Sixty seven infants were admitted over a 10-year period from 1972 to 1981: 50 males and 17 females. A higher incidence of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis exists in West Malaysia than was previously recognised. However, it remains at less than one tenth of the Western figures. Among the three major races, the condition was commonest in Indians and least in Malays. Most cases presented between the ages of 3 to 8 weeks. Prolonged history of vomiting of more than 3 weeks occurred in 43.3 percent cases, usually among Malay and Indian patients. All patients were treated surgically with 1 death (1.5 percent). The usual postoperative complication was vomiting which occurred in 22.4 percent. Early presentation, adequate preoperative resuscitation and improved anaesthetic techniques can further reduce this mortality and morbidity.
A descriptive study of 1,945 cancer cases discharged from the University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, during the three-year period from 1972 to 1974, was carried out to analyse cancer patterns and frequency in the various age, sex and ethnic groups, The highest frequency of cancers occurred among the Chinese (68.8 percent) in excess of that expected from their utilization rate of the hospital (50.5 percent). The jive leading cancers in males were lung, liver, stomach, nasopharynx and rectum. In the females, the five leading cancers were cervix uteri, breast, stomach, lung and ovary. This was the pattern reflected among the Chinese, the patterns for the Malays and Indians were different. In addition, the Chinese constituted the highest proportions in most of the selected individual cancers analysed (including cancer of the nasopharynx, lung, liver, stomach, cervix, breast, rectum and colon). However, there was a high proportion of Indians in laryngeal and skin cancer. The age distribution of the patients showed that cancers of the oesophagus, stomach, colon, rectum, liver, lung, skin and bladder, were predominant in the older age groups (55 years and above). Carcinoma of the cervix uteri, ovary and breast were more common in the 45-54 years age group, while leukaemia, thyroid and nasopharyngeal carcinoma were more common in the younger age groups. Comparisons with other studies showed strikingly similar patterns to those found in Singapore, 1968-70.
The birthweights of 13,614 singleton infants comprising 5376 Malays, 5352 Chinese and 2886 Indians born at the Maternity Hospital Kuala Lumpur, during 1973, 1975 and 1977 have been extracted and analysed. Male Chinese infants (3.16 ± 0.37 kg) were significantly heavier than Malay and Indian infants while the male Malay infants (3.12 ± 0.41 kg) were significantly heavier than the Indian (2.97 ± 0.41 kg). Both female Chinese (3.04 ± 0.38 kg) and Malay infants (3.05 ± 0.38 kg) were heavier than the female Indian (2.89 ± 0.39 kg) but there was no difference in birthweight between Chinese and Malay female infants. The mean gestational period and the proportion of full-term births were similar for all 3 races with averages of 39.9 weeks and 77.8 percent respectively. Maternal age at first birth was also closely similar for the three communities with an average of 22.9 years. Significant correlations were found between birthweight and length of neonates, birthweight and gravida, birthweight and maternal age. Indians have a higher incidence of low birthweight or small-for-gestational age infants (14.5 percent) compared to the Chinese (5.6 percent) and the Malays (7.6 percent); the incidence of low birthweights being higher in girls than in boys. Present-day Malay and Indian full-term male and female infants are significantly heavier than their counterparts born at the same Hospital two decades ago, but no difference in birthweight was observed for Chinese infants during this time interval. The gap between the incidence of low birthweight found in Malaysia and those in the developed countries seems to be narrowing and this may be taken to reflect the overall effects of socioeconomic development, including the greater availability of general health and ante-natal care throughout the country since its Independence in 1957.
A study conducted in. all the government schools in Wilayah to find the prevalence rate of worm infection in. urban schools revealed that 50 percent of the 7,682 school children. examined suffered from helminthiasis. More than 50 percent had mixed infections, worm infection was more prevalent among Malays and Indians. Both males and females had an equal prevalence of worm infection. Schools near the squatter areas had high infection rates. This was attributed to poverty, cultural factors, and environmental sanitation in the squatter areas.
The role of multiple pleural biopsies in malignant pleural effusion to achieve better diagnostic yield was evaluated. The specific diagnosis was established in 43.8 percent (14/32) of cases on first biopsy, and improved to 93.8 percent (30/32) of cases by three biopsies. The contribution of multiple biopsies was stressed.
In the outbreak of cholera in Perak in 1978, a study on 179 cholera patients (cases) from 8 health districts in the state indicated that those afflicted with the disease were from the rural areas, belonged to the lower socio-economic class and had little or no formal education. Under such conditions, it is expected that personal hygiene may not be satisfactory and person to person contact could play an important role in the transmission of the disease especially among those living in close contact. 34.2 percent of the 164 households of the cholera patients contained injected household contacts. From 1 to 6 infected household contacts per household were found for household size ranging from 2 to 18. Ninetyjive (8.6 percent) of the total 1101 household contacts were injected. Only 8 of these 95 infected household contacts developed clinical symptoms giving a ratio of 1:12 symptomatic to inapparent injections. While most of the contacts probably acquired their infection from the patient who constitutes the index case, the role of the asymptomatic carrier in the transmission ofinjection cannot be underestimated.
Thirty-four case notes of patients in acute renal failure on whom intravenous urograms (IVU) were performed, were reviewed. All patients received high doses of Conray 420 or Urotrast. Delayed films up to 48 hours were routinely done in patients suspected of having obstruction. There were no side effects of the intravenous urogram examination. IVU with high dose contrast material and nephrogram are helpful in differentiating the cause of the acute renal failure, and in excluding outflow obstruction.
Cefotaxime [HR 756], a third generation cephalosporin with pronounced antibacterial activity
against the Enterobacteriaceae, was assessed in serious and problem antibiotic resistant infection. Good clinical success was achieved without observed untoward effects. The study suggests that due to its properties, cefotaxime could be used as a first-line antibiotic provided that the clinical situation warrants the use of a cephalosporin or aminoglycoside.
Key words - cefotaxime [HR 756], serious surgical infection, antibiotic resistant infection.
74 cases of radiologically proven urinary calculi between 1975 and 1979 were analysed by race, sex and age. The relative frequency of single and multiple stones was also studied. The disease was found in all the ethnic groups present in Limbang except for the Punans. Possible reasons for this observation of their apparent absence were given. The absence of patients from one of the Malay Kampongs in Limbang town was also noted.
This paper reports a case of double orifice mitral valve which was treated conservatively. A new scheme of classification of this entity linked to the accepted lines of surgical treatment is introduced.
Plexiform granular cell odontogenic tumor of the mandible has recently been described. The cardinal histopathologic feature, as its name suggests, is a monophasic plexiform pattern of granular cells; the principal tumor in the differential diagnosis is granular cell ameloblastoma. Unlike the two previously reported cases of plexiform granular cell odontogenic tumor, which occurred as solid tumors in elderly men, the lesion reported here is a unicystic variant occurring in a middle-aged woman.
This study investigated whether knowledge and attitudes of Malay college students regarding smoking can be positively influenced by educational intervention. The experiment included a pretest to assess the students knowledge and attitudes regarding smoking, a lecture on the health risks associated with smoking, and a posttest given six weeks later to assess whether any changes had occurred. A profile of the typical Malay student smoker was also elicited. Twenty-seven percent of the study population were smokers. Of the men in the sample, 44% were smokers, while less than 4% of the women were smokers. T-tests indicated that knowledge of the health risks associated with smoking was significantly improved for most groups, while attitudes towards smoking were essentially unchanged.
Health indices of 317 healthy elderly Malay females 55 years and older from two rural subdistricts in Negeri Sembilan were collected through personal interviews. About 33% of the respondents perceived their health condition as good to excellent, 63.4% rated their health status compared to a year earlier as about the same, 48.3% had no worry about their health, and 49.2% perceived themselves as physically active as their peers. Arthritis was the major ailment which affected the daily activities of about 64% of the respondents. The classical age-related problems of poor hearing, poor sight and difficulty in chewing were also prevalent among these elderly.
A 13 year old girl presented with miliary tuberculosis and active systemic lupus erythematosus (S.L.E.). She responded to a combination of antituberculous drugs and systemic steroids. This case illustrates the fact that S.L.E. presenting in childhood may be rare but not unknown and exemplifies the need for vigilance in detecting life threatening infections in this group of patients.
A case of tetanus occurring after induced abortion is reported. The patient gave a history of low grade fever with chill and rigors, headache, neck pain and Trismus. She subsequently developed respiratory distress. However, incorrect information from the patient resulted in the delay to locate and eradicate the source of infection. Early referral to an intensive care unit for ventilatory assistance was the most appropriate step to save the patient. Complications which occurred during the course of the disease were sometimes difficult to overcome. These complications were probably related to the duration of stay in the intensive care unit. Their incidence could be reduced by more meticulous patient care.
About 10% of 3887 ever-married women included in the 1984-85 Malaysian Population and Family Survey revealed that they were influenced by the new population policy to desire more children than they had originally wanted. These women were more likely to be rural Malays from the lower socioeconomic class. Ideal family size was more than four children. Children are desired for economic benefits and emotional support. The natality of the Malays has risen since 1980: their total fertility rate has increased while their contraceptive prevalence rate has dropped sharply. Coupled with a decline in the crude death rate, the present fertility preferences and behaviour of the Malays will render the target of the population policy more attainable than is reflected by the survey data.
We describe a case of cervical cord compression due to ossified posterior longitudinal ligament in association with diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis, in a young female. Characteristic CT findings are described.