Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 42 in total

  1. Ampil ER, Fook-Chong S, Sodagar SN, Chen CP, Auchus AP
    Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord, 2005 Oct-Dec;19(4):184-5.
    PMID: 16327344
    The diversity of Singapore's population affords a unique opportunity to study ethnic variability in the dementias. We sought to explore the effects of ethnicity on the frequency of Alzheimer disease and vascular dementia in a large Singaporean sample. A total of 357 patients were studied: 190 with vascular dementia and 167 with Alzheimer disease. Vascular dementia was more common among Chinese and Malays, whereas Alzheimer disease was more common in Indians and Eurasians. Factors that may contribute to the observed ethnic variability in dementia etiologies include differential frequency of the ApoE-e4 allele, frequency of vascular risk factors, lifestyle choices, and cultural attitudes toward health care utilization.
  2. Kong NCT, Cheong IKS, Chong SM, Suleiman AB, Morad Z, Lajin I, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 1988 Sep;43(3):200-5.
    PMID: 3241577
    Between 1980-1986, 219 renal biopsies were performed on patients with lupus nephritis (LN) presenting at the General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. There were 172 (78.5%) females and 47 (21.5%) males. The ethnic distribution of 48.4% Malays, 46.1% Chinese and 5.5% Indians reflected their proportional composition in the general population. Peak incidence (40.6%) of cases occurred in the third decade of life (20-29 group) followed by 26.5% and 20.1% in the second and fourth decades respectively. The median age was 24 for females and 27 for males. In both sexes, nephrotic syndrome was the commonest mode of presentation (62.2%) followed by proteinuria (20.5%). Acute oliguric renal failure occurred in 11 patients (5%) and 8 of these showed crescentic glomerulonephritis with more than 50% crescents. The commonest histological picture was diffuse proliferative LN (WHO Stage IV-44.7%) which included 70% (19/27) of those with crescentic disease. This was followed by membranous LN (28.8%) of which 6 (all males) had crescentic disease. 7 (12.3%) of our patients had crescentic nephritis with a female to male distribution of 14: 13, suggesting either more aggressive disease or delayed diagnosis in males.
    Key words - Renal biopsies, lupus nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, proteinuria.
  3. Wan KL, Chong SP, Ng ST, Shirley MW, Tomley FM, Jangi MS
    Int J Parasitol, 1999 Dec;29(12):1885-92.
    PMID: 10961844
    A study of about 500 expressed sequence tags (ESTs), derived from a merozoite cDNA library, was initiated as an approach to generate a larger pool of gene information on Eimeria tenella. Of the ESTs, 47.7% had matches with entries in the databases, including ribosomal proteins, metabolic enzymes and proteins with other functions, of which 14.3% represented previously known E. tenella genes. Thus over 50% of the ESTs had no significant database matches. The E. tenella EST dataset contained a range of highly abundant genes comparable with that found in the EST dataset of T. gondii and may thus reflect the importance of such molecules in the biology of the apicomplexan organisms. However, comparison of the two datasets revealed very few homologies between sequences of apical organelle molecules, and provides evidence for sequence divergence between these closely-related parasites. The data presented underpin the potential value of the EST strategy for the discovery of novel genes and may allow for a more rapid increase in the knowledge and understanding of gene expression in the merozoite life cycle stage of Eimeria spp.
  4. Lim MSW, Yang TC, Tiong TJ, Pan GT, Chong S, Yap YH
    Ultrason Sonochem, 2021 May;73:105490.
    PMID: 33609992 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2021.105490
    Sequentially precipitated Mg-promoted nickel-silica catalysts with ageing performed under various ultrasonic intensities were employed to study the catalyst performance in the partial hydrogenation of sunflower oil. Results from various characterisation studies showed that increasing ultrasonic intensity caused a higher degree of hydroxycarbonate erosion and suppressed the formation of Ni silicates and silica support, which improved Ni dispersion, BET surface area and catalyst reducibility. Growth of silica clusters on the catalyst aggregates were observed in the absence of ultrasonication, which explained the higher silica and nickel silicate content on the outer surface of the catalyst particle. Application of ultrasound also altered the electron density of the Ni species, which led to higher activity and enhanced product selectivity for sonicated catalysts. The catalyst synthesised with ultrasonic intensity of 20.78 Wcm-2 achieved 22.6% increase in hydrogenation activity, along with 28.5% decrease in trans-C18:1 yield at IV = 70, thus supporting the feasibility of such technique.
  5. Leung DHL, Lim YS, Uma K, Pan GT, Lin JH, Chong S, et al.
    Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2021 Apr;193(4):1170-1186.
    PMID: 33200267 DOI: 10.1007/s12010-020-03469-6
    Microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a promising technology that utilizes exoelectrogens cultivated in the form of biofilm to generate power from various types of sources supplied. A metal-reducing pathway is utilized by these organisms to transfer electrons obtained from the metabolism of substrate from anaerobic respiration extracellularly. A widely established model organism that is capable of extracellular electron transfer (EET) is Shewanella oneidensis. This review highlights the strategies used in the transformation of S. oneidensis and the recent development of MFC in terms of intervention through genetic modifications. S. oneidensis was genetically engineered for several aims including the study on the underlying mechanisms of EET, and the enhancement of power generation and wastewater treating potential when used in an MFC. Through engineering S. oneidensis, genes responsible for EET are identified and strategies on enhancing the EET efficiency are studied. Overexpressing genes related to EET to enhance biofilm formation, mediator biosynthesis, and respiration appears as one of the common approaches.
  6. Chong SE, Mohd Nikman A, Saedah A, Wan Mohd Nazaruddin WH, Kueh YC, Lim JA, et al.
    Br J Anaesth, 2017 05 01;118(5):799-801.
    PMID: 28510752 DOI: 10.1093/bja/aex108
  7. Chong SL, Lam YK, Lee FK, Ramalingam L, Yeo AC, Lim CC
    Oper Dent, 1998 Mar-Apr;23(3):150-4.
    PMID: 9656927
    This study (1) compared the curing-light intensity with various barrier infection-control methods used to prevent cross contamination, (2) compared the Knoop hardness value of cured composite resin when various barrier control methods were used, and (3) correlated the hardness of the composite resin with the light-intensity output when different infection-control methods were used. The light-cure unit tips were covered with barriers, such as cellophane wrap, plastic gloves, Steri-shields, and finger cots. The control group had no barrier. Composite resins were then cured for each of the five groups, and their Knoop hardness values recorded. The results showed that there was significant statistical difference in the light-intensity output among the five groups. However, there was no significant statistical difference in the Knoop hardness values among any of the groups. There was also no correlation between the Knoop hardness value of the composite resin with the light-intensity output and the different infection-control methods. Therefore, any of the five infection-control methods could be used as barriers for preventing cross-contamination of the light-cure unit tip, for the light-intensity output for all five groups exceeded the recommended value of 300 W/m2. However, to allow a greater margin of error in clinical situations, the authors recommend that the plastic glove or the cellophane wrap be used to wrap the light-cure tip, since these barriers allowed the highest light-intensity output.
  8. Allouzi MMA, Allouzi SMA, Keng ZX, Supramaniam CV, Singh A, Chong S
    Heliyon, 2022 Dec;8(12):e12609.
    PMID: 36619398 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e12609
    This paper provides a mini review of liquid biofertilizers, which have been proven to perform better than the other forms in lasting for longer periods of time, improving crop quality, and requiring less amounts for application. The production of liquid biofertilizers, types of liquid inoculants, and their effect on plant growth are covered in this review. Liquid biofertilizers can be made from wastes and by-products of several industries, making zero or near-zero discharge possible and thus gearing towards circular economy. Despite their usefulness in enhancing crop quality and eco-friendliness, in order to compete with chemical fertilizers, there are a number of challenges to overcome, such as extending the shelf life, making them more susceptible to seasonal climate conditions and soil types, and development of suitable machineries for production and application. More field trials, cost-benefit analysis and long-term studies should also be evaluated for commercialization purposes.
  9. Chu JK, Tiong TJ, Chong S, Asli UA, Yap YH
    Ultrason Sonochem, 2021 Dec;80:105818.
    PMID: 34781044 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2021.105818
    Recently, multi-frequency systems were reported to improve performance in power ultrasound applications. In line with this, digital prototyping of multi-frequency sonoreactors also started gaining interest. However, the conventional method of simulating multi-frequency acoustic pressure fields in the time-domain led to many challenges and limitations. In this study, a multi-frequency sonoreactor was characterised using frequency domain simulations in 2-D. The studied system consists of a hexagonal sonoreactor capable of operating at 28, 40 and 70 kHz. Four frequency combinations were studied: 28-40, 28-70, 40-70 and 28-40-70 kHz. A semi-empirical, modified Commander and Prosperetti model was used to describe the bubbly-liquid effects in the sonoreactor. The root-mean-squared acoustic pressure was compared against experimental validation results using sonochemiluminescence (SCL) images and was noted to show good qualitative agreement with SCL results in terms of antinode predictions. The empirical phase speed calculated from SCL measurements was found to be important to circumvent uncertainties in bubble parameter specifications which reduces error in the simulations. Additionally, simulation results also highlighted the importance of geometry in the context of optimising the standing wave magnitudes for each working frequency due to the effects of constructive and destructive interference.
  10. Chung HY, Pan GT, Hong ZY, Hsu CT, Chong S, Yang TC, et al.
    Molecules, 2020 Sep 04;25(18).
    PMID: 32899765 DOI: 10.3390/molecules25184050
    A series of heteroatom-containing porous carbons with high surface area and hierarchical porosity were successfully prepared by hydrothermal, chemical activation, and carbonization processes from soybean residues. The initial concentration of soybean residues has a significant impact on the textural and surface functional properties of the obtained biomass-derived porous carbons (BDPCs). SRAC5 sample with a BET surface area of 1945 m2 g-1 and a wide micro/mesopore size distribution, nitrogen content of 3.8 at %, and oxygen content of 15.8 at % presents the best electrochemical performance, reaching 489 F g-1 at 1 A g-1 in 6 M LiNO3 aqueous solution. A solid-state symmetric supercapacitor (SSC) device delivers a specific capacitance of 123 F g-1 at 1 A g-1 and a high energy density of 68.2 Wh kg-1 at a power density of 1 kW kg-1 with a wide voltage window of 2.0 V and maintains good cycling stability of 89.9% capacitance retention at 2A g-1 (over 5000 cycles). The outstanding electrochemical performances are ascribed to the synergistic effects of the high specific surface area, appropriate pore distribution, favorable heteroatom functional groups, and suitable electrolyte, which facilitates electrical double-layer and pseudocapacitive mechanisms for power and energy storage, respectively.
  11. Beaty TH, Fallin MD, Hetmanski JB, McIntosh I, Chong SS, Ingersoll R, et al.
    Genetics, 2005 Sep;171(1):259-67.
    PMID: 15965248
    Analysis of haplotypes based on multiple single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) is becoming common for both candidate gene and fine-mapping studies. Before embarking on studies of haplotypes from genetically distinct populations, however, it is important to consider variation both in linkage disequilibrium (LD) and in haplotype frequencies within and across populations, as both vary. Such diversity will influence the choice of "tagging" SNPs for candidate gene or whole-genome association studies because some markers will not be polymorphic in all samples and some haplotypes will be poorly represented or completely absent. Here we analyze 11 genes, originally chosen as candidate genes for oral clefts, where multiple markers were genotyped on individuals from four populations. Estimated haplotype frequencies, measures of pairwise LD, and genetic diversity were computed for 135 European-Americans, 57 Chinese-Singaporeans, 45 Malay-Singaporeans, and 46 Indian-Singaporeans. Patterns of pairwise LD were compared across these four populations and haplotype frequencies were used to assess genetic variation. Although these populations are fairly similar in allele frequencies and overall patterns of LD, both haplotype frequencies and genetic diversity varied significantly across populations. Such haplotype diversity has implications for designing studies of association involving samples from genetically distinct populations.
  12. Pal B, Chong SV, Thein AW, Tay AGM, Soe HHK, Pal S
    Med J Malaysia, 2024 Jul;79(4):421-428.
    PMID: 39086339
    INTRODUCTION: High-fidelity simulation (HFS) provides a high level of interactivity and realistic experience for the learner by means of using full scale computerised patient simulators. It imitates clinical experience in a controlled and safe environment that closely resembles reality. The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of HFS versus video-assisted lecture (VAL) based education in enhancing and consolidating retention of skills among undergraduate medical students.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A randomised controlled trial (RCT) study involving 111 undergraduate medical students was conducted where the competency of skills was assessed by objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) in the first, fourth and seventh/eighth weeks. A cohort of 12-14 students was enrolled for each session. The randomisation of the participants into control (VAL-based teaching) and intervention (HFS-based teaching) groups was achieved by implementing the computer-based random sequence generation method. VAL-based teaching module was a fully interactive face-to-face teaching session where a prerecorded video clip was used. The video clip detailed the diagnosis of tension pneumothorax in an acute medical emergency and its management by performing needle decompression on a high-fidelity patient simulator (METIman). HFS-based teaching module was delivered as a fully interactive hands-on training session conducted on the same METIman to demonstrate the diagnosis of tension pneumothorax in an acute medical emergency and its management by performing needle decompression. OSCE scores were compared as the denominator of learning (enhancement and retention of skills) between two groups who underwent training with either VAL-based or HFS-based teachings. The OSCE assessments were used to evaluate the participants' performance as a group. These scores were used to compare the enhancement and medium-term retention of skills between the groups. The outcome was measured with the mean and standard deviation (SD) for the total OSCE scores for skills assessments. We used General Linear Model two-way mixed ANOVA to ascertain the difference of OSCE marks over assessment time points between the control and the intervention groups. ANCOVA and two-way mixed ANOVA were used to calculate the effect size and the partial Eta squared. p value less than 0.05 was taken to be statistically significant.

    RESULTS: The two-way mixed ANOVA showed no statistically significant difference in mean OSCE scores between intervention and control groups (p=0.890), although the mean score of the intervention group was better than the control group.

    CONCLUSION: Our study demonstrated that HFS was not significantly effective over VAL-based education in enhancing skills and consolidating retention among undergraduate medical students. Further research is needed to determine its suitability for inclusion in the course curriculum considering the cost-effectiveness of implementing HFS that may supplement traditional teaching methods.

  13. Liew YX, Chan YJ, Manickam S, Chong MF, Chong S, Tiong TJ, et al.
    Sci Total Environ, 2020 Apr 15;713:136373.
    PMID: 31954239 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.136373
    Oil and grease, carbohydrate, protein, and lignin are the main constituents of high strength wastewaters such as dairy wastewater, cheese whey wastewater, distillery wastewater, pulp and paper mill wastewater, and slaughterhouse wastewaters. These constituents have contributed to various operational problems faced by the high-rate anaerobic bioreactor (HRAB). During the hydrolysis stage of anaerobic digestion (AD), these constituents can be hydrolyzed. Since hydrolysis is known to be the rate-limiting step of AD, the overall AD can be enhanced by improving the hydrolysis stage. This can be done by introducing pretreatment that targets the degradation of these constituents. This review mainly focuses on the biological pretreatment on various high-strength wastewaters by using different types of enzymes namely lipase, amylase, protease, and ligninolytic enzymes which are responsible for catalyzing the degradation of oil and grease, carbohydrate, protein, and lignin respectively. This review provides a summary of enzymatic systems involved in enhancing the hydrolysis stage and consequently improve biogas production. The results show that the use of enzymes improves the biogas production in the range of 7 to 76%. Though these improvements are highly dependent on the operating conditions of pretreatment and the types of substrates. Therefore, the critical parameters that would affect the effectiveness of pretreatment are also discussed. This review paper will serve as a useful piece of information to those industries that face difficulties in treating their high-strength wastewaters for the appropriate process, equipment selection, and design of an anaerobic enzymatic system. However, more intensive studies on the optimum operating conditions of pretreatment in a larger-scale and synergistic effects between enzymes are necessary to make the enzymatic pretreatment economically feasible.
  14. Keng ZX, Tan JJM, Phoon BL, Khoo CC, Khoiroh I, Chong S, et al.
    Bioengineering (Basel), 2023 Aug 07;10(8).
    PMID: 37627823 DOI: 10.3390/bioengineering10080938
    This work demonstrated the feasibility of an industrial-scale aerated static pile composting system for treating one of the common biowastes-soybean curd residue. The mixing ratios of the feedstock were optimized to achieve a carbon-nitrogen ratio and a moisture level in the ranges of 25-35 and 60-70%, respectively. This open-air composting system required 6-7 months to obtain a mature compost. Solvita and seed germination tests further confirmed the maturity of the compost, with 25% compost extract concentration yielding the best germination index in the absence of phytotoxicity. The bacterial and fungal compositions of the compost piles were further examined with metagenomic analysis. Thermoactinomyces spp., Oceanobacillus spp., and Kroppenstedtia spp. were among the unique bacteria found, and Diutina rugosa, Thermomyces dupontii, and Candida taylorii were among the unique fungi found in the compost piles, suggesting the presence of good microorganisms for degrading the organic biowastes.
  15. Kham SK, Yin SK, Quah TC, Loong AM, Tan PL, Fraser A, et al.
    J Pediatr Hematol Oncol, 2004 Dec;26(12):817-9.
    PMID: 15591902
    DNA technology provides a new avenue to perform neonatal screening tests for single-gene diseases in populations of high frequency. Thalassemia is one of the high-frequency single-gene disorders affecting Singapore and many countries in the malaria belt. The authors explored the feasibility of using PCR-based diagnostic screening on 1,116 unselected sequential cord blood samples for neonatal screening. The cord blood samples were screened for the most common reported alpha- and beta-thalassemia mutations in each ethnic group (Chinese, Malays, and Indians) in a multiracial population. The carrier frequency for alpha-thalassemia mutations was about 6.4% in the Chinese (alpha deletions = 3.9%, alpha deletions = 2.5%), 4.8% in Malays, and 5.2% in Indians. Only alpha deletions were observed in the Chinese. The carrier frequency for beta-thalassemia mutations was 2.7% in the Chinese, 6.3% in Malays, and 0.7% in Indians. Extrapolating to the population distribution of Singapore, the authors found a higher overall expected carrier frequency for alpha- and beta-thalassemia mutations of 9% compared with a previous population study of 6% by phenotype. The highly accurate results make this molecular epidemiologic screening an ideal method to screen for and prevent severe thalassemia in high-risk populations.
  16. Lee MH, Fook-Chong S, Wah W, Shin SD, Nishiuchi T, Ko PC, et al.
    Emerg Med Australas, 2018 Feb;30(1):67-76.
    PMID: 28568968 DOI: 10.1111/1742-6723.12809
    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to investigate the effect of known heart disease on post-out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) survival outcomes, and its association with factors influencing survival.

    METHODS: This was an observational, retrospective study involving an OHCA database from seven Asian countries in 2009-2012. Heart disease was defined as a documented diagnosis of coronary artery disease or congenital heart disease. Patients with non-traumatic arrests for whom resuscitation was attempted and with known medical histories were included. Differences in demographics, arrest characteristics and survival between patients with and without known heart disease were analysed. Multivariate logistic regression was performed to identify factors influencing survival to discharge.

    RESULTS: Of 19 044 eligible patients, 5687 had known heart disease. They were older (77 vs 72 years) and had more comorbidities like diabetes (40.9 vs 21.8%), hypertension (60.6 vs 36.0%) and previous stroke (15.2 vs 10.1%). However, they were not more likely to receive bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (P = 0.205) or automated external defibrillation (P = 0.980). On univariate analysis, known heart disease was associated with increased survival (unadjusted odds ratio 1.16, 95% confidence interval 1.03-1.30). However, on multivariate analysis, heart disease predicted poorer survival (adjusted odds ratio 0.76, 95% confidence interval 0.58-1.00). Other factors influencing survival corresponded with previous reports.

    CONCLUSIONS: Known heart disease independently predicted poorer post-OHCA survival. This study may provide information to guide future prospective studies specifically looking at family education for patients with heart disease and the effect on OHCA outcomes.

  17. Mohd Desa SNF, Doss JG, Kadir K, Ch'ng LL, Kok TC, Jelon MA, et al.
    PMID: 38637182 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijom.2024.03.002
    Communication is an integral component of effective healthcare delivery to patients, and this includes breaking bad news (BBN). However, clinicians in dentistry are rarely exposed to diseases that can negatively and seriously affect an individual's view of their future and pose a mortality risk, except for oral cancer. The aim of this study was to assess clinician practices in BBN of oral cancer diagnosis in Malaysia. An exploratory sequential mixed-methods study design was used. A qualitative study was conducted among 12 clinicians to gather relevant information regarding their practices in BBN of oral cancer diagnosis using a descriptive-interpretive approach. The themes that emerged were preparation for BBN, BBN setting, communication, emotional aspects, and summarizing the session. These themes were used to develop a questionnaire with 34 items. In the quantitative study, this questionnaire was sent to 87 clinicians who had experienced BBN of oral cancer diagnosis in the past 5 years; the response rate was 100%. An arbitrary cut-off score between the third and fourth quartiles was set to distinguish 'good' and 'poor' practice in BBN among the clinicians. The data analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics version 23.0. Overall, at least two-thirds of the clinicians had good practices in BBN of oral cancer diagnosis. The clinicians' designation (oral and maxillofacial surgery consultant/specialist vs dental officer) and BBN experiences were factors associated with their practices in BBN of oral cancer diagnosis.
  18. Woo KT, Chan CM, Mooi CY, -L-Choong H, Tan HK, Foo M, et al.
    Clin. Nephrol., 2010 Nov;74(5):372-83.
    PMID: 20979946
    This review of 2,586 renal biopsies over the past 3 decades in Singapore documents the changing pattern of glomerulonephritis (GN) from that of a third world country to that of a developed nation. In the 1st decade, mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis was the most common form of primary GN, just as it was in the surrounding Asian countries. In the 2nd decade, the prevalence of mesangial proliferative GN decreased with a rise in membranous, GN which is also seen in China and Thailand. In the 3rd decade, there was a dramatic increase in focal sclerosing glomerulosclerosis. This increase reflects aging and obesity in keeping with more developed countries like Australia, India, Thailand and the United States of America. IgA nephritis remains the most common GN. Apart from the geographical influence, other socioeconomic factors play a significant role in the evolution of the renal biopsy pattern. Mesangial proliferative GN remains prevalent in many Asian countries, but in Singapore the prevalence is decreasing just as it is in Japan, Korea and Malaysia. Worldwide, the prevalence of focal sclerosing glomerulosclerosis continues to increase in many countries.
  19. Woo KT, Chan CM, Lim C, Choo J, Chin YM, Teng WL, et al.
    Clin. Nephrol., 2019 Mar;91(3):155-161.
    PMID: 30663975 DOI: 10.5414/CN109577
    This review of 3,289 native kidney biopsies over the past four decades in Singapore documents the changing pattern of biopsy-proven glomerulonephritis (GN)from that of a third world country to that of a developed nation. In the 1st decade, mesangial proliferative GN was the most common form of primary GN, similar to the Asian region. In the 2nd decade, the percentage of mesangial proliferative GN decreased, but membranous GN became more common, as was seen in China and Thailand. In the 3rd decade, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and membranous nephropathy continued to rise, but it was only recently, in the 4th decade, that FSGS prevalence increased dramatically, although membranous nephropathy continues to increase in some Asian countries. In the last decade in Singapore, Malaysia, and Japan, prevalence of IgA nephritis has decreased but remains the most common GN. The percentage of FSGS continues to increase in many countries like in Italy, United States of America, United Kingdom, China, and Malaysia. We surmise that socioeconomic factors play significant roles in the evolution of the renal biopsy pattern.
  20. Lee MHM, Chia MYC, Fook-Chong S, Shahidah N, Tagami T, Ryu HH, et al.
    Prehosp Emerg Care, 2023;27(8):978-986.
    PMID: 35994382 DOI: 10.1080/10903127.2022.2113941
    OBJECTIVE: Little is known about survival outcomes after traumatic cardiac arrest in Asia, or the association of Utstein factors with survival after traumatic cardiac arrests. This study aimed to describe the epidemiology and outcomes of traumatic cardiac arrests in Asia, and analyze Utstein factors associated with survival.

    METHODS: Traumatic cardiac arrest patients from 13 countries in the Pan-Asian Resuscitation Outcomes Study registry from 2009 to 2018 were analyzed. Multilevel logistic regression was performed to identify factors associated with the primary outcomes of survival to hospital discharge and favorable neurological outcome (Cerebral Performance Category (CPC) 1-2), and the secondary outcome of return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC).

    RESULTS: There were 207,455 out-of-hospital cardiac arrest cases, of which 13,631 (6.6%) were trauma patients aged 18 years and above with resuscitation attempted and who had survival outcomes reported. The median age was 57 years (interquartile range 39-73), 23.0% received bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), 1750 (12.8%) had ROSC, 461 (3.4%) survived to discharge, and 131 (1.0%) had CPC 1-2. Factors associated with higher rates of survival to discharge and favorable neurological outcome were arrests witnessed by emergency medical services or private ambulances (survival to discharge adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 2.95, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.99-4.38; CPC 1-2 aOR = 2.57, 95% CI = 1.25-5.27), bystander CPR (survival to discharge aOR = 2.16; 95% CI 1.71-2.72; CPC 1-2 aOR = 4.98, 95% CI = 3.27-7.57), and initial shockable rhythm (survival to discharge aOR = 12.00; 95% CI = 6.80-21.17; CPC 1-2 aOR = 33.28, 95% CI = 11.39-97.23) or initial pulseless electrical activity (survival to discharge aOR = 3.98; 95% CI = 2.99-5.30; CPC 1-2 aOR = 5.67, 95% CI = 3.05-10.53) relative to asystole.

    CONCLUSIONS: In traumatic cardiac arrest, early aggressive resuscitation may not be futile and bystander CPR may improve outcomes.

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