Injury Hncluding home injury} is an important contributor to the nations’ statistics on mortality and morbidity. However, statistics on injury is still lacking in Malaysia. In 1996, the National Health and Morbidity Survey was conducted nationwide that includes injury as one ofthe scope studied at the community level. It was found that the prevalence of sefreported home injury in Malaysia was 2.5%. The prevalence was higher among the 0-4 years and more than 80 years groups. There was no dwzrence in the prevalence of injury by urban/rural location, ethnicity, citizenship, religion, marital status, level of education, income group or type of occupation. Females however reported a slightht higher figure than males (2. 7% i· 95% CI and 2.3% i 95% CD. Recommendations made include planning and designing of preventive intervention strategies and sreas for future studies.
Study name: National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS-1996)