employers (83.3 percent) agreed that graduates have excellent skills in communication. Although all graduates perceived their competency to be excellent in the four areas (treatment planning; community-based skills; management, administrative skills, and personal management; and professional development skills), employers felt that these are the areas that are of concern and needed attention. In conclusion, whilst generally the graduates' level of competency in almost all areas is acceptable or good, there are areas of concern that need to be addressed to further improve the five-year curriculum at the University of Malaya.