Depreissia is a little known genus comprising two hymenopteran-mimicking species, one found in Central Africa and one in the north of Borneo. The male of Depreissia decipiens is redescribed, the female is described for the first time. The carapace is elongated, dorsally flattened and rhombus-shaped, the rear of the thorax laterally depressed and transformed, with a pair of deep pits; the pedicel is almost as long as the abdomen. The male palp is unusual, characterized by the transverse deeply split membranous tegulum separating a ventral part which bears a sclerotized tegular apophysis and a large dagger-like retrodirected median apophysis. The female epigyne consists of one pair of large adjacent spermathecae and very long copulatory ducts arising posteriorly and rising laterally alongside the spermathecae continuing in several vertical and horizontal coils over the anterior surface. Relationships within the Salticidae are discussed and an affinity with the Cocalodinae is suggested. Arguments are provided for a hypothesis that Depreissia decipiens is not ant-mimicking as was previously believed, but is a mimic of polistinine wasps. The species was found in the canopy in the Kinabalu area only, in primary and old secondary rainforest at 200-700 m.a.s.l. Overlap of canopy-dwelling spider species with those in the understorey are discussed and examples of species richness and endemism in the canopy are highlighted. Canopy fogging is a very efficient method of collecting for most arthropods. The canopy fauna adds an extra dimension to the known biodiversity of the tropical rainforest. In southeast Asia, canopy research has been neglected, inhibiting evaluation of comparative results of this canopy project with that from other regions. More use of fogging as a collecting method would greatly improve insight into the actual species richness and species distribution in general.
Allergy caused by food is usually type 1 allergy of four types of allergic reactions. One of the most widespread allergic is those that are caused by crustacean shellfish. Crustaceans are classified among arthropods which include crab, crayfish, lobster, prawn and shrimp. Shrimp which are broadly consumed as nutritional food is one of the most important food that contribute to allergy. Thus, reducing the allergenicity of shrimp allergen will be helpful to individuals who are sensitive to shrimp and for this reason the characteristics of each allergen need to be studied. Those sensitized individuals can develop urticaria, angiodema, laryngospasm, asthma and life threatening anaphylaxis. To date, four main allergens contribute to allergic reactions. They are tropomyosin (TM), a highly conserved and heat stable myofibrillar protein of 35-38 kDa followed by arginine kinase (AK) which is also known as Pen m 2 or Lit v 2 with 40 kDa. Two other contributing allergens are sarcoplasmic calcium-binding protein (SCP) also known as Lit v 4 with 22 kDa and myosin light chain (MLC) which is also termed as Lit v 3 with 20 kDa. This mini-review will provide a better understanding of each allergen derived from shrimp which subsequently will help to reduce the allergenicity.
The last decade of the 20th Century saw the introduction of an unprecedented number of encephalitic viruses emerge or spread in the Southeast Asian and Western Pacific regions (Mackenzie et al, 2001; Solomon, 2003a). Most of these viruses are zoonotic, either being arthropod-borne viruses or bat-borne viruses. Thus Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), a mosquito-borne flavivirus, has spread through the Indonesian archipelago to Papua New Guinea (PNG) and to the islands of the Torres Strait of northern Australia, to Pakistan, and to new areas in the Indian subcontinent; a strain of tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) was described for the first time in Hokkaido, Japan; and a novel mosquito-borne alphavirus, Me Tri virus, was described from Vietnam. Three novel bat-borne viruses emerged in Australia and Malaysia; two, Hendra and Nipah viruses, represent the first examples of a new genus in the family Paramyxoviridae, the genus Henipaviruses, and the third, Australian bat lyssavirus (ABLV) is new lyssavirus closely related to classical rabies virus. These viruses will form the body of this brief review.