METHODS: Sixty-five cylindrical block of Fuji IX Fast were prepared using split moulds. The demineralizing solution was an acetate buffered demineralizing solution at pH 403. The remineralizing solution was a buffered solution containing 1.5 mM Ca, 0.9 mM P and 10 ppm F at pH 7. The blocks of Fuji IX Fast were subjected either to two-day alternating cycles of remineralization and demineralization for up to 24 days (test); 6 two-day cycles of demineralizing or remineralizing solution separately, or deionized distilled water alone (controls) or were left untreated (base line control). Mineral profiles of Ca, P, Sr and F within 100 microm of the material surface were assessed following 8, 16 and 24 days of treatment (test); 4, 8 or 12 days (controls) or for baseline control samples, using electron probe microanalysis (EPMA).
RESULTS: There were significant changes in mineral profile in the test specimens in terms of Sr and Ca concentrations. A molecule for molecule exchange of these elements resulted between GIC and eluant solutions. Fluoride loss from the GIC occurredto the level comparable with uptake levels recorded in eluant solutions from previous studies. The ionic exchanges appeared to be the result of dissolution followed by an equilibrium-driven diffusion. These exchanges were superficial though substantial.
CONCLUSIONS: Simulated exposure of Fuji IX to the oral environment resulted in an exchange of Ca from the bathing solutions into Fuji IX to replace any Sr which was lost to the GIC. Fluorine loss from the GIC followed previously described patterns. The possible clinical significance of this exchange was discussed.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A PubMed, Medline, EMBASE and Google search was undertaken of all controlled clinical trials on the effects of corticosteroids on pain, swelling and trismus after lower third molar surgery. The review was limited to studies published over the last 10 years (2006-2015).
RESULTS: Of the 46 initially retrieved articles, 34 were finally included. Eleven studies compared the effect of 2 similar (but different dose) or different group of corticosteroids. Thirty-one studies reported the effects of corticosteroids on all sequale, 2 reported the outcome on swelling and trismus and another 1 on swelling and pain only. In 16 of the studies, corticosteroid use resulted in significant reductions in pain after third molar removal. Twenty-two out of 29 studies reported reduced swelling against negative control while 18 out of 25 studies reported improved mouth opening. Fourteen studies reported the benefit of corticosteroids on all 3 sequelae, with 71.4% resulted from the use of methylprednisolone.
CONCLUSION: Although there are some conflicting effects, the results of this analysis shows in general the benefits derived from short-term use of corticosteroids in relation to pain, swelling and trismus following third molar surgical extraction, with no side effects observed.
FUNDING: This work was supported by the University of Malaya's High Impact Research grant UM.C/625/1/HIR/MOHE/05.
METHODS: Fifteen intact, non-carious single-rooted teeth were decoronated at the cementoenamel junction. Visually, working length was determined by using a #15 K-file under stereomicroscope (×20). The effect of cellular phones on electronic working length (EWL) was determined under 2 experimental settings: (1) in a closed room with poor signal strength and (2) in a polyclinic set up with good signal strength and 5 conditions: (1) electronically, without cellular phone in room; (2) electronically, with cellular phone in physical contact with EAL; (3) electronically, with mobile phone in physical contact with EAL and in calling mode for a period of 25 seconds; (4) electronically, mobile phone placed at a distance of 40 cm from the EAL; and (5) electronically, mobile phone placed at a distance of 40 cm and in calling mode for a period of 25 seconds. The EWL was measured 3 times per tooth under each condition. Stability of the readings was scored from 1 to 3: (1) good stability, (2) stable reading after 1 attempt, and (3) stable reading after 2 attempts. The data were compared by using analysis of variance.
RESULTS: The EWL measurements were not influenced by the presence of cellular phone and could be determined under all experimental conditions.
CONCLUSIONS: Within the limitations of this study, it can be concluded that mobile phones do not interfere with the EWL determination.
METHOD: A questionnaire containing 19 single-answer, multiple-choice type questions was mailed to 503 GDPs practising in the Greater Manchester area in January 2002. An explanatory covering letter and a stamped addressed return envelope were enclosed. The data obtained were processed using SPSS statistical software.
RESULTS: Three hundred and fifty-one (70%) of the practitioners responded to the questionnaire. The restoration of root-filled teeth was normally undertaken within 1-2 weeks of completing root canal therapy by 63% of the practitioners. Only 35% of the GDPs used posts routinely in the restoration of root-filled anterior teeth; the corresponding figure for posterior teeth was 15%. While a cast, precious metal post was the preferred choice in the restoration of anterior teeth, the use of prefabricated posts and related techniques predominated in the restoration of posterior teeth. Composite resin was the most popular choice of material for core build-up procedures in anterior teeth. Amalgam tended to be favoured for core build-ups in posterior teeth. The majority of the practitioners (56%) routinely restored root-filled anterior teeth by means of porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns. Seventy-three per cent of the GDPs preferred to restore root-filled posterior teeth by means of a full veneer crown.
CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study suggest that the practitioners surveyed had a sound understanding of the principles involved in the restoration of endodontically treated teeth, with the possible exception of the need to establish a durable coronal seal as soon as possible after the placement of a root filling.