Displaying publications 401 - 420 of 458 in total

  1. Padmavathy KM, Kumar JP, Marya RK
    Obesity continues to be one of the most important emerging public health problems over the past few decades in all developing countries, and recently in non developing countries also, because of improving living standerds. Lack of physical activity and leisurely attitude are one of the factors which determine the obesity and many factors influence the physical activity levels. The Leisure Time Physical Activities (LTPA) could be an important factor which decides energy balance, which can be influenced by self-perception of obesity. In this pilot study the impact of self-perception of obesity on LTPA (Kcal/week) using Compendium of Physical activities by Ainsworth et al was studied among medical students. The increased level of physical activity (LTPA) was observed among both genders with BMI less than 25; but female with overweight/obesity (BMI ≥ 25) showed significant correlation of LTPA with their BMI (r2 = 33.15%; p = 0.03). The subjects perceived their weight in proportion to their BMI especially male students. The subjects were grouped based on their self-perception of obesity, and significant correlation between self-perception of obesity and LTPA was observed among females who neither disagree, nor agree their obesity (group 3: r2 = 74.31%; p = 0.0003). Among males BMI was significantly different between the groups. Most of the male subjects perceived their overweight/obesity and more LTPA among those perceived not obese. Among females who perceived their overweight performed more LTPA to reduce their BMI. But in both gender those with BMI more than 25 and those strongly agree their obesity had less LTPA. Hence this study contends the impact of self-perception of obesity on LTPA among medical students and the importance of motivation for those who require intervening by improving their physical activities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  2. Hasan H, Aljunid SM
    BMC Public Health, 2019 Feb 19;19(1):208.
    PMID: 30782152 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-019-6520-z
    BACKGROUND: Job satisfaction influences staff retention, motivation, and performance in providing services. A considerable amount of published studies has reported on the job satisfaction level of healthcare workers, but to date, very few studies focused on Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) workers. This study aimed to explore the job satisfaction level among Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) workers and associated factors related to their overall job satisfaction.

    METHODS: A one-year survey was conducted in three states of the east coast region of Peninsular Malaysia involving 204 CBR workers selected through universal sampling method where all CBR staff who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were selected as participants. Self-completed questionnaires consisted of 20 association factors on six-point Likert scale responses were distributed. Total mean satisfaction level and mean associated factors were reported in this study.

    RESULTS: The results showed that the majority of the participants were between 20 and 40 years old (72%), female (96%), Malay (99%) and had 1-5 years of working experience. The mean total satisfaction score was 79.8 ± SD = 7.85. The highest mean satisfaction level for the associated factor was 4.6 ± SD = 0.59 with about 95% of the participants were satisfied that "CBR programme is a challenging work", while the lowest satisfaction level for associated factor was on "salary of community-based rehabilitation staff is acceptable", with mean score of 2.3 ± SD = 0.97 with about 59% of the participants felt dissatisfied. The results of this study determined that the highest dissatisfied factors among CBR workers were on salary.

    CONCLUSION: These findings provided useful information for policymakers to evaluate this issue for a sustainable CBR programme in the future.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION: This study has been registered for trial as 'retrospective registered' in the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR) (registration no.: ACTRN 12618001101279 ) on 5th October 2018.

    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  3. Hidrus A, Kueh YC, Norsaádah B, Chang YK, Hung TM, Naing NN, et al.
    PMID: 32268601 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17072507
    Brain Breaks videos are web-based structured physical activity (PA) videos that aim at stimulating an interest in learning and promoting health. Exercise is one of the important treatment regimens for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the effects that Brain Breaks videos have on the motives for PA, as measured by the Physical Activity and Leisure Motivation Scale-Malay (PALMS-M), and the amount of PA, as measured by the International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Malay (IPAQ-M), in T2DM patients (the most common type of diabetes mellitus patients). This study was conducted using a randomized, double-blind design and grouped subjects under two research conditions: an experimental group given Brain Breaks videos and a control group. Purposive sampling was employed to recruit 70 T2DM patients (male = 39, female = 31) with the mean age of 57.6 (SD = 8.5) from Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan. Over a four-month period, the participants in the experimental group were asked to perform PA daily based on a Brain Breaks video (10 min in duration) that was shared through a WhatsApp group. All participants from both groups answered the PALMS-M questionnaire five times: pre-intervention, the end of the first month, second month, and third month, and post-intervention. A repeated measure multivariate analysis of variance and a repeated measure analysis of variance were performed for the analyses of the data. The results demonstrated that four (appearance, others' expectations, physical condition, and mastery) out of eight motives for PA produced a significant mean score difference between the two study groups. All eight motives for PA showed an upward trend for the experimental group during the study period, while the control group showed a downward trend for all motives during the study period. As for the amount of PA, both groups showed significant differences (p = 0.001). The amount of PA increased in the experimental group during the study period, while it decreased in the control group. Therefore, Brain Breaks videos can be considered as an effective intervention for motivating T2DM patients for PA and improving their amount of PA.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  4. Hassali M, Shafie A, Khan T
    J Young Pharm, 2012 Jul;4(3):193-8.
    PMID: 23112539 DOI: 10.4103/0975-1483.100028
    The current study aimed to explore the public views and expectation about a successful communication process between the healthcare providers/physicians and patients in Penang Island, Malaysia. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Penang Island using a 14-item questionnaire. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 15.0(®) were used to analyze the collected data. A nonparametric statistics was applied; the Chi-square test was applied to measure the association among the variables. P-values less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant. A total of N (500) respondents have shown willingness to participate in the study with a response rate of 83.3%. The majority 319 (63.9%) have disclosed to communicate with their healthcare providers in the Malay language and about 401 (80.4%) of the respondents were found satisfied with the information provided by the physician. It was a common expectation by the most of the sample to focus more on the patient history before prescribing any medicine. Moreover, about 60.0% of the respondents expected that the healthcare providers must show patience to the patient's queries. The level of satisfaction with the information shared by the healthcare providers was higher among the respondents with a higher education level. Furthermore, patients with higher level of education expect that physician shouldwell understand their views and medical history to prescribe a better therapeutic regimen.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  5. Cheah SKA, Yeow PHP, Nair SR, Tan FB
    Ergonomics, 2018 May;61(5):627-643.
    PMID: 29092687 DOI: 10.1080/00140139.2017.1397200
    Household electricity wastage poses a sustainability issue. Ergonomic interventions that prevent wastage through technological innovations are expensive and complex, making consumers unwilling to adopt them. The study aimed to investigate the motivations and impediments in avoiding electricity wastage. Thirteen Repertory Grid interviews were conducted on household electricity users relating to the behaviour of those living with them. The key motivational themes found were altruistic and egoistic reasons while the impediments were perceived behavioural control, hedonism and self-efficacy. Based on the research findings, a behavioural modification framework was developed to encourage consumers to adopt a higher level of responsible electricity practice through the following suggested interventions - (1) reframing sustainability from 'future-for-others' to 'present-for-us', (2) clarifying responsible consumption and (3) performance feedback. The research identified the key motivations and impediments of being a responsible household electricity user and provided a framework to encourage a higher responsibility level. Practitioner Summary: Household electricity wastage poses sustainability issue: excess CO2 & high costs. We developed a mindset changing behavioural modification framework. We investigated HFE issues: motivations & impediments of avoiding the wastage, i.e. altruistic, egoistic, behavioural control, hedonism & self-efficacy. The framework provides governments insights into strategies to address the wastage.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  6. Mahumud RA, Hossain MG, Sarker AR, Islam MN, Hossain MR, Saw A, et al.
    PMID: 29386920 DOI: 10.2147/OAJC.S76070
    Introduction: Contraceptive discontinuation is a worldwide incident that may be connected with low incentive to avoid pregnancy. Contraceptive discontinuation highly contributes to unplanned pregnancy and unwanted births.

    Objectives: The objective of this study was to observe the prevalence of discontinuation and switching of contraceptive methods among Bangladeshi married women. In addition, the sociodemographic factors associated with contraceptive discontinuation and switching were assessed.

    Methods: Secondary cross-sectional data was used in this study. A total of 16,273 married Bangladeshi women of reproductive age (15-49 years) were considered in the present study, from the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey, 2011. Logistic regression models were used to determine the relationships between key sociodemographic factors and user status.

    Results: The prevalence of discontinuation and switching of contraceptive method among women were 38.4% and 15.4%, respectively. The logistic regression model demonstrated that women in early reproductive years (25-29 years and 30-34 years) significantly more often (odds ratio [OR] =0.84 and 0.71, respectively) discontinued use of contraceptives. Significantly higher rates of discontinuation were pronounced among women who used the pill (OR =0.72) and injectable contraception users (OR =0.60), had small family size (OR =0.49), lived in a rural community (OR =1.65), and who were less educated (OR =1.55).

    Conclusion: Contraceptive discontinuation may reflect an association among less education, currently married, and smaller family size. Awareness of contraceptive methods can decrease the burden of unplanned pregnancies and thus progresses the family planning program.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  7. Jaafar NI, Ainin S, Yeong MW
    Int J Med Inform, 2017 08;104:38-44.
    PMID: 28599815 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2017.05.002
    BACKGROUND: The general improvement of socio-economic conditions has resulted in people becoming more educated to make better-informed decisions in health related matters. Individual's perspective on health increases with better understanding of ways to improve lifestyle for better health and living. With the increase in lifestyle related diseases that lead to health problems, there is an increase in the availability of healthcare information. Thus, it is important to identify the factors that influence information seeking behaviour in the area of healthcare and lifestyle. This exploratory study examines the relationship between the factors that affect online health information-seeking behaviour among healthcare product in the capital city of Malaysia.
    METHOD: Survey questionnaire was used to collect empirical data. A survey was conducted among 300 healthcare consumers in three main cities in Malaysia where questionnaires were personally distributed through snowball sampling. A total of 271 questionnaire forms were used in the analysis.
    RESULTS: Health Behaviour of the consumers influences Health Information Seeking Behaviour. And this relationship is strongly affected by Gender whereby the affect is strongly among females compared to males.
    CONCLUSION: The findings indicate that Health Behaviour influences Health Information Seeking Behaviour. Marketers can find out which target segment of population to target when devising information channels for consumers, especially through the Internet. However, message that promotes positive health behaviour to a target audience who already has positive Health Behaviour increase the motivation to Health Information Seeking Behaviour.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  8. Smith SN
    Br J Educ Psychol, 2001 Sep;71(Pt 3):429-41.
    PMID: 11593949
    Although numerous studies have examined the learning approaches of Chinese students, very few comparative studies have been carried out with Chinese students from different nations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  9. Lee RL
    Cult Med Psychiatry, 1981 Sep;5(3):233-48.
    PMID: 7318487
    Turner's concepts of structure and anti-structure are applied to the culture-bound syndromes to demonstrate that they are dialectical aspects of cultural reality, The Malay cases of amok, latah and possession hysteria are discussed as instances of anti-structural behaviors that dramatize role-reversals and role-enhancement. The performers of these behaviors are not subjected to the Malay code of moral conduct. The supernatural ethos in Malay culture plays an important role in shaping tolerance towards them. Although this tolerance has been gradually eroded as a result of the introduction of Western psychiatry, the anti-structural status of these syndromes has not faded away but has assumed new meanings in terms of psychopathology.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  10. Abdul Aziz NI, Flanders S, Nungsari M
    PLoS One, 2022;17(9):e0275010.
    PMID: 36156604 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0275010
    High vaccination rates are integral to reducing infection and severity rates of COVID-19 infections within a community. We examine the role of social expectations in COVID-19 vaccination take-ups and its interaction with potential government actions in Malaysia. We find that individuals' expectations of others in their social groups towards vaccination predicts those individuals' vaccination registrations. Using a vignette experiment, we examine the extent of normative expectations in normalizing pro-vaccination behavior beyond an individual's reference group. We find that unless moderated by a high level of public trust, individuals prefer punitive policies as a way to increase vaccination rates in their communities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  11. Roy RN
    N Z Med J, 1972 Aug;76(483):97-101.
    PMID: 4508817
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  12. Yaacob I, Harun MH
    PMID: 7825029
    A questionnaire survey to study the smoking habits and attitudes toward smoking among secondary school teachers in Kelantan, Malaysia was conducted between July and September 1992. Questionnaires were sent to 5,112 teachers through their respective headmasters. Sixty-three percent (3,208 teachers; 61% males, 39% females) responded satisfactorily. Overall, 625 teachers (20%) were current smokers, 141 (4%) were occasional smokers, 317 (10%) were ex-smokers and 2,123 (67%) had never smoked. Only six (0.8%) of the 766 regular and occasional smokers were females. The rates of smoking among parents and siblings of smokers were higher than parents and siblings of non-smokers. Seventy-four percent of the smoking teachers admitted to smoking in the school premises. The teachers' attitudes about the health effects of smoking were statistically different between smokers and non-smokers. However, both smoking and non-smoking teachers had similar views regarding methods to control the smoking habit which included banning cigarette sales, putting a halt to the tobacco industry and banning cigarette advertisements.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  13. Hajar MS, Rizal H, Kueh YC, Muhamad AS, Kuan G
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2019 Jul 02;16(13).
    PMID: 31269644 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16132331
    Brain breaks is a physical activity (PA) video designed for school settings that is used to stimulate student's health and learning. The purpose of this study is to measure the effects of brain breaks on motives of participation in PA among primary school children in Malaysia. Purposive sampling was used to divide 159 male and 176 female students aged 10 to 11 years old, mean (standard deviation (SD)) = 10.51 (0.50), from two schools in Kelantan, Malaysia into intervention (n = 183) and control (n = 152) groups. Students undertook brain breaks activities on school days (five minutes per session) spread out for a period of four months. Mixed factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test the students' motives of participation in PA for pre-, mid-, and post-tests using the Physical Activity and Leisure Motivation Scale-Youth-Malay (PALMS-Y-M). Mixed factorial ANOVA showed significant changes in enjoyment, F(2, 392) = 8.720, p-value (ηp2) = 0.001 (0.043); competitiveness, F(2, 195) = 4.364, p-value (ηp2) = 0.014 (0.043); appearance, F(2, 392) = 5.709, p-value (ηp2) = 0.004 (0.028); and psychological condition, F(2, 392) = 4.376, p-value (ηp2) = 0.013 (0.022), whereas mastery, affiliation, and physical condition were not significant (p < 0.05). Further post-hoc analysis revealed a significant downward trend in the control group (p < 0.05). Brain breaks is successful in maintaining students' motives for PA in four of the seven factors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  14. Aina Mardiah B, Hazizi A, Nasir MM, Zaitun Y, Jan JH
    Iran J Public Health, 2012;41(1):28-36.
    PMID: 23113119
    Background: This was a cross-sectional study on the gender differences in weight-control behavior. The strategies used, weight status, weight satisfaction, and proportion of individuals attempting to lose weight among 233 government employees (104 men and 129 women) working in the Federal Government Building in Penang, Malaysia, were assessed.
    Methods: Anthropometric indicators such as body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, and body fat percentage were measured to determine the subjects’ body weight status. A questionnaire covering the following items was used to assess weight-control behavior: social support, self-monitoring, self-efficacy, outcome expectations, planning, preparation/buying, portion control, social interactions, and cognitive behavioral strategies.
    Results: About 50% of the subjects were classified as overweight. Based on percent body fat percentage, 70% of them were classified as having unhealthy levels of body fat. Women were found to be more dissatisfied with their current weight, and were more likely to attempt weight reduction compared to men. Women reported higher levels of social support for dieting and had better expectations for diet and exercise (P < 0.05). They also reported higher use of weight control strategies. For self-monitoring, although no gender-dependent differences (P > 0.05) were observed, women reported more frequent self-monitoring of diet, whereas men reported more frequent self-monitoring of exercise.
    Conclusion: Health care professionals and researchers should be aware of the different strategies used by men and women in order to plan and/or implement community-wide weight management programmes.
    Keywords: Weight Control, Body Weight Status, Diet, Exercise, Gender Differences
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  15. Halim NAA, Sopri NHA, Wong YY, Mustafa QM, Lean QY
    Chronic Illn, 2024 Dec;20(4):640-654.
    PMID: 37403449 DOI: 10.1177/17423953231185385
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess the perceptions towards chronic disease self-management and its program among patients with chronic diseases.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study using pre-validated questionnaire was conducted among patients with chronic diseases at outpatient pharmacy in a hospital in Penang, Malaysia from April to June 2021.

    RESULTS: Of 270 patients participated in this study, 87.8% were interested in chronic disease self-management. Nonetheless, they faced common barriers including time constraint (71.1%), no health monitoring devices (44.1%) and poor health knowledge (43.0%). More than half of the patients expressed that having a better knowledge of the disease and its treatment (64.1%), getting supportive guidance from healthcare providers (59.6%) and having monitoring devices (58.1%) were the top three facilitators to self-management. The patients preferred chronic disease self-management programs that (a) discuss the topic of motivation (b) are available both as mobile applications and hands-on training, (c) individual session, (d) range between 1 and 5 sessions with a duration of 1 to 2 h/session, (e) occurring on monthly basis, (f) conducted by doctor or healthcare professionals and (g) fully sponsored by government or at affordable fee.

    CONCLUSION: The findings serve as pre-requisite step in future design and development of chronic disease self-management program, targeting the patients' needs and preferences.

    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  16. Gong Y, Said F, Haq W, Gong J, Aksar I
    Sci Rep, 2025 Feb 04;15(1):4212.
    PMID: 39905199 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-025-87343-7
    The COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to unprecedented transformation of consumer behaviors. Despite the abundance of research on this subject, less is known about why and how consumers processed health information and subsequently decided to purchase food during the pandemic. This study employed a survey questionnaire to collect the data. The sample size consisted of 590 consumers in China. The data were analyzed via SPSS and SmartPLS version 3.2.9 to explore the relationships among variables. The results showed that health information-seeking behavior has a significant impact on healthy food product purchasing intention. Similarly, health-related internet use also has a positive impact on health information seeking. Moreover, the impact of motivation for healthy eating on health information seeking is significant. The results indicate a significant moderating role of social influence (i.e., interaction between health information seeking and healthy food product purchasing intention). Multigroup analysis revealed differences between income and age in terms of health-related internet use and purchasing intention. This study assessed healthy food product purchasing intention in a timely manner by incorporating health communication. variables and social influence into consumer behavior research in the context of COVID-19. It thus expands the extant literature and provides insights into the knowledge and practices concerned.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  17. Awang H, Shahabudin SM, Mansor N
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2016 Nov;28(8):694-702.
    PMID: 27022093 DOI: 10.1177/1010539516640354
    This study examined the factors of successful return to employment among participants in the return to work program (RTW) following work-related injury. Data were obtained from the Social Security Organization database containing 9850 injured workers who underwent RTW in 2010 to 2013. About 65% had successfully returned to employment. Significant factors of successful return include gender, employer interest, motivation, age, intervention duration, and type of injury. Male and motivated employees were more likely to return to employment compared with female and unmotivated employees, respectively. Participants from interested employers were 23.22 times more likely to return to work than those from uninterested employers, whereas participants whose intervention period exceeded 5 months were 41% less likely to return to work compared with those whose intervention period was within 3 months. Appropriate strategy and enhanced collaboration between the stakeholders would improve the proportion of successful return to employment.
    Keyword: SOCSO
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  18. Eskin M, AlBuhairan F, Rezaeian M, Abdel-Khalek AM, Harlak H, El-Nayal M, et al.
    Psychiatr Q, 2019 03;90(1):229-248.
    PMID: 30498939 DOI: 10.1007/s11126-018-9613-4
    There is a scarcity of research on suicidal phenomena in the Muslim world. Therefore, this study aimed at investigating the self-reported prevalence of suicidal thoughts, attempts and motives in 12 Muslim countries. A total of 8417 (54.4% women) university students were surveyed by means of a self-report questionnaire. Overall, 22% of the participants reported suicidal ideation and 8.6% reported attempting suicide. The odds of suicidal thoughts were elevated in Azerbaijan, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia, while reduced ORs were recorded in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Malaysia. While odds of suicide attempts were high in Azerbaijan, Palestine and Saudi Arabia reduced odds ratios (OR) were detected in Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Lebanon, Malaysia and Tunisia. Taking drugs and using a sharp instrument were the two most frequently used methods to attempt suicide. Only 32.7% of attempts required medical attention. Escape motives were endorsed more than social motives by participants who attempted suicide. Suicidal behaviors were more frequent in women than in men. Compered to men, fewer attempts by women required medical attention. Moreover, our results show that making suicide illegal does not reduce the frequency of suicidal behavior. Results from this comparative study show that suicidal thoughts and attempts are frequent events in young adults in countries where religious scripture explicitly prohibit suicide and the frequencies of nonfatal suicidal behavior show large variation in nations adhering to the same religion.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation*
  19. Kumar S, Ratnavelu K
    PLoS One, 2016;11(6):e0157633.
    PMID: 27322645 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0157633
    Scholars (n = 580) from 69 countries who had contributed articles in the field of Economics during the year 2015 participated in a survey that gauged their perceptions of various aspects of co-authorship, including its benefits, motivations, working relationships, order of authorship and association preferences. Among the main findings, significant differences emerged in the proportion of co-authored papers based on age, gender and number of years the researchers had spent in their present institution. Female scholars had a greater proportion of co-authored papers than male scholars. Respondents considered improved quality of paper, contribution of mutual expertise, and division of labor as the biggest benefits of and motivation for co-authorship. Contrary to common perceptions that Economics researchers used a predominantly alphabetical order of authorship, our study found that a considerable percentage of respondents (34.5%) had practiced an order of authorship based on the significance of the authors' contribution to the work. The relative importance of tasks differed significantly according to whether researchers co-authored as mentors or co-authored as colleagues. Lastly, researchers were found to associate, to varying degrees, with other researchers based on socio-academic parameters, such as nationality, ethnicity, gender, professional position and friendship. The study indicates that Economics authors perceive co-authorship as a rewarding endeavor. Nonetheless, the level of contribution and even the choice of association itself as a co-author depends to a great extent on the type of working relationship and socio-academic factors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
  20. Eichbaum Q, Smid WM, Crookes R, Naim N, Mendrone A, Marques JF, et al.
    J Clin Apher, 2015 Aug;30(4):238-46.
    PMID: 25346394 DOI: 10.1002/jca.21368
    At the combined American Society for Apheresis (ASFA) Annual Meeting/World Apheresis Association (WAA) Congress in San Francisco, California, in April of 2014, the opening session highlighted the status of apheresis outside of the United States. The organizers invited physicians active in apheresis in countries not usually represented at such international gatherings to give them a forum to share their experiences, challenges, and expectations in their respective countries with regard to both donor and therapeutic apheresis. Apheresis technology is expensive as well as technically and medically demanding, and low and median income countries have different experiences to share with the rest of the world. Apheresis procedures also require resources taken for granted in the developed world, such as reliable electrical power, that can be unpredictable in parts of the developing world. On the other hand, it was obvious that there are significant disparities in access to apheresis within the same country (such as in Brazil), as well as between neighboring nations in Africa and South America. A common trend in the presentations from Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, and South Africa, was the need for more and better physicians and practitioners' training in the indications of the various apheresis modalities and patient oversight during the procedures. As ASFA and WAA continue to work together, and globalization allows for increased knowledge-sharing, improved access to apheresis procedures performed by qualified personnel with safety and high-quality standards will be increasingly available.
    Matched MeSH terms: Motivation
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