In Sarawak, some tribes stay in communal longhouses whilst others live in villages of single dwellings. The present study looks into the question of whether there is an association between the prevalence of leprosy and tuberculosis with the quantum of social contact that occurs in these two types of settlement patterns. It was found that the prevalence of leprosy and tuberculosis is significantly higher among longhouse dwellers compared with single house dwellers. It was also noted that social groups tended to be larger and to persist for much longer among longhouse dwellers than among those in single dwellings. This lends support to the evidence that social contact in longhouses is more extensive and contributes towards a higher prevalence of leprosy and tuberculosis.
The first two cases of human muscular sarcocystosis are reported from East Malaysia, in Sabalt and Sarawak respectively. Sarcocysts were seen iin biopsied specimen from the nasopharynx of both patients who had carcinoma of the nasopharynx. The measurements and appearances of the cysts and the zoites within the cysts were compared with the human cases of sarcocystosis previously reported in West Malaysia. Zoonotic and other aspects of these cases of East Malaysian sarcocystosis are discussed.
Data are presented from a long-term study of banded langurs in three contrasting rain forest habitats in Peninsular Malaysia. Results from different sites and months are used to correlate ranging patterns with food availability and other environmental variables. Day range lengths are correlated with availability of preferred foods; the degree of territoriality is related to the distribution and size of food sources and length of time for which any one of these produces favoured food items.
Seven infants with birth weights less than lS00g received total parenteral nutrition for seven to 16 days through the peripheral route, commencing within the first 24 hours of life. Excessive weight loss was prevented and the infants showed significant weight gain. The time required to regain the initial birth weight showed an improvement over that expected in conventionally managed infants. Metabolic and septic complications were minimal and easily manageable. The results demonstrate that the technique, when properly used, warrants consideration in feeding low birth weight infants incapable of tolerating enteral feeding.
The IgM-globulin levels were determined for 5,167 cord-sera of apparently normal infants and 281 sera of defective infants aged 4 months and younger. The significant level for IgM-globulin in neonates was found to be 20 mgm/dl (2 SD above mean of the normal) above which the level was regarded as abnormally raised. Significant levels of IgM-globulin were found in 0.2% (11/5, 167) ofnormal neonates and in 40.6% (114/281) of defective infants which is more than 200 times the normal value. Combining the normal and abnormal rates, an overall figure of 23 intrauterine infections per 1,000 live births were obtained for Malaysia. The advantages and disadvantages of the use of serum IgM-globulin elevations for the diagnosis of intrauterine infections were discussed.
A series of 18 cases of tuberculous encephalopathy (TBE) in children studied between June 1983 and October 1984 at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kota Kinabalu is presented. The data suggest that: the incidence is not as rare as previously thought; the occurrence of TBE is related to the absence of BCG vaccination; the presentation is often late; laboratory data, although helpful is not often confirmatory; early treatment is the key to better outcome; the clinical picture should outweigh laboratory diagnosis in the initial assessment and management.
Pseudoseizures, weakness of limbs, elective mutism, dystonia and behaviour problems were the presenting symptoms in three children from three different families with crises superimposed on chronic marital and familial stresses. Lack of open communication among parents and children contribute to the use of physical symptoms as an expression of emotional conflicts. Psychotherapeutic management includes individual and family counselling which begin with obtaining a history of psychosocial background and recent stresses. The families, in addition to seeking modern medical intervention, proceeded with their own religious, cultural and social management.
Four cases of puffer fish poisoning with one death in a family are described. Acute respiratory cessation probably resulted from both depression of the medullary centres and muscular paralysis by the neurotoxin. Artificial ventilation is the single most effective therapeutic measure and should be considered in all severe cases. Delay in treatment may result in death. Anticholinesterases are not known to confer any benefit. Medical staff in coastal hospitals should familiarise themselves with the management of puffer fish poisoning.