OBJECTIVE: This review highlights the challenges and potential in using current technologies in the discovery and development of novel antibacterial agents to keep up with the constantly evolving resistance in bacteria.
CONCLUSION: With the explosion of bacterial genomic data and rapid development of new sequencing technologies, the understanding of bacterial pathogenesis and identification of novel antibiotic targets have significantly improved.
METHOD: This is a single-center descriptive and retrospective study in the quaternary Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) in Japan. All pediatric patients who underwent liver transplantation from 2019 to 2021 were eligible. The patients were divided into two groups based on culture positivity: the positive culture group and the negative culture group.
RESULTS: A total of 152 pediatric patients were included in the study. The median age was 11 months, and 86% of cases underwent living donor liver transplantation. Among the 152 cases, 18% showed positive bacterial culture results. The timing of positive culture varied bimodally, with 34% occurring after postoperative day 15. Among the positive cultures, 84% were bacterial, and 20% were fungal. Factors associated with positive culture were analyzed, and as a result, re-laparotomy and a higher graft recipient weight ratio (GRWR) were identified as factors associated with infection.
CONCLUSIONS: We reported the frequency and patterns of infections in pediatric patients undergoing living donor liver transplantation and demonstrated that factors associated with positive culture were re-laparotomy and GRWR. This study provides important clinical data for infection management after liver transplantation.
METHODS: A retrospective record review of all CAPD patients on follow-up at the Miri Hospital, Sarawak, Malaysia from 2014 until 2017 was done.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: During the 4-year period, the overall peritonitis rate was 0.184 episodes per patient-year. Gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria each constituted one-third of the peritonitis; fungi (2.6%), Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) (5.3%), polymicrobial (2.6%) and sterile culture (26.3%). The most commonly isolated gram-positive bacteria were coagulase-negative Staphylococcus. Our peritonitis rate is comparable to that of other centres i.e., Japan 0.195 and Indonesia 0.25. In comparison, countries like India (0.41), Korea (0.40) and Singapore (0.59) had relatively higher rate of PD-associated peritonitis. Two tuberculosis peritonitis patients died. The rate of catheter removal was approximately 20%. Gram-negative bacteria and MTB have a higher risk of catheter loss. About one-fifth used rainwater to clean their CAPD exit site. Out of this group, 33% did not boil the rainwater prior to usage.
CONCLUSION: Patient's characteristics and microbial susceptibility vary in different places of practice. The high rates of culture-negative peritonitis and high mortality risks associated with TB peritonitis warrant special attention. In patients with refractory peritonitis, early catheter removal is warranted in order to reduce mortality and minimize damage to peritoneal membrane.
OBJECTIVES: We present six Italian tourists who acquired tropical ulcers in tropical and subtropical countries.
MATERIALS & METHODS: Four males and two females acquired a skin ulcer during trips to Brazil, Malaysia, Fiji Islands, Zambia, Tanzania and India. In all patients, medical history, physical and dermatological examination, laboratory tests, bacteriological examinations and biopsy were carried out.
RESULTS: All patients were in good general health. All patients stated that the ulcer was caused by a trauma. No fever was reported. Neither lymphangitis nor lymphadenopathy were detected. The ulcer was located on a forearm in one patient, on a leg in two and on an ankle in three patients. All ulcers were malodorous and painful. Laboratory tests revealed mild leucocytosis and a mild increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein. Results of bacteriological examinations revealed the presence of Fusobacterium spp. in five patients. Other bacteria were identified in all patients. Histopathological examination showed: necrosis of the epidermis and dermis; vascular dilatation; oedema in the dermis; massive infiltration with neutrophils, lymphocytes and histiocytes; and fragmented collagen bundles. No signs of vasculitis were observed. All patients were successfully treated with oral metronidazole (1 g/day for two weeks) and, according to antibiograms, with different systemic antibiotics.
CONCLUSION: To our knowledge, these are the first cases of tropical ulcers reported in Western tourists.