High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with phenylisothiocyanate (PITC) is recently used for confirming the diagnosis of inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) especially amino acid disorders in Malaysian children. The method of HPLC used is a precolumn derivatization of amino acids with phenylisothiocyanate and is separated by reversed phase chromatography using 3.9 x 300 mm free amino acid columns and is detected by a UV/Vis detector. The samples are obtained from cases suspected of inborn errors of metabolism, especially of amino acid disorders, which are detected clinically by pediatricians. Initially, samples from patients suspected of inborn errors of metabolism, either urine or serum, are run on one-dimensional thin layer chromatography and supplementary chemical tests to detect the abnormal bands and associated abnormalities respectively. Positive samples are further run on HPLC to determine the specific amino acids abnormality. An examples of a case of maple syrup urine disease is discussed, based on the thin layer chromatography findings and HPLC findings.
A survey on the use of antibiotics in surgical prophylaxis was carried out in seven Malaysian hospitals. Details of antibiotic prescriptions were obtained through questionnaires completed by the prescriber. A total of 430 such prescriptions was analysed. A large number of different antibiotic regimens were used for a variety of surgical procedures. The majority of prescriptions (70%) were issued for procedures where such prophylaxis was probably not necessary. Antibiotics were also often prescribed for durations that were longer than necessary. There is an urgent need to educate surgeons and standardize surgical prophylactic regimens in order to reduce cost and combat the emergence of antibiotic resistance.
A study conducted at the Tampin Drug Rehabilitation Center in Malaysia established a high prevalence (23%) of asymptomatic carriers of Cryptosporidium among exposed HIV positive intravenous drug users (IVDUs). A majority of them were young adults and among the ethnic groups, the Malay HIV positive inmates had the highest prevalence of Cryptosporidium infection.
A survey was conducted to document the blood pressures of two indigenous groups (Kadazans and Bajaus) who reside in rural Sabah in East Malaysia. Their health knowledge status is also recorded. Fifty percent of those surveyed were unable to associate high blood pressure with a risk factor and as high as 38% were unaware of the consequences of high blood pressure. A total of 16.2% had blood pressures > or = 140/or 90mm Hg while 3.9% had blood pressures > or = 160/or 95mm Hg. While these figures are low compared to those of developed countries, lifestyle changes associated with rapid urbanization in Malaysia may be expected to increase hypertension prevalence. The strengthening of health education programs is timely as health knowledge is limited and many hypertensives default treatment.
The host preferences of eight species of anophelines were studied in two coastal Malaysian villages, Kampung Permatang Rawa and Sungai Udang Kecil, by seven 12-hour catches in each village. Collections were made concurrently from a human-baited net trap, a cow-baited net trap and by human-bait landing catches. Anopheles campestris was attracted almost equally to man and cow, but An. lesteri paraliae, An. nigerrimus, An. peditaeniatus, An. sinensis, An. indefinitus, An. subpictus and An. vagus showed a strong preference for the cow bait. The human-bait landing catches were more productive than the human-baited net trap, which attracted very few mosquitos. Seven more all-night catches were made at each village employing only the cow-baited trap, and the combined data were used to plot the biting-cycles of each species at each site. Although the biting-cycles at the two localities were in general agreement, there were notable differences. At Sungai Udang Kecil, where the collection site was relatively sheltered, several species showed a steady decline in numbers from sunset to sunrise. At Kampung Permatang Rawa, on the other hand, where the site was more exposed and close to the sea, the same species showed a bimodal pattern of activity with an early evening peak followed by a decline then a period of increased activity before sunrise rising to a second, lesser peak at 0500-0600 hours.
Collections of anopheline mosquitos were made twice monthly for 13 months from a cow-baited trap in two villages, Kampung Permatang Rawa and Sungai Udang Kecil, on mainland coastal Penang, Malaysia. Each collection period was six hours from sunset. Unquantified larval collections were made regularly in each area. Although the villages were only about 50km apart, and each had extensive, irrigated rice-fields in its vicinity, the species abundance and the seasonal fluctuations differed significantly. In Kampung Permatang Rawa Anopheles sinensis and An. peditaeniatus were dominant in prevalence, whereas in Sungai Udang Kecil An. indefinitus and An. lesteri paraliae were most common and An. peditaeniatus was relatively rare. The rice growing schedules in the two areas differed, but there was a moderate correlation between the abundance of several species and the rice-growing pattern. There was no correlation at either site with rainfall.
The occurrence of adult Gnathostoma malaysiae in Rattus surifer and R. tiomanicus in Malaysia has been reported but there are no known reports on the host tissue reactions. This paper reports on the gross pathology caused by G. malaysiae in a red spiny forest rat, R. surifer and the tissue reactions caused. A tumor-like growth was located on the mid-stomach wall in a female rat captured in Gunung Bachock, Kelantan, Malaysia. This growth consisted of four tunnel-like structures containing sanguinopurulent fluid and leukocytes and this structure led into a central canal. The tissue surrounding the tumor was greatly inflamed and there was localized gastritis. The tunnel-like structure was surrounded by dense fibrotic tissue. The stomach wall was devoid of superficial epithelium and smooth muscle but mucinous glands were present. The midregion of the fibrotic scar contained eggs of G. malaysiae which had evoked a strong tissue reaction and were surrounded by pus. Blood vessels were empty, dilated and had undergone vasculitis and thrombosis.
A dot enzyme immunoassay for determination of antibodies to Japanese encephalitis virus was designed for use as a field technique for the surveillance of Japanese encephalitis virus activity among domestic pigs. The test was compared with the neutralization test and the hemagglutination inhibition test and found to be more sensitive than the hemagglutination inhibition test and comparable to the neutralization test in sensitivity but more simple to perform than either the neutralization or the hemagglutination inhibition tests. An IgM capture ELISA for the determination of JEV specific porcine IgM was also utilized to determine current infection rates in pigs. The tests which do not involve the determination of specific IgM are better used for testing sentinel animals for providing clues as to the rate of transmission of JEV among pigs. IgM tests determining acute infection are less likely to be useful unless animals are tested very frequently or if a great number of animals are tested at any one time.
Eight cases of liver failure and encephalopathy were observed among twenty cases of grade 3 and grade 4 dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur from January 1990 to December 1991. All patients with deterioriation in mental status showed a marked increase in liver enzymes (aspartate and alanine aminotransaminases) and severe coagulopathy. Six patients needed cerebral protection, including ventilation, intravenous sedation and muscle relaxants. There was one death during the period of study and one case of residual hemiparesis in a boy who had, in addition, intracerebral hemorrhage. All other survivors had complete recovery of liver and neurological function.
The residual effectiveness of 0.005mg/ml of cyhalothrin applied to cattle was determined against three species of mosquitos: Anopheles maculatus Theobald. Anopheles dirus Peyton and Harrison Mansonia uniformis Theobald. Twenty-four hour post exposure mortality and the degree of successful blood engorgement were determined by exposing mosquitos for 10 minutes to cattle. Three replicated assays were conducted and mortality determined at 1, 2, 7, 14 and 21 days after each treatment. An initial mortality of 92-94% for An. dirus and Ma. uniformis and 79% for An. maculatus was obtained. Percentage mortality declined to 10%, 18% and 31% for An. maculatus, An. dirus and Ma. uniformis respectively on day 7 post application. On day 21 post application, percentage mortality was 2-3% for the three species of mosquitos.
The genus Mansonia is divided into two subgenera, Mansonia and Mansonioides. The subgenus Mansonioides includes the important vectors of lymphatic filariasis caused by Brugia malayi in South and Southeast Asia. Six species of this subgenus are vectors of two types of brugian filariasis, periodic and subperiodic. All six species, viz Mansonia bonneae, Ma. dives, Ma. uniformis, Ma. annulifera, Ma. annulata and Ma. indiana are present in this country. The ecological factors governing the larval and adult biology and their control measures are discussed.
Lymphatic filariasis is the most widespread of human filarial infections, a group of vector-borne infestations. After the discovery of diethylcarbamazine (DEC), little advance was made in the development of new chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of lymphatic filariasis until 1985. Since then, several new initiatives have occurred as the result of a global effort by the World Bank/UNDP/WHO Special Programme on Tropical Diseases and the Onchocerciasis Control Programme. Some of these global research initiatives are reviewed in this paper. Recent observations throw a new light on the rational use of DEC including its deployment as a medicated salt. Ivermectin, an established drug for the treatment of river-blindness is examined for its potential use in the treatment of lymphatic filariasis. Experimental results from two novel compounds out of several being developed by the WHO/OCP Macrofil project are considered in respect to their potential macrofilaricidal activity, particularly in relation to lymphatic filarial infections.
Accurate diagnosis of human filarial infections still remains a problem for clinicians and co-ordinators of filariasis control programs. Diagnosis of filariasis is based on parasitological, histopathological, clinical and immunological approaches. No significant advances have been made for the first three approaches although some refinements in their use and interpretation of results have occurred. For the immunological approach, intradermal tests and antibody detection assays using crude parasite extracts generally lack specificity and/or sensitivity to discriminate between past and present filarial infections in humans. Antigen detection assays would therefore provide a more accurate indication of active filarial infections. Several monoclonal antibodies to various stages of lymphatic filarial parasites have been developed and appear potentially useful for filarial antigen detection.
The genetics of human susceptibility to lymphatic filariasis, the genetic basis of filarial susceptibility in vector mosquitos, and the genetic constitution of human filarial parasites and their mosquito vectors are reviewed. It is evident that our present knowledge on the genetics of lymphatic filariasis is still very meagre. The need to study various genetic aspects of the disease is highlighted.
Studies on the social and behavioral aspects of filariasis transmission were conducted in the transmigration area of Kumpeh, in the province of Jambi, Sumatra, Indonesia. Three methods were used in the study namely, interview, participation observation and focus group discussion. A total of 266 respondents (136 males and 130 females) were interviewed. The results of the study showed the most of the transmigrants were not familiar with the word "filariasis". They were more used to the name of "penyakit kaki gajah" or "elephant's leg" disease or "untut". The word "untut" is similar to what people of Selangor, Malaysia call this disease. The community attitude towards control efforts against filariasis was positive, as evidenced by their readiness in being bled and their readiness to help change the environment which serves as mosquito breeding places. Usually the transmigrants live in the "ladang" or dry farming area for 3-4 months to protect their crops from damages by pests. This habit was rather negative, because in their "ladangs" they exposed themselves to high risk of mosquito bites and thus to filariasis infection.
Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi and Brugia timori are the causative agents of lymphatic filariasis in Indonesia but in some endemic areas, B malayi is more commonly found. Diagnosis of filariasis is normally based on clinical, parasitological and immunological examinations but those methods have limitations. The discovery of monoclonal antibodies is expected to provide a new dimension to the efforts in the development of specific and sensitive immunological tests for the various stages of filariasis infection. This preliminary report, using monoclonal antibodies and dot-blot assay in human lymphatic filariasis showed that 75% of sera from microfilaremic patients with clinical signs, 40% of sera from amicrofilaraemic patients with clinical signs, 88.8% of sera from microfilaremic patients without clinical signs and 19.6% of sera from amicrofilaremic patients without clinical signs have circulating antigens.
In a survey of 974 villagers (408 males, 566 females; ages = 11-82 years) of the Ai (n = 496; 212 males, 284 females) and Lemanak (n = 478; 196 males, 282 females) rivers in the district of Lubuk Antu in Sarawak's Sri Aman Division during July 1993, goiter was found in 31.8% of the subjects. The goiter prevalence was higher in the more interior Ai river area than in the Lemanak river area (36.9% vs 26.5%). In females aged 15 years and above, the goiter prevalence was 75.4% and 49.1%, respectively, in the Ai and Lemanak river areas. The difference in goiter prevalence between the two areas was related to the degree of iodine deficiency in the two areas. The median urinary iodine excretion in the Ai river villagers was 22.1 micrograms/l compared to 72.9 micrograms/l in the Lemanak river villagers (p < 0.0001). Goitrous subjects tended to have lower urinary iodine concentration than non-goitrous subjects. In the males, smoking of tobacco was associated with a two-fold increase in goiter frequency. Despite on-going distribution of iodized salt by the medical and health services in the State, only 23% of the 135 salt samples obtained from the households in the areas contained detectable iodine.