Hospital information systems have evolved with the recent widespread, involving technology and target functions, and this involves the critical computer systems from multiple perspectives. Healthcare organizations increasingly use information technology as a basis for improving productivity and user satisfaction. A research had been done about the level of satisfaction in using the Hospital Information System. Data was obtained by using a set of questionnaires that have been tested for reliability and validity. The staff are comprised of two (2) categories: Nurses (community nurses / Head nurse / staff nurse, nurse managers and others) while the second category consists of administrative officers (administrative officers, administrative assistants and clerks) in selected departments. Variables consist of sociodemographic factors, occupational factors and perception factors. A total of 152 respondents identified using stratified sampling method. The factors studied were age, gender, marital status, level of qualifications, length of service, knowledge of the system, attitude towards the use of the system, behavioral intention to use the system and compatibility with work. Majority of respondents were females (88.2%). The level of satisfaction among the staff in using the hospital information system is high (88.8%) compared to the dissatisfied staff in UKMMC (11.2%). In overall, the staffs in UKMMC are satisfied using the hospital information system available now but there are always a room for improvement so that the system can be used more intensively.
The trend of using nonprescription substances for weight-loss management is common. There are several factors associated with the use of nonprescription substances. This study aimed to determine prevalence and factors associated with the use of nonprescription substances for weight-loss management among university students. A cross sectional study was conducted from August until October 2013 among 358 postgraduate students aged 22 - 45 years in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). A validated self-administered questionnaire was distributed by multistage sampling to the students. The prevalence of using nonprescription substances among university students was 27.9% (n=100). There were significant association between use of nonprescription substances with age (t=2.41, p=0.017), peer influence (t=7.06, p
The level of patient satisfaction is important for service quality in hospitals. This study aims to measure the level of patient satisfaction at University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) and the factors affecting it. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 520 respondents at the outpatient department in four clinics in UKMMC by using self-administered questionnaires. Respondents were selected using a systematic sampling method based on the list of patient appointments. The level of patient satisfaction was measured using the PSQIII domain. Less than half of the respondents were satisfied with the overall service provided (41.0%), while the others (59.0%) were not satisfied. Based on the domain studied, the level of satisfaction varies widely: the highest satisfaction were interpersonal relationships (75.8%) followed by the registration process (73.8%), technical quality (71.3%), communication (66.7%), physical facilities (64.6%), accessibility (60.2%), and financial (47.3%). The level of patient satisfaction was low and financial domain should be given more attention to in order to ensure an increase in patient satisfaction levels.
Study site: Surgery, Orthopaedic, Obstetric and Gynaecology, and Medical clinics, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Spirituality and mental adjustment have been widely adopted as coping strategies among women with breast cancer. Little information was available locally on the use of spirituality and mental adjustment as coping mechanisms to fight breast cancer. A cross-sectional study was conducted to assess spirituality and mental adjustment as coping strategies and its association with socio demographic data on 216 women with breast cancer. The Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Spiritual Well-Being (FACIT-Sp) and Mental Adjustment to Cancer (MAC) Scales were used to assess spirituality and mental adjustment. Negative correlation between spiritual well-being and helplessness/hopelessness (r=-0.690; p=0.000), anxious preoccupation (r=-0.277; p=0.000) and avoidance (r=-0.235; p=0.000) and positive correlation between spiritual well-being and fighting spirit (r=0.668; p=0.000) were identified. Socio-demographic factors such as race (p=0.000), religion (p=0.000), academic qualification (p=0.004) and type of surgery (p=0.016) revealed significant relationship with spiritual well-being. Fighting spirit, hopelessness/helplessness and anxious preoccupation also yielded significant relationship with race (p
Men’s health remain unclear term for majority of general population as well as physician worlwide. Nowadays there is an increase interest in addressing men’s requirement in health care as a separate branch. When discussing about men’s health, it is fair to say that even a man himself does not know much about men’s health. Most of them think that men’s health is just a discussion on sex. This thought is not entirely right. The scope of men’s health is actually larger than the male sex organ itself. To define men’s health, we have to look at man holistically.
A cross-sectional study was carried out in July-October 2012 in UKM to remeasure, evaluate and compare the changes in health services utilization level among women staff in UKM with a previous study done in 2001 and its influencing factors. The services studied were blood pressure (BP) measurement and Pap smear test. A total of 234 respondents aged between 18 and 55 were selected using stratified random sampling from Bangi, Kuala Lumpur and UKMMC, Malaysia. Data was collected via self-administered questionnaire and was analyzed by using SPSS version 17.0. Majority 85.9% of the respondents were found to have utilized at least one BP measurement which is higher compared to previous study. The Pap smear test, 64.5% of women have had a Pap smear test done also higher compared to previous study. Multivariate analysis shows the factors associated with BP measurement are age (OR 2.7, CI 95% 1.2, 6.3), family history of general health problems (OR 3.4, CI 95% 1.5, 7.6), and health staff influence (OR 5.2, CI 95% 1.1, 25.5). The factors associated with Pap smear test are marital status (OR 62.8, CI 95% 7.2, 546.4), general health problems (OR 2.3, CI 95% 1.2, 4.5), family planning (OR 6.9, CI 95% 3.0, 16.5) and self-interest (OR 3.3, CI 95%, 1.3, 8.6). The level of health services utilization on BP measurement and Pap smear test in 2012 is higher than 2001. For both BP measurement and Pap smear test the determinant factors are differed in the aforesaid years.
Due to the increasing demand or modern medical treatment and modern cosmetics by society, traditional sources have been neglected by younger generations. This study assesses the baseline level of Malay high school adolescents' use and perceptions of traditional medical treatment and cosmetics. 100 Malay high school students in Kuala Lumpur were administered a sbt- art uestionnaire. It was found that the amil is a strong external influence in their choice of medical treatment, (2) a wide variety of services are used by choice when they become ill, (3) a majority (68.8%) ofthese adolescents have a ddinite "loose " beliefin traditional medical treatment and related cosmetics; and (4) they would welcome promotion and information about these for the purposes of promoting their health and preserving their cultural heritage. Further study and action to broaden adolescent knowledge of traditional medical treatment and cosmetics are essential to ensure the continuance of this type of health promotion for the next generation.
A study was undertaken amongst private primary care providers in three urban centres of Malaysia to understand the organizational structure of the facilities and to assess the cost of running such services. A total of 150 clinics were involved in the study. Data was collected through interviews with owners of the clinics using semi-structured questionnaires. Solo-practitioners owned 64.7% of the clinics while 35.3% of them were owned by group practice. This study showed that the mean number of patients visited the clinics daily was 49.3 with the average operating hours of 79.4 hours/week (range 28.0 - 168.0 hours/week). Group practice clinics operates 23.9 hours longer than solo-practice clinics. Group practice clinics were more likely to offer 24 hours service than solo-practice clinics. Most of the clinics were manned by a single doctor (57.3%), 30.0 % had two doctors and only 12.7% were run by more than two doctors. On average, group practice employed greater number of supporting staff than solo-practice clinics (6.0 vs 4.3 people). The mean annual cost to run each facility was found to be RM 444,698. The mean cost per patient was found to be RM 32.09 for solo-practice clinics and RM 38.55 for group practice. Wages represented the highest proportion in the recurrent cost (61.1%) followed by drugs (29.2%) and consumables (2.7%). Building cost (67.9%) and equipment cost (25.9%) were the major capital costs for the clinics. This study could serve as a basis to reimburse private primary care providers in the future health financing scheme in Malaysia. To improve efficiency and contain cost in primary care settings, efforts should be targeted towards cost of wages and drugs utilised by the providers in their daily practice.
Key words: Private practice; primary care; costs; Malaysia.
Diabetes mellitus and its main complication, nephropathy, ajjbcts the economic wellbeing and quality of Iife of the sufferers and the population. A matched case control study was conducted in September 1998 to investigate the factors involved with nephropathy such as diabetic control, smoking, hypertension, familv history of diabetes and diabetic duration. Respondents were classyied based on the presence of microalbuminuria or macroalbuminuria, Seventy-two pairs of case and control were studied Duration of diabetes Q2 = 0.005), presence of lethargy and weakness prior to diabetes diagnosis @7 = 0.019), duration of smoking @7 = 0.014), duration of hypertension @2: 0.000), systolic hypertension Qu= 0e 025), uncontrolled diabetes with poor HbA1c level (v= 0.02Q and lack of diabetes knowledge Q2 = 0.037) were jbctors which related signyicantlv to nephropathy by univariate anahrsis. In multivariate anahrsis, systolic hypertension (p = 0.0015), lack of diabetes knowledge (17 = 0.0197), presence of lethargy symptom Q7 = 0.0027), prolonged diabetic duration @ = 0.0301) and higher body mass indices (p = 0. 0213) were predictors to diabetic nephropathy.
A cross sectional study to measure the prevalence of domestic violence and the factors associated with it among women who seek treatment at Hospital Pontian Out Patient Department was carried out in September 1998 until April 1999. The study sample was chosen through systematic random sampling. A total of 370 women between 15 to 49 years were selected and the response rate was 100%. The Results show the one year prevalence rate of domestic violence was 16.8% and life- long prevalence of domestic violence was 35.1%. Studies shows significant difference between the prevalence of domestic violence by age, marital and working status, age at marriage, knowledge, attitude and action to be taken toward domestic violence. Percent of victim is higher among women less than 20 year old, single, still schooling, negative attitude and action towards abuse and less knowledge of place for seeking help. Factor that contribute significantly toward domestic violence among single women is the lack of positive action in dealing with violence and among married women are early marriage(<25 year), lack of positive action in dealing with violence and lack of moral support from husband and family.
Key words: prevalence of domestic violence, mangsa keganasan, associated factors, contributing factors
Study site: Outpatient clinic, Hospital Pontian, Johor, Malaysia
A cross-sectional study was done to determine the prevalence of violence among 15-year-old adolescents and to identify associated protective or risk factors. The study involved 758 adolescents, 384 males and 3 74 females in the District of Kuala Terengganu and Besut, Terengganu. About 39.0% of adolescents under study were ever involved in violence. Percentage of girls were slightly higher 19.8% as compared to boys 19.2%. About 30% of the violent adolescents were from Kuala Terengganu and 9.1% from Besut. There was no significant relationship between violence and ethnic groups. Family total income above poverty line was significant protective towards violent behaviour < 0.01, OR 0.61, CI 0.45 - 0.82). Using univariate analysis, selected parental factors were protective against violence, such as good parental connection (p < 0.01), presence of parental regulation (p < 0.001), religious parents (p < 0.05) and parents who had dinner everyday with adolescents (p < 0.01, OR 0.59, CI 0.43 - 0.80). Adolescent who perceived to have interest in learning (p < 0.001, OR 0.32, CI 0.17 - 0.59) were less likely to involve in violence. Adolescent who felt well connected to their school (p < 0.01), and perceived themselves religious (P < 0.001) were more likely to be non-violent. Those who felt satisfied with day to day life were less likely to be involved in violence (p < 0.001, OR 0.52, CI 0.37 - 0.71). On the contrary, adolescents who ever had the feeling to run away from home (p < 0.001), had 3 times risk of violence, ever smoked cigarette had 2.4 times risk (p < 0.001, CI 1.55 - 3.69) ever been bullied by peers were 2.3 times risk (p < 0.001, CI 1.46 - 3.60) to violence. Same factors remained significant in multivariate analysis. Such factors were total family income below poverty line (p < 0.001, OR 1.82,CI 1.28 - 2.59), parental regulation (p < 0.05, OR 0.34, CI 0.13 - 0.89), had dinner every night and frequently (p < 0.01, OR 0. 62, CI 0.43 - 0.89), and adolescents' religiosity (p < 0.05, OR 0.81, CI 0.66 - 0.98) were protective, whereas ever· smoke cigarettes (12 < 0.01, OR 2.24,Cl 1.38 - 3.62), being bullied by peers (o < 0.01, OR 2. 09, C1 1.26 - 3.45), and frequently felt depressed previous one year (p < 0.001, OR 3.01,CI 1.79 - 5.07) were risk factors. The findings of the study will serve as baseline in planning adolescent health programme specifically to prevent violence behaviour from developing right from young, in the home and in the school environment.
The study aims to evaluate students’ perceptions towards e-Learning Management System (e-LMS) in pharmacy education. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among all undergraduates enrolled at School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia. A pre-validated questionnaire consisting of two domains (demographic characteristics and students’ perception regarding the use of e-LMS) was used for data collection. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the demographic characteristics of the study respondents. Chi Square test was used to measure association between the study variables. All analysis was performed by using Predictive Analytical Software (PASW) v. 18. A total of 315 students completed the survey questionnaire with a response rate of 57.6%. Majority of the students (61.0%) accessed e-LMS to acquire lecture notes for their studies, followed by 53.3% have used e-LMS for the preparation of the assignments. Seventy eight percent of the respondents agreed that e-LMS is very useful and felt that e-LMS is making their studies easier. However, 50% of students claimed that poor network connection at the campus is a major barrier in accessing e-LMS. Moreover, 48% of the respondents disagreed that e-LMS should be taken into account as an assessment criterion for students’ grading. Students are found to be frequently engaged in using e-LMS and believed that online based learning is
enhancing their academic performances. Nevertheless, students still prefer hybrid teaching methodologies than choosing traditional system or e-learning as an alone entity.
This study observed the pattern of reported dengue infections, clinical manifestations, and circulating dengue serotypes in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The aim of this study was to determine the co-circulation of the four different dengue virus serotypes in Negeri Sembilan. We analyzed the surveillance data (VEKPRO) from Negeri Sembilan State Health Department and National Public Health Laboratory, Malaysia on reported dengue infections from 1st January 2010 to 31st December 2010. There were 1466 reported dengue infections, 1342 (91.5%) cases were dengue fever (DF) and 124 (8.5%) were dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). The mean age was 32.2± 15.8 years old and most were young adults, aged 15 years old and older. Males (p < 0.05), and those residing in Seremban district (p < 0.05) were more likely to get dengue infections. Symptoms presented upon admission were fever (100%), headache (99.9%), myalgia and arthralgia (98.8%), rash(24.2%), petechiae (16.0%),bleeding tendencies (7.0%) and neurological deficits(1.2%). All four dengue serotypes (DEN 1 – 4) were present, the pre-dominant serotype was DEN-3, noted in January, then existed together with DEN-2 until around May. DEN-1 was the most pre-dominant circulating dengue serotype afterwards, reaching a peak in December 2010. Dengue affected all age groups particularly young adults and males. Most cases reported were in urban areas and Seremban district. Most of the dengue infections occurred in the first half of the year, with the DEN-2 and DEN-3 serotypes being the most predominant.
Malnutrition is associated with childhood diseases such as diarrhea or other severe illness. Children who suffer from
repeated episodes of diarrhea are more likely to suffer from malnutrition. In addition, the source of drinking water is
a very important factor affecting the nutritional status. The objective of this study was to find out the prevalence of
malnutrition condition among children aged 3 to 5 years old and the factors associated with it. A cross sectional study
using simple random sampling was conducted among 220 children aged 3 to 5 years old from four kindergartens in
Baghdad city, Iraq. Nutritional assessment was carried out using the indicator weight-for-age z-score based on World
Health Organization cut off points. Acute malnutrition was found in 18.2 % of the respondents. In this study 65 % of
the respondents used tap water to drink as compared to 35 % who used sterilized bottles as source of drinking water.
The environmental factors mainly the source of drinking water was significantly associated with child nutritional
status (p=0.034). The prevalence of diarrhea and admissions to the hospital due to diarrhea were also significantly
associated with malnutrition (p < 0.01, p
The relationship between zinc and infant birth weight is still contradictory and up until today there is still no research on this issue done in Iran. This unmatched case control study to evaluate the association between plasma cord blood zinc and infant birth weight at the time of delivery was carried out in the labor ward, Fatemieh Hospital, Hamadan, Iran from the 6 th December 2009 to 18 October 2010. Plasma venous cord blood zinc was measured by AtomicAbsorption Spectro-photometry (AAS) and the weight of 134 Low Birth Weight (LBW) infants (cases) and 134 normal
weight infants (control) were measured at the time of delivery. All mothers with history of chronic diseases, obstetric complications, anemia, twin pregnancy, smoking, using illicit drugs, and alcohol and infants with any obvious anomalies were excluded from this study. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 16. Logistic regression was used to assess the contribution of other risk factors on infant birth weight. The result showed there was significant relationship between infant birth weight and plasma cord blood zinc. The risk of having LBW infant is more than 12 times in mothers who have severe zinc deficiency (OR=12.234,CI 95% 1.122, 133.392, p-value= 0.040). Also in mothers
who have mild to moderate zinc deficiency the risk of having LBW was more than one (OR=1.148, CI 95% 0.358, 3.900, p-value= 0.797). A significant relationship between maternal pre-pregnancy Body Mass Index (BMI) (p< 0.002), maternal weight gain during pregnancy (p< 0.021), previous LBW (p< 0.016), maternal age (p< 0.034) and parity (p< 0.004) with infant birth weight were also found. Logistic regression showed that zinc deficiency along with maternal pre-pregnancy BMI, maternal weight gain during pregnancy, previous LBW, maternal age and parity were predictors
for infant birth weight.
Injury Hncluding home injury} is an important contributor to the nations’ statistics on mortality and morbidity. However, statistics on injury is still lacking in Malaysia. In 1996, the National Health and Morbidity Survey was conducted nationwide that includes injury as one ofthe scope studied at the community level. It was found that the prevalence of sefreported home injury in Malaysia was 2.5%. The prevalence was higher among the 0-4 years and more than 80 years groups. There was no dwzrence in the prevalence of injury by urban/rural location, ethnicity, citizenship, religion, marital status, level of education, income group or type of occupation. Females however reported a slightht higher figure than males (2. 7% i· 95% CI and 2.3% i 95% CD. Recommendations made include planning and designing of preventive intervention strategies and sreas for future studies.
Study name: National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS-1996)
The objective of this study was to find out whether integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in a Primary Health Care Clinic improves client’s waiting time. This was a descriptive study based on a total of 588 clients, i.e. 291 clients from an ICT integrated primary health care clinic, which was Putrajaya Health Clinic and 297 clients from a manual health clinic, which was Salak Health Clinic, from 5th December 2000 until 10th January 2001. Clients attending both clinics during this study period were systematically random sampled. Information was obtained from structured questionnaires. Data were analysed with Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 10.0. Selected quantitative time variables, their mean and standard deviation were calculated. Integration of ICT in a primary health care clinic did not improve client’s waiting time. It was demonstrated by this study that the integration of ICT in Putrajaya Health Clinic led to significantly longer average waiting time (39.76 minutes) and longer average total time spend in the clinic (57.14 minutes) as compared to a manual clinic, Salak Health Clinic where its average waiting time was only 23.13 minutes and average total time spend in the clinic was 39.15 minutes. Based on the findings, it is possible that integration of ICT in a primary health care clinic could not play as a significant factor for improving or reducing client’s waiting time in Putrajaya Health Clinic yet, at least not for the time being. This is the first study to document waiting times specifically in our first ICT integrated primary health care clinic. Since it was found that integration of ICT in a primary health care clinic had made client’s waiting time significantly longer than the waiting time in a manual clinic, it could be interesting for future research to look into client’s satisfaction in an ICT environment clinic.
Key words: ICT, client satisfaction, primary care
The relationship between dust exposure and lung function were investigated in a cross-sectional study of 70 male quarry workers. The investigation included spirometric testing and detailed personal interviews using a structured questionnaire adapted from British Medical Research Council questionnaire on respiratory symptoms. Respiratory symptoms commonly reported by the male workers were shortness of breath (42.9%), chest tightness (37.1 %}, morning phlegm (20.0%) and morning cough (0.8%}. Prevalence of respiratory symptoms was greater in current smokers. Age and duration of employment also had significant relationship with chest tightness. Both FEV, and FVC of these workers were significantly reduced when compared to healthy population. Smoking status, age, and duration of employment were also associated with reduced pulmonary function (p<0.01).
Key words: respiratory symptoms, lung function and quarry workers
The status ofhve l1eavy metals: cadmium, lead copper, zinc and mercury were determined in seafood and its products imported_ti·om Thailand via Bukit Kayu Hiram, Kedah, Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer was used to determine the level of these heary metals except for mercury, where the cold vapor technique was used, Randomized sampling was done according to a predetermined sampling plan based on the previous years consignments. Data collected were compared with the maximum permitted level of -metal contaminants in fish and fish products- ofthe Fourteenth Schedule (Regulation 38) of Food Act I983 and Food Regulations I 985 to ascertain compliance. lt was noted form this study, that the level of metals detected in seafood and its products had a very wide range, The levels detected for cadmium was at a range of 0. 00] - 3.9/2, 0.07 — 0.29, 0,04 - 4,4 mg/kg in fish, shellfish and cuttlefish respectivelv. In general, cadmium level in some samples was notably higher particularly in shellfish. All samples had lead level less than the permitted value except for fish where the highest value detected was 3.28 mg/kg. The level of copper and zinc was higher than the permitted value in octopus, prawn and crab, Mercury level in all samples analvzed was found to be below the detection level. As for fish samples, zinc level was found to be higher whereas copper was within the limit. However, it was also noted that the level of all the heavy metals in jiozen jish was within the permitted limit.
The objective of this study was t0 determine the relationship between scores on McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities (MSCA) and academic peU’ormance of school children. A total ofI12first and second graders aged 6 to 8 I/2 years old hom two primary schools in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia were selected as subjects for this study. This selection was based on a random sampling stratyied proportionalhr according to school and sex. The MSCA was administered to 59 male and 53 female students. The test battery was translated from English to Malay and adapted to suit the local situation. Academic performance was measured using the mean percent of the total score on all the subjects (English, Malay, Mathematics and Islamic Religion) in the jinal examinations at the end of the year. T—test results indicated no signdicant dfference between MSCA scores and academic scores of maleandkmale students. The results revealed that all the scores on the MSCA and the General Cognitive Index were signyicantbr correlated with academic pejormance, The General Cognitive Index accounted for [0.4% ofthe variation in academic performance. T he findings appear to support that intelligence scores may be used to predict children 's academic performance in the early years of primary education.