Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 94 in total

  1. Nathan, Sanmuga
    This quasi-experimental study examined the effectiveness of SET pedagogical style training that combined teaching style E (Inclusion style) from Mosston Spectrum of Teaching Styles (Mosston & Ashworth, 2002) with Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU), in hockey. A total of n=25, Form One low-skilled students (LSS) secondary school boys were involved in this study using Physical Education class for the duration of nine weeks. The effectiveness of the SET pedagogical style of training on LSS in hockey was measured using speed and accuracy executing general hockey skills, acquisition of declarative and procedural hockey knowledge as well as ball control, decision making (passing, tackling, dribbling and scoring) and skill execution (passing, tackling, dribbling and scoring) in 3 vs 3 game play. The data was analysed using MANCOVA together with other two training styles, which was not disclosed in this article. Findings indicated there were significant improvements in speed and accuracy executing hockey general skills, declarative and procedural knowledge using SET pedagogical style of training. Findings too revealed the SET style was able to develop significantly game components of ball control, decision makng and skill execution in 3 vs 3 game plays at posttest among LSS group. Conclusion, further research has to be done to validate the SET pedagogical style of training across many invasion games.
  2. Prabhu Ragawan, Ruaibah Yazani Tengah
    This study aim to examine the effectiveness of plyometric training on muscle physical changes. 24 long jumpers under 12 year old from Cameron Highland were involved in this study. 12 participants were in the control group and another 12 were assigned into treatment group. The training program was conducted twice a week for six weeks. Girth of thigh and calf muscles measurement were conducted during pre-test and post-test. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and two-way ANOVA test to determine the mean differences between groups, trial period and interaction of group and trial period. The findings showed that calf and thigh circumference show an improvement for both treatment and control group, in which the treatment group had gained significantly higher achievement. The two-way ANOVA test showed significant differences in enlargement of thigh muscle and calf muscle diameter between groups and trial period. As a conclusion, the plyometric exercises increased circumference of the thigh muscles and calf muscles among long jumpers. The implication of the study is that the proper plyometric training with an appropriate load for primary school athletes need to be implemented to achieve peak performance.
  3. Nurul Diyana Sanuddin, Ahmad Bin Hashim
    The development of SPARK (Sport Play Active and Recreation for Kids) program is an effort to improve physical fitness activities among school children. In addition, the development of this program is planned and systematic activity that will help children express ideas freely, especially in the Physical Education or during Co-curriculum activities. In this study, the validity of the SPARK program is based on the Sidek & Jamaludin (2005) module. The SPARK (Sports Play Active and Recreation for Kids) content creation process begins with the goal and concludes with a draft union. In the initial stages of the content development, researchers determine the purpose and objective of this program. Besides that, Researchers determine the appropriate types of activities are applied to enhance the physical fitness activities for the students. Therefore, the development of the SPARK program is through two phases, namely program construction and validity of content. Therefore, the results of the expert assessment on SPARK (Sport Play Active and Recreation for Kids) program content have a high content legality value of .78. This value can be explained that the SPARK program (Sport Play Active and Recreation for Kids) is highly relevant to the learning and teaching process for Physical Education subjects, co-curricular activities and it is ideal use in this research. In conclusion, the program is expected to provide opportunities for children to undergo natural learning through cognitive social theories that contribute to the learning and teaching process for Physical and Health Education subjects to see the impact on the involvement of children's physical activity.
  4. Mohd Huzairi Mohd Sani, Thariq Khan Azizuddin Khan
    This study is to look at the impact of imagery training programs on performance in rugby. The study assessed the impact of physical training and audio imagery on conversion kick performance over four weeks with intervening frequency of three sessions per week. Participants involved consisted of thirty members from a school rugby club. The Sport Imagery Ability Measure (SIAM) questionnaire which has been converted into Bahasa Malaysia is used as a screen to measure participant’s imagery abilities. This research is been conducted by developing interventions on audio imagery conducted with physical training based on the Imagery Training Program (ITP). The experimental method used involves a control group and a group of treatment that underwent pre-test, intervention and post-test. The findings showed no significant different between the two groups involved. Discussions, limitations and future studies were discussed in the last section.
  5. Julismah Jani, Syed Kamaruzaman Syed Ali
    The objectives of this study were to determine level of acquisition, implementation and differences of pedagogical content knowledge among physical education teachers It also examined the relationship between pedagogical content knowledge and its implementation during physical education lesson. About 149 of Form 4 physical education teachers in Ulu Kinta, Perak, Malaysia secondary schools and 125 physical education teachers of X class in upper secondary schools of Surabaya, Indonesia were involved in this study. Data of the study was collected through questionnaires The findings delineate a medium level (M = 2.90) of pedagogical content knowledge of Malaysian physical education teachers and 86.3% have implemented in their lessons. Whilst the Indonesian physical education teachers acquired a high level of pedagogical content knowledge (M = 3.69) and 94.2% have implemented during their physical education lessons. There was a significant (p = .00) difference among Malaysian and Indonesian physical education teachers on acquisition of pedagogical content knowledge. The findings also delineate a medium positive and significant relationship between pedagogical content knowledge and its implementation during physical education lesson of Malaysian (r = .622, p < .01) and Indonesian (r = .647, p < .01) physical education teachers respectively. The results of the study implied that pedagogical content knowledge is a specific domain to teaching process. Teachers are able to develop their current dimension and goals or contemporary of pedagogical content knowledge based on current needs and their own ability and contentment. Therefore, teachers should acquire pedagogical content knowledge so that their teaching would be meaningful and effective for students learning.
  6. Lee Ai Choo, Magee, David, Choptain, Tracy, Dhillon, Sat
    The objective of this systematic review was to assess the effectiveness of physical therapy interventions for chronic soft tissue injury to the low back. Only randomized controlled trials identifying physical therapy interventions within the scope of practice for Canadian physiotherapists and athletic therapists, with a clinical diagnosis of chronic soft tissue injury to the low back with symptoms lasting a minimum of three months were included. Only three studies of the 87 articles reviewed were deemed eligible for review based on the relevancy criteria set forth by the reviewers. Percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (PENS) and therapist supervised active exercise programs may be a promising treatment modality for chronic low back pain (CLBP) by reducing pain, improving self-reported disability, and improving physical performance. The consensus amongst reviewers’ was that the quality of the three articles were deemed of weak methodological quality making author inferences to the success of the reported physical interventions towards the modulation of pain, improved range of motion or patient satisfaction inconclusive. At the most basic level, there is a lack of uniformity in defining low back pain based on time, with definitions ranging anywhere from one week to six months. This is a major limitation in existing scientific literature. The ability to compare studies and results is hampered by the disparities in CLBP definition. The scientific rigor applied to studies devoted to therapeutic interventions and rehabilitation is poor.
  7. Mohar Kassim
    This research is to study the knowledge of four (n=4) coaches in training at two football academies in Malaysia. This study applied a qualitative methodology (interviews and observations) to explore the unique features and circumstances surrounding the football academy coaches. Subsequently, the findings of this study revealed that i) the development of knowledge of coaching has taken place in the academy but constrained by factors involving the coach education programme at the academy level; ii) the weaknesses of the coaches in transferring important knowledge to the players.
  8. Kuan Boon, Ong, Timothy R Ackland
    Athletes and coaches in the sport of sprint kayaking and canoeing face contradicting philosophies about the optimum physical structure of the paddler and equipment setup characteristics. There exists however, little normative data in the scientific literature for the current physical size and proportionality characteristics as well as equipment set-up of World-class or Asian sprint paddlers. These data and basic understanding of paddlers’ morphology and boat set-up would be useful for Malaysian coaches when initially selecting talented individuals for development programs as well as in determining their specialist events. Ackland et al. (2003) found that participants in Olympic sprint paddling events considered to be homogeneous in shape and physical size, male and female paddlers have SAMs of 1.1 and 1.0 respectively. Compared to other athlete groups the variance in stature and body mass of paddlers is generally low. Whilst sprint paddlers are not athletes with extreme proportionality profiles, they do possess unique characteristics not commonly observed in the general population. Whereas in equipment set-up, Ong et al. (2005) found that there are consistent differences for both male and female athletes among sprint and slalom kayak paddlers who competed at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney. The sprint paddlers seated higher and using longer paddles with longer, though narrower blades (p>0.0001). But, among male sprint paddlers, only minor differences in equipment set-up were found between competitors ranked in the top 10 places to the rest of the field. Significant (p
  9. Nelfianty Mohd Rasyid, Shaharudin Abd Aziz
    The purpose of this study was to identify the preferred coaching styles of the Malaysian Sports School athletes based on gender, age group, and types of sports they had participated. This study utilised the athletes preferred version of the Leadership Scale for Sport questionnaire (LSS). The subjects were the population of two Malaysian Sport School athletes (N = 854; Bukit Jalil Sports School = 409, Bandar Penawar Sports School = 445). The findings demonstrated that Training and Instruction (M = 4:09, SD = 73) was the most preferred leadership style by the athletes, followed by Democratic (M = 3.87, SD = .75), Social Support (M = 3.74, SD = .75) and Positive Feedback (M = 3:59, SD = .82). Autocratic behavior was the least preferred coaching style (M = 2.35, SD = 96). T-test analysis showed that there were significant differences between autocratic leadership style t(852) = 4.63, p
  10. Nur Haziyanti Mohamad Khalid
    A study was conducted to examine resilience profiles among Sport Science students (N=280) in Sultan Idris Education University, Tanjong Malim. The resilience aspects were comprising risk factors, protective factors such as resilience strength, emotional intelligence, and locus of control, and also resilience outcomes in terms of students’ mental health status and their academic achievement. Adult Resiliency Attitudes Scale (ARAS), BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory: Youth Version (BarOn EQi:YV), Rotter’s Locus of Control Scale, Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) and students final examination results were used to measure the profiles. The results indicate that the academic factor was among the highest risk factors which contribute stress to the students. In terms of protective factors, students were strong enough in their morality aspect (resiliency strength), general mood (emotional intelligence) and internal locus of control. In fact, Sport Science students should possess very significant protective factors in terms of their resiliency strength, emotional intelligence and internal locus of control in order to face any future risk factors and to stabilize their mental health status.
  11. Siti Aida Lamat, Tajul Arifin Muhamad, Shahlan Surat, Mohamad Firdaus Ahmad
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(1): 22-34, 2016 - This study aims to
    provide information to the team manager, especially at the university level to understand the
    relationship between coaching style and mental toughness among athletes. The sample had
    been selected from four Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) football team consisting of 88
    players (n = 88: 22 players per team). The study used two instruments that had been modified
    namely "Leadership Scale for Sports Questionnaire" (LSS-40), (Chelladurai & Salleh, 1980)
    and "The Mental Toughness Questionnaire" (MTQ-48), (Clough, Earle & Sewell, 2002).
    Research findings had identified UiTM’s football team scores has a moderately high level of
    mental toughness for each dimension known as challenge, commitments, control assurance
    and confidence. The study also found that the leadership style of training and instruction was
    favored by UiTM’s footballer compared to the autocratic leadership style. Overall, the study
    found a significant relationship between the leadership style with mental toughness especially
    for dimension training and instruction. The findings also showed that there is a moderately
    relationship between leadership style of democratic, social support and positive response to
    the mental toughness dimension of confidence. As for the coaching style of training and
    instruction also has a moderately relationship to the mental toughness dimensions of
    challenge. Results of this study showed that the leadership style affects the level of mental
    toughness UiTM’s football teams. Furthermore, the coaches need to figure out the best
    coaching style in order to improve mental toughness among football team.
  12. Liza Saad, Azali Rahmat, Norkhalid Salimin
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(1): 35-48, 2016 - This study aimed to
    determine the validity and reliability of Learning Assessment Model for Invasion Category
    Games in Year 4 Physical Education. This study uses a holistic instrument for assessing
    student performance standards for the assessment of Invasion Category Games that includes
    teacher observation that consisted of psychomotor, cognitive and affective domain.
    Measuring instruments were constructed based on five main sources that were the Handbook
    of Physical Education Teaching, Curriculum and Assessment Document Standard of Physical
    Education, Physical Education textbooks, Professional Circular No. 1/2014 and the Malaysia
    Education Blueprint 2013-2025. All sources are used as a guide and reference so that the
    instruments to assess are built in conformity with the requirements and needs of physical
    education. The study found that the validity of the instrument Learning Assessment Model
    for the invasion category games is high for both the legality of the process. The reliability of
    the instruments Learning Assessment Model for the offensive category game between the two
    testers for the achievement level of students learning in the three domains showed a strong
    relationship. Based on the findings, this Learning Assessment Model is suitable to be used as
    a standard instrument for assessing the level of student mastery of the Invasion Category
    Games in Physical Education. The implication of the study is Learning Assessment Model
    can become a more realistic and holistic assessment instrument and can be used to measure
    the level of students in line with school-based assessment requirements as outlined in the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025.
  13. Zulkifli Mohd Yusof, Syed Ahmad Ezahar Syed Ambon, Junaidy Mohamad Hashim
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(1): 49-64, 2016 - The aim of this study is
    to assess health related physical fitness of MSKPPM soccer players (Veteran Category).
    Besides that, this study also aims to see whether there is any differences based on the health
    related components of physical fitness according to age group. The samples of this study were
    40 soccer players who were involved in a selection, aged between 40 to 49 years. Test battery
    used in this study is Prudential FITNESSGRAM® by Cooper Institute for Aerobic Research
    (1992) which includes PACER 20 meter Multistage run, push up, curl up, trunk lift and body
    mass index (BMI). Data analysis showed that there is significant difference on the different
    components of health related physical fitness for the different age groups. Age 40-41, Pacer
    [min: 24.66; SD: 2.88], curl up [min:33.33; SD: 5.20], push up [min: 46.83; SD: 3.65], trunk
    lift [min: 43.16;SD: 13.58] and BMI [min:42.46; SD: 5.99]. Age 42-43, Pacer [min: 24.38; SD:
    2.29], curl up [min:41.08; SD: 9.26], push up [min: 48.41; SD: 6.12], trunk lift [min: 47.16;SD:
    9.35] and BMI [min:42.66; SD: 5.40]. Age 44-45, Pacer [min: 24.36; SD: 2.66], curl up
    [min:39.75; SD: 9.69], push up [min: 48.00; SD: 5.81], trunk lift [min: 45.92;SD: 9.51] and
    BMI [min:41.69; SD: 5.62]. Age 46-47, Pacer [min: 20.65; SD: 3.51], curl up [min: 19.40; SD:
    1.67], push up [min: 44.20; SD: 1.78], trunk lift [min: 30.60;SD: 8.50] and BMI [min: 33.92;
    SD: 4.13]. Age 48-49, Pacer [min: 27.26; SD: 0.55], curl up [min: 17.00; SD: 3.60], push up
    [min: 47.33; SD: 2.88], trunk lift [min: 29.00;SD: 8.18] and BMI [min: 30.23; SD: 3.45]. The
    results of this study can be used by the coaches in Malaysia to ensure that players involved in
    any tournaments has excellent fitness level and to avoid from making aggressive actions which
    may cause tense situation among players. The results of this study is hope to convince all
    players and coaches on the importance of good physical fitness as it will positively affect the level of playing to be more effective and high quality.
  14. Che Hasan Sabri TH, Muhamad TA
    The purpose of this study was to identify whether a novice teachers have a self-esteem while teaching physical education. This study access the level of self-esteem among novice teachers between gender and option teachers teach in physical education. This study is a quantitative research survey and this study design is selected using questionnaires based on Rosenberg self-esteem scale for collecting data. 30 novice physical education teachers have been selected from one of the schools in the district of Sepang, Selangor. 15 males and 15 female teachers were randomly selected from the target group. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 22.0 for frequency distribution, mean, standard deviation and independent sample t-test to measure the level of self-esteem of teachers with the dependent variable. The study found that there was no significant difference between the level of self-esteem between genders. While in terms of options, there are significant differences in the level of self-esteem for non-option physical education teachers. The self-esteem level among novice teachers are very important to enhance the quality of learning, especially in the subjects of physical education.
  15. Yin, Jerusha Chan Poe, Ashril Yusof, Victor Selvarajah Selvanayagam
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(2): 1-8, 2016 - The objective of this
    study was to determine the number of familiarisation sessions required for isokinetic knee
    extension and flexion in female varsity athletes. Thirty right footed dominance female varsity
    athletes (n=30; age: 21.73 ±0.22 years, body mass index (BMI): 22.58 ±0.52 kg/m2), with no
    history of knee injuries were recruited. The design started with either with the dominant or
    non-dominant limb, followed by the opposite limb. Four sets of isokinetic maximal voluntary
    contraction at 60 o/s were performed for each limb. The results showed that for knee
    extension regardless of which limb starts first is 2 sessions, however for knee flexion, 3
    sessions is required for dominant limb while 2 for non-dominant. In addition, the presence of
    cross-education effect is observed for knee flexion from non-dominant to dominant limb,
    where the number of session was reduced from three to two. In conclusion, we propose that
    two sessions of familiarisation are required for female varsity athletes and should begin with the non-dominant limb followed by dominant limb.
  16. Ahmad Fazlan Ghazalli, Mahamad Yusof Abdul Rani, Lee, Jeffrey Low Fook
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(2): 53-60, 2016 – Many previous studies
    focus on attention has consistently demonstrated that an external focus (movement effect)
    enhances motor performance and learning relative to an internal focus (body movements).
    However, the effectiveness of the external focus direction and internal focus on the press
    behind neck lift not yet again compared among the weightlifter. Therefore, the aim of this
    study was to identify the three conditions (external focus, internal focus and control) that
    brings the best performance in the press behind neck. Besides that, a total of 30 athletes
    Selangor weightlifters performed the pre-test before they are divided into treatment groups
    (external focus and internal focus) and a control group. There are changes in the score in
    force between the test scores (pre, post and retention test) and the group will be analyzed
    using Two Way ANOVA Repeated Measure. The results showed that, there are the main
    effect of testing, F(2, 54) = 1671.065 p = 0.001 means there is a significant difference
    between pre-test and post-test . There is a main effect for group, F (2, 27) = 16,646, p =
    0.001. Meanwhile, there was a significant interaction between the test group f (4. 54) =
    378,732 p = 0.001. There are no significant differences between the three groups during the
    pre-test. However, in the post-test found an external focus groups (M = 51.5 kg, SP = 7.4)
    and an internal focus group (M = 49.5kg, SP = 6.6) is better and has significant differences to
    the control group (M = 30.5kg, SP= 6.9). Besides that, the external focus group retention test
    (M= 59.5 kg, SP=6.0) is better and has a significant difference compared with internal focus
    (M= 43.2kg, SP = 5.9) and the control group (M= 30.1, SP = 6.3). Therefore, the overall
    direction of a focus of external forces show better performance compared to focus on internal
    and groups are not given any specific instructions for long term programme.
  17. Hajar Asmidar Samat, Nelfianty Mohd Rasyid, Thariq Khan Azizuddin Khan
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(2): 61-73, 2016 – Participation in
    adventure recreation is increasing in popularity in recent years. However, out of the 13
    million people who participated in outdoor recreation activities globally, 12 million are no
    longer participated in these activities due to low satisfaction of the acitivity, which includes
    the implementation of activities, environment and facilities provided (Outdoor Industry
    Foundation, 2013). This study aims to understand the patterns of participation, specifically in
    whitewater rafting activity by identifying the motivation factor and the satisfaction level of
    participants. It also examines the relationship between motivation and satisfaction in
    whitewater rafting activity. Recreation Experience Preferences Scale (REP) was used to
    identify the motivation factors, while Leisure Satisfaction Scale was employed to assess the
    level of satisfaction in whitewater rafting activity. The respondents consisted of 404 people
    who participated in whitewater rafting in Kampar River, Perak. Mean, standard deviation and
    Pearson Correlation were used to answer the research questions. Results showed that
    elements of nature, excitement and sociability as the main motivation in the activities of
    whitewater rafting. Higher satisfaction levels were recorded in the aesthetic, psychological
    and social. This study revealed that there is a positive relationship between participants‟
    motivation and satisfaction in whitewater rafting activity. In conclusion, the motivation
    factors that encourage participants to participate in whitewater rafting activity may not
    necessarily be the same factors that contribute to participants‟ satisfaction. Therefore, the
    operators of the activity and the related parties need to identify factors that contribute to
    satisfaction of aesthetic, psychological and social in whitewater rafting activity to ensure
    higher satisfaction in participation of this activity.
  18. Ahmad Syariff Ahmad Tajudin, Mohammad Hamka Nizam Mohamad Rosni, Lee, Jeffrey Low Fook
    The purpose of this study was to compare the acquisition of performing the squat technique using visual and verbal feedback among eleven years old children. Thirty standard 5 students from a semi urban primary school were recruited for this study. Each participant performed the squat without any provision of feedback in the pre-test. Their performance was assessed using the Motion Competency Screen (MCS) scale. The pre-test scores were used to divide the participants randomly into three groups (i.e., visual-, verbal-feedback and control). During the acquisition phase (two weeks), the visual group (video recordings of their performance) received feedback about the correct squat technique by a qualified trainer while the verbal feedback group received verbal instructions and feedback from the same instructor on their performance. The control group did not participate in any trials during acquisition phase. All participants were tested again in the post- and retention test a week after the post-test. A 3 group x 3 tests mixed between-within ANOVA with repeated measures on the second factor was used to measure the between and within group mean differences. There was no significant different between groups for the pre-test. However, both the visual and the verbal feedback groups were significantly better than the control group in the post test. However, in the retention test, the verbal group significantly outperformed the visual group. Again both groups were significantly better than the control group. In conclusion, both visual and verbal feedbacks were effective in learning a motor skill. Interestingly, verbal feedback showed to be more effective for long term retention (learning).
  19. Siti Nur Atika Mohd Sanif, Justin Vijay Gnanou, Brinnell Annette Caszo, Harbindarjeet Singh
    Leptin affects insulin secretion and action through either a central or peripheral mechanism. It increases glucose metabolism and energy expenditure. Though overweight and obese individuals have been reported to have high circulating leptin levels, these effects of leptin are not evident. Exercise, on the other hand, has been found to increase glucose uptake in these individuals. This study examined the effect of chronic leptin treatment and exercise on body weight, glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity in Sprague-Dawley rats. Eight-week old rats were treated with either intraperitoneal injection of normal saline (Control; n=8), or leptin (60 μg/kg body weight/day; Leptin; n=8), or leptin and exercise (60 μg/kg body weight/day plus running on a treadmill every other day for 30 minutes at a speed of 30 m/min with 10° inclinations; Leptin-exercise; n=8) or exercise only (running every other day for 30 minutes at a speed of 30 m/min with 10° inclinations on a treadmill; Exercise; n=8) for six weeks. Following six weeks of treatment, glucose challenge was performed by intravenous infusion of 100 mg/ml of glucose for 5 minutes. During the protocol, blood was drawn at 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30-min for blood glucose, serum glucose, and serum insulin levels determination. Data were analyzed using One Way ANOVA with post-hoc analysis and expressed as mean ± standard error of mean (SEM). Despite no different in body weight between the groups, leptin group had a slightly higher trend of mean body weight compared to other groups. Glucose clearance was delayed in the leptin group. This delay in glucose clearance might be associated with lower insulin level and action in leptin group. More importantly, exercise reversed the leptin effects by promoting glucose clearance despite a significantly lower insulin peak, indicating increase in insulin sensitivity. In conclusion, six weeks of daily leptin administration resulted in delayed glucose clearance, but concurrent exercise however prevented these effects of leptin by promoting glucose clearance and increasing insulin sensitivity.
  20. Nik Nabil Safwan Nik Anuay, Tajul Arifin Muhamad
    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tiga tujuan utama iaitu: (1) mengenal pasti tahap tret personaliti di kalangan pegawai sukan di UKM; (2) untuk mengenal pasti tahap prestasi kerja di kalangan pegawai sukan di UKM; (3) untuk mengkaji hubungan antara tret personaliti dan prestasi kerja di kalangan pegawai sukan di UKM. 44 item Questionnaire Inventori Besar Lima (BFI) diadaptasi daripada John dan Srivastava (1999) yang mempunyai lima dimensi, iaitu Ekstraversi, Kesedaran, Keterbukaan fikiran, Kesetujuan dan Neurotisme. Prestasi kerja diukur dengan menggunakan markah daripada Sistem Penilaian Prestasi (SPPP). Soal selidik ini melibatkan responden daripada kalangan pegawai sukan (N = 36) di UKM. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahawa min tertinggi bagi tret personaliti adalah Keterbukaan fikiran dengan nilai min (M = 3.70) dan tahap prestasi kerja adalah sangat tinggi (M = 92.98). Di samping itu, hasil analisis korelasi menunjukkan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara tret personaliti dan prestasi kerja di kalangan pegawai sukan di UKM (sig = 0.010, p < 0.05). Kesimpulannya, tret personaliti iaitu keterbukaan fikiran dalam kalangan pegawai sukan amat penting dalam membentuk pekerja agar lebih meningkatkan prestasi dari semasa ke semasa.
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