Displaying publications 461 - 480 of 4601 in total

  1. Makeen MA, Noor NM, Dussert S, Clyde MM
    Cryo Letters, 2005 Jul-Aug;26(4):259-68.
    PMID: 19827255
    Following the investigation of desiccation sensitivity and freezing tolerance of the whole seed of Citrus suhuiensis cv. limau langkat, desiccation sensitivity and cryopreservation of the excised embryonic axes from the seeds of the same species were examined. Three drying conditions were employed: desiccation by equilibrium for the whole seeds and desiccation in laminar airflow and over silica gel for the excised embryonic axes. The relevance of desiccation sensitivity (WC50) to cryopreservation of whole seeds and excised axes was investigated. High desiccation tolerance (WC50 = 0.034 g H2O x g(-1)dw) was acquired for axes desiccated with faster dehydration rate (1.5 g x g(-1) x h(-1)) in laminar airflow compared to substantially lower desiccation tolerance (WC50 = 0.132 and 0.110 g H2O x g(-1)dw) acquired under slower dehydration rates (1.0 and 0.005 g x g(-1) x h(-1)) for axes desiccated over silica gel and whole seeds desiccated by equilibrium respectively. While few whole seeds (8.3%) survived freezing, high recovery percentages of axes (83.3% and 62.2%) after freezing were obtained under laminar airflow and silica gel drying conditions respectively. Irrespective of the drying method employed, axes survival percentages after exposure to LN temperature commensurate with the desiccation sensitivity pattern. For the whole seeds, a factor other than desiccation sensitivity that limits the tolerance to exposure to LN temperature seems to exist and still needs to be defined.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cell Survival/physiology; Citrus/physiology*; Seeds/physiology*; Germination/physiology
  2. Silahuddin SA, Latif B, Kurahashi H, Walter DE, Heo CC
    J Med Entomol, 2015 Jan;52(1):9-23.
    PMID: 26336275 DOI: 10.1093/jme/tju001
    The stages of decomposition and the faunal succession on rabbit carcasses in three different habitats, namely jungle, rural, and highland areas, were studied. Three New Zealand White rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) carcasses weighing ∼2 kg were sampled daily until the decomposition process was completed. Representative specimens of adult flies, larvae, pupa, and mites were collected from the carcasses and processed in the laboratory. There were differences in decomposition rate and faunal succession between the carcasses. The fastest rate of decomposition was recorded in rural area, and the slowest rate of decomposition was recorded in highland area. The carcasses exhibited the same pattern of colonization by adult flies, but the dominant species of larvae and adult flies on each carcass in specific habitats were different. The primary species of flies recorded in jungle were Chrysomya megacephala F., Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart), Chrysomya chani Kurahashi, Chrysomya villenuevi Patton, Chrysomya nigripes Aubertin, Chrysomya pinguis (Walker), Hemipyrellia ligurriens (Wiedemann), Hemipyrellia tagaliana (Bigot), Hypopyiopsis fumipennis (Walker), Hypopygiopsis violacea (Macquart), and Hydrotaea spinigera Stein represented by both adults and larvae. Musca domestica L., Atherigona sp., Lioproctia pattoni (Senior-White), Lioproctia saprianovae Pape & Bänziger, and Seniorwhitea princeps (Wiedemann) were represented by adults only. The biodiversity of flies in the rural area were C. megacephala, C. rufifacies, H. ligurriens, Fannia canicularis L., Hydrotaea chalcogaster (Wiedemann), and Hyd. spinigera represented by both adults and larvae, meanwhile M. domestica, Atherigona sp., Boettcherisca peregrina (Robineau-Desvoidy), Parasarcophaga taenionota Wiedemann, Parasarcophaga scopariiformis Senior-White, and S. princeps were represented by adults only. The species of flies collected in the highland area were Lucilia porphyrina (Walker), C. megacephala, C. rufifacies, C. villenuevi, C. pinguis, H. ligurriens, Hyd. spinigera, Hyd. chalcogaster, F. canicularis, and Boettcherisca highlandica Kurahashi & Tan represented by both adults and larvae, whereas C. nigripes, Chrysomya thanomthini Kurahashi & Tumrasvin, M. domestica, Atherigona sp., Parasarcophaga albiceps Meigen, P. taenionota, Sepsidae, Phoridae, and Millichidae were represented by adults only. Faunal succession followed the sequence of dominant flies, i.e., Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae, Muscidae, Sepsidae, and lastly Stratiomyidae for jungle, or Sepsidae for rural and highland studies. Mites, from suborders Mesostigmata, Prostigmata, Astigmatina, and Oribatida, were also recovered throughout decomposition, which could be used for future implementation in forensic investigations. The data obtained from this study could provide more accurate indicators for local forensic scientists in solving criminal cases especially on the determination of time and primary location of death.
    Matched MeSH terms: Acari/physiology*; Diptera/physiology*; Larva/physiology; Pupa/physiology
  3. Zadry HR, Dawal SZ, Taha Z
    Int J Occup Saf Ergon, 2016 Sep;22(3):374-83.
    PMID: 27053140 DOI: 10.1080/10803548.2016.1150094
    This study was conducted to develop muscle and mental activities on repetitive precision tasks. A laboratory experiment was used to address the objectives. Surface electromyography was used to measure muscle activities from eight upper limb muscles, while electroencephalography recorded mental activities from six channels. Fourteen university students participated in the study. The results show that muscle and mental activities increase for all tasks, indicating the occurrence of muscle and mental fatigue. A linear relationship between muscle activity, mental activity and time was found while subjects were performing the task. Thus, models were developed using those variables. The models were found valid after validation using other students' and workers' data. Findings from this study can contribute as a reference for future studies investigating muscle and mental activity and can be applied in industry as guidelines to manage muscle and mental fatigue, especially to manage job schedules and rotation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscle, Skeletal/physiology*; Muscle Fatigue/physiology; Upper Extremity/physiology*; Brain Waves/physiology*
  4. Yick YY, Buratto LG, Schaefer A
    Neuroreport, 2016 08 03;27(11):864-8.
    PMID: 27295027 DOI: 10.1097/WNR.0000000000000628
    Here, we report evidence that electrophysiological neural activity preceding the onset of emotional pictures can predict whether they will be remembered or forgotten 24 h later, whereas the same effect was not observed for neutral pictures. In contrast to previous research, we observed this effect using a paradigm in which participants could not predict the emotional or the neutral content of the pictures before their onset. These effects were obtained alongside significant behavioural effects of superior recognition memory for emotional compared with neutral items. These findings suggest that the preferential encoding of emotional events in memory is determined by fluctuations in the availability of processing resources just before event onset. This explanation argues in favour of mediational models of emotional memory, which contend that emotional information is preferentially encoded because it mobilizes a greater amount of processing resources than neutral information.
    Matched MeSH terms: Brain/physiology*; Emotions/physiology*; Evoked Potentials, Visual/physiology*; Recognition (Psychology)/physiology*
  5. Arzmi MH, Dashper S, Catmull D, Cirillo N, Reynolds EC, McCullough M
    FEMS Yeast Res., 2015 Aug;15(5):fov038.
    PMID: 26054855 DOI: 10.1093/femsyr/fov038
    Microbial interactions are necessarily associated with the development of polymicrobial oral biofilms. The objective of this study was to determine the coaggregation of eight strains of Candida albicans with Actinomyces naeslundii and Streptococcus mutans. In autoaggregation assays, C. albicans strains were grown in RPMI-1640 and artificial saliva medium (ASM) whereas bacteria were grown in heart infusion broth. C. albicans, A. naeslundii and S. mutans were suspended to give 10(6), 10(7) and 10(8) cells mL(-1) respectively, in coaggregation buffer followed by a 1 h incubation. The absorbance difference at 620 nm (ΔAbs) between 0 h and 1 h was recorded. To study coaggregation, the same protocol was used, except combinations of microorganisms were incubated together. The mean ΔAbs% of autoaggregation of the majority of RPMI-1640-grown C. albicans was higher than in ASM grown. Coaggregation of C. albicans with A. naeslundii and/or S. mutans was variable among C. albicans strains. Scanning electron microscopy images showed that A. naeslundii and S. mutans coaggregated with C. albicans in dual- and triculture. In conclusion, the coaggregation of C. albicans, A. naeslundii and S. mutans is C. albicans strain dependent.
    Matched MeSH terms: Actinomyces/physiology*; Candida albicans/physiology*; Cell Aggregation/physiology*; Streptococcus mutans/physiology*
  6. Treshi-marie Perera A, Newport R, McKenzie KJ
    Exp Brain Res, 2015 Nov;233(11):3153-61.
    PMID: 26195170 DOI: 10.1007/s00221-015-4384-8
    Research has suggested that altering the perceived shape and size of the body image significantly affects perception of somatic events. The current study investigated how multisensory illusions applied to the body altered tactile perception using the somatic signal detection task. Thirty-one healthy volunteers were asked to report the presence or absence of near-threshold tactile stimuli delivered to the index finger under three multisensory illusion conditions: stretched finger, shrunken finger and detached finger, as well as a veridical baseline condition. Both stretching and shrinking the stimulated finger enhanced correct touch detections; however, the mechanisms underlying this increase were found to be different. In contrast, the detached appearance reduced false touch reports-possibly due to reduced tactile noise, as a result of attention being directed to the tip of the finger only. These findings suggest that distorted representations of the body could have different modulatory effects on attention to touch and provide a link between perceived body representation and somatosensory decision-making.
    Matched MeSH terms: Illusions/physiology*; Proprioception/physiology*; Sensory Thresholds/physiology; Touch Perception/physiology*
  7. Ismail Y, Azmi NN, Zurkurnain Y
    Med J Malaysia, 1993 Jun;48(2):171-4.
    PMID: 8350792
    We conducted a study to measure the peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR), forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) in a group of normal Malay primary school children aged 7 to 12 years. PEFR was measured in 920 children (482 boys and 438 girls) while FVC and FEV1 were measured in 292 of them (168 boys and 124 girls). In agreement with previous studies, we found that PEFR was correlated with age and height of the subjects but FVC and FEV1 were correlated with height only. Prediction equations for all 3 lung function indices for Malay boys and girls were formulated. In comparison with the lung function values from Western and Chinese subjects, the lung function values in our subjects are lower.
    Matched MeSH terms: Forced Expiratory Volume/physiology; Lung/physiology*; Peak Expiratory Flow Rate/physiology; Vital Capacity/physiology
  8. Jin LZ, Ho YW, Ali MA, Abdullah N, Jalaludin S
    J. Appl. Bacteriol., 1996 Aug;81(2):201-6.
    PMID: 8760330
    Single strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lact. fermentum, isolated from chicken intestine, were used to study in vitro interactions with Salmonella enteritidis, Salm. pullorum or Salm. typhimurium in an ileal epithelial cell (IEC) radioactive assay. Exclusion, competition and displacement phenomena were investigated by respectively incubating (a) lactobacilli and IEC together, prior to addition of salmonellae, (b) lactobacilli, IEC and salmonellae together, and (c) salmonellae and IEC, followed by the lactobacilli. Lactobacilli were selected for study because of their strong ability to adhere to IEC and poor aggregation with salmonellae. The results demonstrated that Lact. acidophilus significantly reduced (P < 0.05) the attachment of Salm. pullorum to IEC in the tests for exclusion and competition, but not in the displacement tests. Lactobacillus fermentum was found to have some ability to reduce the attachment of Salm. typhimurium to IEC under the conditions of exclusion (P < 0.08), competition (P < 0.09), but not displacement. However, both Lact. acidophilus and Lact. fermentum were unable to reduce the adherence of Salm. enteritidis to IEC under any of the conditions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bacterial Adhesion/physiology*; Lactobacillus/physiology*; Lactobacillus acidophilus/physiology*; Salmonella/physiology*
  9. Pratap-Chand R, Sinniah M, Salem FA
    Acta Neurol. Scand., 1988 Sep;78(3):185-9.
    PMID: 3227804
    Cognitive impairment has been reported to occur in minor head injury (concussion). The value of the P300 evoked potential as a measure of cerebral concussion was studied in 20 patients with minor head injury and compared with the data from 20 normal subjects. Significant abnormalities of the P300 latency and amplitude were noted in these patients in the post-concussion period. The abnormalities improved completely on repeat testing. The correlation of the P300 to other parameters of head injury is discussed. The P300 constitutes a simple laboratory test that is sensitive measure of cerebral dysfunction in concussive head injuries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Arousal/physiology*; Attention/physiology; Pitch Discrimination/physiology; Reaction Time/physiology
  10. Nakagawa M, Itioka T, Momose K, Yumoto T, Komai F, Morimoto K, et al.
    Bull. Entomol. Res., 2003 Oct;93(5):455-66.
    PMID: 14658448
    Insect seed predators of 24 dipterocarp species (including the genera ot Dipterocarpus, Dryobalanops and Shorea) and five species belonging to the Moraceae, Myrtaceae, Celastraceae and Sapotaceae were investigated. In a tropical lowland dipterocarp forest in Sarawak, Malaysia, these trees produces seeds irregularly by intensely during general flowering and seeding events in 1996 and/or 1998. Dipterocarp seeds were preyed on by 51 insect species (11 families), which were roughly classified into three taxonomic groups: smaller moths (Trotricidae, Pyralidae, Crambidae, Immidae, Sesiidae, and Cosmopterigidae), scolytids (Scolydae) and weevils (Curdulionidae, Apionidae, Anthribidae, and Attelabidae). Although the host-specificity of invertebrate seed predators has been assumed to be high in tropical forests, it was found that the diet ranges of some insect predators were relatively wide and overlapped one another. Most seed predators that were collected in both study years changes their diets between general flowering and seeding events. The results of cluster analyses based on the number of adult of each predator species that emerged from 100 seeds of each tree species, suggested that the dominant species was not consistent, alternating between the two years.
    Matched MeSH terms: Insects/physiology*; Seeds/physiology; Trees/physiology; Theales/physiology
  11. Seidler TG, Plotkin JB
    PLoS Biol, 2006 Oct;4(11):e344.
    PMID: 17048988
    Theories of tropical tree diversity emphasize dispersal limitation as a potential mechanism for separating species in space and reducing competitive exclusion. We compared the dispersal morphologies, fruit sizes, and spatial distributions of 561 tree species within a fully mapped, 50-hectare plot of primary tropical forest in peninsular Malaysia. We demonstrate here that the extent and scale of conspecific spatial aggregation is correlated with the mode of seed dispersal. This relationship holds for saplings as well as for mature trees. Phylogenetically independent contrasts confirm that the relationship between dispersal and spatial pattern is significant even after controlling for common ancestry among species. We found the same qualitative results for a 50-hectare tropical forest plot in Panama. Our results provide broad empirical evidence for the importance of dispersal mode in establishing the long-term community structure of tropical forests.
    Matched MeSH terms: Birds/physiology; Fruit/physiology; Seeds/physiology*; Trees/physiology*
  12. Swain N, Samanta L, Agarwal A, Kumar S, Dixit A, Gopalan B, et al.
    Antioxid Redox Signal, 2020 03 10;32(8):504-521.
    PMID: 31691576 DOI: 10.1089/ars.2019.7828
    To understand the molecular pathways involved in oxidative stress (OS)-mediated sperm dysfunction against a hypoxic and hyperthermic microenvironment backdrop of varicocele through a proteomic approach.
    Protein selection (261) based on their role in redox homeostasis and/or oxidative/hyperthermic/hypoxic stress response from the sperm proteome data set of unilateral varicocele (UV) in comparison with fertile control displayed 85 to be differentially expressed. Upregulation of cellular oxidant detoxification and glutathione and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) metabolism accompanied with downregulation of protein folding, energy metabolism, and heat stress responses were observed in the UV group. Ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA) predicted suppression of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) (validated by Western blotting [WB]) along with augmentation in OS and mitochondrial dysfunction in UV. The top affected networks indicated by IPA involved heat shock proteins (HSPs: HSPA2 and HSP90B1). Their expression profile was corroborated by immunocytochemistry and WB. Hypoxia-inducible factor 1A as an upstream regulator of HSPs was predicted by MetaCore. Occurrence of reductive stress in UV spermatozoa was corroborated by thiol redox status.
    This is the first evidence of a novel pathway showing aberrant redox homeostasis against chronic hypoxic insult in varicocele leading to sperm dysfunction.
    Upregulation of antioxidant system and dysfunctional OXPHOS would have shifted the redox balance of biological redox couples (GSH/GSSG, NAD+/NADH, and NADP+/NADPH) to a more reducing state leading to reductive stress. Chronic reductive stress-induced OS may be involved in sperm dysfunction in infertile men with UV, where the role of HSPs cannot be ignored. Intervention with antioxidant therapy warrants proper prior investigation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Energy Metabolism/physiology; Sperm Motility/physiology; Up-Regulation/physiology*; Oxidative Stress/physiology
  13. Onuma M, Suzuki M, Ohtaishi N
    J Vet Med Sci, 2001 Mar;63(3):293-7.
    PMID: 11307930
    Fecal progesterone assays were conducted in 3 captive female sun bears (Helarctos malayanus) segregated from males to characterize the species-specific reproductive pattern in their original distribution area in Sarawak, Malaysia. Peaks of fecal progesterone concentrations were observed once annually, and lactation was observed after increasing progesterone concentrations in all females without mating stimulus. These results suggest that sun bears in Sarawak, Malaysia, may have a seasonal reproductive pattern and ovulation was noted to occur spontaneously, followed by pseudopregnancy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ursidae/physiology*; Lactation/physiology; Ovary/physiology*; Reproduction/physiology*
  14. Takahashi Y, Nihayah M, Jainudeen MR, Hishinuma M, Kanai Y, Mori Y, et al.
    J Vet Med Sci, 1992 Aug;54(4):799-801.
    PMID: 1391198
    Matched MeSH terms: Buffaloes/physiology*; Cattle/physiology*; Oocytes/physiology*; Semen/physiology
  15. Hor YY, Lew LC, Jaafar MH, Lau AS, Ong JS, Kato T, et al.
    Pharmacol Res, 2019 08;146:104312.
    PMID: 31207344 DOI: 10.1016/j.phrs.2019.104312
    Aging is closely associated with altered gut function and composition, in which elderly were reported with reduced gut microbiota diversity and increased incidence of age-related diseases. Probiotics have been shown to exert beneficial health-promoting effects through modulation of intestinal microflora biodiversity, thus the effects of probiotics administration on D-galactose (D-gal) senescence-induced rat were evaluated based on the changes in gut microbiota and metabolomic profiles. Upon senescence induction, the ratio of Firmicutes/ Bacteroidetes was significantly lowered, while treatment with Lactobacillus helveticus OFS 1515 and L. fermentum DR9 increased the ratio at the phylum level (P 
    Matched MeSH terms: Gastrointestinal Microbiome/physiology*; Aging/physiology*; Lactobacillus/physiology*; Microbiota/physiology*
  16. Ng AK, Hairi NN, Dahlui M, Su TT, Jalaludin MY, Abdul Majid H
    Br J Nutr, 2020 12 14;124(11):1207-1218.
    PMID: 32624008 DOI: 10.1017/S0007114520002202
    The longitudinal relationship between muscle strength, dietary intake and physical activity among adolescents is not well understood. We investigated the trend and longitudinal effects of dietary intakes and physical activity scores on muscle strength in adolescents. This prospective cohort study consisted of 436 adolescents (134 males; 302 females) aged 13 years at baseline (2012) who were followed up at the ages of 15 (2014) and 17 (2016) years, respectively. We measured muscle strength using a calibrated hand dynamometer, estimated dietary intake with a 7-d dietary history and physical activity scores with a validated physical activity questionnaire for older children. A generalised estimating equation was used to examine the effect of dietary intakes and physical activity on muscle strength changes. The analysis was performed separately by sex. The muscle strength for males and females had increased within the 5-year period. The dietary intakes (energy and macronutrients) also increased initially but plateaued after the age of 15 years for both sexes. Females recorded a significant declining trend in physical activity scores compared with males as they grew older. A significant positive longitudinal relationship was found between protein (β = 0·035; P = 0·016), carbohydrate intake (β = 0·002; P = 0·013) and muscle strength among males. However, no longitudinal relationship was found between dietary intake, physical activity and muscle strength among females. Higher protein and carbohydrate intake among males was associated with higher muscle strength but was not observed in females. Nutrition and physical activity focusing on strength building are required in early adolescence and need to be tailored to males and females accordingly.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eating/physiology*; Exercise/physiology*; Adolescent Nutritional Physiological Phenomena/physiology*; Muscle Strength/physiology*
  17. Law YH
    Science, 2021 Mar 26;371(6536):1302-1305.
    PMID: 33766870 DOI: 10.1126/science.371.6536.1302
    Matched MeSH terms: Ants/physiology*; Bees/physiology*; Brain/physiology; Isoptera/physiology*
  18. Mohd Sabee MMS, Kamalaldin NA, Yahaya BH, Abdul Hamid ZA
    J Mater Sci Mater Med, 2020 May 04;31(5):45.
    PMID: 32367409 DOI: 10.1007/s10856-020-06380-y
    Recently, surface engineered biomaterials through surface modification are extensively investigated due to its potential to enhance cellular homing and migration which contributes to a successful drug delivery process. This study is focused on osteoblasts response towards surface engineered using a simple sodium hydroxide (NaOH) hydrolysis and growth factors conjugated poly(lactic acid) (PLA) microspheres. In this study, evaluation of the relationship of NaOH concentration with the molecular weight changes and surface morphology of PLA microspheres specifically wall thickness and porosity prior to in vitro studies was investigated. NaOH hydrolysis of 0.1 M, 0.3 M and 0.5 M were done to introduce hydrophilicity on the PLA prior to conjugation with basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF). Morphology changes showed that higher concentration of NaOH could accelerate the hydrolysis process as the highest wall thickness was observed at 0.5 M NaOH with ~3.52 µm. All surface modified and growth factors conjugated PLA microspheres wells enhanced the migration of the cells during wound healing process as wound closure was 100% after 3 days of treatment. Increase in hydrophilicity of the surface engineered and growth factors conjugated PLA microspheres provides favorable surface for cellular attachment of osteoblast, which was reflected by positive DAPI staining of the cells' nucleus. Surface modified and growth factors conjugated PLA microspheres were also able to enhance the capability of the PLA in facilitating the differentiation process of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) into osteogenic lineage since only positive stain was observed on surface engineered and growth factors conjugated PLA microspheres. These results indicated that the surface engineered and growth factors conjugated PLA microspheres were non-toxic for biological environments and the improved hydrophilicity made them a potential candidate as a drug delivery vehicle as the cells can adhere, attach and proliferate inside it.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cell Movement/physiology*; Osteoblasts/physiology*; Osteogenesis/physiology*; Mesenchymal Stromal Cells/physiology*
  19. Ubuka T, Trudeau VL, Parhar I
    PMID: 32582033 DOI: 10.3389/fendo.2020.00366
    Matched MeSH terms: Brain/physiology*; Learning/physiology; Gonadal Steroid Hormones/physiology; Steroids/physiology*
  20. Hamdan A, Ab Latip MQ, Abu Hassim H, Mohd Noor MH, Tengku Azizan TRP, Mohamed Mustapha N, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2020 08 24;10(1):14105.
    PMID: 32839483 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-71047-1
    Mirror-induced behaviour has been described as a cognitive ability of an animal to self-direct their image in front of the mirror. Most animals when exposed to a mirror responded with a social interactive behaviour such as aggressiveness, exploratory and repetitive behaviour. The objective of this study is to determine the mirror-induced self-directed behaviour on wildlife at the Royal Belum Rainforest, Malaysia. Wildlife species at the Royal Belum Rainforest were identified using a camera traps from pre-determined natural saltlick locations. Acrylic mirrors with steel frame were placed facing the two saltlicks (Sira Batu and Sira Tanah) and the camera traps with motion-detecting infrared sensor were placed at strategically hidden spot. The behavioural data of the animal response to the mirror were analysed using an ethogram procedure. Results showed that barking deer was the species showing the highest interaction in front of the mirror. Elephants displayed self-directed response through inspecting behaviour via usage of their trunk and legs while interacting to the mirror. Interestingly, the Malayan tapir showed startled behaviour during their interaction with the mirror. However, the absence of interactive behaviour of the Malayan tiger signalled a likelihood of a decreased social response behaviour. These results suggested that the ability to self-directed in front of the mirror is most likely related to the new approach to study the neural mechanism and its level of stimulus response in wildlife. In conclusion, research on mirror-induced self-directed behaviour in wildlife will have profound implications in understanding the cognitive ability of wildlife as an effort to enhance the management strategies and conservation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Behavior, Animal/physiology*; Cognition/physiology; Visual Perception/physiology; Recognition (Psychology)/physiology
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