CASE PRESENTATION: We describe a series of pediatric patients who presented to the Pediatric Emergency Department with acute abdominal pain, in whom point-of-care ultrasound helped expedite the diagnosis by identifying varying types of calcification and associated sonological findings. For children who present to the Pediatric Emergency Department with significant abdominal pain, a rapid distinction between emergencies and non-emergencies is vital to decrease morbidity and mortality.
CONCLUSIONS: In a child presenting to the Pediatric Emergency Department with abdominal pain, POCUS and the findings of calcifications can narrow or expand the differential diagnosis when integrated with history and physical exam, to a specific anatomic structure. Integrating these findings with additional sonological findings of an underlying pathology might raise sufficient concerns in the emergency physicians to warrant further investigations for the patient in the form of a formal radiological ultrasound and assist in the patient's early disposition. The use of POCUS might also help to categorize the type of calcification to one of the four main categories of intra-abdominal calcifications, namely concretions, conduit wall calcification, cyst wall calcification, and solid mass-type calcification. POCUS used thoughtfully can give a diagnosis and expand differential diagnosis, reduce cognitive bias, and reduce physician mental load. By integrating the use of POCUS with the history and clinical findings, it will be possible to expedite the management in children who present to the Pediatric Emergency Department with acute abdominal pain.
Case presentation: We report a 10-year-old Dusun girl presenting with left hypochondrial pain and noted a left hypochondrial mass on examination. This report highlights the role of clinical imaging during the pre-operative and post-operative phases.
Clinical discussion: Ultrasound and CT imaging was useful in determining that the tumor originated from the tail of the pancreas. The presence of a definite capsule with internal solid-cystic components helped narrowed the differential diagnosis to solid pseudopapillary neoplasm (SPN) of the pancreas. MR liver was useful to rule out liver metastasis in this child.
Intervention and outcome: The patient was scheduled for laparotomy and tumour excision at a regional paediatric centre. Successful excision of the tumor en-mass was performed and the child's subsequent recovery was uneventful.
Conclusion: Clinical imaging plays a critical role in the diagnosis and management of paediatric solid organ tumours. Other than renal origin, suspicion of pancreatic tail origin should be considered by clinicians when encountering a ballotable left abdominal mass.