Displaying publications 241 - 260 of 295 in total

  1. Kasapila W, Shaarani SM
    Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 2011;20(1):1-8.
    PMID: 21393103
    In the globalised world of the 21st century, issues of food and nutrition labelling are of pre-eminent importance. Several international bodies, including the World Health Organisation and World Trade Organisation, are encouraging countries to harmonise their food and nutrition regulations with international standards, guidelines and recommendations such as those for Codex Alimentarius. Through harmonisation, these organisations envisage fewer barriers to trade and freer movement of food products between countries, which would open doors to new markets and opportunities for the food industry. In turn, increased food trade would enhance economic development and allow consumers a greater choice of products. Inevitably, however, embracing harmonisation brings along cost implications and challenges that have to be overcome. Moreover, the harmonisation process is complex and sporadic in light of the tasks that countries have to undertake; for example, updating legislation, strengthening administrative capabilities and establishing analytical laboratories. This review discusses the legislation and regulations that govern food and nutrition labelling in Southeast Asia, and highlights the discrepancies that exist in this regard, their origin and consequences. It also gives an account of the current status of harmonising labelling of pre-packaged foodstuffs in the region and explains the subsequent benefits, challenges and implications for governments, the food industry and consumers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Labeling/legislation & jurisprudence*
  2. Low WY, Binns C
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2013 Sep;25(5 Suppl):7S-9S.
    PMID: 24092814 DOI: 10.1177/1010539513489501
    Matched MeSH terms: Advertising as Topic/legislation & jurisprudence*
  3. Yadav H, Lin WY
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2001;13 Suppl:S36-8.
    PMID: 12109246
    Telemedicine is fast becoming popular in many countries in the world. It has several advantages such as being cost saving and providing better access to health care in the remote areas in many parts of the world. However, it has some disadvantages as well. One of the major problems is the problem of patients' rights and confidentiality in the use of telemedicine. There are no standard guidelines and procedures in the practice of telemedicine as yet. Both the patient and the physician are unsure of the standard of practice and how to maintain confidentiality. The patient is uncertain as to how to protect her/his rights in the use of telemedicine. The issue of litigation is also unclear as to where the physician is practicing when he/she uses telemedicine. Is she/he practicing in the country where the patient is or is the physician practicing in the country of her/his origin? These issues need to be addressed urgently so that telemedicine will have standards of ethical practice and the patient's rights and confidentiality will be protected.
    Matched MeSH terms: Telemedicine/legislation & jurisprudence*
  4. Ang BH, Jennifer O, Chen WS, Lee SWH
    J Safety Res, 2019 Jun;69:101-108.
    PMID: 31235220 DOI: 10.1016/j.jsr.2019.03.007
    INTRODUCTION: Older adults are at a greater risk of injury and death in a motor-vehicle accident. While the ability to drive safely can be challenging with aging, the concept of self-regulation and associated support system have attracted more attention in recent years, especially in developed countries. This review describes the mechanism and summarizes the potential factors that influenced self-regulation of driving amongst older adults to provide new insights into a broader framework for transportation and safe mobility.

    METHODS: We systematically searched 12 online databases for qualitative studies exploring the experiences of older adults aged 60 years and above on their decision to self-regulate their driving. Thematic synthesis was performed to identify elements influencing driving reduction and cessation. The confidence profile of each findings from the meta-synthesis was appraised using the Confidence in the Evidence from Reviews of Qualitative research (CERQual) tool.

    RESULTS: A total of 17 studies representing views of 712 older adults from four countries were included. Three major themes were identified with each representing a transition phase that can either facilitate or hinder older drivers from ceasing completely or reducing their driving, when transitioning from pre-decision phase to post-cessation phase.

    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that there is a mismatch between the current traffic collation prevention measures, such as age-specific mandatory license renewal system and travel needs of older adults. As such, it is time for the authorities, researchers, and public from various fields and perspectives to collaborate, sustain, and improve safety and mobility in older adults. Practical applications: Adequate regulations and guidelines from the medical community and legal authorities are warranted to assist older adults and caregivers. Social support (e.g., feedback, assurance, or transportation support) from family members, friends, and healthcare professionals are crucial for a smooth transition. Provision of alternative transportations in rural areas are needed and future interventions should focus on engaging and educating older adults to consider alternative transportation modes for mobility. Age-specific mandatory license renewal procedure can be useful in screening for at-risk groups.

    Matched MeSH terms: Automobile Driving/legislation & jurisprudence
  5. Zulkifli A, Abidin NZ, Abidin EZ, Hashim Z, Rahman AA, Rasdi I, et al.
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2014;15(12):4815-21.
    PMID: 24998546
    BACKGROUND: This study aimed to examine the relationship between respiratory health of Malaysian adolescents with secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure and smoke-free legislation (SFL) implementation.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 898 students from 21 schools across comprehensive- and partial-SFL states were recruited. SHS exposures and respiratory symptoms were assessed via questionnaire. Prenatal and postnatal SHS exposure information was obtained from parental-completed questionnaire.

    RESULTS: The prevalence of respiratory symptoms was: 11.9% ever wheeze, 5.6% current wheeze, 22.3% exercise-induced wheeze, 12.4% nocturnal cough, and 13.1% self-reported asthma. SHS exposure was most frequently reported in restaurants. Hierarchical logistic regression indicates living in a comprehensive-SFL state was not associated with a lower risk of reporting asthma symptoms. SHS exposure in public transport was linked to increased risk for wheeze (Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR) 16.6; 95%confidence interval (CI), 2.69-101.7) and current wheezing (AOR 24.6; 95%CI, 3.53-171.8).

    CONCLUSIONS: Adolescents continue to be exposed to SHS in a range of public venues in both comprehensive- and partial-SFL states. Respiratory symptoms are common among those reporting SHS exposure on public transportation. Non-compliance with SFL appears to be frequent in many venues across Malaysia and enforcement should be given priority in order to reduce exposure.

    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/legislation & jurisprudence*; Tobacco Smoke Pollution/legislation & jurisprudence*
  6. Mikton C, Power M, Raleva M, Makoae M, Al Eissa M, Cheah I, et al.
    Child Abuse Negl, 2013 Dec;37(12):1237-51.
    PMID: 23962585 DOI: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2013.07.009
    This study aimed to systematically assess the readiness of five countries - Brazil, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, and South Africa - to implement evidence-based child maltreatment prevention programs on a large scale. To this end, it applied a recently developed method called Readiness Assessment for the Prevention of Child Maltreatment based on two parallel 100-item instruments. The first measures the knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs concerning child maltreatment prevention of key informants; the second, completed by child maltreatment prevention experts using all available data in the country, produces a more objective assessment readiness. The instruments cover all of the main aspects of readiness including, for instance, availability of scientific data on the problem, legislation and policies, will to address the problem, and material resources. Key informant scores ranged from 31.2 (Brazil) to 45.8/100 (the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) and expert scores, from 35.2 (Brazil) to 56/100 (Malaysia). Major gaps identified in almost all countries included a lack of professionals with the skills, knowledge, and expertise to implement evidence-based child maltreatment programs and of institutions to train them; inadequate funding, infrastructure, and equipment; extreme rarity of outcome evaluations of prevention programs; and lack of national prevalence surveys of child maltreatment. In sum, the five countries are in a low to moderate state of readiness to implement evidence-based child maltreatment prevention programs on a large scale. Such an assessment of readiness - the first of its kind - allows gaps to be identified and then addressed to increase the likelihood of program success.
    Matched MeSH terms: Child Abuse/legislation & jurisprudence*; Child Welfare/legislation & jurisprudence
  7. Tee GH, Hairi NN, Hairi F
    Int J Tuberc Lung Dis, 2012 Aug;16(8):1126-8.
    PMID: 22668450 DOI: 10.5588/ijtld.11.0254
    Physicians should play a leading role in combatting smoking; information on attitudes of future physicians towards tobacco control measures in a middle-income developing country is limited. Of 310 future physicians surveyed in a medical school in Malaysia, 50% disagreed that it was a doctor's duty to advise smokers to stop smoking; 76.8% agreed that physicians should not smoke before advising others not to smoke; and 75% agreed to the ideas of restricting the sale of cigarettes to minors, making all public places smoke-free and banning advertising of tobacco-related merchandise. Future physicians had positive attitudes towards tobacco regulations but had not grasped their responsibilities in tobacco control measures.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/legislation & jurisprudence; Smoking Cessation/legislation & jurisprudence
  8. Ramakrishnan K, Loh SY, Omar Z
    Spinal Cord, 2011 Sep;49(9):986-9.
    PMID: 21556013 DOI: 10.1038/sc.2011.47
    Secondary analysis of cross-sectional data.
    Matched MeSH terms: Employment/legislation & jurisprudence; Workers' Compensation/legislation & jurisprudence
  9. Li L, Borland R, Yong HH, Sirirassamee B, Hamann S, Omar M, et al.
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2015 Aug;12(8):9508-22.
    PMID: 26287219 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph120809508
    In September 2005 Thailand became the first Asian country to implement a complete ban on the display of cigarettes and other tobacco products at point-of-sale (POS). This paper examined the impact of the POS tobacco display ban in Thailand, with Malaysia (which did not impose bans) serving as a comparison. The data came from the International Tobacco Control Southeast Asia Survey (2005-2011), a prospective cohort survey designed to evaluate the psychosocial and behavioral impacts of tobacco control policies. Main measures included smokers' reported awareness of tobacco displays and advertising at POS. At the first post-ban survey wave over 90% of smokers in Thailand were aware of the display ban policy and supported it, and about three quarters thought the ban was effective. Noticing tobacco displays in stores was lowest (16.9%) at the first post-ban survey wave, but increased at later survey waves; however, the levels were consistently lower than those in Malaysia. Similarly, exposure to POS tobacco advertising was lower in Thailand. The display ban has reduced exposure to tobacco marketing at POS. The trend toward increased noticing is likely at least in part due to some increase in violations of the display bans and/or strategies to circumvent them.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/legislation & jurisprudence; Marketing/legislation & jurisprudence*
  10. Wong ZY, Alrasheedy AA, Hassali MA, Saleem F
    Res Social Adm Pharm, 2016 04 20;12(5):807-10.
    PMID: 27157864 DOI: 10.1016/j.sapharm.2016.04.002
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care/legislation & jurisprudence; National Health Programs/legislation & jurisprudence
  11. Ong SC, Vasan Thakumar A, Ooi GS, Shafie AA, Ahmad Hassali MA
    Int J Pharm Pract, 2020 Dec;28(6):579-590.
    PMID: 33074560 DOI: 10.1111/ijpp.12673
    OBJECTIVE: Unregistered medications which are lacking regulation in terms of safety, efficacy and quality may cause unpredictable adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in consumers. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the public knowledge, attitude and practice of consuming and purchasing unregistered health products in Malaysia.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study involving members of the Malaysian public was carried out using the convenience sampling method. Descriptive statistics were used to summarise the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents. Associations between knowledge items/scores and other items were assessed using Spearman's rank correlations and Cramer's V. Regression analyses were carried out to determine whether the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents influenced knowledge and practice relating to unregistered medications.

    KEY FINDINGS: A total of 649 respondents completed the questionnaire with the majority being female (66.1%), unmarried (66.5%), Malay (52.5%) and possessing a bachelor's degree (53.5%). The knowledge of the public surveyed regarding unregistered (unlicensed) medications was lacking, especially in being able to identify a registered health product in Malaysia and formally complaining if necessary. The respondents agreed that currently, there are insufficient laws and educational programmes to tackle the issue. The respondents exhibited good practice habits by purchasing their medications from healthcare professionals. Mean knowledge score was positively correlated to practice scores at rs  = 0.423 (P-value 

    Matched MeSH terms: Commerce/legislation & jurisprudence*; Street Drugs/legislation & jurisprudence
  12. Polonsky M, Azbel L, Wegman MP, Izenberg JM, Bachireddy C, Wickersham JA, et al.
    J Int AIDS Soc, 2016;19(4 Suppl 3):20880.
    PMID: 27435715 DOI: 10.7448/IAS.19.4.20880
    INTRODUCTION: The expanding HIV epidemic in Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan is concentrated among people who inject drugs (PWID), who comprise a third of prisoners there. Detention of PWID is common but its impact on health has not been previously studied in the region. We aimed to understand the relationship between official and unofficial (police harassment) detention of PWID and HIV risk behaviours.

    METHODS: In a nationally representative cross-sectional study, soon-to-be released prisoners in Kyrgyzstan (N=368) and Azerbaijan (N=510) completed standardized health assessment surveys. After identifying correlated variables through bivariate testing, we built multi-group path models with pre-incarceration official and unofficial detention as exogenous variables and pre-incarceration composite HIV risk as an endogenous variable, controlling for potential confounders and estimating indirect effects.

    RESULTS: Overall, 463 (51%) prisoners reported at least one detention in the year before incarceration with an average of 1.3 detentions in that period. Unofficial detentions (13%) were less common than official detentions (41%). Optimal model fit was achieved (X (2)=5.83, p=0.44; Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) GFI=0.99; Comparative Fit Index (CFI) CFI=1.00; Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) RMSEA=0.00; PCLOSE=0.98) when unofficial detention had an indirect effect on HIV risk, mediated by drug addiction severity, with more detentions associated with higher addiction severity, which in turn correlated with increased HIV risk. The final model explained 35% of the variance in the outcome. The effect was maintained for both countries, but stronger for Kyrgyzstan. The model also holds for Kyrgyzstan using unique data on within-prison drug injection as the outcome, which was frequent in prisoners there.

    CONCLUSIONS: Detention by police is a strong correlate of addiction severity, which mediates its effect on HIV risk behaviour. This pattern suggests that police may target drug users and that such harassment may result in an increase in HIV risk-taking behaviours, primarily because of the continued drug use within prisons. These findings highlight the important negative role that police play in the HIV epidemic response and point to the urgent need for interventions to reduce police harassment, in parallel with interventions to reduce HIV transmission within and outside of prison.

    Matched MeSH terms: Prisoners/legislation & jurisprudence; Prisons/legislation & jurisprudence
  13. Schröeder SE, Pedrana A, Scott N, Wilson D, Kuschel C, Aufegger L, et al.
    Liver Int, 2019 Oct;39(10):1818-1836.
    PMID: 31433902 DOI: 10.1111/liv.14222
    Viral hepatitis is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, but has long been neglected by national and international policymakers. Recent modelling studies suggest that investing in the global elimination of viral hepatitis is feasible and cost-effective. In 2016, all 194 member states of the World Health Organization endorsed the goal to eliminate viral hepatitis as a public health threat by 2030, but complex systemic and social realities hamper implementation efforts. This paper presents eight case studies from a diverse range of countries that have invested in responses to viral hepatitis and adopted innovative approaches to tackle their respective epidemics. Based on an investment framework developed to build a global investment case for the elimination of viral hepatitis by 2030, national activities and key enablers are highlighted that showcase the feasibility and impact of concerted hepatitis responses across a range of settings, with different levels of available resources and infrastructural development. These case studies demonstrate the utility of taking a multipronged, public health approach to: (a) evidence-gathering and planning; (b) implementation; and (c) integration of viral hepatitis services into the Agenda for Sustainable Development. They provide models for planning, investment and implementation strategies for other countries facing similar challenges and resource constraints.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Accessibility/legislation & jurisprudence; Public Health/legislation & jurisprudence
  14. Bailey W, Truong L
    J Southeast Asian Stud, 2001;32(2):173-93.
    PMID: 19192502
    Matched MeSH terms: Drug Industry/legislation & jurisprudence; Public Health/legislation & jurisprudence; Social Problems/legislation & jurisprudence
  15. Gravely S, Driezen P, Ouimet J, Quah ACK, Cummings KM, Thompson ME, et al.
    Addiction, 2019 Jun;114(6):1060-1073.
    PMID: 30681215 DOI: 10.1111/add.14558
    AIMS: This paper presents updated prevalence estimates of awareness, ever-use, and current use of nicotine vaping products (NVPs) from 14 International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project (ITC Project) countries that have varying regulations governing NVP sales and marketing.

    DESIGN, SETTING, PARTICIPANTS AND MEASUREMENTS: A cross-sectional analysis of adult (≥ 18 years) current smokers and ex-smokers from 14 countries participating in the ITC Project. Data from the most recent survey questionnaire for each country were included, which spanned the period 2013-17. Countries were categorized into four groups based on regulations governing NVP sales and marketing (allowable or not), and level of enforcement (strict or weak where NVPs are not permitted to be sold): (1) most restrictive policies (MRPs), not legal to be sold or marketed with strict enforcement: Australia, Brazil, Uruguay; (2) restrictive policies (RPs), not approved for sale or marketing with weak enforcement: Canada, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand; (3) less restrictive policies (LRPs), legal to be sold and marketed with regulations: England, the Netherlands, Republic of Korea, United States; and (4) no regulatory policies (NRPs), Bangladesh, China, Zambia. Countries were also grouped by World Bank Income Classifications. Country-specific weighted logistic regression models estimated adjusted NVP prevalence estimates for: awareness, ever/current use, and frequency of use (daily versus non-daily).

    FINDINGS: NVP awareness and use were lowest in NRP countries. Generally, ever- and current use of NVPs were lower in MRP countries (ever-use = 7.1-48.9%; current use = 0.3-3.5%) relative to LRP countries (ever-use = 38.9-66.6%; current use = 5.5-17.2%) and RP countries (ever-use = 10.0-62.4%; current use = 1.4-15.5%). NVP use was highest among high-income countries, followed by upper-middle-income countries, and then by lower-middle-income countries.

    CONCLUSIONS: With a few exceptions, awareness and use of nicotine vaping products varied by the strength of national regulations governing nicotine vaping product sales/marketing, and by country income. In countries with no regulatory policies, use rates were very low, suggesting that there was little availability, marketing and/or interest in nicotine vaping products in these countries where smoking populations are predominantly poorer. The higher awareness and use of nicotine vaping products in high income countries with moderately (e.g. Canada, New Zealand) and less (e.g. England, United States) restrictive policies, is likely due to the greater availability and affordability of nicotine vaping products.

    Matched MeSH terms: Commerce/legislation & jurisprudence*; Public Policy/legislation & jurisprudence*; Marketing/legislation & jurisprudence
  16. Ahmadian M, Samah AA, Saidu MB
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2014;15(12):5097-105.
    PMID: 24998591
    Knowledge of health and community psychology in health professionals influences psychosocial and community determinants of health and promoting participation in disease prevention at the community level. This paper appraises the potential of knowledge on psychology in health care professionals and its contribution to community empowerment through individual behavior change and health practice. The authors proposed a schematic model for the use of psychological knowledge in health professionals to promote participation in health interventions/disease prevention programs in developing countries. By implication, the paper provides a vision on policies towards supporting breast cancer secondary prevention efforts for community health development in Asian countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Community Health Services/legislation & jurisprudence
  17. Kuan CY, Yee-Fung W, Yuen KH, Liong MT
    Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr, 2012;52(1):55-71.
    PMID: 21991990 DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2010.494259
    Nanotechnology is seeing higher propensity in various industries, including food and bioactives. New nanomaterials are constantly being developed from both natural biodegradable polymers of plant and animal origins such as polysaccharides and derivatives, peptides and proteins, lipids and fats, and biocompatible synthetic biopolyester polymers such as polylactic acid (PLA), polyhydroxyalkonoates (PHA), and polycaprolactone (PCL). Applications in food industries include molecular synthesis of new functional food compounds, innovative food packaging, food safety, and security monitoring. The relevance of bioactives includes targeted delivery systems with improved bioavailability using nanostructure vehicles such as association colloids, lipid based nanoencapsulator, nanoemulsions, biopolymeric nanoparticles, nanolaminates, and nanofibers. The extensive use of nanotechnology has led to the need for parallel safety assessment and regulations to protect public health and adverse effects to the environment. This review covers the use of biopolymers in the production of nanomaterials and the propensity of nanotechnology in food and bioactives. The exposure routes of nanoparticles, safety challenges, and measures undertaken to ensure optimal benefits that outweigh detriments are also discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Consumer Product Safety/legislation & jurisprudence
  18. Phua KL
    Pac Health Dialog, 2009 Nov;15(2):117-27.
    PMID: 20443525
    Both the Maori of New Zealand and the Orang Asli of Malaysia are indigenous peoples who have been subjected to prejudice, discrimination and displacement in its various forms by other ethnic groups in their respective countries. However, owing to changes in the socio-political climate, they have been granted rights (including legal privileges) in more recent times. Data pertaining to the health and socio-economic status of the Maori and the Orang Asli are analysed to see if the granting of legal privileges has made any difference for the two communities. One conclusion is that legal privileges (and the granting of special status) do not appear to work well in terms of reducing health and socio-economic gaps.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Groups/legislation & jurisprudence*
  19. Ahmad AA, Hameed BH
    J Hazard Mater, 2009 Dec 30;172(2-3):1538-43.
    PMID: 19740605 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2009.08.025
    In this work, activated carbon was prepared from bamboo waste by chemical activation method using phosphoric acid as activating agent. The activated carbon was evaluated for chemical oxygen demand (COD) and color reduction of a real textile mill effluent. A maximum reduction in color and COD of 91.84% and 75.21%, respectively was achieved. As a result, the standard B discharge limit of color and COD under the Malaysian Environmental Quality act 1974 was met. The Freundlich isotherm model was found best to describe the obtained equilibrium adsorption data at 30 degrees C. The Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area, total pore volume and the average pore diameter were 988.23 m(2)/g, 0.69 cm(3)/g and 2.82 nm, respectively. Various functional groups on the prepared bamboo activated carbon (BAC) were determined from the FTIR results.
    Matched MeSH terms: Environmental Restoration and Remediation/legislation & jurisprudence
  20. Ta GC, Jonai H, Mokhtar MB, Peterson PJ
    J Occup Health, 2009;51(6):526-30.
    PMID: 19834280
    Matched MeSH terms: Product Labeling/legislation & jurisprudence
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