AREAS COVERED: Despite numerous methods employed in generating induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from cancer cells only a few studies have successfully reprogrammed malignant human cells. In this review we will provide an overview on i) methods to reprogram cancer cells, ii) characterization of the reprogrammed cancer cells, and iii) the differential effects of reprogramming on malignancy, epigenetics and response of the cancer cells to chemotherapeutic agents.
EXPERT OPINION: Continued technical progress in cancer cell reprogramming technology will be instrumental for more refined in vitro disease models and ultimately for the development of directed and personalized therapy for cancer patients in the future.
METHODOLOGY: This is a retrospective cohort study recruiting all kidney transplant recipients in South Australia from January 2010 till December 2018. Following that, the incidence of blood transfusion within one week post-operatively were traced (transfusion group). The outcomes were compared with all other transplant recipients (non-transfusion group). Recipient's demographic, donor characteristics and immunological risk profiles were obtained from the transplant unit database, while the biopsy report, history of blood transfusion, latest serum creatinine and follow-up status was gathered from the electronic medical system (OASIS). The HLA-DSA and HLA-Ab results were collected from the NOMS database. Finally, the survival data were merged with the Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant (ANZDATA) Registry for South Australia recipients graft survival.
RESULTS: A total of 699 patients were eligible for analysis. The mean age was 50.64 ± 13.23 years old. There were more elderly (>65 years old) and females who needed transfusion. The majority had glomerulonephritis as the primary disease. There was no statistical difference in donor characteristics, cold ischemic time and immunological risk between the transfusion and non-transfusion group. There was no difference in the development of de novo HLA-DSA, HLA-Ab and rejection episodes between the group and the results were consistent in a model adjusted for all potential confounders. Median graft survival in days between the transfusion vs non-transfusion group was 1845 IQR (961,2430) and 1250 IQR (672,2013).
CONCLUSION: Blood transfusion under strong immunosuppressive cover within a one-week post-operative period is safe with no significant association with the development of de novo HLA-DSA, HLA-Ab or clinical rejection.
METHODS: We conducted a case-control study comparing 25 patients with biopsy-proven LACR against 25 stable controls matched for age group, primary diagnosis and time post-transplant. IPV was calculated using coefficient of variance (CV) and mean absolute deviation (MAD) using tacrolimus levels in the preceding 12 months. We also assessed the percentage time for tacrolimus levels
METHODS: The authors describe a modified second toe transfer that addresses cosmesis in six patients. These include (1) harvesting a flap from the adjacent side of the great toe and insetting it into the volar aspect of the second toe to give more bulk, (2) making skin excisions on each side of the tip to reduce the bulbous appearance, and (3) excising the eponychium to produce apparent lengthening of the nail.
RESULTS: The mean follow-up period was 18 months (range, 6 to 36 months). The procedure resulted in good function and improved cosmesis in all six cases. Part of the great toe flap was lost in one case. The mean two-point discrimination in the transferred toes was 10.1 mm, with protective sensation present in the flaps. The range of motion of the transferred toe was 14 to 38 degrees at the metatarsophalangeal joint, 16 to 55 degrees at the proximal interphalangeal joints, and 20 to 36 degrees in the distal interphalangeal joints. All patients except one were happy with the appearance of the transferred toe.
CONCLUSION: This novel approach will allow patients to take advantage of the lower morbidity to the donor site afforded by second toe-to-thumb transfer and provide the patients with a more aesthetic appearance of the new thumb.