Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 69 in total

  1. Fazlena H, Kamaruddin AH, Zulkali MM
    Bioprocess Biosyst Eng, 2006 Mar;28(4):227-33.
    PMID: 16215728
    A lipase catalysed enantioselective hydrolysis process under in situ racemization of the remaining (R)-ibuprofen ester substrate with sodium hydroxide as the catalyst was developed for the production of S-ibuprofen from (R,S)-ibuprofen ester in isooctane. Detailed investigations on parameters study indicated that 0.5 M NaOH, addition of 20% (v/v) co-solvent (dimethyl sulphoxide), operating temperature of 45 degrees C, and 40 mmol/L substrate gave 86% conversion and 99.4% optical purity of S-ibuprofen in dynamic kinetic resolution. Meanwhile, in common enzymatic kinetic resolution process, only 42% conversion of the racemate and 93% enantiomeric excess of the product was obtained which are of lower values as compared to dynamic kinetic resolution. The S-ibuprofen produced during each process was evaluated and approximately 50% increment in concentration of S-acid product was produced when dynamic kinetic resolution was applied into the process.
  2. Seng B, Kristanti RA, Hadibarata T, Hirayama K, Katayama-Hirayama K, Kaneko H
    Bioprocess Biosyst Eng, 2016 Jan;39(1):81-94.
    PMID: 26522660 DOI: 10.1007/s00449-015-1492-6
    Organic solid waste composting is a complex process that involves many coupled physical, chemical and biological mechanisms. To understand this complexity and to ease in planning, design and management of the composting plant, mathematical model for simulation is usually applied. The aim of this paper is to develop a mathematical model of organic substrate degradation and its performance evaluation in solid waste windrow composting system. The present model is a biomass-dependent model, considering biological growth processes under the limitation of moisture, oxygen and substrate contents, and temperature. The main output of this model is substrate content which was divided into two categories: slowly and rapidly degradable substrates. To validate the model, it was applied to a laboratory scale windrow composting of a mixture of wood chips and dog food. The wastes were filled into a cylindrical reactor of 6 cm diameter and 1 m height. The simulation program was run for 3 weeks with 1 s stepwise. The simulated results were in reasonably good agreement with the experimental results. The MC and temperature of model simulation were found to be matched with those of experiment, but limited for rapidly degradable substrates. Under anaerobic zone, the degradation of rapidly degradable substrate needs to be incorporated into the model to achieve full simulation of a long period static pile composting. This model is a useful tool to estimate the changes of substrate content during composting period, and acts as a basic model for further development of a sophisticated model.
  3. Oon YS, Ong SA, Ho LN, Wong YS, Oon YL, Lehl HK, et al.
    Bioprocess Biosyst Eng, 2016 Jun;39(6):893-900.
    PMID: 26894384 DOI: 10.1007/s00449-016-1568-y
    The main aim of this study is to investigate the performance of organic oxidation and denitrification of the system under long-term operation. The MFC reactor was operated in continuous mode for 180 days. Nitrate was successfully demonstrated as terminal electron acceptor, where nitrate was reduced at the cathode using electron provided by acetate oxidation at the anode. The removal efficiencies of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and nitrate were higher in the closed circuit system than in open circuit system. Both COD and nitrate reduction improved with the increase of organic loading and subsequently contributed to higher power output. The maximum nitrate removal efficiency was 88 ± 4 % (influent of 141 ± 14 mg/L). The internal resistant was 50 Ω, which was found to be low for a double chambered MFC. The maximum power density was 669 mW/m(3) with current density of 3487 mA/m(3).
  4. Sathishkumar P, Vennila K, Jayakumar R, Yusoff AR, Hadibarata T, Palvannan T
    Bioprocess Biosyst Eng, 2016 Apr;39(4):651-9.
    PMID: 26801668 DOI: 10.1007/s00449-016-1546-4
    In this study, phyto-synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) was achieved using an aqueous leaf extract of Alternanthera tenella. The phytochemical screening results revealed that flavonoids are responsible for the AgNPs formation. The AgNPs were characterised using UV-visible spectrophotometer, field emission scanning microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray, transmission electron microscopy, fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), and X-ray diffraction. The average size of the nanoparticles was found to be ≈48 nm. The EDX results show that strong signals were observed for the silver atoms. The strong band appearing at 1601-1595 cm(-1) correspond to C-C stretching vibration from dienes in FT-IR spectrum indicating the formation of AgNPs. Human breast adenocarcinoma (MCF-7) cells treated with various concentrations of AgNPs showed a dose-dependent increase in cell inhibition. The IC50 value of the AgNPs was calculated to be 42.5 μg mL(-1). The AgNPs showed a significant reduction in the migration of MCF-7 cells.
  5. Nor NM, Hadibarata T, Zubir MM, Lazim ZM, Adnan LA, Fulazzaky MA
    Bioprocess Biosyst Eng, 2015 Nov;38(11):2167-75.
    PMID: 26275435 DOI: 10.1007/s00449-015-1456-x
    Cresol Red belongs to the triphenylmethane (TPM) class of dyes which are potentially carcinogenic or mutagenic. However, very few studies on biodegradation of Cresol Red were investigated as compared to other type dyes such as azo and anthraquinone dye. The aim of this work is to evaluate triphenylmethane dye Cresol Red degradation by fungal strain isolated from the decayed wood in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Detailed taxonomic studies identified the organisms as Trichoderma species and designated as strain Trichoderma harzianum M06. In this study, Cresol Red was decolorized up to 88% within 30 days under agitation condition by Trichoderma harzianum M06. Data analysis revealed that a pH value of 3 yielded a highest degradation rate among pH concentrations (73%), salinity concentrations of 100 g/L (73%), and a volume of 0.1 mL of Tween 80 (79%). Induction in the enzyme activities of manganese peroxidase, lignin peroxidase, laccase, 1,2- and 2,3-dioxygenase indicates their involvement in Cresol Red removal. Various analytical studies such as Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC), UV-Vis spectrophotometer, and Gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) confirmed the biotransformation of Cresol Red by the fungus. Two metabolites were identified in the treated medium: 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid (t R 7.3 min and m/z 355) and 2-hydroxybenzoic acid (t R 8.6 min and m/z 267). Based on these products, a probable pathway has been proposed for the degradation of Cresol Red by Trichoderma harzianum M06.
  6. Misson M, Jin B, Chen B, Zhang H
    Bioprocess Biosyst Eng, 2015 Oct;38(10):1915-23.
    PMID: 26104537 DOI: 10.1007/s00449-015-1432-5
    A functionalized polystyrene nanofiber (PSNF) immobilized β-galactosidase assembly (PSNF-Gal) was synthesized as a nanobiocatalyst aiming to enhance the biocatalyst stability and functional ability. The PSNF fabricated by electrospinning was functionalized through a chemical oxidation method for enzyme binding. The bioengineering performance of the enzyme carriers was further evaluated for bioconversion of lactose to galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS). The modified PSNF-Gal demonstrated distinguished performances to preserve the same activity as the free β-galactosidase at the optimum pH of 7.0, and to enhance the enzyme stability of PSNF-Gal in an alkaline condition up to pH 10. The PSNF assembly demonstrated improved thermal stability from 37 to 60 °C. The nanobiocatalyst was able to retain 30 % of its initial activity after ninth operation cycles comparing to four cycles with the unmodified counterpart. In contrast with free β-galactosidase, the modified PSNF-Gal enhanced the GOS yield from 14 to 28 %. These findings show the chemically modified PSNF-based nanobiocatalyst may be pertinent for various enzyme-catalysed bioprocessing applications.
  7. Luthfi AAI, Tan JP, Isa NFAM, Bukhari NA, Shah SSM, Mahmod SS, et al.
    Bioprocess Biosyst Eng, 2020 Jul;43(7):1153-1169.
    PMID: 32095989 DOI: 10.1007/s00449-020-02311-x
    This study aimed to enhance the crystallizability of bio-based succinic acid for its efficient recovery while maintaining the end product at the highest purity. Immobilization of Actinobacillus succinogenes was initially evaluated based on three different carriers: volcanic glass, clay pebbles, and silica particles. The adsorption capacity of metabolites with a low concentration (10 g/L) and a high concentration (40 g/L) was investigated. It was demonstrated that clay pebbles adsorbed the least succinic acid (
  8. Al Farraj DA, Hadibarata T, Yuniarto A, Alkufeidy RM, Alshammari MK, Syafiuddin A
    Bioprocess Biosyst Eng, 2020 Dec;43(12):2305-2314.
    PMID: 32812060 DOI: 10.1007/s00449-020-02415-4
    The present study aimed to determine the degradation and transformation of three-ring PAHs phenanthrene and anthracene by Cryptococcus sp. MR22 and Halomonas sp. BR04 under halophilic conditions. The growth progress of Cryptococcus sp. MR22 and Halomonas sp. BR04 on anthracene and phenanthrene was monitored by colony-forming unit (CFU) technique. The growth of the bacteria was maintained at a maximum concentration of 200 mg/L of all tested hydrocarbon, indicating that Cryptococcus sp. MR22 and Halomonas sp. BR04 significantly perform in the removal of the PAH-contaminated medium at low concentrations. The fit model to represent the biodegradation kinetics of both PAHs was first-order rate equation The extract prepared from cells supplemented with three different substrates exhibited some enzymes such as hydroxylase, dioxygenase, laccase and peroxidase. The results suggest that both strains had an impressive ability in the degradation of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbon but also could tolerate in the extreme salinity condition.
  9. Daud SM, Daud WRW, Bakar MHA, Kim BH, Somalu MR, Muchtar A, et al.
    Bioprocess Biosyst Eng, 2020 Aug;43(8):1369-1379.
    PMID: 32193754 DOI: 10.1007/s00449-020-02331-7
    A conventional reactor in microbial electrochemical technology (MET) consists of anode and cathode compartments divided by a separator, which is usually a proton exchange membrane (PEM), such as Nafion 117. In this study, a novel porous clay earthenware (NCE) was fabricated as the separator to replace the highly cost PEM. The fabrication of NCEs is with raw clay powder and starch powder that acts as a pore-forming agent at different starch powder contents (10 vol%, 20 vol%, and 30 vol%), ball-milled before hydraulically pressed to form green ceramic pellets and sintered up to 1200 °C. The highest power density of 2250 ± 21 mW/m2 (6.0 A/m2), the internal resistance of 75 ± 24 Ω and coulombic efficiency (CE) of 44 ± 21% were produced for MFC-NCE from 30 vol% starch powder content under batch mode operation. The MFC-PEM combination produced the lowest power density, CE and the highest internal resistance up to 1350 ± 17 mW/m2 (3.0 A/m2), 23 ± 15% and 326 ± 13 Ω, respectively.
  10. Jenol MA, Ibrahim MF, Kamal Bahrin E, Abd-Aziz S
    Bioprocess Biosyst Eng, 2020 Nov;43(11):2027-2038.
    PMID: 32572569 DOI: 10.1007/s00449-020-02391-9
    Sago hampas is a starch-based biomass from sago processing industries consisted of 58% remaining starch. This study has demonstrated the bioconversion of sago hampas to volatile fatty acids (VFAs) by Clostridium beijerinckii SR1 via anaerobic digestion. Higher total VFAs were obtained from sago hampas (5.04 g/L and 0.287 g/g) as compared to commercial starch (5.94 g/L and 0.318 g/g). The physical factors have been investigated for the enhancement of VFAs production using one-factor-at-a-time (OFAT). The optimum condition; 3% substrate concentration, 3 g/L of yeast extract concentration and 2 g/L of ammonium nitrate enhanced the production of VFAs by 52.6%, resulted the total VFAs produced is 7.69 g/L with the VFAs yield of 0.451 g/g. VFAs hydrolysate produced successfully generated 273.4 mV of open voltage circuit and 61.5 mW/m2 of power density in microbial fuel cells. It was suggested that sago hampas provide as an alternative carbon feedstock for bioelectricity generation.
  11. Adnan LA, Sathishkumar P, Yusoff AR, Hadibarata T, Ameen F
    Bioprocess Biosyst Eng, 2017 Jan;40(1):85-97.
    PMID: 27663440 DOI: 10.1007/s00449-016-1677-7
    In this study, a newly isolated ascomycete fungus Trichoderma lixii F21 was explored to bioremediate the polar [Alizarin Red S (ARS)] and non-polar [Quinizarine Green SS (QGSS)] anthraquinone dyes. The bioremediation of ARS and QGSS by T. lixii F21 was found to be 77.78 and 98.31 %, respectively, via biosorption and enzymatic processes within 7 days of incubation. The maximum biosorption (ARS = 33.7 % and QGSS = 74.7 %) and enzymatic biodegradation (ARS = 44.1 % and QGSS = 23.6 %) were observed at pH 4 and 27 °C in the presence of glucose and yeast extract. The laccase and catechol 1,2-dioxygenase produced by T. lixii F21 were involved in the molecular conversions of ARS and QGSS to phenolic and carboxylic acid compounds, without the formation of toxic aromatic amines. This study suggests that T. lixii F21 may be a good candidate for the bioremediation of industrial effluents contaminated with anthraquinone dyes.
  12. Jasni MJ, Sathishkumar P, Sornambikai S, Yusoff AR, Ameen F, Buang NA, et al.
    Bioprocess Biosyst Eng, 2017 Feb;40(2):191-200.
    PMID: 27757535 DOI: 10.1007/s00449-016-1686-6
    In this study, laccase was immobilized on nylon 6,6/Fe(3+) composite (NFC) nanofibrous membrane and used for the detoxification of 3,3'-dimethoxybenzidine (DMOB). The average size and tensile strength of the NFC membrane were found to be 60-80 nm (diameter) and 2.70 MPa, respectively. The FTIR results confirm that the amine (N-H) group of laccase was attached with Fe(3+) particles and the carbonyl (C=O) group of NFC membrane via hydrogen bonding. The half-life of the laccase-NFC membrane storage stability was increased from 6 to 11 weeks and the reusability was significantly extended up to 43 cycles against ABTS oxidation. Enhanced electro-oxidation of DMOB by laccase was observed at 0.33 V and the catalytic current was found to be 30 µA. The DMOB-treated mouse fibroblast 3T3-L1 preadipocytes showed maximum (97 %) cell inhibition at 75 µM L(-1) within 24 h. The cytotoxicity of DMOB was significantly decreased to 78 % after laccase treatment. This study suggests that laccase-NFC membrane might be a good candidate for emerging pollutant detoxification.
  13. Zambry NS, Ayoib A, Md Noh NA, Yahya ARM
    Bioprocess Biosyst Eng, 2017 Jul;40(7):1007-1016.
    PMID: 28389850 DOI: 10.1007/s00449-017-1764-4
    The present study focused on developing a wild-type actinomycete isolate as a model for a non-pathogenic filamentous producer of biosurfactants. A total of 33 actinomycetes isolates were screened and their extracellular biosurfactants production was evaluated using olive oil as the main substrate. Out of 33 isolates, 32 showed positive results in the oil spreading technique (OST). All isolates showed good emulsification activity (E24) ranging from 84.1 to 95.8%. Based on OST and E24 values, isolate R1 was selected for further investigation in biosurfactant production in an agitated submerged fermentation. Phenotypic and genotypic analyses tentatively identified isolate R1 as a member of the Streptomyces genus. A submerged cultivation of Streptomyces sp. R1 was carried out in a 3-L stirred-tank bioreactor. The influence of impeller tip speed on volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient (k L a), growth, cell morphology and biosurfactant production was observed. It was found that the maximum biosurfactant production, indicated by the lowest surface tension measurement (40.5 ± 0.05 dynes/cm) was obtained at highest k L a value (50.94 h-1) regardless of agitation speed. The partially purified biosurfactant was obtained at a concentration of 7.19 g L-1, characterized as a lipopeptide biosurfactant and was found to be stable over a wide range of temperature (20-121 °C), pH (2-12) and salinity [5-20% (w/v) of NaCl].
  14. Aziz NA, Huong KH, Sipaut CS, Amirul AA
    Bioprocess Biosyst Eng, 2017 Nov;40(11):1643-1656.
    PMID: 28762009 DOI: 10.1007/s00449-017-1820-0
    This study reports an efficient fed-batch strategy to improve poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate) [P(3HB-co-3HV-co-4HB)] terpolymer production by Cupriavidus sp. USMAA2-4 with enhanced mechanical properties in bioreactor. The cultivations have been performed by combining oleic acid with γ-butyrolactone at different concentration ratios with 1-pentanol at a fixed concentration. The batch and fed-batch fermentations have resulted in P(3HB-co-3HV-co-4HB) with compositions of 9-35 mol% 3HV and 4-24 mol% 4HB monomers. The DO-stat fed-batch fermentation strategies have significantly improved the production with a maximum 4.4-fold increment of cell dry weight (CDW). Besides, appropriate feeding of the substrates has resulted in an increment of terpolymer productivity from 0.086-0.347 g/L/h, with a significantly shortened cultivation time. The bacterial growth and terpolymer formation have been found to be affected by the concentration of carbon sources supplied. Characterization of P(3HB-co-3HV-co-4HB) has demonstrated that incorporation of 3HV and 4HB monomer has significantly improved the physical and thermodynamic properties of the polymers, by reducing the polymer's crystallinity. The tensile strength, Young's modulus of the terpolymer has been discovered to increase with the increase of M w. The fed-batch fermentation strategies employed in this study have resulted in terpolymers with a range of flexible materials having improved tensile strength and Young's modulus as compared to the terpolymer produced from batch fermentation. Possession of lower melting temperature indicates an enhanced thermal stability which broadens the polymer processing window.
  15. Syafiuddin A, Salmiati, Hadibarata T, Salim MR, Kueh ABH, Sari AA
    Bioprocess Biosyst Eng, 2017 Sep;40(9):1349-1361.
    PMID: 28597212 DOI: 10.1007/s00449-017-1793-z
    Green procedure for synthesizing silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) is currently considered due to its economy and toxic-free effects. Several existing works on synthesizing AgNPs using leaves extract still involve the use of physical or mechanical treatment such as heating or stirring, which consume a lot of energy. To extend and explore the green extraction philosophy, we report here the synthesis and antibacterial evaluations of a purely green procedure to synthesize AgNPs using Carica papaya, Manihot esculenta, and Morinda citrifolia leaves extract without the aforementioned additional treatment. The produced AgNPs were characterized using the ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and antibacterial investigations. For antibacterial tests, two bacteria namely Escherichia coli and Bacillus cereus were selected. The presently employed method has successfully produced spherical AgNPs having sizes ranging from 9 to 69 nm, with plasmonic characteristics ranging from 356 to 485 nm, and energy-dispersive X-ray peak at approximately 3 keV. In addition, the smallest particles can be produced when Manihot esculenta leaves extract was applied. Moreover, this study also confirmed that both the leaves and synthesized AgNPs exhibit the antibacterial capability, depending on their concentration and the bacteria type.
  16. Hadibarata T, Khudhair AB, Kristanti RA, Kamyab H
    Bioprocess Biosyst Eng, 2017 Sep;40(9):1411-1418.
    PMID: 28612166 DOI: 10.1007/s00449-017-1798-7
    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon is a toxic recalcitrant environmental pollutant and its removal from the environment is very essential. In this study, a novel S1 strain isolated from the tropical rain forest was identified as Candida species based on 18S rRNA. The pyrene biodegradation was performed by Candida sp. S1. Pyrene was 35% degraded in 15 days. The percentage of pyrene biodegradation increased up to 75% with 24 g L-1of sodium chloride and decreased along with increasing salinity. Under the acidic condition, the biodegradation was increased up to 60% at pH 5. It was also found that the increasing glucose concentration of more than 10 g L-1had no significant effect on pyrene biodegradation, while agitation proved to have greater influence. There was a positive relationship between biomass growth and biodegradation rate of pyrene. One pyrene metabolite was identified from the extract solution and analyzed by a thin-layer chromatography, UV-visible absorption and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The metabolite found in the pyrene degradation was benzoic acid. Suitable conditions must be found to promote a successful microbial augmentation in liquid culture.
  17. Hindatu Y, Annuar MSM, Subramaniam R, Gumel AM
    Bioprocess Biosyst Eng, 2017 Jun;40(6):919-928.
    PMID: 28341913 DOI: 10.1007/s00449-017-1756-4
    Insufficient power generation from a microbial fuel cell (MFC) hampers its progress towards utility-scale development. Electrode modification with biopolymeric materials could potentially address this issue. In this study, medium-chain-length poly-3-hydroxyalkanoates (PHA)/carbon nanotubes (C) composite (CPHA) was successfully applied to modify the surface of carbon cloth (CC) anode in MFC. Characterization of the functional groups on the anodic surface and its morphology was carried out. The CC-CPHA composite anode recorded maximum power density of 254 mW/m2, which was 15-53% higher than the MFC operated with CC-C (214 mW/m2) and pristine CC (119 mW/m2) as the anode in a double-chambered MFC operated with Escherichia coli as the biocatalyst. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry showed that power enhancement was attributed to better electron transfer capability by the bacteria for the MFC setup with CC-CPHA anode.
  18. Luthfi AAI, Tan JP, Harun S, Manaf SFA, Jahim JM
    Bioprocess Biosyst Eng, 2019 Jan;42(1):117-130.
    PMID: 30259181 DOI: 10.1007/s00449-018-2019-8
    Continuous bio-production of succinic acid was reported in homogeneous solid dispersion (HSD) system utilizing porous coconut shell activated carbon (CSAC) as immobilization carrier. The aim of the present work was to implement the HSD system to increase the area of cell immobilization and the rate of succinic-acid production from the lignocellulosic medium. The ratio of the two enzymes (cellulase-to-hemicellulase) was initially optimized to break down the lignocellulose into its free monomers, wherein the best ratio was determined as 4:1. Succinic-acid production was evaluated in the HSD system by varying the substrate loading and dilution rate. The results showed that high productivities of succinic acid were obtained when 60 g/L glucose was fed over a dilution rates ranging from 0.03 to 0.4/h. The titer of succinic acid decreased gradually with higher dilution rate, whereas the residual substrate concentration increased with it. Critical dilution rate was determined to be 0.4/h at which the best productivity of succinic acid of 6.58 g/L h and its yield of 0.66 g/g were achieved using oil palm fronds (OPF) hydrolysate. This work lends evidence to the use of CSAC and lignocellulosic hydrolysate to further exploit the potential economies of scale.
  19. Lian W, Wang W, Tan CP, Wang J, Wang Y
    Bioprocess Biosyst Eng, 2019 Feb;42(2):321-329.
    PMID: 30421172 DOI: 10.1007/s00449-018-2036-7
    LML-type structured lipids are one type of medium- and long-chain triacylglycerols. LML was synthesized using immobilized Talaromyces thermophilus lipase (TTL)-catalyzed interesterification of tricaprylin and ethyl linoleate. The resin AB-8 was chosen, and the lipase/support ratio was determined to be 60 mg/g. Subsequently, the immobilized TTL with strict sn-1,3 regiospecificity was applied to synthesize LML. Under the optimized conditions (60 °C, reaction time 6 h, enzyme loading of 6% of the total weight of substrates, substrate of molar ratio of ethyl linoleate to tricaprylin of 6:1), Triacylglycerols with two long- and one medium-chain FAs (DL-TAG) content as high as 52.86 mol% was obtained. Scale-up reaction further verified the industrial potential of the established process. The final product contained 85.24 mol% DL-TAG of which 97 mol% was LML after purification. The final product obtained with the high LML content would have substantial potential to be used as functional oils.
  20. Oslan SNH, Tan JS, Saad MZ, Halim M, Mohamed MS, Ariff AB
    Bioprocess Biosyst Eng, 2019 Mar;42(3):355-365.
    PMID: 30483888 DOI: 10.1007/s00449-018-2040-y
    Pasteurella multocida serotype B:2 is the causative agent of haemorrhagic septicaemia, a fatal disease in cattle and buffaloes. For use as a vaccine in the treatment of HS disease, an efficient cultivation of attenuated gdhA derivative P. multocida B:2 (mutant) for mass production of viable cells is required. In this study, the role of amino acids and vitamins on the growth of this particular bacterium was investigated. Initially, three basal media (Brain-heart infusion, Terrific broth, and defined medium YDB) were assessed in terms of growth performance of P. multocida B:2. YDB medium was selected and redesigned to take into account the effects of amino acids (glutamic acid, cysteine, glycine, methionine, lysine, tyrosine, and histidine) and vitamins (vitamin B1, nicotinic acid, riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, and biotin). High viable cell number was largely affected by the availability of micronutrient components and macronutrients. Histidine was essential for the growth whereby a traceable amount (20 mM) was found to greatly enhance the growth of gdhA derivative P. multocida B:2 mutant (6.6 × 109 cfu/mL) by about 19 times as compared to control culture (3.5 × 108 cfu/mL). In addition, amongst the vitamins added, riboflavin exhibited the highest impact on the viability of gdhA derivative P. multocida B:2 mutant (5.3 × 109 cfu/mL). Though the combined histidine and riboflavin in the culture eventually did not promote the stacking impact on cell growth and cell viability, nonetheless, they were still essential and important in either growth medium or production medium.
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