Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 966 in total

  1. Low CX, Ng WY, Putra ZA, Aviso KB, Promentilla MAB, Tan RR
    Heliyon, 2020 Jan;6(1):e03083.
    PMID: 31909259 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e03083
    Identification of appropriate clean technologies for industrial implementation requires systematic evaluation based on a set of criteria that normally reflect economic, technical, environmental and other aspects. Such multiple attribute decision-making (MADM) problems involve rating a finite set of alternatives with respect to multiple potentially conflicting criteria. Conventional MADM approaches often involve explicit trade-offs in between criteria based on the expert's or decision maker's priorities. In practice, many experts arrive at decisions based on their tacit knowledge. This paper presents a new induction approach, wherein the implicit preference rules that estimate the expert's thinking pathways can be induced. P-graph framework is applied to the induction approach as it adds the advantage of being able to determine both optimal and near-optimal solutions that best approximate the decision structure of an expert. The method elicits the knowledge of experts from their ranking of a small set of sample alternatives. Then, the information is processed to induce implicit rules which are subsequently used to rank new alternatives. Hence, the expert's preferences are approximated by the new rankings. The proposed induction approach is demonstrated in the case study on the ranking of Negative Emission Technologies (NETs) viability for industry implementation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services
  2. Awang H, Ab Rahman A, Sukeri S, Hashim N, Nik Abdul Rashid NR
    PMID: 32093018 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17041341
    A mixed-methods study was conducted in a Malaysian state beginning with a cross-sectional quantitative study to determine the relationship between clinic characteristics and clinic score of adolescent-friendliness. Subsequently, perceptions of healthcare providers on the facilitating factors for the provision of adolescent-friendly health services were explored qualitatively to support the quantitative findings. Availability of trained healthcare providers, adequate privacy, dedicated adolescent health services team, and adolescent health promotional activities were the clinic characteristics that significantly (p < 0.05) related with clinics' scores of adolescent-friendliness. The facilitating factors required for adolescent-friendly health services were (1) healthcare providers' commitment and prioritization towards adolescent-friendly health services; (2) organizational supports; (3) appropriate clinic settings; and (4) external supports for adolescent health promotional activities. The qualitative findings reaffirmed those of the quantitative study on the significant clinic characteristics required for adolescent-friendly health services. This study provides valuable insight for the Ministry of Health to elicit the required facilitating factors to further improve the quality of adolescent health services in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services; Health Services Accessibility; Adolescent Health Services*
  3. Arokiasamy JT
    Med J Malaysia, 2011 Oct;66(4):286-7.
    PMID: 22299543
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services for the Aged*
  4. Arokiasamy JT
    Med J Malaysia, 1997 Sep;52(3):197-201.
    PMID: 10968084
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services for the Aged*
  5. Lim Heng Huat
    J R Soc Health, 1983 Dec;103(6):246-8.
    PMID: 6644735
    Matched MeSH terms: Occupational Health Services*
  6. Nanzaki Y
    Nihon Ishikai Zasshi, 1970 Jan 15;63(2):417-25.
    PMID: 5462757
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Health Services*
  7. Poon AWC, Abdul Wahab N, Salim R, Ow R
    Health Soc Care Community, 2021 01;29(1):164-174.
    PMID: 32619086 DOI: 10.1111/hsc.13079
    Despite the importance of carers supporting the lives of people with mental illness, there are limited studies investigating the well-being and needs of Malay carers in multicultural Singapore. The Malays consist of 13.4% of Singapore's population. A mixed methods qualitative dominant research approach was used to explore the well-being and needs of Malay carers in a voluntary welfare organisation. The Kessler-10, Friendship Scale and Carers' and Users' Expectations of Services-Carer version were used to assess the needs and well-being of 17 Malay carers. Findings show that Malay carers experienced poor well-being and had numerous unmet needs. Four main themes were found: (a) Concerns related to relatives with mental illness, (b) Mental health practices related to carers, (c) Holistic support for carers and (d) Preference for greater spiritual support in mental health. Recovery-oriented mental health practice implications are discussed. Spirituality of Malay carers needs to be given greater consideration in recovery-oriented mental health services.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Health Services*
  8. Samiei, V., Aniza, I., Sharifa Ezat, W.P., Alsheikh, H.I., Kari, H.A., Saleh, M., et al.
    The quality of the health care services has been always a big responsibility and sensitive issue. Health care delivery is complex and critical for many reasons related to management and organizational planning and development. Health system reorganization is one of the approaches that health care managers adopt to overcome dysfunction. Clinical Microsystems (CM) is believed to be a one of vital steps in providing a high quality of patient care through system reorganization. CM has the potential to drive the health care to greater success through proper understanding, process and resource planning and health outcomes continuous assessment and improvements. CM integrate patients, providers and family needs and roles to form a vision of community system that cooperate for better outcomes .The components of an effective CM are produce quality, patient safety, and cost outcomes at the front line of care. This article aims to explore the concept, characteristics models and components of these Clinical Microsystems. It also highlights the steps to initiate, plan and sustain this innovation in hospitals in a systematic manner.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services; Health Services Administration
    Med J Malaya, 1956 Sep;11(1):1-19.
    PMID: 13399539
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Needs and Demand*
  10. Toyokawa H
    Hokenfu Zasshi, 1974;30(6):415-9.
    PMID: 4498075
    Matched MeSH terms: Community Health Services*
  11. Tee OH
    Med J Malaysia, 1975 Sep;30(1):30-37.
    PMID: 1207529
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services*
    Med J Malaysia, 1964 Dec;19:117-27.
    PMID: 14279234
    Matched MeSH terms: Student Health Services*
  13. Zamzam AH, Abdul Wahab AK, Azizan MM, Satapathy SC, Lai KW, Hasikin K
    Front Public Health, 2021;9:753951.
    PMID: 34646808 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.753951
    Medical equipment highly contributes to the effectiveness of healthcare services quality. Generally, healthcare institutions experience malfunctioning and unavailability of medical equipment that affects the healthcare services delivery to the public. The problems are frequently due to a deficiency in managing and maintaining the medical equipment condition by the responsible party. The assessment of the medical equipment condition is an important activity during the maintenance and management of the equipment life cycle to increase availability, performance, and safety. The study aimed to perform a systematic review in extracting and categorising the input parameters applied in assessing the medical equipment condition. A systematic searching was undertaken in several databases, including Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct, IEEE Xplore, Emerald, Springer, Medline, and Dimensions, from 2000 to 2020. The searching processes were conducted in January 2020. A total of 16 articles were included in this study by adopting Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). The review managed to classify eight categories of medical equipment reliability attributes, namely equipment features, function, maintenance requirement, performance, risk and safety, availability and readiness, utilisation, and cost. Applying the eight attributes extracted from computerised asset maintenance management system will assist the clinical engineers in assessing the reliability of medical equipment utilised in healthcare institution. The reliability assessment done in these eight attributes will aid clinical engineers in executing a strategic maintenance action, which can increase the equipment's availability, upkeep the performance, optimise the resources, and eventually contributes in providing effective healthcare service to the community. Finally, the recommendations for future works are presented at the end of this study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services*
  14. Khor SK
    Public Health Res Pract, 2021 Nov 10;31(4).
    PMID: 34753167 DOI: 10.17061/phrp3142123
    Objectives and importance of study: This study examines how health policy and systems research (HPSR) is funded in eight countries and areas in the World Health Organization Western Pacific Region (WPRO). The aim of the research is to provide a guide for HPSR practitioners and organisations to understand the landscape of research funding priorities across the WPRO and to inform demand generation and advocacy activities for HPSR funding and output.

    STUDY TYPE: Mixed methods.

    METHODS: A desk review was conducted relating to HPSR funding, followed by in-depth interviews. Eight countries and areas were selected to represent characteristics of different health systems. Literature reviews included an analysis of available data relating to HPSR funding and national research and development (R&D) budgets, between 2010 and 2019 (inclusive). In-depth interviews were conducted with 23 stakeholders using an approved interview guide, to assess the attitudes of HPSR funding decision makers towards HPSR, determinants for HPSR and health research funding decisions, and proposals to strengthen HPSR funding and output.

    RESULTS: There are four main characteristics of HPSR funding in the WPRO: 1) a general absence of studies on HPSR funding and its determinants; 2) no universally accepted understanding of HPSR; 3) an absence of granular health research funding data in general and for HPSR in particular; and 4) HPSR funding is generally perceived to be minimal. In-depth interviews show that HPSR has different interpretations and emphases across WPRO countries, leading to a fragmented landscape where decision makers generally favour biomedical or clinical research. Participants indicate that political involvement increases overall research funding, especially if there is a clear connection between funders, producers and HPSR users. Suggestions from participants to strengthen HPSR include: appropriately using central agencies to generate demand and raise HPSR as a national priority; adopting interdisciplinary HPSR; and building HPSR capacity and organisational structures.

    CONCLUSIONS: HPSR in the Western Pacific region is generally not well funded, with biomedical and public health research often perceived as a higher priority. Although funding is a crucial component of the quality, quantity and relevance of HPSR outputs, HPSR practitioners and organisations must also generate demand for HPSR, build capacity for increasing the quantity and quality of HPSR outputs, and build pathways to translate HPSR outputs into real-world policies.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Research*
  15. Koly KN, Tasnim Z, Ahmed S, Saba J, Mahmood R, Farin FT, et al.
    BMC Psychiatry, 2022 Dec 19;22(1):797.
    PMID: 36529761 DOI: 10.1186/s12888-022-04414-z
    BACKGROUND: Mental health remains a highly stigmatized area of healthcare, and people often conceal their concerns rather than seek assistance or treatment. The Women Support Initiative Forum (WSIF) is a social media platform established in 2018 to provide expert and peer-led psychosocial support services to women of all ages in Bangladesh. The anonymous nature of the forum means that mental health concerns can be aired without fear of identification.

    METHOD: A content analysis was conducted on the anonymous posts retrieved from the WSIF platform between 8th March 2020 and 7th July 2022. Around 1457 posts were initially selected for analysis which was reduced to 1006 after removing duplicates and non-relevant posts, such as queries about the addresses of the doctors and other non-mental health-related issues. A thematic analysis of the data was conducted using an inductive approach.

    RESULT: The 1006 posts generated four themes and nine sub-themes. All the women mentioned mental health symptoms (n = 1006; 100%). Most also mentioned reasons for seeking mental healthcare (n = 818; 81.31%), healthcare-seeking behavior (n = 667; 66.30%), and barriers to seeking mental healthcare (n = 552; 54.87%). The majority of women described symptoms of stress, depression, and anxiety-like symptoms, which were aggregated under common mental health conditions. Mental health symptoms were ascribed to various external influences, including marital relationship, intrafamilial abuse, and insecurities related to the COVID-19 pandemic. A large proportion of posts were related to women seeking information about mental healthcare services and service providers (psychologists or psychiatrists). The analysis found that most women did not obtain mental healthcare services despite their externalized mental health symptoms. The posts identified clear barriers to women accessing mental health services, including low mental health literacy, the stigma associated with mental healthcare-seeking behavior, and the poor availability of mental health care services.

    CONCLUSION: The study revealed that raising mass awareness and designing culturally acceptable evidence-based interventions with multisectoral collaborations are crucial to ensuring better mental healthcare coverage for women in Bangladesh.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Health Services*
  16. Yong FL, Tan WC
    Med J Malaysia, 2024 Mar;79(2):191-195.
    PMID: 38553925
    INTRODUCTION: An expanded access program (EAP) is a regulatory mechanism that provides access to an investigational drug, which is not approved for use, in treating life-threatening conditions when all the standard-ofcare treatments are exhausted.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: An online, anonymous, voluntary survey was conducted to assess the level of knowledge and understanding about EAPs among Malaysian oncologists using SurveyMonkey® between April 2020 and June 2020. Oncologists who had enquired about EAP in the past, were invited at random to participate in the survey. Participants who did not provide consent or failed to complete the survey were excluded.

    RESULTS: A total of 15 oncologists participated in the survey, from both public (46.6%) and private (46.6%) practices. Most respondents (80%) had filed between 1 to 10 EAP applications in the past 12 months. For 73.3% respondents, resources or training were not provided for EAPs from institutions. Around 53% of the respondents reported that their knowledge of EAPs and application processes including country regulations is 'good'. The majority of respondents (73.3%) reported that the educational modules on an overview of EAPs, country regulations and the EAP application process will be beneficial. Most participants received information about the existing EAPs either by reaching out to a pharmaceutical sponsor or through another health care provider and some received information about the existing EAPs through their institutions or patients/caregivers. Most of the respondents recommended that pharmaceutical companies should have readily available information related to the availability and application of EAPs for all pipeline products on their websites.

    DISCUSSION: EAPs are crucial treatment access pathways to provide investigational drugs to patients who have exhausted their treatment options and are not eligible for participation in clinical trials. Malaysian oncologists have a fair understanding about the EAPs and the application processes.

    CONCLUSION: Additional training and awareness are needed for Malaysian oncologists to upscale the utilisation of EAPs.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Accessibility*
  17. Chow WL, Salleh NAM, Kang TS
    Ther Innov Regul Sci, 2024 May;58(3):528-538.
    PMID: 38376698 DOI: 10.1007/s43441-024-00620-x
    BACKGROUND: Drug approval lag is the time difference for new medicine to obtain marketing authorization approval in the study country compared to the first global approval. Drug approval lag delays the availability of innovative medicine to patients. This may lead to delay in treatment and severe public health implications. The study aimed to determine drug approval lag in Malaysia, the factors associated with drug approval lag (drug characteristics, regulatory factors and applicant type) and the association of the submission lag and review time with the regulation change.

    METHODS: All new pharmaceutical products approved between January 2015 and March 2021 were examined (n = 136) using publicly available information. Factors associated with drug approval lag were determined using multiple linear regression.

    RESULTS: The median drug approval lag was 855 days. Drug approval lag was associated with drug characteristics and regulatory factors. Median submission lag and median review time for products which fulfilled the requirement for the new regulations (Conditional Registration/ Facilitated Registration Pathway) were shorter compared to products which did not fulfil the requirement.

    CONCLUSION: Drug approval lag may delay the access of innovative medicine to patients, and this may lead to an increase in morbidity, mortality and healthcare costs. Good Regulatory Practices ensure efficient and transparent regulatory system which support the public health policy objectives in the most efficient way. The new regulations in Malaysia reduced the median submission lag and review time. The findings may be useful for regulators to consider for future policy development for medication access.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Accessibility*
  18. Faruk MO, Haque S, Mozumder MK, Kadir M, Islam A, Gayen TK, et al.
    Lancet Psychiatry, 2024 Aug;11(8):588-589.
    PMID: 39025628 DOI: 10.1016/S2215-0366(24)00185-8
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Health Services*
  19. Zhang Y, Shang S, Tian L, Zhu L, Zhang W
    BMC Psychol, 2023 Oct 17;11(1):338.
    PMID: 37848985 DOI: 10.1186/s40359-023-01376-z
    BACKGROUND: Numerous studies have explored the association between fear of missing out and mobile phone addiction, but there are different viewpoints and the results are inconsistent. This study intends to estimate the strength of the correlation between fear of missing out and mobile phone addiction in general through a meta-analysis, and to analyze the influencing factors of the inconsistent results of previous studies.

    METHODS: We Searched China National Knowledge Infrastructure Database, Wan fang Database, CQVIP Journal Database、Web of Science Core Collection, Elsevier SD, Springer Online Journals, Medline, EBSCO-ERIC, SAGE Online Journals, PsycINFO, PsycArticles and ProQuest Dissertations and Theses。85 studies (90 independent effect size) were included from 2016 to 2023。The pooled correlation coefficient of the association between fear of missing out and mobile phone addiction was calculated by a random effects model using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis(Version 3.3).

    RESULTS: The main effect analysis revealed a high positive correlation between fear of missing out and mobile phone addiction (r = 0.47, 95%CI [0.44, 0.50]). Furthermore, the measurements of mobile phone addiction moderated the strength of the association between fear of missing out and mobile phone addiction, with the highest correlation measured using MPATS and the lowest correlation measured using MPDQ. The age, gender, year of publication, cultural background, and the measurements of fear of missing out had no significant effect on the correlation between fear of missing out and mobile phone addiction.

    CONCLUSION: The results indicated that fear of missing out was closely related to mobile phone addiction, which complied with the I-PACE model. Psychological services and mental health services should be developed to reduce the emergence of fear of missing out in the digital age and thus alleviate dependence on devices.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Health Services*
  20. Cheah YC, Parker G, Hadzi-Pavlovic D, Gladstone G, Eyers K
    Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 1998 Jul;33(7):337-44.
    PMID: 9689896
    We argue the advantages of a measure profiling common problems faced by psychiatric patients in the community and indicating a likely need for service recognition, review and possible assistance. We describe the development of such a measure, the 35-item Profile of Community Psychiatry Clients (PCPC), and the identification of four relevant domains. Component scales assess coping limitations, behavioural problems, levels of social support and organic problems. High test-retest reliability was established, and a number of tests of the measure's validity were undertaken. Discriminant validity was established by demonstrating that those case managed by a community mental health service returned significantly higher scale scores than a comparison group who, while having a similar diagnostic profile, were not case managed. Additionally, scale scores were associated with a number of categorical and dimensional validators reflecting aspects of service need, and distinctly with service costs. We demonstrate that PCPC scores correspond with scores generated by the Life Skills Profile (LSP), a measure of disability, and examine the extent to which PCPC scales correspond to those contained in the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS). We argue for the scale's capacity to provide both a profile of central problems faced by patients and their likely need for community-based service assistance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Community Mental Health Services/organization & administration*; Health Services Needs and Demand*; Health Services Research/methods*
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