Displaying publications 341 - 360 of 1625 in total

  1. Azrif M, Saladina JJ, Nani ML, Shahrunniza AS, Norlia A, Rohaizak M
    Med J Malaysia, 2011 Aug;66(3):255-6.
    PMID: 22111452 MyJurnal
    An isolated late chest wall recurrence after mastectomy for breast cancer is rare. We present a case of a lady with a T2N1M0 right breast cancer who developed an isolated local recurrence on the chest wall 11 years after mastectomy. Staging investigations excluded distant metastases. She underwent an excisional biopsy and was started on an aromatase inhibitor. Radiotherapy was given to the chest wall followed by a boost to the site of excision. Although most chest wall recurrences fare poorly, a favourable subgroup can be identified and should be treated aggressively in a multidisciplinary approach.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Neoplasms/pathology*
  2. Siar CH, Mah MC, Gill PP
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2011;12(3):631-5.
    PMID: 21627356
    BACKGROUND: It is known that abnormal changes may occur in any part of the oral mucous membrane exposed to a carcinogen. Therefore patients with oral potentially malignant disorders (PMDs) are at risk of developing similar lesions at multiple sites.

    OBJECTIVES: To determine the risk of the contralateral mucosa in patients presenting with oral PMDs.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty individuals with PMDs were selected for this study. These comprised 32 (53.3%) Indians, 23 (38.3%) Chinese, four (6.7%) Malays and one (1.7%) Nepalese. All selected cases had histopathological confirmation of their primary existing lesion as inclusion criteria. Cases that subsequently presented with a lesion in the corresponding anatomical site also underwent scalpel incisional biopsy on this second lesion to verify its diagnosis. The remaining cases that presented with unilateral PMDs at the time of study were subjected to a cytobrush biopsy on the normal looking contralateral mucosa.

    RESULTS: A total of 70 primary PMDs were detected in 60 patients. The most common PMD found was oral lichen planus (n=40, 57.1%). Of the 60 patients studied, 28 (46.6%) exhibited bilateral lesions either synchronously (n=21, 35.0%) or metachronously (n=7, 11.6%). The remaining cases that had undergone cytobrush biopsy on the corresponding anatomical site yielded normal cytological results.

    CONCLUSIONS: Present findings demonstrated that patients presenting with PMDs in the upper aerodigestive tract are at a greater risk of developing a second lesion most probably in the contralateral anatomical site.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mouth Neoplasms/pathology*
  3. Kalyani A, Rohaizak M, Cheong SK, Nor Aini U, Balasundaram V, Norlia A
    Med J Malaysia, 2010 Sep;65(3):227-8.
    PMID: 21939175
    We describe a patient with multiple myeloma, who initially responded to chemotherapy and went into remission. She presented 10 months later with a right breast lump which was confirmed by core biopsy to be a plasmacytoma. Further treatment with radiotherapy, thalidomide and later second line chemotherapy appeared unsuccessful and she showed rapid disease progression with rising paraproteins and new extramedullary plasmacytoma lesions in the forehead, supraclavicular region, nasopharynx, liver, spleen, pancreas and paraaortic lymph nodes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Neoplasms/pathology*
  4. Al-Qubaisi M, Rozita R, Yeap SK, Omar AR, Ali AM, Alitheen NB
    Molecules, 2011 Apr 06;16(4):2944-59.
    PMID: 21471934 DOI: 10.3390/molecules16042944
    Liver cancer has become one of the major types of cancer with high mortality and liver cancer is not responsive to the current cytotoxic agents used in chemotherapy. The purpose of this study was to examine the in vitro cytotoxicity of goniothalamin on human hepatoblastoma HepG2 cells and normal liver Chang cells. The cytotoxicity of goniothalamin against HepG2 and liver Chang cell was tested using MTT cell viability assay, LDH leakage assay, cell cycle flow cytometry PI analysis, BrdU proliferation ELISA assay and trypan blue dye exclusion assay. Goniothalamin selectively inhibited HepG2 cells [IC₅₀ = 4.6 (±0.23) µM in the MTT assay; IC₅₀ = 5.20 (±0.01) µM for LDH assay at 72 hours], with less sensitivity in Chang cells [IC₅₀ = 35.0 (±0.09) µM for MTT assay; IC₅₀ = 32.5 (±0.04) µM for LDH assay at 72 hours]. In the trypan blue dye exclusion assay, the Viability Indexes were 52 ± 1.73% for HepG2 cells and 62 ± 4.36% for Chang cells at IC₅₀ after 72 hours. Cytotoxicity of goniothalamin was related to inhibition of DNA synthesis, as revealed by the reduction of BrdU incorporation. At 72 hours, the lowest concentration of goniothalamin (2.3 µL) retained 97.6% of normal liver Chang cells proliferation while it reduced HepG2 cell proliferation to 19.8% as compared to control. Besides, goniothalamin caused accumulation of hypodiploid apoptosis and different degree of G2/M arrested as shown in cell cycle analysis by flow cytometry. Goniothalamin selectively killed liver cancer cell through suppression of proliferation and induction of apoptosis. These results suggest that goniothalamin shows potential cytotoxicity against hepatoblastoma HepG2 cells.
    Matched MeSH terms: Liver Neoplasms/pathology*
  5. Al-Naggar RA, Nagi NM, Ali MM, Almuasli M
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2011;12(9):2335-41.
    PMID: 22296380
    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study is to determine the quality of life among breast cancer patients in Yemen based on socio-demographic and clinical characteristics.

    METHODOLOGY: This study was designed as a cross-sectional study. The data collected from 106 female breast cancer patients who were chosen for recruitment from the outpatient in National Oncology Centre (NOC), Sana'a, Yemen from November 2008 to June 2011. Questionnaires were distributed to the patients during their visit to the outpatient clinics in the center. The instrument of this study consists of two parts: Socio-demographic and the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Breast (FACT-B) questionnaire. Regarding data analysis, means and SD of subscales were evaluated for descriptive purpose. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to compare the three groups regarding QOL subscales. Whereas, independent t-test was performed for comparing two groups regarding QOL subscales. Multiple linear regression using backward analysis was performed to obtain the final model for each domain. The final model was chosen depending on R2 and the p value of the model. A p value less than 0.05 is considered statistically significant.

    RESULTS: A total number of 106 breast cancer patients were participated in this study. The majority of them were uneducated, unemployed with normal weight and had middle income (60.4%; 95.3%; 59.4%, 46.2%; respectively). As for clinical characteristics of the study participants; the majority of them had had no family history of breast cancer, have been diagnosed at least 2 years, were diagnosed at grade 3 and size of tumor greater than 2 cm (88.7%, 66.0%, 35.8%, 73.6%; respectively). The majority of them underwent mastectomy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and tamoxifen therapy (85.8%, 63.2%, 94.3% and 62.3%; respectively). For univariate analysis, the present study has identified several factors includes family monthly income, BMI, educational status, years after diagnosis, histological grade radiotherapy and surgery that influence the QOL of breast cancer patients in Yemen. For multivariate analysis, years after diagnosis, family monthly income and radiotherapy were significantly associated with total QOL of the breast cancer patients (p=0.01, p=0.023, p=0.039; respectively).

    CONCLUSION: Family monthly income, BMI, educational status, years after diagnosis, histological grade radiotherapy and surgery were significantly influence the QOL of breast cancer patients in Yemen, in univariate analysis. For multivariate analysis, years after diagnosis, family monthly income and radiotherapy were significantly associated with total QOL of the breast cancer patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Neoplasms/pathology
  6. Munirah MA, Siti-Aishah MA, Reena MZ, Sharifah NA, Rohaizak M, Norlia A, et al.
    Rom J Morphol Embryol, 2011;52(2):669-77.
    PMID: 21655659
    Breast cancer may be classified into luminal A, luminal B, HER2+/ER-, basal-like and normal-like subtypes based on gene expression profiling or immunohistochemical (IHC) characteristics. The main aim of the present study was to classify breast cancer into molecular subtypes based on immunohistochemistry findings and correlate the subtypes with clinicopathological factors. Two hundred and seventeen primary breast carcinomas tumor tissues were immunostained for ER, PR, HER2, CK5/6, EGFR, CK8/18, p53 and Ki67 using tissue microarray technique. All subtypes were significantly associated with Malay ethnic background (p=0.035) compared to other racial origins. The most common subtypes of breast cancers were luminal A and was significantly associated with low histological grade (p<0.000) and p53 negativity (p=0.003) compared to HER2+/ER-, basal-like and normal-like subtypes with high histological grade (p<0.000) and p53 positivity (p=0.003). Luminal B subtype had the smallest mean tumor size (p=0.009) and also the highest mean number of lymph nodes positive (p=0.032) compared to other subtypes. All markers except EGFR and Ki67 were significantly associated with the subtypes. The most common histological type was infiltrating ductal carcinoma, NOS. Majority of basal-like subtype showed comedo-type necrosis (68.8%) and infiltrative margin (81.3%). Our studies suggest that IHC can be used to identify the different subtypes of breast cancer and all subtypes were significantly associated with race, mean tumor size, mean number of lymph node positive, histological grade and all immunohistochemical markers except EGFR and Ki67.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Neoplasms/pathology*
  7. Razak AA, Saddki N, Naing NN, Abdullah N
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2010;11(1):187-91.
    PMID: 20593955
    AIMS: This study was performed to determine oral cancer survival among Malay patients in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM), Kelantan.

    METHODS: The medical records of 118 Malay patients with oral cancer admitted in HUSM from 1st January 1986 to 31st December 2005 were reviewed. Data collected include socio-demographic background, high-risk habits practiced, clinical and histological characteristics, and treatment profile of the patients. Survival status and duration were determined by active validation until 31st December 2006. Data entry and analysis were accomplished using SPSS version 12.0. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to perform survival estimates while the log-rank test and the Cox proportional hazards regression model were employed to perform univariate analysis and multivariable analysis of the variables, respectively.

    RESULTS: The overall five-year survival rate of Malay patients with oral cancer was 18.0%, with a median survival time of 9 months. Significant factors that influenced survival of the patients were age, sex, tumour site, TNM stage, histological type, and treatment received.

    CONCLUSION: Survival of oral cancer patients in HUSM was very low. Being elderly, male, presenting with an advanced stage at diagnosis, and not having treatment all contributed to poor survival.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mouth Neoplasms/pathology
  8. Ajura AJ, Lau SH
    Malays J Pathol, 2010 Jun;32(1):27-34.
    PMID: 20614723 MyJurnal
    To determine the clinicopathological features of osteogenic sarcomas of the mandible and maxilla.
    Matched MeSH terms: Jaw Neoplasms/pathology*
  9. Kamil M, Yusuf N, Khalid I, Islam R, Biswas M, Hashim H
    Ceylon Med J, 2010 Mar;55(1):9-13.
    PMID: 20446534
    BACKGROUND: Breast cancer is the commonest cancer affecting women world wide. Breast cancer is a leading cause of cancer related mortality in Asian countries. Management of breast cancer depends on several tumour-related and patient related factors. HER-2/neu over-expression has been associated with a poor prognosis in breast cancer. We assessed HER-2/neu over expression pattern in unselected breast cancer cases in terms of clinico-pathologic parameters to identify any associations between them.

    METHODS: Two hundred cases of breast cancer were evaluated at Advanced Medical and Dental Institute and Hospital Kepala Batas from 2002 to 2007. HER-2/neu status was confirmed in breast cancer tissues by immunohistochemistry. Immunohistochemical expression of HER-2/neu was evaluated according to the published scoring guidelines of the 'Hercep Test' (Dako, Carpinteria, CA). Data were analysed to identify any association between HER-2/neu and clinico-pathologic parameters.

    RESULTS: HER-2/neu over expression was found in 63 (31.5%) tumours out of 200. When assessed for various age groups no significant association was found. However, a high percentage (75%) of over-expression was noted in the 81-85 years age group. No association was found with different racial groups (Malay, Chinese and Indians), with lymph node status or with grade of tumour. However a positive association was observed with oestrogen receptor and progesterone receptor expression.

    CONCLUSION: There was no association between HER-2/neu over expression and age, race, lymph node status or tumor grade. However a positive association was found with oestrogen and progesterone receptor status.

    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Neoplasms/pathology
  10. Choong LP, Taib NA, Rampal S, Saad M, Bustam AZ, Yip CH
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2010;11(5):1409-16.
    PMID: 21198302
    BACKGROUND: Locoregional recurrence after mastectomy for breast cancer may predict distant recurrence and mortality. This study examined the pattern and rates of post-mastectomy locoregional recurrence (PMLRR), survival outcome and prognostic factors for isolated PMLRR (ILR) in a breast cancer cohort in University of Malaya Medical Center (UMMC).

    METHODS: We studied 522 patients who underwent mastectomy between 1998 and 2002 and followed them up until 2008. We defined PMLRR as recurrence to the axilla, supraclavicular nodes and or chest wall. ILR was defined as PMLRR occurring as an isolated event. Prognostic factors for locoregional recurrence were determined using the Cox proportional hazards regression model.

    RESULTS: The overall PMLRR rate was 16.4%. ILR developed in 42 of 522 patients (8.0%). Within this subgroup, 25 (59.5%) remained disease free after treatment while 17 (40.5%) suffered disease progression. Univariate analyses identified race, age, size, stage, margin involvement, lymph node involvement, grade, lymphovascular invasion and ER status as probable prognostic factors for ILR. Cox regression resulted in only stage III disease and margin involvement as independent prognostic factors. The hazard of ILR was 2.5 times higher when the margins were involved compared to when they were clear (aHRR 2.5; 95% CI 1.3 to 5.0). Similarly, compared with stage I those with Stage II (aHRR 2.1; 95%CI 0.6 to 6.8) and stage III (aHRR 4.6; 95%CI 1.4 to 15.9) had worse prognosis for ILR.

    CONCLUSION: Margin involvement and stage III disease were identified to be independent prognostic factors for ILR. Close follow-up of high risk patients and prompt treatment of locoregional recurrence were recommended.

    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Neoplasms/pathology*
  11. Ngow HA, Wan Khairina WM
    Pathol Oncol Res, 2011 Sep;17(3):771-4.
    PMID: 21213128 DOI: 10.1007/s12253-010-9328-9
    A 15 year-old adolescent was referred with 2 month history of worsening of breathlessness and haemoptysis. He also reported constitutional symptoms of fever, poor appetite and weight loss. The chest roentgenogram showed a massive right pleural effusion with apparent cardiomegaly. The cardiac silhouette over the right heart border was obliterated and the mediastinum was widened. Computed tomogram of the thorax showed a bulky heterogeneous mass in the right lung with extension to the heart. Subsequent CT guided lung biopsy revealed Primitive Neuroectodermal tumour (PNET). Here, we illustrate the clinical course of an aggressive pulmonary PNET with lethal cardiac metastasis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Lung Neoplasms/pathology*
  12. Singh VA, Nagalingam J, Saad M, Pailoor J
    Biomed Eng Online, 2010;9:48.
    PMID: 20831801 DOI: 10.1186/1475-925X-9-48
    Sterilization and re-usage of tumour bone for reconstruction after tumour resection is now gaining popularity in the East. This recycle tumour bone needs to be sterilized in order to eradicate the tumour cells before re-implantation for limb salvage procedures. The effect of some of these treatments on the integrity and sterility of the bone after treatment has been published but there has yet been a direct comparison between the various methods of sterilization to determine the one method that gives the best tumour kill without compromising the bone's structural integrity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bone Neoplasms/pathology
  13. Bhoo-Pathy N, Yip CH, Taib NA, Hartman M, Saxena N, Iau P, et al.
    Breast, 2011 Apr;20 Suppl 2:S75-80.
    PMID: 21316967 DOI: 10.1016/j.breast.2011.01.015
    Two hospital-based breast cancer databases (University Malaya Medical Center, Malaysia [n = 1513] and National University Hospital, Singapore [n = 2545]) were merged into a regional registry of breast cancer patients diagnosed between 1990 and 2007. A review of the data found 51% of patients diagnosed before the age of 50 years. and 72% percent of the women were Chinese followed by Malays (16%), Indians (8%), and other races (4%). Median tumor size at presentation was 26 mm and about 25% of patients presented with TNM stage III or IV disease. Most tumors were of ductal histology (87%). Fifty-seven percent of tumors were estrogen receptor positive and 40% were poorly differentiated. Of those patients who had surgery, 70% had mastectomy while 30% had breast conserving surgery. Overall, chemotherapy was administered to 56% of patients and hormonal treatment to 60%. Five-year overall survival was 82.5% in patients with TNM stage 0 to stage II cancer, and 30.2% in those with later stages.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Neoplasms/pathology
  14. Lee CE, Zanariah H, Masni M, Pau KK
    Med J Malaysia, 2010 Mar;65(1):72-4.
    PMID: 21265256 MyJurnal
    We report a case of a 61 year-old man who presented with refractory non-insulin mediated hypoglycaemia. A chest radiograph showed a right lung opacity, which was confirmed as a large intra-thoracic mass by computed tomography (CT) of the thorax. CT-guided biopsy with histological examination revealed features of a solitary fibrous tumour of low malignant potential. We discuss the association of solitary fibrous tumour of the pleura (SFTP) with hypoglycaemia, and the management of such rare tumours.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pleural Neoplasms/pathology
  15. Noorizan Y, Salina H
    Med J Malaysia, 2010 Mar;65(1):70-1.
    PMID: 21265255 MyJurnal
    A pregnant lady in her third trimester presented with a rapidly growing right-sided nasal mass associated with epistaxis and nasal obstruction for two months. Examination showed a non tender, protruding mass completely occluding her right nostril. Wide surgical excision was done under local anaesthesia. Histopathology revealed capillary haemangioma. In a gravid patient with a rapidly growing intranasal lesion, capillary haemangioma should be considered as a differential diagnosis. Due to the rapidity of growth, presentation with epistaxis and its macroscopic appearance which often mimics malignancy; histologic confirmation is crucial.
    Matched MeSH terms: Nose Neoplasms/pathology*
  16. Ghazali AK, Musa KI, Naing NN, Mahmood Z
    Asian J Surg, 2010 Jul;33(3):127-33.
    PMID: 21163410 DOI: 10.1016/S1015-9584(10)60022-X
    To determine the 5-year survival rate and prognostic factors for survival in patients with colorectal cancer treated at the Surgical Unit, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM), Kelantan, Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Colorectal Neoplasms/pathology
  17. Yip CH, Bhoo-Pathy N, Uiterwaal CS, Taib NA, Tan GH, Mun KS, et al.
    Breast, 2011 Apr;20 Suppl 2:S60-4.
    PMID: 21349715 DOI: 10.1016/j.breast.2011.02.004
    Estrogen receptor (ER) positive rates in breast cancer may be influenced by grade, stage, age and race. This study reviews the ER positive rates over a 15-year period at the University Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Data on ER status of 3557 patients from 1994 to 2008 was analyzed. ER status was determined by immunohistochemistry with a cut-off point of 10%. ER positivity increased by about 2% for every 5-year cohort, from 54.5% in 1994-1998 to 58.4% in 2004-2008. Ethnicity and grade were significantly associated with ER positivity rates: Malay women were found to have a higher risk of ER negative tumors compared with Chinese women. Grade 1 cancers were nine times more likely to be ER positive compared with grade 3 cancers. In summary, the proportion of ER positive cancers increased with each time period, and ethnicity and grade were independent factors that influenced ER positive rates.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Neoplasms/pathology
  18. Ch'ng ES, Kumanogoh A
    Mol. Cancer, 2010;9:251.
    PMID: 20858260 DOI: 10.1186/1476-4598-9-251
    Sema4D, also known as CD100, is a protein belonging to class IV semaphorin. Its physiologic roles in the immune and nervous systems have been extensively explored. However, the roles of Sema4D have extended beyond these traditionally studied territories. Via interaction with its high affinity receptor Plexin-B1, Sema4D-Plexin-B1 involvement in tumor progression is strongly implied. Here, we critically review and delineate the Sema4D-Plexin-B1 interaction in many facets of tumor progression: tumor angiogenesis, regulation of tumor-associated macrophages and control of invasive growth. We correlate the in vitro and in vivo experimental data with the clinical study outcomes, and present a molecular mechanistic basis accounting for the intriguingly contradicting results from these recent studies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Neoplasms/pathology*
  19. Kamil M, Khalid I, Hashim H, Biswas M, Kaur G, Islam R
    J Coll Physicians Surg Pak, 2010 Apr;20(4):250-2.
    PMID: 20392401 DOI: 04.2010/JCPSP.250252
    To determine the association between histological grade of tumour and estrogen progesterone receptors (ER/PR) expression in unselected invasive carcinoma of breast in Malaysian patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Neoplasms/pathology
  20. Hamid HA, Gee KY, Muhammad R, Abd Rahman ZA, Das S
    Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove), 2009;52(1):19-22.
    PMID: 19754003
    Dural metastasis is a rare entity in clinical practice. We report a case of dural metastasis secondary to thyroid carcinoma, which on both preoperative CT and MRI and at surgery had the typical appearance of a meningioma. Histopathological findings confirmed metastatic follicular thyroid carcinoma as a primary site. Although rare, dural metastases can mimic a meningioma. Our experience in this case has led us to consider metastasis as a differential diagnosis even when a meningioma is suspected. We believe that reporting of the case of dural metastasis mimicking a meningioma may help clinicians in future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Thyroid Neoplasms/pathology*
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