Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 186 in total

  1. Tong KL, Tan KE, Lim YY, Tien XY, Wong PF
    Mol Cell Biochem, 2022 Dec;477(12):2703-2733.
    PMID: 35604519 DOI: 10.1007/s11010-022-04455-8
    Atherosclerosis is the major cause of coronary artery disease (CAD) which includes unstable angina, myocardial infarction, and heart failure. The onset of atherogenesis, a process of atherosclerotic lesion formation in the intima of arteries, is driven by lipid accumulation, a vicious cycle of reactive oxygen species (ROS)-induced oxidative stress and inflammatory reactions leading to endothelial cell (EC) dysfunction, vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) activation, and foam cell formation which further fuel plaque formation and destabilization. In recent years, there is a surge in the number of publications reporting the involvement of circular RNAs (circRNAs) in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases, cancers, and metabolic syndromes. These studies have advanced our understanding on the biological functions of circRNAs. One of the most common mechanism of action of circRNAs reported is the sponging of microRNAs (miRNAs) by binding to the miRNAs response element (MRE), thereby indirectly increases the transcription of their target messenger RNAs (mRNAs). Individual networks of circRNA-miRNA-mRNA associated with atherogenesis have been extensively reported, however, there is a need to connect these findings for a complete overview. This review aims to provide an update on atherogenesis-related circRNAs and analyze the circRNA-miRNA-mRNA interactions in atherogenesis. The atherogenic mechanisms and clinical relevance of each atherogenesis-related circRNA were systematically discussed for better understanding of the knowledge gap in this area.
    Matched MeSH terms: RNA, Messenger/metabolism
  2. Fauzi NAM, Tan ML, Hamid SBS, Singh D, Abdullah MFILB
    J Addict Med, 2022 2 28;16(6):e374-e381.
    PMID: 35220333 DOI: 10.1097/ADM.0000000000000988
    OBJECTIVES: This study determined the association between expression of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress sensor mRNA in the peripheral leukocytes and the patterns of kratom use and evaluated the correlations between the levels of the ER stress sensor mRNA and the severity of kratom dependence and kratom induced depressive symptoms among people who use kratom (PWUK).

    METHODS: A total of 20 PWUK and 20 age matched non-kratom using healthy controls were recruited. Data collected from PWUK included patterns of kratom use, severity of kratom dependence, and severity of depressive symptoms during abstinence from kratom. The mRNA expression of binding immunoglobulin protein ( BiP ), X-box binding protein 1, activating transcription factor 4, and C/-EBP homologous protein ( CHOP ) (major indicators of ER stress response) were analyzed using quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction in leucocyte-derived total RNA sample of the participants.

    RESULTS: PWUK regardless of their pattern of kratom use recorded significantly higher expression of BiP mRNA compared with controls. Expression of CHOP mRNA was only significantly higher in those who first consumed kratom at the age of 18 years and above and those who have been using kratom for longer than 6 years, compared with controls. Higher expression of BiP , ATF4 , and CHOP mRNA were significantly positive correlated with greater severity of kratom dependence. Although only higher expression of BiP and CHOP mRNA were significantly positively correlated with greater severity of depressive symptoms.

    CONCLUSIONS: Regular kratom consumption may activate the ER stress pathway and there may be a link between altered ER stress response and kratom dependence and kratom induced depressive symptoms.

    Matched MeSH terms: RNA, Messenger/metabolism
  3. Karim ME, Haque ST, Al-Busaidi H, Bakhtiar A, Tha KK, Holl MMB, et al.
    Arch Pharm Res, 2022 Dec;45(12):865-893.
    PMID: 36422795 DOI: 10.1007/s12272-022-01418-x
    Messenger RNA (mRNA) recently emerged as an appealing alternative to treat and prevent diseases ranging from cancer and Alzheimer's disease to COVID-19 with significant clinical outputs. The in vitro-transcribed mRNA has been engineered to mimic the structure of natural mRNA for vaccination, cancer immunotherapy and protein replacement therapy. In past decades, significant progress has been noticed in unveiling the molecular pathways of mRNA, controlling its translatability and stability, and its evolutionary defense mechanism. However, numerous unsolved structural, biological, and technical difficulties hamper the successful implementation of systemic delivery of mRNA for safer human consumption. Advances in designing and manufacturing mRNA and selecting innovative delivery vehicles are mandatory to address the unresolved issues and achieve the full potential of mRNA drugs. Despite the substantial efforts made to improve the intracellular delivery of mRNA drugs, challenges associated with diverse applications in different routes still exist. This study examines the current progress of mRNA therapeutics and advancements in designing biomaterials and delivery strategies, the existing translational challenges of clinical tractability and the prospects of overcoming any challenges related to mRNA.
    Matched MeSH terms: RNA, Messenger/metabolism
  4. Siti Sarah CO, Nur Husna SM, Md Shukri N, Wong KK, Mohd Ashari NS
    PeerJ, 2022;10:e13314.
    PMID: 35480562 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.13314
    Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a common allergic disease characterized by disruption of nasal epithelial barrier. In this study, we investigated the mRNA expression of zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1), ZO-2 and ZO-3 and histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) and HDAC2 in AR patients compared to healthy controls. RNA samples were extracted from nasal epithelial cells of house dust mites (HDMs)-sensitized AR patients and healthy controls (n = 28 in each group). The RNAs were reverse transcribed into cDNAs for measurement of ZO-1, ZO-2, ZO-3, HDAC1 and HDAC2 expression levels by quantitative PCR. The mRNA expression of ZO-1 was significantly decreased in AR patients compared to healthy controls (p = 0.010). No significant difference was observed in the expression levels of ZO-2, ZO-3, HDAC1 and HDAC2 in AR patients compared to healthy controls. We found significant associations of higher HDAC2 levels in AR patients with lower frequency of changing bedsheet (p = 0.043) and with AR patients sensitized to Dermatophagoides farinae (p = 0.041). Higher expression of ZO-2 was observed in AR patients who had pets (p = 0.007). In conclusion, our data indicated that ZO-1 expression was lower in AR patients contributing to decreased integrity of nasal epithelial barrier integrity, and HDAC2 may be involved in the pathogenesis of the disease.
    Matched MeSH terms: RNA, Messenger/metabolism
  5. Ooi SE, Sarpan N, Taranenko E, Feshah I, Nuraziyan A, Roowi SH, et al.
    Plant Mol Biol, 2023 Mar;111(4-5):345-363.
    PMID: 36609897 DOI: 10.1007/s11103-022-01330-4
    The mantled phenotype is an abnormal somaclonal variant arising from the oil palm cloning process and severe phenotypes lead to oil yield losses. Hypomethylation of the Karma retrotransposon within the B-type MADS-box EgDEF1 gene has been associated with this phenotype. While abnormal Karma-EgDEF1 hypomethylation was detected in mantled clones, we examined the methylation state of Karma in ortets that gave rise to high mantling rates in their clones. Small RNAs (sRNAs) were proposed to play a role in Karma hypomethylation as part of the RNA-directed DNA methylation process, hence differential expression analysis of sRNAs between the ortet groups was conducted. While no sRNA was differentially expressed at the Karma-EgDEF1 region, three sRNA clusters were differentially regulated in high-mantling ortets. The first two down-regulated clusters were possibly derived from long non-coding RNAs while the third up-regulated cluster was derived from the intron of a DnaJ chaperone gene. Several predicted mRNA targets for the first two sRNA clusters conversely displayed increased expression in high-mantling relative to low-mantling ortets. These predicted mRNA targets may be associated with defense or pathogenesis response. In addition, several differentially methylated regions (DMRs) were identified in Karma and its surrounding regions, mainly comprising subtle CHH hypomethylation in high-mantling ortets. Four of the 12 DMRs were located in a region corresponding to hypomethylated areas at the 3'end of Karma previously reported in mantled clones. Further investigations on these sRNAs and DMRs may indicate the predisposition of certain ortets towards mantled somaclonal variation.
    Matched MeSH terms: RNA, Messenger/metabolism
  6. Zhao MM, Awang Z, Jumuddin FAB
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2024 Feb 01;25(2):603-608.
    PMID: 38415547 DOI: 10.31557/APJCP.2024.25.2.603
    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the high expression of peroxisome membrane protein 4 (PXMP4) in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and its clinical significance.

    METHODS: The expression of PXMP4 mRNA in HCC tissues and corresponding adjacent tissues was detected by Q-PCR, and the expression of PXMP4 protein was detected by Western blot and immunohistochemistry. The correlation of PXMP4 protein expression with clinicopathological features and prognosis of HCC was analyzed.

    RESULTS: The expression levels of PXMP4 mRNA and protein in HCC tissues were significantly higher than those in adjacent tissues (P < 0.05), and its high expression was significantly correlated with tumor differentiation, lymph node metastasis, depth of invasion and TNM stage (P < 0.05). Patients with high expression of PXMP4 had a poor prognosis (P < 0.05).

    CONCLUSION: The high expression of PXMP4 may promote the occurrence and development of HCC, and inhibition of PXMP4 may be one of the potential molecular targets for targeted therapy of HCC.

    Matched MeSH terms: RNA, Messenger/metabolism
  7. Pan K, Zhu B, Wang L, Guo Q, Shu-Chien AC, Wu X
    PMID: 37852318 DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2023.111535
    The 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (AGPAT) acts as a crucial enzyme in the process of triacylglycerol (TAG) synthesis, enabling the acylation of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) into phosphatidic acid (PA). In order to decode the distinctive roles of AGPAT isoforms in the TAG production pathway, three AGPAT isoforms were detected for the first time in the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis (Es-agpat2, Es-agpat3, and Es-agpat4). The mRNA levels of Es-agpat2 and Es-agpat4 demonstrated a conspicuous presence in the hepatopancreas, with subsequent high levels in the heart, muscle, and thoracic ganglion. On the other hand, the thoracic ganglion exhibited abundant levels of Es-agpat3, while other tissues recorded relatively low expression levels. Observing the molting cycle of E. sinensis, the hepatopancreas showed minimum expression levels of Es-agpat2 and Es-agpat4 at stage A/B. A peak at stage C was noted, which was then followed by a gradual drop until stage E. For the ovarian development cycle, stage II witnessed the maximum expression level of Es-agpat2 and Es-agpat4, succeeded by a sharp fall in stage III. After this, there was an increasing trend from stage III up to stage V. Expression of Es-agpat3 in the hepatopancreas was consistently lower than Es-agpat2 and Es-agpat4 during either the molting or ovarian development. However, in terms of ovarian expression, Es-agpat3 outperformed Es-agpat2 and Es-agpat4. It exhibited a steep increase in expression, peaking at stage II and subsequently diminishing. In situ hybridization (ISH) revealed that in stages II and IV hepatopancreas, Es-agpat4-mRNA was primarily located in fibrillar cells (F cell) and resorptive cells (R cell), with no signal from Es-agpat3. During stage II of ovarian development, both Es-agpat3-mRNA and Es-agpat4-mRNA were located in the cytoplasm of previtellogenic oocyte (PRO) and endogenous vitellogenic oocyte (EN), with no expression at stage IV. Additionally, the silencing of Es-agpat2 and Es-agpat4 caused a downward trend in the expression levels of all subsequent genes in the E. sinensis TAG synthesis pathway. To sum up, these findings suggest that the three Es-agpats may have unique functions in TAG synthesis during either the molting process or ovarian maturation of E. sinensis.
    Matched MeSH terms: RNA, Messenger/metabolism
  8. Bharudin I, Caddick MX, Connell SR, Lamaudière MTF, Morozov IY
    Mol Microbiol, 2023 May;119(5):630-639.
    PMID: 37024243 DOI: 10.1111/mmi.15059
    There are multiple RNA degradation mechanisms in eukaryotes, key among these is mRNA decapping, which requires the Dcp1-Dcp2 complex. Decapping is involved in various processes including nonsense-mediated decay (NMD), a process by which aberrant transcripts with a premature termination codon are targeted for translational repression and rapid decay. NMD is ubiquitous throughout eukaryotes and the key factors involved are highly conserved, although many differences have evolved. We investigated the role of Aspergillus nidulans decapping factors in NMD and found that they are not required, unlike Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Intriguingly, we also observed that the disruption of one of the decapping factors, Dcp1, leads to an aberrant ribosome profile. Importantly this was not shared by mutations disrupting Dcp2, the catalytic component of the decapping complex. The aberrant profile is associated with the accumulation of a high proportion of 25S rRNA degradation intermediates. We identified the location of three rRNA cleavage sites and show that a mutation targeted to disrupt the catalytic domain of Dcp2 partially suppresses the aberrant profile of Δdcp1 strains. This suggests that in the absence of Dcp1, cleaved ribosomal components accumulate and Dcp2 may be directly involved in mediating these cleavage events. We discuss the implications of this.
    Matched MeSH terms: RNA, Messenger/metabolism
  9. Hanim A, Mohamed IN, Mohamed RMP, Mokhtar MH, Makpol S, Naomi R, et al.
    Nutrients, 2023 Jul 05;15(13).
    PMID: 37447362 DOI: 10.3390/nu15133036
    Multiple alcohol use disorder (AUD)-related behavioral alterations are governed by protein kinase C epsilon (PKCε), particularly in the amygdala. Protein kinase C (PKC) is readily phosphorylated at Ser729 before activation by the mTORC2 protein complex. In keeping with this, the current study was conducted to assess the variations in mTORC2 and PKCε during different ethanol exposure stages. The following groups of rats were employed: control, acute, chronic, ethanol withdrawal (EW), and EW + ethanol (EtOH). Ethanol-containing and non-ethanol-containing modified liquid diets (MLDs) were administered for 27 days. On day 28, either saline or ethanol (2.5 g/kg, 20% v/v) was intraperitoneally administered, followed by bilateral amygdala extraction. PKCε mRNA levels were noticeably increased in the amygdala of the EW + EtOH and EW groups. Following chronic ethanol consumption, the stress-activated map kinase-interacting protein 1 (Sin1) gene expression was markedly decreased. In the EW, EW + EtOH, and chronic ethanol groups, there was a profound increase in the protein expression of mTOR, Sin1, PKCε, and phosphorylated PKCε (Ser729). The PKCε gene and protein expressions showed a statistically significant moderate association, according to a correlation analysis. Our results suggest that an elevated PKCε protein expression in the amygdala during EW and EW + EtOH occurred at the transcriptional level. However, an elevation in the PKCε protein expression, but not its mRNA, after chronic ethanol intake warrants further investigation to fully understand the signaling pathways during different episodes of AUD.
    Matched MeSH terms: RNA, Messenger/metabolism
  10. Horie Y, Chihaya Y, Yap CK, Ríos JM, Ramaswamy BR, Uaciquete D
    PMID: 38218565 DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpc.2024.109836
    Phthalate and non-phthalate plasticizers are used in polymer materials, such as plastic and rubber. It has recently been found that diisobutyl adipate (DIBA), which is considered an environmentally safe non-phthalate plasticizer, potentially acts as a thyroid disruptor in fish. Here, we investigated the sexual hormone effects of DIBA based on the expression levels of genes that respond to endocrine disruption and sexual hormone activity in the livers and gonads, and on gonadal sexual differentiation in Japanese medaka. Compared with the control group, the mRNA expression of chgH, vtg1, vtg2, and esr1 was significantly suppressed in the livers of DIBA exposed XX individuals. Furthermore, the mRNA expression of gsdf was significantly upregulated and downregulated in the gonads of XX and XY individuals, respectively. The mRNA expressions of esr1 and esr2b were significantly suppressed by DIBA exposure in the gonads of both XX and XY individuals. These observations suggest that DIBA has potential androgenic activity in Japanese medaka. However, normal testes and ovaries were observed in respective XY and XX medaka after DIBA exposure; therefore, these results suggest that DIBA may have weak androgenic activity.
    Matched MeSH terms: RNA, Messenger/metabolism
  11. Novikov DV, Perenkov AD, Shumilova SV, Kubysheva NI, Novikov VV
    Mol Biol Rep, 2024 Jan 03;51(1):63.
    PMID: 38170288 DOI: 10.1007/s11033-023-09034-8
    BACKGROUND: Genetic variations in immune signaling genes may have regulatory effect on phenotypic heterogeneity of immune cells and immune functions, hence promoting tumor growth.

    PURPOSE: We compared the frequencies of potentially functional CD38 gene single nucleotide polymorphisms rs1130169 (T > C) in 86 healthy controls and 90 colorectal cancer (CRC) cases to assess their association with cancer risk and CD38 gene expression.

    RESULTS: The association between allele C rs1130169 and CRC risk was observed. Allele C was also significantly correlated with an increased CD38 mRNA level and CD38 positive cell percentages in peripheral blood of healthy controls that could be a possible explanation for CRC risk in C allele carriers. In peripheral blood of CRC patients CD38 mRNA and serum soluble CD38 protein levels significantly differed from those in healthy controls. Calculation of the CD38 full-length and with the third exon deletion mRNA ratio in corresponding samples showed that the mRNA isoform ratio was significantly higher in CRC cases than in controls. It suggests that alternative splicing regulates elevation of CD38 full-length mRNA level in peripheral blood of CRC patients. We also have observed higher expression levels of CD38 full-length mRNA in peripheral blood of CRC patients with lymph node metastases compared to patients without metastases.

    CONCLUSION: This study indicated biological significance of rs1130169 variations that can alter differences in CRC risk by regulating CD38 gene expression.

    Matched MeSH terms: RNA, Messenger/metabolism
  12. Mehrbod P, Harun MS, Shuid AN, Omar AR
    Methods Mol Biol, 2015;1282:241-50.
    PMID: 25720485 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-2438-7_20
    Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a lethal systemic disease caused by FIP virus (FIPV). There are no effective vaccines or treatment available, and the virus virulence determinants and pathogenesis are not fully understood. Here, we describe the sequencing of RNA extracted from Crandell Rees Feline Kidney (CRFK) cells infected with FIPV using the Illumina next-generation sequencing approach. Bioinformatics analysis, based on Felis catus 2X annotated shotgun reference genome, using CLC bio Genome Workbench is used to map both control and infected cells. Kal's Z test statistical analysis is used to analyze the differentially expressed genes from the infected CRFK cells. In addition, RT-qPCR analysis is used for further transcriptional profiling of selected genes in infected CRFK cells and Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs) from healthy and FIP-diagnosed cats.
    Matched MeSH terms: RNA, Messenger/metabolism
  13. Tan GC, Chan E, Molnar A, Sarkar R, Alexieva D, Isa IM, et al.
    Nucleic Acids Res, 2014 Aug;42(14):9424-35.
    PMID: 25056318 DOI: 10.1093/nar/gku656
    We have sequenced miRNA libraries from human embryonic, neural and foetal mesenchymal stem cells. We report that the majority of miRNA genes encode mature isomers that vary in size by one or more bases at the 3' and/or 5' end of the miRNA. Northern blotting for individual miRNAs showed that the proportions of isomiRs expressed by a single miRNA gene often differ between cell and tissue types. IsomiRs were readily co-immunoprecipitated with Argonaute proteins in vivo and were active in luciferase assays, indicating that they are functional. Bioinformatics analysis predicts substantial differences in targeting between miRNAs with minor 5' differences and in support of this we report that a 5' isomiR-9-1 gained the ability to inhibit the expression of DNMT3B and NCAM2 but lost the ability to inhibit CDH1 in vitro. This result was confirmed by the use of isomiR-specific sponges. Our analysis of the miRGator database indicates that a small percentage of human miRNA genes express isomiRs as the dominant transcript in certain cell types and analysis of miRBase shows that 5' isomiRs have replaced canonical miRNAs many times during evolution. This strongly indicates that isomiRs are of functional importance and have contributed to the evolution of miRNA genes.
    Matched MeSH terms: RNA, Messenger/metabolism
  14. Yeap WC, Namasivayam P, Ho CL
    Plant Sci, 2014 Oct;227:90-100.
    PMID: 25219311 DOI: 10.1016/j.plantsci.2014.07.005
    Plant cells contain a diverse repertoire of RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) that coordinate a network of post-transcriptional regulation. RBPs govern diverse developmental processes by modulating the gene expression of specific transcripts. Recent gene annotation and RNA sequencing clearly showed that heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP)-like proteins which form a family of RBPs, are also expressed in higher plants and serve specific plant functions. In addition to their involvement in post-transcriptional regulation from mRNA capping to translation, they are also involved in telomere regulation, gene silencing and regulation in chloroplast. Here, we review the involvement of plant hnRNP-like proteins in post-transcription regulation of RNA processes and their functional roles in control of plant developmental processes especially plant-specific functions including flowering, chloroplastic-specific mRNA regulation, long-distance phloem transportation and plant responses to environmental stresses.
    Matched MeSH terms: RNA, Messenger/metabolism*
  15. Raabe CA, Tang TH, Brosius J, Rozhdestvensky TS
    Nucleic Acids Res, 2014 Feb;42(3):1414-26.
    PMID: 24198247 DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkt1021
    High-throughput RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) is considered a powerful tool for novel gene discovery and fine-tuned transcriptional profiling. The digital nature of RNA-seq is also believed to simplify meta-analysis and to reduce background noise associated with hybridization-based approaches. The development of multiplex sequencing enables efficient and economic parallel analysis of gene expression. In addition, RNA-seq is of particular value when low RNA expression or modest changes between samples are monitored. However, recent data uncovered severe bias in the sequencing of small non-protein coding RNA (small RNA-seq or sRNA-seq), such that the expression levels of some RNAs appeared to be artificially enhanced and others diminished or even undetectable. The use of different adapters and barcodes during ligation as well as complex RNA structures and modifications drastically influence cDNA synthesis efficacies and exemplify sources of bias in deep sequencing. In addition, variable specific RNA G/C-content is associated with unequal polymerase chain reaction amplification efficiencies. Given the central importance of RNA-seq to molecular biology and personalized medicine, we review recent findings that challenge small non-protein coding RNA-seq data and suggest approaches and precautions to overcome or minimize bias.
    Matched MeSH terms: RNA, Messenger/metabolism
  16. Tan TT, Chen M, Harikrishna JA, Khairuddin N, Mohd Shamsudin MI, Zhang G, et al.
    Fish Shellfish Immunol, 2013 Oct;35(4):1061-9.
    PMID: 23816854 DOI: 10.1016/j.fsi.2013.06.017
    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are ~20-22 nucleotides, non protein-coding RNA regulatory genes that post-transcriptionally regulate many protein-coding genes, influencing critical biological and metabolic processes. While the number of known microRNA is increasing, there is currently no published data for miRNA from giant freshwater prawns, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (M. rosenbergii), a commercially cultured and economically important food species. In this study, we identified novel miRNAs in the gill and hepatopancreas of M. rosenbergii. Through a deep parallel sequencing analysis and an in silico data analysis approach, 327 miRNA families were identified from small RNA libraries with reference to both the de novo transcriptome of M. rosenbergii obtained from RNA-Seq and to miRBase (Release 18.0, November 2012). Based on the identified mature miRNA and recovered precursor sequences that form appropriate hairpin structures, three conserved miRNA (miR125, miR750, miR993) and 27 novel miRNA candidates encoding messenger-like non-coding RNA were identified. miR-125, miR-750, G-m0002/H-m0009, G-m0005, G-m0008/H-m0016, G-m0011/H-m0027 and G-m0015 were selected for experimental validation with stem-loop quantitative RT-PCR and were found to be coherent with the expression profile of deep sequencing data as evaluated with Pearson's correlation coefficient (r = 0.835178 for miRNA in gill, r = 0.724131 for miRNA in hepatopancreas). Using a combinatorial approach of pathway enrichment analysis and inverse expression relationship of miRNA and mRNA, four co-expressed novel miRNA candidates (G-m0005, G-m0008/H-m0016, G-m0011/H-m0027, and G-m0015) were found to be associated with energy metabolism. In addition, the expression of the three novel miRNA candidates (G-m0005, G-m0008/H-m0016, and G-m0011/H-m0027) were also found to be significantly reduced at 9 and 24 h post infection in M. rosenbergii challenged with infectious hypodermal and hematopoietic necrosis virus, suggesting a functional role of these miRNAs in crustacean immune defense.
    Matched MeSH terms: RNA, Messenger/metabolism
  17. Gan CS, Wang CW, Tan KS
    Genet. Mol. Res., 2012;11(1):147-52.
    PMID: 22370881 DOI: 10.4238/2012.January.27.1
    Cerebral ischemia or ischemic stroke is mainly attributed to vascular and circulation disorders. Among protein biomarkers, RNA profiles have also been identified as markers of ischemic stroke. MicroRNA-145 expression is ostensibly recognized as marker and modulator of vascular smooth muscle cell phenotype; however, expression levels in ischemic stroke had not been investigated. Employing real-time quantitative PCR, we examined the expression profile of circulatory microRNA-145 in healthy control subjects (N = 14) and ischemic stroke patients (N = 32). Circulatory microRNA-145 expression was significantly higher in ischemic stroke patients than in control subjects. This demonstrates that hemostatic mechanisms are affected by ischemic stroke. We conclude that circulating microRNA-145 has potential as a biomarker for ischemic stroke.
    Matched MeSH terms: RNA, Messenger/metabolism
  18. Hong TB, Rahumatullah A, Yogarajah T, Ahmad M, Yin KB
    Int J Mol Sci, 2010;11(3):1057-69.
    PMID: 20479999 DOI: 10.3390/ijms11031057
    This study aims to elucidate the effects of chrysin on human ER-negative breast cancer cell line, MDA-MB-231. The study demonstrated that treatment of MDA-MB-231 cells with 20 microM chysin for 48 h significantly inhibited the growth of MDA-MB-231 cells and induced cytoplasmic lipid accumulation in the cells, but that the observed of cell death was not caused by apoptosis. The expression of PPARalpha mRNA in chrysin-treated MDA-MB-231 cells was significantly increased, which was likely associated to the proliferation of the cells post chrysin treatment.
    Matched MeSH terms: RNA, Messenger/metabolism
  19. Ishak SD, Tan SH, Khong HK, Jaya-Ram A, Enyu YL, Kuah MK, et al.
    PMID: 19025614 DOI: 10.1186/1477-7827-6-56
    Although unsaturated fatty acids such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, C20:5n-3), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6n-3) and arachidonic acid (ARA, C20:4n-6), collectively known as the highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA), play pivotal roles in vertebrate reproduction, very little is known about their synthesis in the ovary. The zebrafish (Danio rerio) display capability to synthesize all three HUFA via pathways involving desaturation and elongation of two precursors, the linoleic acid (LA, C18:2n-6) and linolenic acid (LNA, C18:3n-3). As a prerequisite to gain full understanding on the importance and regulation of ovarian HUFA synthesis, we described here the mRNA expression pattern of two enzymes; desaturase (fadsd6) and elongase (elovl5), involved in HUFA biosynthesis pathway, in different zebrafish ovarian follicle stages. Concurrently, the fatty acid profile of each follicle stage was also analyzed.
    Matched MeSH terms: RNA, Messenger/metabolism*
  20. Zakaria R, Rajikin MH, Yaacob NS, Nor NM
    Reprod Biol, 2007 Mar;7(1):41-53.
    PMID: 17435832
    The possible role of insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) and their receptors (IGFRs) in the pathogenesis of diabetic embryopathy was investigated. Sexually mature female ICR mice of 6-8 weeks old were made diabetic by a single intraperitoneal injection with 200 mg/kg streptozotocin ten days prior to mating. Fallopian tubes and uterine tissues were obtained from the superovulated diabetic and normal mice 48, 72 and 96 hours following human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) injection. The mRNA expression of IGF-1 and IGF-2 as well as their receptors was determined in the tissues using Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (Real-time PCR). The mRNA expression of IGF-1 in the fallopian tube and uterus of the diabetic mice was significantly lower 72 and 96 hours after hCG treatment, respectively, as compared to the controls. The mRNA expression of IGF-1R at 96 hours post-hCG treatment was significantly higher in the fallopian tube and lower in the uterus of the diabetic mice as compared to the controls. The mRNA expression IGF-2 in the fallopian tube was significantly higher 48 and 96 hours after hCG treatment, but was lower in the uterus of diabetic mice 96 hours after hCG treatment as compared to controls. The mRNA expression of IGF-2R in the diabetic mice was significantly higher 48 and 96 hours (the fallopian tube) and 48 hours (uterus) after hCG treatments as compared to the controls. In conclusion, an alteration in mRNA expression of IGFs and their receptors in the diabetic mice as observed in this study could possibly result in diabetic embryopathy.
    Matched MeSH terms: RNA, Messenger/metabolism
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