Displaying publications 181 - 200 of 1069 in total

  1. Ahmad F, Isa NA, Hussain Z, Osman MK
    J Med Syst, 2013 Apr;37(2):9934.
    PMID: 23479268 DOI: 10.1007/s10916-013-9934-7
    An improved genetic algorithm procedure is introduced in this work based on the theory of the most highly fit parents (both male and female) are most likely to produce healthiest offspring. It avoids the destruction of near optimal information and promotes further search around the potential region by encouraging the exchange of highly important information among the fittest solution. A novel crossover technique called Segmented Multi-chromosome Crossover is also introduced. It maintains the information contained in gene segments and allows offspring to inherit information from multiple parent chromosomes. The improved GA is applied for the automatic and simultaneous parameter optimization and feature selection of multi-layer perceptron network in medical disease diagnosis. Compared to the previous works, the average accuracy of the proposed algorithm is the best among all algorithms for diabetes and heart dataset, and the second best for cancer dataset.
  2. Ariza M, Rafaee T, Adeeb N, Muhaizan WM, Isa MR
    Med J Malaysia, 1999 Sep;54(3):371-3.
    PMID: 11045067
    A 14 year old girl presented in 1986 with a huge perineal swelling which was progressively increasing in size and associated with loss of weight and loss of appetite. Biopsy from the mass revealed rhabdomyosarcoma of the vulva. She was treated with chemotherapy and radium implant. She responded well to the regime. Fibrosis of the vulva and vagina caused difficulty in consummation. Once it was corrected, she conceived easily and proceeded to a normal pregnancy and delivery.
  3. Teh LK, Ismail R, Yusoff R, Hussein A, Isa MN, Rahman AR
    J Clin Pharm Ther, 2001 Jun;26(3):205-11.
    PMID: 11422605
    Although Malays shared an origin with Chinese, their evolution saw substantial divergences. Phenotyping studies suggested that they differed in CYP2D6 polymorphism, with higher PM prevalence but lesser right-shift for debrisoquine MRs.
  4. Desmarchelier P, Lew A, Caique W, Knight S, Toodayan W, Isa AR, et al.
    Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1992 7 1;86(4):448-50.
    PMID: 1440833
    The H2S water screening test and the membrane filtration faecal coliform count were compared with Escherichia coli counts for water samples collected from household water sources and domestic drinking water in rural Malaysia. Water samples were taken from 151 wells, 44 taps supplying water from the treated municipal supply and 192 domestic stored water supplies. E. coli were detected in 20% of the samples (42% of wells, 7% of tap water and 6% of drinking water). Excellent correlation (Spearman's rank correlation rs = 0.93) was found between the faecal coliform and E. coli counts for all sample types. The H2S method was poorly correlated whether read at 18 or 30 h. False positive rates were highest for well water, and false negative rates were highest for both well and drinking water samples, with low E. coli counts. The faecal coliform test was an excellent predictor of the presence of E. coli in these water samples, while the H2S test was very inadequate.
  5. Than M, Myat KA, Khadijah S, Jamaludin N, Isa MN
    Anthropol Anz, 1998 Dec;56(4):351-65.
    PMID: 10027045
    There has been no recent report on the dermatoglyphics of the Malays (normal population as well as patients with Down's syndrome). A study on the frequencies of the dermal patterns (dermatoglyphics) of the digits, palms and hallucal areas was done therefore in 40 Malay patients with Down's syndrome and 200 unrelated normal controls. Only the patients with the standard 21 trisomy karyotype were included in the study. Comparison was made with the published data on studies done in various racial groups. Significant differences of the dermal patterns were found not only between the controls but also among patients of different races.
  6. Tay SK, Meah FA, Isa MR, Phang KS
    Med J Malaysia, 1994 Sep;49(3):310-4.
    PMID: 7845289
    Continent pouch ileostomy is fashioned for patients who need a proctocolectomy. It is usually indicated for cases of ulcerative colitis and familial adenomatous polyposis where the anal sphincter can no longer maintain normal function or has to be removed. A case of familial adenomatous polyposis with features of Gardner's syndrome is reported. The patient presented with carcinoma of the rectum. Abdominoperineal resection followed by completion pancolectomy was performed. A continent pouch ileostomy was fashioned for him. He resumed work as a labourer within six months. The pouch was troublefree, needed to emptied four to six times a day and was fully continent of fluid, flatus and faeces until his demise three years later from liver secondaries. Continent pouch ileostomy is a better alternative than permanent end ileostomy. All care should be taken to rule out the existence of Crohn's disease. It is proposed that continent pouch ileostomy should be offered to patients needing permanent ileostomy if the expertise is available.
  7. Shaw DD, Jacobsen CA, Konare KF, Isa AR
    Med J Malaysia, 1990 Dec;45(4):304-9.
    PMID: 2152051
    A community based study was conducted on the understanding and knowledge of childhood diarrhoea and use of oral rehydration therapy (ORT), in four selected villages in Tumpat District, Kelantan. The calculated annual incidence of diarrhoeal disease in children aged 0 to four years in all study villages was 1.38 episodes for each child. The main care-givers of children aged 0 to four years were interviewed and asked to demonstrate how to mix a standard ORS (oral rehydration solution) sachet if they had previously used ORT. Forty percent of care-givers had heard of the locally available ORT and 30% had actually used ORT. Of those who had heard of or used ORT, 10% had good knowledge of what it was and what it was used for, 51% had some knowledge and 39% had either no knowledge or inaccurate knowledge. Of care-givers who had previously used ORT only 20.5% demonstrated the correct volume of water to add to one sachet of ORT, but 82% would discard an unused solution within 24 hours. Significantly more literate women had used ORT than those not literate (p = 0.002). Mothers, particularly those literate, are the primary target group for ORT intervention strategies. Components of health education should include advice on what ORS is, what it is used for, and how to correctly mix a standard sachet.
  8. Zainuddin N, Jaafart H, Isa MN, Abdullah JM
    Neurol Res, 2004 Jan;26(1):88-92.
    PMID: 14977064
    Recent advances in neuro-oncology have revealed different pathways of molecular oncogenesis in malignant gliomas including loss of heterozygosity on chromosomal regions harboring tumor suppressor genes. In the present study, we performed polymerase chain reaction-loss of heterozygosity (PCR-LOH) analysis using microsatellite markers to identify loss of heterozygosity on chromosomes 10q, 9p, 17p and 13q in the Malays with malignant gliomas. Of 12 cases with allelic losses, seven (58.3%) cases showed LOH on chromosome 10q, three (25.0%) cases showed LOH on chromosome 9p, four (33.3%) cases showed LOH on chromosome 17p and two (16.7%) cases showed LOH on chromosome 13q. The cases include five (41.7%) cases of glioblastoma multiforme, three (25.0%) cases of anaplastic astrocytoma, three (25.0%) cases of anaplastic oligodendroglioma and one (8.3%) case of anaplastic ependymoma. Four cases showed loss of heterozygosity on more than one locus. Our findings showed that loss of heterozygosity on specific chromosomal regions contributes to the molecular pathway of glioma progression in Malay population. In addition, these data provide useful evidence of molecular genetic alterations of malignant glioma in South East Asian patients, particularly in the East Coast of Malaysia.
  9. Yousuf A, Arifin SRM, Musa R, Isa MLM
    One Health, 2020 Dec 20;11:100181.
    PMID: 33072837 DOI: 10.1016/j.onehlt.2020.100181
    The vast majority of its population being a pastoralist community, the Somali region in Ethiopia shares the longest border with its neighboring east African countries. These communities face a high risk for transmission of imported COVID-19 cases and remain vulnerable due to lack of access to health delivery and low utilisation of services. Valuable lessons from other countries, has placed the One Health Approach as an appropriate, feasible and applicable preventive and control measure for COVID-19. This paper discusses the epidemiological and social susceptibility of pastoral communities in the transmission of COVID-19 and the introduction of One Health Approach as an effective inter-disciplinary response and management.
  10. Hanapi NNM, Isa MLM, Yusof AM
    Enferm Clin, 2019 09;29 Suppl 2:572-578.
    PMID: 31302017 DOI: 10.1016/j.enfcli.2019.06.008
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to identify the knowledge on the involvement of father during pregnancy among fathers in the respective area in Kuantan.

    METHOD: The study was conducted as a cross-sectional with a quantitative study. There were 103 participants recruited. The data of this study were analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) with one-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation test for significant analyses.

    RESULT: The result showed that half of the fathers have high knowledge of pregnancy and knowledge on involvement regarding pregnancy. There is a significant difference between age factors with mean knowledge of father regarding pregnancy. Meanwhile, there is also a significant difference between age and knowledge on the involvement of father during pregnancy. In addition, a number of children and knowledge on the involvement of father during pregnancy also showed a significant association. The knowledge level of father regarding pregnancy and the knowledge on involvement during pregnancy among fathers is directly, linearly and moderately correlated.

    CONCLUSION: This study can be concluded that fathers in Kuantan are possessed average knowledge on involvement regarding pregnancy. This shows that man lag behind in their responsibilities in pregnancy. In which, they do not clearly know what their role is during pregnancy.

  11. Hong X, Mat Isa N, Fakurazi S, Safinar Ismail I
    Phytochem Anal, 2020 Jan;31(1):15-27.
    PMID: 31243835 DOI: 10.1002/pca.2861
    INTRODUCTION: Scurrula ferruginea (Jack) Danser is a hemi-parasitic shrub that is widely used as a traditional herbal medicine.

    OBJECTIVES: To elucidate the anti-inflammatory activity of S. ferruginea parasitising on three different hosts of Vitex negundo L., Micromelum minutum (G. Forst.) Wight & Arn. and Tecoma stans (L.) Juss ex HBK., as well as, to determine the metabolite differences related to their anti-inflammatory properties.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two plant parts of S. ferruginea, stems and leaves, were extracted in water. The freeze-dried stem of S. ferruginea grown on T. stans was liquid-liquid partitioned into several solvents. Their potential anti-inflammatory activity was assessed via inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) production in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and interferon-γ (IFN-γ)-induced RAW 264.7 macrophage cells. The metabolite variation was examined using proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1 H-NMR) combined with multivariate data analysis (MVDA).

    RESULTS: Scurrula ferruginea stems parasitising on T. stans and V. negundo which were freeze dried exhibited higher anti-inflammatory activity with IC50 values of 114.47 ± 2.96 and 118.87 ± 2.31 μg/mL, respectively. The mid-polar ethyl acetate fraction of S. ferruginea hosted on T. stans displayed the highest NO inhibition with 84.80 ± 0.45% at 200 μg/mL. Principal component analysis (PCA) indicated notable and clear discriminations among the different plant parts and host plants based on the identified metabolites. Furthermore, partial least squares (PLS) regression model suggested the anti-inflammatory bioactivity might be associated with the presence of choline, isoleucine, catechin, leucine and chlorogenic acid.

    CONCLUSION: This study suggests S. ferruginea could serve as a potential anti-inflammatory agent, highlighting the importance of T. stans as the host plant.

  12. Mohamad Isa MF, Tan JM, Abdul Aziz MF, Leong CL
    Med J Malaysia, 2018 12;73(6):405-406.
    PMID: 30647214
    Influenza outbreaks in tropical countries are rarely reported. This article reports four cases of influenza within a psychiatric ward of a tertiary hospital in Malaysia. These were patients with severe mental illness who were involuntarily admitted and did not show the classical triad of influenza-like-illness (ILI) at the beginning. However, severe respiratory complications developed requiring intubation. Referral and cooperation with the infectious disease team was initiated to help manage the outbreak while continuing psychiatric treatment. Incidences of influenza among hospitalised psychiatric patients should be treated seriously with immediate multidisciplinary approach to prevent severe unwanted complications.
  13. Lum SG, Mahmud N, Isa N, Mat Baki M
    Medeni Med J, 2020;35(4):349-355.
    PMID: 33717629 DOI: 10.5222/MMJ.2020.83479
    Angiosarcoma is one of the rarest types of malignant vascular tumours that involved the head and neck region. It predominantly affects the scalp and superficial soft tissues. Angiosarcoma arising from the deep cervical soft tissue is extremely rare. There is a limited literature on neck angiosarcoma that occurred simultaneously with papillary thyroid carcinoma. We report a rare case of concurrent papillary thyroid carcinoma and cervical epithelioid angiosarcoma, and postoperative rapid progression of residual angiosarcoma that mimicked a neck haematoma. The diagnostic challenge and possible etiologies have been discussed here.
  14. Uppachai P, Srijaranai S, Poosittisak S, Md Isa I, Mukdasai S
    Molecules, 2020 May 29;25(11).
    PMID: 32485804 DOI: 10.3390/molecules25112528
    A new supramolecular electrochemical sensor for highly sensitive detection of dopamine (DA) was fabricated based on supramolecular assemblies of mixed two surfactants, tetra-butylammonium bromide (TBABr) and sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), on the electrodeposition of gold nanoparticles on graphene oxide modified on glassy carbon electrode (AuNPs/GO/GCE). Self-assembled mixed surfactants (TBABr/SDS) were added into the solution to increase the sensitivity for the detection of DA. All electrodes were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), cyclic voltammetry (CV), and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The supramolecular electrochemical sensor (TBABr/SDS⋅⋅⋅AuNPs/GO/GCE) showed excellent electrocatalytic activity toward the oxidation of DA. Under the optimum conditions, the concentration of DA was obtained in the range from 0.02 µM to 1.00 µM, with a detection limit of 0.01 µM (3s/b). The results displayed that TBABr/SDS⋅⋅⋅AuNPs/GO/GCE exhibited excellent performance, good sensitivity, and reproducibility. In addition, the proposed supramolecular electrochemical sensor was successfully applied to determine DA in human serum samples with satisfactory recoveries (97.26% to 104.21%).
  15. Baharum NN, Ariffin F, Isa MR, Tin ST
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2020 Jul 01;21(7):2021-2028.
    PMID: 32711428 DOI: 10.31557/APJCP.2020.21.7.2021
    BACKGROUND: Cervical cancer is preventable. In Malaysia, women are found to have good awareness of the disease and yet, the Pap smear uptake is still poor. Measuring health literacy level could explain this discrepancy. This study aims to determine the relationship between health literacy, level of knowledge of cervical cancer and Pap smear with attitude towards Pap smear among women attending pre-marital course.

    METHODS: A cross sectional study was performed in three randomly selected centres that organised pre-marital courses. All Malay Muslim women participants aged 18 to 40 years old were recruited while non-Malaysian, illiterate, and had hysterectomy were excluded. Validated self-administered questionnaires used were European Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLS-EU-Q16 Malay) and Knowledge and attitude towards Cervical Cancer and Pap Smear Questionnaire. The mean percentage score (mean± SD) was calculated, with higher scores showed better outcomes. Multiple linear regression was used to measure the relationship of independent variables with attitude towards Pap smear.

    RESULTS: A total of 417 participants were recruited with a mean age of 24.9 ± 3.56 years old. Prevalence of awareness of cervical cancer was 91.6% (n=382, 95% CI: 89.0%, 94.2%) and mean percentage score was 74.7%±7.6. Prevalence of awareness of Pap smear was 59.0% (n=246, 95% CI: 54.2%, 63.8%) and mean percentage score was 80.2% ± 6.5. The health literacy mean score was 13.3±3.6, with minimum score 0 and maximum score 16. The mean percentage score of attitudes towards Pap smear was 64.8%±9.3. Multiple linear regression analysis demonstrated significant relationship between health literacy (p=0.047) and knowledge of Pap smear (p<0.001) with attitude towards Pap smear.

    CONCLUSION: A higher health literacy with high knowledge of Pap smear improves the attitude towards Pap smear. Pre-marital course is an opportunistic platform to disseminate information to improve health literacy and knowledge of cervical cancer and Pap smear screening.

  16. Cheng S, Mat-Isa MN, Sapian IS, Ishak SF
    Mol Biol Rep, 2021 Feb;48(2):1281-1290.
    PMID: 33582950 DOI: 10.1007/s11033-021-06189-0
    The estuarine firefly, Pteroptyx tener, aggregates in the thousands in mangrove trees lining tidal rivers in Southeast Asia where they engage one another in a nocturnal, pre-mating ritual of synchronised courtship flashes. Unfortunately, populations of the species by virtue of being restricted to isolated estuarine rivers systems in the region, are at risk of genetic isolation. Because of this concern we undertook the task of sequencing and characterising the mitochondrial DNA genome of P. tener, as the first step towards helping us to characterise and better understand their genetic diversity. We sequenced and assembled the mitochondrial DNA genome of P. tener from two male and female specimens from the district of Kuala Selangor in Peninsular Malaysia and announce the molecules in this publication. We also reconstructed the phylogenetic trees of all available lampyrids mitogenomes and suggest the need to re-examine our current understanding of their classification which have largely been based on morphological data and the cox1 gene. Separately, our analysis of codon usage patterns among lampyrid mitogenomes showed that the codon usage in a majority of the protein-coding genes were non-neutral. Codon usage patterns between mitogenome sequences of P. tener were, however, largely neutral. Our findings demonstrate the usefulness of mitochondrial genes/mitogenomes for analysing both inter- and intra- specific variation in the Lampyridae to aid in species discovery in this highly variable genus; and elucidate the phylogenetic relationships of Pteroptyx spp. from the region.
  17. Hassan Z, Mustafa S, Rahim RA, Isa NM
    In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim, 2016 Mar;52(3):337-348.
    PMID: 26659392 DOI: 10.1007/s11626-015-9978-8
    Development of tumour that is resistant to chemotherapeutics and synthetic drugs, coupled with their life-threatening side effects and the adverse effects of surgery and hormone therapies, led to increased research on probiotics' anticancer potentials. The current study investigated the potential of live, heat-killed cells (HKC) and the cytoplasmic fractions (CF) of Enterococcus faecalis and Staphylococcus hominis as anti-breast cancer agents. MCF-7 cell line was treated with 25, 50, 100 and 200 μg/mL each of live, HKC and CF of the bacteria; and cytotoxicity was evaluated for 24, 48 and 72 h using MTT assay. The morphological features of the treated cells were examined by fluorescence microscopy. The stage of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis were quantified by flow cytometry. The bacterial effect on non-malignant breast epithelial cell line, MCF-10A, was assessed using MTT assay for 24, 48 and 72 h. All the three forms of the bacteria caused a significant decrease in MCF-7 (up to 33.29%) cell proliferation in concentration- and time-dependent manner. Morphological features of apoptosis like cell death, cell shrinkage and membrane blebbing were observed. Flow cytometry analyses suggested that about 34.60% of treated MCF-7 was undergoing apoptosis. A strong anti-proliferative activity was efficiently induced through sub-G1 accumulation (up to 83.17%) in treated MCF-7 and decreased number in the G0/G1 phase (74.39%). MCF-10A cells treated with both bacteria showed no significant difference with the untreated (>90% viability). These bacteria can be used as good alternative nutraceutical with promising therapeutic indexes for breast cancer because of their non-cytotoxic effects to normal cells.
  18. Yousuf A, Mohd Arifin SR, Musa R, Md Isa ML
    PMID: 32174997 DOI: 10.2174/1745017901915010153
    Background: Depression is the most common mental disorder and a leading cause of disability, which commonly presents unexplained psychological and physical symptoms. Depression and HIV/AIDS are commonly comorbid. This review provides an insight into the effect of depression on disease progression among people living with HIV.

    Methods: A search for relevant articles was conducted using a database like MEDLINE, Scopus, PsycINFO and CINAHL. Peer-reviewed English journals published between 2015 and 2019 were included in the review.

    Results: A total of eight studies conducted in different settings were included in the review. This review has found that psychosocial, neurohormonal and virologic factors associated with depression affect HIV disease progression. Yet, the chronicity of depression, absence of the hormones that have a buffer effect on depression and lack of examination if depression is a predictor, or an outcome of disease progression, were some of the gaps that require further investigation.

    Conclusion: Considerably, more research is needed to better understand the effect of mental disorder, especially depression, on HIV disease progression to AIDS and future interventions should, therefore, concentrate on the integration of mental health screening in HIV clinical setup.

  19. Abd Halim H, Abdul-Razak S, Md Yasin M, Isa MR
    Hum Vaccin Immunother, 2020 05 03;16(5):1040-1049.
    PMID: 31567057 DOI: 10.1080/21645515.2019.1674112
    Vaccine hesitant parents are linked with re-emergence of vaccine preventable diseases, but evidence is scarce locally. The Parent Attitudes about Childhood Vaccines (PACV) questionnaire was validated and used in the USA to identify vaccine hesitant parents. This study aimed to adapt and translate the 15-item PACV questionnaire from English into the Malay language, and to examine its validity and reliability. The sample population was parents of children aged 0-24 months, recruited at an urban government health clinic between November 2016-June 2017. During content validation, two items from the "Behavior" subdomain were identified as items with formative scale and excluded from exploratory factor analysis (EFA) but retained as part of demography. A total of 151 parents completed the questionnaire with response rate of 93.3%. Test-retest reliability was tested in 25 respondents four weeks later and the intra-class correlation was between 0.53 and 1.00. EFA of the 13 items showed possibility of two to four factor domains, but three domains were most conceptually equivalent. Two of the domains were similar to the original and one factor was identified de novo. One item was deleted due to poor factor loading of < 0.3. Therefore, the validated final PACV-Malay consisted of 12 items framed within three-factor domains. The PACV-Malay was reliable with total Cronbach alpha of 0.77. In conclusion, the PACV-Malay is a valid and reliable tool which can be used to identify vaccine hesitant parents in Malaysia. Confirmatory factor analysis and predictive validity are recommended for future studies.
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