Displaying publications 21 - 35 of 35 in total

  1. Yew CW, Hoque MZ, Pugh-Kitingan J, Minsong A, Voo CLY, Ransangan J, et al.
    Ann. Hum. Genet., 2018 07;82(4):216-226.
    PMID: 29521412 DOI: 10.1111/ahg.12246
    The region of northern Borneo is home to the current state of Sabah, Malaysia. It is located closest to the southern Philippine islands and may have served as a viaduct for ancient human migration onto or off of Borneo Island. In this study, five indigenous ethnic groups from Sabah were subjected to genome-wide SNP genotyping. These individuals represent the "North Borneo"-speaking group of the great Austronesian family. They have traditionally resided in the inland region of Sabah. The dataset was merged with public datasets, and the genetic relatedness of these groups to neighboring populations from the islands of Southeast Asia, mainland Southeast Asia and southern China was inferred. Genetic structure analysis revealed that these groups formed a genetic cluster that was independent of the clusters of neighboring populations. Additionally, these groups exhibited near-absolute proportions of a genetic component that is also common among Austronesians from Taiwan and the Philippines. They showed no genetic admixture with Austro-Melanesian populations. Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis showed that they are closely related to non-Austro-Melansian Filipinos as well as to Taiwan natives but are distantly related to populations from mainland Southeast Asia. Relatively lower heterozygosity and higher pairwise genetic differentiation index (FST ) values than those of nearby populations indicate that these groups might have experienced genetic drift in the past, resulting in their differentiation from other Austronesians. Subsequent formal testing suggested that these populations have received no gene flow from neighboring populations. Taken together, these results imply that the indigenous ethnic groups of northern Borneo shared a common ancestor with Taiwan natives and non-Austro-Melanesian Filipinos and then isolated themselves on the inland of Sabah. This isolation presumably led to no admixture with other populations, and these individuals therefore underwent strong genetic differentiation. This report contributes to addressing the paucity of genetic data on representatives from this strategic region of ancient human migration event(s).
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Drift
  2. Arciero E, Kraaijenbrink T, Asan, Haber M, Mezzavilla M, Ayub Q, et al.
    Mol Biol Evol, 2018 Aug 01;35(8):1916-1933.
    PMID: 29796643 DOI: 10.1093/molbev/msy094
    We genotyped 738 individuals belonging to 49 populations from Nepal, Bhutan, North India, or Tibet at over 500,000 SNPs, and analyzed the genotypes in the context of available worldwide population data in order to investigate the demographic history of the region and the genetic adaptations to the harsh environment. The Himalayan populations resembled other South and East Asians, but in addition displayed their own specific ancestral component and showed strong population structure and genetic drift. We also found evidence for multiple admixture events involving Himalayan populations and South/East Asians between 200 and 2,000 years ago. In comparisons with available ancient genomes, the Himalayans, like other East and South Asian populations, showed similar genetic affinity to Eurasian hunter-gatherers (a 24,000-year-old Upper Palaeolithic Siberian), and the related Bronze Age Yamnaya. The high-altitude Himalayan populations all shared a specific ancestral component, suggesting that genetic adaptation to life at high altitude originated only once in this region and subsequently spread. Combining four approaches to identifying specific positively selected loci, we confirmed that the strongest signals of high-altitude adaptation were located near the Endothelial PAS domain-containing protein 1 and Egl-9 Family Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1 loci, and discovered eight additional robust signals of high-altitude adaptation, five of which have strong biological functional links to such adaptation. In conclusion, the demographic history of Himalayan populations is complex, with strong local differentiation, reflecting both genetic and cultural factors; these populations also display evidence of multiple genetic adaptations to high-altitude environments.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Drift
  3. Nguyen VX, Detcharoen M, Tuntiprapas P, Soe-Htun U, Sidik JB, Harah MZ, et al.
    BMC Evol. Biol., 2014 Apr 30;14:92.
    PMID: 24886000 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2148-14-92
    BACKGROUND: The Indo-Pacific region has the largest number of seagrass species worldwide and this region is considered as the origin of the Hydrocharitaceae. Halophila ovalis and its closely-related species belonging to the Hydrocharitaceae are well-known as a complex taxonomic challenge mainly due to their high morphological plasticity. The relationship of genetic differentiation and geographic barriers of H. ovalis radiation was not much studied in this region. Are there misidentifications between H. ovalis and its closely related species? Does any taxonomic uncertainty among different populations of H. ovalis persist? Is there any genetic differentiation among populations in the Western Pacific and the Eastern Indian Ocean, which are separated by the Thai-Malay peninsula? Genetic markers can be used to characterize and identify individuals or species and will be used to answer these questions.

    RESULTS: Phylogenetic analyses of the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region based on materials collected from 17 populations in the Western Pacific and the Eastern Indian Ocean showed that some specimens identified as H. ovalis belonged to the H. major clade, also supported by morphological data. Evolutionary divergence between the two clades is between 0.033 and 0.038, much higher than the evolutionary divergence among H. ovalis populations. Eight haplotypes were found; none of the haplotypes from the Western Pacific is found in India and vice versa. Analysis of genetic diversity based on microsatellite analysis revealed that the genetic diversity in the Western Pacific is higher than in the Eastern Indian Ocean. The unrooted neighbor-joining tree among 14 populations from the Western Pacific and the Eastern Indian Ocean showed six groups. The Mantel test results revealed a significant correlation between genetic and geographic distances among populations. Results from band-based and allele frequency-based approaches from Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism showed that all samples collected from both sides of the Thai-Malay peninsula were clustered into two clades: Gulf of Thailand and Andaman Sea.

    CONCLUSIONS: Our study documented the new records of H. major for Malaysia and Myanmar. The study also revealed that the Thai-Malay peninsula is a geographic barrier between H. ovalis populations in the Western Pacific and the Eastern Indian Ocean.

    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Drift
  4. Yu D, Zhang J, Li P, Zheng R, Shao C
    PLoS One, 2015;10(4):e0124825.
    PMID: 25875761 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0124825
    he Chinese tiger frog Hoplobatrachus rugulosus is widely distributed in southern China, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. It is listed in Appendix II of CITES as the only Class II nationally-protected frog in China. The bred tiger frog known as the Thailand tiger frog, is also identified as H. rugulosus. Our analysis of the Cyt b gene showed high genetic divergence (13.8%) between wild and bred samples of tiger frog. Unexpected genetic divergence of the complete mt genome (14.0%) was also observed between wild and bred samples of tiger frog. Yet, the nuclear genes (NCX1, Rag1, Rhod, Tyr) showed little divergence between them. Despite this and their very similar morphology, the features of the mitochondrial genome including genetic divergence of other genes, different three-dimensional structures of ND5 proteins, and gene rearrangements indicate that H. rugulosus may be a cryptic species complex. Using Bayesian inference, maximum likelihood, and maximum parsimony analyses, Hoplobatrachus was resolved as a sister clade to Euphlyctis, and H. rugulosus (BT) as a sister clade to H. rugulosus (WT). We suggest that we should prevent Thailand tiger frogs (bred type) from escaping into wild environments lest they produce hybrids with Chinese tiger frogs (wild type).
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Drift
  5. Fix AG
    Am J Hum Biol, 2004 Jul-Aug;16(4):387-94.
    PMID: 15214057
    Migration among local populations classically has been seen as the principal process retarding genetic microdifferentiation. However, as Sewall Wright pointed out long ago, migration may also act as a random differentiating force. In fact, when migrants comprise a biological kin group, migration may be considered a component of genetic drift. The causes of kin-structured migration (KSM) lie in the common, if not universal, tendency for kin to associate and cooperate. However, similar to genetic drift, KSM has its greatest effect in smaller populations and is most apparent in low-density fission-fusion societies such as the Yanomamo of South America and the Semai of Malaysia, and less salient in higher density, low-mobility populations such as those of the New Guinea Highlands. The evolutionary consequences of KSM begin with increased genetic variation among populations. Such intergroup variation provides a basis for group selection. The origin of larger-scale geographic differentiation can arise from kin-structured migrant groups colonizing new regions. Waves of colonizing kin-structured founder groups may produce gene frequency clines, mimicking demic diffusion and natural selection. Finally, because kin structuring reduces the effective size of a population, it may be speculated that the extremely small effective size inferred for ancestral populations of Homo sapiens may be an artifact of kin-structured demographically larger populations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Drift
  6. Brandt JR, van Coeverden de Groot PJ, Witt KE, Engelbrektsson PK, Helgen KM, Malhi RS, et al.
    J Hered, 2018 06 27;109(5):553-565.
    PMID: 29684146 DOI: 10.1093/jhered/esy019
    The Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis), once widespread across Southeast Asia, now consists of as few as 30 individuals within Sumatra and Borneo. To aid in conservation planning, we sequenced 218 bp of control region mitochondrial (mt) DNA, identifying 17 distinct mitochondrial haplotypes across modern (N = 13) and museum (N = 26) samples. Museum specimens from Laos and Myanmar had divergent mtDNA, consistent with the placement of western mainland rhinos into the distinct subspecies D. s. lasiotis (presumed extinct). Haplotypes from Bornean rhinos were highly diverse, but dissimilar from those of other regions, supporting the distinctiveness of the subspecies D. s. harrissoni. Rhinos from Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia shared mtDNA haplotypes, consistent with their traditional placement into a single subspecies D. s sumatrensis. Modern samples of D. s. sumatrensis were genotyped at 18 microsatellite loci. Rhinos within Sumatra formed 2 sub-populations, likely separated by the Barisan Mountains, though with only modest genetic differentiation between them. There are so few remaining Sumatran rhinoceros that separate management strategies for subspecies or subpopulations may not be viable, while each surviving rhino pedigree is likely to retain alleles found in no other individuals. Given the low population size and low reproductive potential of Sumatran rhinos, rapid genetic erosion is inevitable, though an under-appreciated concern is the potential for fixation of harmful genetic variants. Both concerns underscore 2 overriding priorities for the species: 1) translocation of wild rhinos to ex situ facilities, and 2) collection and storage of gametes and cell lines from every surviving captive and wild individual.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Drift
  7. Sun Q, Wang K, Yoshimura A, Doi K
    Theor Appl Genet, 2002 Jun;104(8):1335-1345.
    PMID: 12582589
    The genetic differentiation of nuclear, mitochondrial (mt) and chloroplast (cp) genomes was investigated by Southern and PCR analysis using 75 varieties of cultivated rice ( Oryza sativa L.) and 118 strains of common wild rice (CWR, Oryza rufipogon Griff.) from ten countries of Asia. The distinguishing differences between the Indica and Japonica cultivars were detected both in the nuclear genome and the cytoplasmic genome, confirming that the Indica-Japonica differentiation is of major importance for the three different classes of genome in cultivated rice. This differentiation was also detected in common wild rice with some differences among the genome compartments and the various regions. For nuclear DNA variation, both Indica-like and Japonica-like types were observed in the Chinese CWR, with the latter more-frequent than the former. No Japonica-like type was found in South Asia, and only two strains of the Japonica-like type were detected in Southeast Asia, thus the Indica-like type is the major type among South and Southeast Asian CWR. For mtDNA, only a few strains of the Japonica-like type were detected in CWR. For cpDNA, the Japonica type was predominant among the CWR strains from China, Bangladesh and Burma, while the Indica type was predominant among the CWR strains from Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia and Sri Lanka, and both types were found in similar frequencies among the Indian CWR. Altogether, however, the degree of Indica-Japonica differentiation in common wild rice was much-less important than that in cultivated rice. Cluster analyses for nuclear and mitochondrial DNA variation revealed that some CWR strains showed large genetic distances from cultivated rice and formed clusters distinct from cultivated rice. Coincidence in the genetic differentiation between the three different classes of genome was much higher in cultivated rice than in CWR. Among the 75 cultivars, about 3/4 entries were "homoeotype" showing congruent results for nuclear, mt and cpDNA regarding the Indica-Japonica differentiation. In CWR, the proportions of homoeotypes were 5.7%, 15% and 48.8% in China, South Asia and Southeast Asia, respectively. Based on the average genetic distance among all the strains of CWR and cultivated rice for nuclear and mitochondrial genomes, the variability of the nuclear genome was found to be higher than that of the mitochondrial genome. The global pattern based on all genomes shows much-more diversification in CWR than that in cultivated rice.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Drift
  8. Koch K, Algar D, Schwenk K
    Ecol Evol, 2016 08;6(15):5321-32.
    PMID: 27551385 DOI: 10.1002/ece3.2261
    Endemic species on islands are highly susceptible to local extinction, in particular if they are exposed to invasive species. Invasive predators, such as feral cats, have been introduced to islands around the world, causing major losses in local biodiversity. In order to control and manage invasive species successfully, information about source populations and level of gene flow is essential. Here, we investigate the origin of feral cats of Hawaiian and Australian islands to verify their European ancestry and a potential pattern of isolation by distance. We analyzed the genetic structure and diversity of feral cats from eleven islands as well as samples from Malaysia and Europe using mitochondrial DNA (ND5 and ND6 regions) and microsatellite DNA data. Our results suggest an overall European origin of Hawaiian cats with no pattern of isolation by distance between Australian, Malaysian, and Hawaiian populations. Instead, we found low levels of genetic differentiation between samples from Tasman Island, Lana'i, Kaho'olawe, Cocos (Keeling) Island, and Asia. As these populations are separated by up to 10,000 kilometers, we assume an extensive passive dispersal event along global maritime trade routes in the beginning of the 19th century, connecting Australian, Asian, and Hawaiian islands. Thus, islands populations, which are characterized by low levels of current gene flow, represent valuable sources of information on historical, human-mediated global dispersal patterns of feral cats.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Drift
  9. Harrisson KA, Amish SJ, Pavlova A, Narum SR, Telonis-Scott M, Rourke ML, et al.
    Mol Ecol, 2017 Nov;26(22):6253-6269.
    PMID: 28977721 DOI: 10.1111/mec.14368
    Adaptive differences across species' ranges can have important implications for population persistence and conservation management decisions. Despite advances in genomic technologies, detecting adaptive variation in natural populations remains challenging. Key challenges in gene-environment association studies involve distinguishing the effects of drift from those of selection and identifying subtle signatures of polygenic adaptation. We used paired-end restriction site-associated DNA sequencing data (6,605 biallelic single nucleotide polymorphisms; SNPs) to examine population structure and test for signatures of adaptation across the geographic range of an iconic Australian endemic freshwater fish species, the Murray cod Maccullochella peelii. Two univariate gene-association methods identified 61 genomic regions associated with climate variation. We also tested for subtle signatures of polygenic adaptation using a multivariate method (redundancy analysis; RDA). The RDA analysis suggested that climate (temperature- and precipitation-related variables) and geography had similar magnitudes of effect in shaping the distribution of SNP genotypes across the sampled range of Murray cod. Although there was poor agreement among the candidate SNPs identified by the univariate methods, the top 5% of SNPs contributing to significant RDA axes included 67% of the SNPs identified by univariate methods. We discuss the potential implications of our findings for the management of Murray cod and other species generally, particularly in relation to informing conservation actions such as translocations to improve evolutionary resilience of natural populations. Our results highlight the value of using a combination of different approaches, including polygenic methods, when testing for signatures of adaptation in landscape genomic studies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Drift
  10. Karin BR, Das I, Bauer AM
    Zootaxa, 2016 Mar 22;4093(3):407-23.
    PMID: 27394504 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4093.3.7
    We describe two new species of skinks from Gunung Penrissen, Sarawak, Malaysia, in northern Borneo, Tytthoscincus batupanggah sp. nov. and T. leproauricularis sp. nov. Morphological and molecular analyses both corroborate the two new species as unique compared to all other Tytthoscincus and additional Sphenomorphus that are candidates for taxonomic placement in the genus Tytthoscincus. Despite their phenotypic similarity and sympatric distribution, a molecular analysis shows that the new species are not sister taxa and exhibit a deep genetic divergence between each of their respective sister taxa. We discuss how historical climatic and geographic processes may have led to the co-distribution of two relatively distantly related phenotypically similar species. In light of these discoveries, we also emphasize the importance of conserving primary montane tropical rainforest for maintaining species diversity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Drift
  11. Khan MMH, Rafii MY, Ramlee SI, Jusoh M, Al Mamun M, Halidu J
    Sci Rep, 2021 Jul 15;11(1):14527.
    PMID: 34267249 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-93867-5
    As a new crop in Malaysia, forty-four Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea L. verdc.) genotypes were sampled from eleven distinct populations of different origins to explore the genetic structure, genetic inconsistency, and fixation index. The Bambara groundnut, an African underutilized legume, has the capacity to boost food and nutrition security while simultaneously addressing environmental sustainability, food availability, and economic inequalities. A set of 32 ISSRs were screened out of 96 primers based on very sharp, clear, and reproducible bands which detected a total of 510 loci with an average of 97.64% polymorphism. The average calculated value of PIC = 0.243, RP = 5.30, H = 0.285, and MI = 0.675 representing the efficiency of primer set for genetic differentiation among the genotypes. The ISSR primers revealed the number of alleles (Na = 1.97), the effective number of alleles (Ne = 1.38), Nei's genetic diversity (h = 0.248), and a moderate level of gene flow (Nm = 2.26) across the genotypes studied. The estimated Shannon's information index (I = 0.395) indicates a high level of genetic variation exists among the accessions. Based on Nei's genetic dissimilarity a UPMGA phylogenetic tree was constructed and grouped the entire genotypes into 3 major clusters and 6 subclusters. PCA analysis revealed that first principal component extracted maximum variation (PC1 = 13.92%) than second principal component (PC2 = 12.59%). Bayesian model-based STRUCTURE analysis assembled the genotypes into 3 (best ΔK = 3) genetic groups. The fixation-index (Fst) analysis narrated a very great genetic diversity (Fst = 0.19 to 0.40) exists within the accessions of these 3 clusters. This investigation specifies the effectiveness of the ISSR primers system for the molecular portrayal of V. subterranea genotypes that could be used for genetic diversity valuation, detection, and tagging of potential genotypes with quick, precise, and authentic measures for this crop improvement through effective breeding schemes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Drift
  12. Jinam TA, Phipps ME, Saitou N, Hugo Pan-Asian SNP Consortium
    Hum Biol, 2013 Feb-Jun;85(1-3):173-88.
    PMID: 24297225
    Southeast Asia houses various culturally and linguistically diverse ethnic groups. In Malaysia, where the Malay, Chinese, and Indian ethnic groups form the majority, there exist minority groups such as the "negritos" who are believed to be descendants of the earliest settlers of Southeast Asia. Here we report patterns of genetic substructure and admixture in two Malaysian negrito populations (Jehai and Kensiu), using ~50,000 genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data. We found traces of recent admixture in both the negrito populations, particularly in the Jehai, with the Malay through principal component analysis and STRUCTURE analysis software, which suggested that the admixture was as recent as one generation ago. We also identified significantly differentiated nonsynonymous SNPs and haplotype blocks related to intracellular transport, metabolic processes, and detection of stimulus. These results highlight the different levels of admixture experienced by the two Malaysian negritos. Delineating admixture and differentiated genomic regions should be of importance in designing and interpretation of molecular anthropology and disease association studies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Drift
  13. Macaulay V, Hill C, Achilli A, Rengo C, Clarke D, Meehan W, et al.
    Science, 2005 May 13;308(5724):1034-6.
    PMID: 15890885
    A recent dispersal of modern humans out of Africa is now widely accepted, but the routes taken across Eurasia are still disputed. We show that mitochondrial DNA variation in isolated "relict" populations in southeast Asia supports the view that there was only a single dispersal from Africa, most likely via a southern coastal route, through India and onward into southeast Asia and Australasia. There was an early offshoot, leading ultimately to the settlement of the Near East and Europe, but the main dispersal from India to Australia approximately 65,000 years ago was rapid, most likely taking only a few thousand years.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Drift
  14. Allwinn R, Doerr HW
    Med. Klin. (Munich), 2005 Nov 15;100(11):710-3.
    PMID: 16328178
    Avian influenza, an infectious disease of birds, is caused by type A strain of the influenza virus. The disease, which was first identified in Italy more than 100 years ago, occurs worldwide. Avian influenza viruses are mainly distributed by migratory birds. Various animals like birds, pigs, horses, sea mammals and, finally, humans are susceptible to influenza A viruses. The high possibility of genomic changes like gene shift and drift are caused by the segmented RNA genome.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Drift
  15. Tai KY, Wong K, Aghakhanian F, Parhar IS, Dhaliwal J, Ayub Q
    BMC Genet, 2020 03 14;21(1):31.
    PMID: 32171244 DOI: 10.1186/s12863-020-0835-8
    BACKGROUND: Publicly available genome data provides valuable information on the genetic variation patterns across different modern human populations. Neuropeptide genes are crucial to the nervous, immune, endocrine system, and physiological homeostasis as they play an essential role in communicating information in neuronal functions. It remains unclear how evolutionary forces, such as natural selection and random genetic drift, have affected neuropeptide genes among human populations. To date, there are over 100 known human neuropeptides from the over 1000 predicted peptides encoded in the genome. The purpose of this study is to analyze and explore the genetic variation in continental human populations across all known neuropeptide genes by examining highly differentiated SNPs between African and non-African populations.

    RESULTS: We identified a total of 644,225 SNPs in 131 neuropeptide genes in 6 worldwide population groups from a public database. Of these, 5163 SNPs that had ΔDAF |(African - non-African)| ≥ 0.20 were identified and fully annotated. A total of 20 outlier SNPs that included 19 missense SNPs with a moderate impact and one stop lost SNP with high impact, were identified in 16 neuropeptide genes. Our results indicate that an overall strong population differentiation was observed in the non-African populations that had a higher derived allele frequency for 15/20 of those SNPs. Highly differentiated SNPs in four genes were particularly striking: NPPA (rs5065) with high impact stop lost variant; CHGB (rs6085324, rs236150, rs236152, rs742710 and rs742711) with multiple moderate impact missense variants; IGF2 (rs10770125) and INS (rs3842753) with moderate impact missense variants that are in linkage disequilibrium. Phenotype and disease associations of these differentiated SNPs indicated their association with hypertension and diabetes and highlighted the pleiotropic effects of these neuropeptides and their role in maintaining physiological homeostasis in humans.

    CONCLUSIONS: We compiled a list of 131 human neuropeptide genes from multiple databases and literature survey. We detect significant population differentiation in the derived allele frequencies of variants in several neuropeptide genes in African and non-African populations. The results highlights SNPs in these genes that may also contribute to population disparities in prevalence of diseases such as hypertension and diabetes.

    Matched MeSH terms: Genetic Drift
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