Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 73 in total

  1. Shiek Ahmad B, Wark JD, Petty SJ, O'Brien TJ, Gorelik A, Sambrook PN, et al.
    Epilepsia, 2015 Nov;56(11):1714-22.
    PMID: 26513212 DOI: 10.1111/epi.13136
    To investigate cross-sectional and longitudinal differences in static and dynamic standing balance measures and lower limb muscle strength in patients who are treated chronically with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs).
    Matched MeSH terms: Postural Balance/drug effects*; Postural Balance/physiology
  2. Khan SJ, Khan SS, Usman J, Mokhtar AH, Abu Osman NA
    Proc Inst Mech Eng H, 2020 Jul;234(7):749-757.
    PMID: 32459132 DOI: 10.1177/0954411920924525
    The conservative techniques of treating knee osteoarthritis (kOA) include wearing orthoses such as knee braces and laterally wedged insoles and applying gait modification techniques such as toe-in gait and toe-out gait. This study aimed at assessing the immediate effects of these techniques in improving physical function of healthy and kOA participants. Five Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OARSI) recommended performance-based tests were randomly applied to measure physical function: (1) 30-second chair stand test (30CST), (2) 40-m (4 × 10) fast-paced walk test (40FPW), (3) stair climb test (SCT), (4) timed up and go test (TUGT) and (5) 6-minute walk test (6MWT) during a single-visit on 20 healthy and 20 kOA patients (age: 59.5 ± 7.33 and 61.5 ± 8.63 years, BMI: 69.95 ± 9.86 and 70.45 ± 8.80 kg/m2). The interventions included natural gait, toe-out gait, toe-in gait, laterally wedged insoles and knee brace. Analysis was performed through repeated-measures ANOVA and independent sample t-test. 30CST and TUGT showed no significant differences for the five test conditions (p > 0.05). Toe-out showed profound effects via pairwise comparison in impairing the physical function while knee brace improved it during 40FPW, SCT and 6MWT. In general, all the tested conservative techniques except laterally wedged insoles had immediate effects on physical performance measures in both healthy and medial knee osteoarthritis participants. The valgus knee brace improved the parameters the most, while toe-out gait impaired them the most. Future studies can develop strategies for improving gait retraining methods on the basis of issues identified by this study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Postural Balance
  3. Singh, Devinder Kaur Ajit, Nor Najwatul Akmal Ab Rahman, Roslee Rajikan, Asfarina Zainudin, Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Zainura Abdul Karim, et al.
    Balance and motor skills are essential prerequisites for physical development of a child. The aims of this study were to measure anthropometrics, postural balance and motor skills; and examine their correlation among healthy preschool children. Forty nine healthy preschool children aged between 3 to 4 years old participated from PERMATA preschool organization. Pediatric Balance Scale and Peabody Development Motor Scale-2nd Edition (PDMS-2) were administered to measure balance skills for both fine and gross motor skills respectively. Mann-Whitney U test demonstrated that there was no significant difference in balance (p=0.72) and motor skill (p=0.33) between boys and girls. Spearman correlation coefficient demonstrated that there was significant correlation between balance skills with height (r=0.45, p=0.001) and body mass index(r=0.47, p=0.001). No significant correlation was found between balance skills and motor skills (r=0.11, p=0.44). The present study suggests that balance skills in healthy preschool children aged 3-4 years old are correlated with their physical growth such as height and weight but not motor skills.
    Matched MeSH terms: Postural Balance
  4. Kohli S, Wui Vun AL, Daryl Philip C, Muhammad Aadil C, Ramalingam M
    Int J Dent, 2018;2018:7127209.
    PMID: 30034470 DOI: 10.1155/2018/7127209
    Purpose: Falls occur commonly in geriatric populations and undesirably influence their life, morbidity, and mortality. The aim of this study was to analyze the association between the number of teeth present among the elderly population and covariates in relation to the risk of falls.

    Materials and Methods: This study was conducted at various old age homes in the Klang Valley region of Malaysia involving the geriatric population aged 60 years and above. A detailed questionnaire consisting of sociodemographic data including sex, age, household income, and dental variables such as the number of teeth and chewing difficulty was obtained. The Tinetti test (TT) was used to evaluate the patients' ability to walk, to maintain postural balance, and to determine their risk of falling. The short version of the Geriatric Depression Scale was used to assess depression among the participants, and the Barthel Scale was used to analyze the subject's ability to perform the activities of daily living (ADL).

    Results: Statistically significant association was observed in relation to the number of teeth present and risk of falls (p < 0.05). Subjects who had 19 teeth or less in total had moderate to highest risk of falls (p=0.001) in comparison with subjects who had 20 teeth or more. Those aged 70 years and above showed the highest risk of falls (p=0.001) in comparison with the subjects aged between 60 and 69 years. Subjects with depression (p=0.03) and presence of illness related to fall showed statistically significant difference (p=0.001) in comparison with those who did not suffer from the same. Compromised ADL (p=0.001) (which included ability to perform several tasks like indoor mobility, climbing stairs, toilet use, and feeding) and low monthly income (p=0.03) was also observed among subjects who had higher risk of falls.

    Conclusion: According to the results achieved, there was a high statistically significant association observed between the number of teeth present, age, depression, ADL, and presence of illness in relation to the risk of falling among the geriatric population. Henceforth, oral rehabilitation of elderly patients with less number of teeth may reduce their risk of falls.

    Matched MeSH terms: Postural Balance
  5. Hasan CZC, Jailani R, Md Tahir N, Ilias S
    Res Dev Disabil, 2017 Jul;66:55-63.
    PMID: 28284567 DOI: 10.1016/j.ridd.2017.02.015
    Minimal information is known about the three-dimensional (3D) ground reaction forces (GRF) on the gait patterns of individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the 3D GRF components differ significantly between children with ASD and the peer controls. 15 children with ASD and 25 typically developing (TD) children had participated in the study. Two force plates were used to measure the 3D GRF data during walking. Time-series parameterization techniques were employed to extract 17 discrete features from the 3D GRF waveforms. By using independent t-test and Mann-Whitney U test, significant differences (p<0.05) between the ASD and TD groups were found for four GRF features. Children with ASD demonstrated higher maximum braking force, lower relative time to maximum braking force, and lower relative time to zero force during mid-stance. Children with ASD were also found to have reduced the second peak of vertical GRF in the terminal stance. These major findings suggest that children with ASD experience significant difficulties in supporting their body weight and endure gait instability during the stance phase. The findings of this research are useful to both clinicians and parents who wish to provide these children with appropriate treatments and rehabilitation programs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Postural Balance
  6. Forogh B, Ahadi T, Nazari M, Sajadi S, Abdul Latif L, Akhavan Hejazi SM, et al.
    Basic Clin Neurosci, 2017 Sep-Oct;8(5):405-411.
    PMID: 29167727 DOI: 10.18869/nirp.bcn.8.5.405
    Introduction: Balance impairment is a common problem and a major cause of motor disability after stroke. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate whether low-frequency repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) improves the postural balance problems in stroke patients.

    Methods: This randomized double blind clinical trial with 12 weeks follow-up was conducted on stroke patients. Treatment was carried with 1 Hz rTMS in contralateral brain hemisphere over the primary motor area for 20 minutes (1200 pulses) for 5 consecutive days. Static postural stability, Medical Research Council (MRC), Berg Balance Scale (BBS), and Fugl-Meyer assessments were evaluated immediately, 3 weeks and 12 weeks after intervention.

    Results: A total of 26 patients were enrolled (age range=53 to 79 years; 61.5% were male) in this study. Administering rTMS produced a significant recovery based on BBS (df=86, 7; F=7.4; P=0.01), Fugl-Meyer Scale (df=86, 7; F=8.7; P<0.001), MRC score (df=87, 7; F=2.9; P=0.01), and static postural stability (df=87, 7; F=9.8; P<0.001) during the 12 weeks follow-up.

    Conclusion: According to the findings, rTMS as an adjuvant therapy may improve the static postural stability, falling risk, coordination, motor recovery, and muscle strength in patients with stroke.
    Matched MeSH terms: Postural Balance
  7. Khalaj N, Abu Osman NA, Mokhtar AH, George J, Abas WA
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:815184.
    PMID: 25136689 DOI: 10.1155/2014/815184
    Knee osteoarthritis is a common cause of disability which influences the quality of life. It is associated with impaired knee joint proprioception, which affects postural stability. Postural stability is critical for mobility and physical activities. Different types of treatment including nonsurgical and surgical are used for knee osteoarthritis. Hyaluronic acid injection is a nonsurgical popular treatment used worldwide. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the effect of hyaluronic acid injections on postural stability in individuals with bilateral knee osteoarthritis. Fifty patients aged between 50 and 70 years with mild and moderate bilateral knee osteoarthritis participated in our study. They were categorized into treatment (n = 25) and control (n = 25) groups. The treatment group received five weekly hyaluronic acid injections for both knees, whereas the control group did not receive any treatment. Postural stability and fall risk were assessed using the Biodex Stability System and clinical "Timed Up and Go" test. All the participants completed the study. The treatment group showed significant decrease in postural stability and fall risk scores after five hyaluronic acid injections. In contrast, the control group showed significant increase. This study illustrated that five intra-articular hyaluronic acid injections could significantly improve postural stability and fall risk in bilateral knee osteoarthritis patients. This trial is registered with: NCT02063373.
    Matched MeSH terms: Postural Balance/drug effects*
  8. Mat S, Tan MP, Kamaruzzaman SB, Ng CT
    Age Ageing, 2015 Jan;44(1):16-24.
    PMID: 25149678 DOI: 10.1093/ageing/afu112
    INTRODUCTION: osteoarthritis (OA) of knee has been reported as a risk factor for falls and reduced balance in the elderly. This systematic review evaluated the effectiveness of physical therapies in improving balance and reducing falls risk among patients with knee OA.
    METHODS: a computerised search was performed to identify relevant studies up to November 2013. Two investigators identified eligible studies and extracted data independently. The quality of the included studies was assessed by the PeDro score.
    RESULTS: a total of 15 randomised controlled trials involving 1482 patients were identified. The mean PeDro score was 7. The pooled standardised mean difference in balance outcome for strength training = 0.3346 (95% CI: 0.3207-0.60, P = 0.01 < 0.00001, P for heterogeneity = 0.85, I(2) = 0%). Tai Chi = 0.7597 (95% CI: 0.5130-1.2043, P<=0.0014, P for heterogeneity = 0.26, I(2) = 0%) and aerobic exercises = 0.6880 (95% CI: 0.5704-1.302, P < 0.00001, P for heterogeneity = 0.71, I(2) = 0%). While pooled results for falls risk outcomes in, strength training, Tai chi and aerobics also showed a significant reduction in reduced risk of falls significantly with pooled result 0.55 (95% CI: 0.41-0.68, P < 0.00001, P for heterogeneity = 0.39, I(2) = 6%).
    CONCLUSION: strength training, Tai Chi and aerobics exercises improved balance and falls risk in older individuals with knee OA, while water-based exercises and light treatment did not significantly improve balance outcomes. Strength training, Tai Chi and aerobics exercises can therefore be recommended as falls prevention strategies for individuals with OA. However, a large randomised controlled study using actual falls outcomes is recommended to determine the appropriate dosage and to measure the potential benefits in falls reduction.
    KEYWORDS: Tai Chi; elderly; exercises; falls; older people; osteoarthritis
    Matched MeSH terms: Postural Balance*
  9. Mortaza N, Abu Osman NA, Mehdikhani N
    Eur J Phys Rehabil Med, 2014 Dec;50(6):677-91.
    PMID: 24831570
    Fall is a common and a major cause of injuries. It is important to find elderlies who are prone to falls. The majority of serious falls occur during walking among the older adults. Analyzing the spatio-temporal parameters of walking is an easy way of assessment in the clinical setting, but is it capable of distinguishing a faller from a non-faller elderly? Through a systematic review of the literature, the objective of this systematic review was to identify and summarize the differences in the spatio-temporal parameters of walking in elderly fallers and non-fallers and to find out if these parameters are capable of distinguishing a faller from a non-faller. All original research articles which compared any special or temporal walking parameters in faller and non-faller elderlies were systematically searched within the Scopus and Embase databases. Effect size analysis was also done to standardize findings and compare the gait parameters of fallers and non-fallers across the selected studies. The electronic search led to 5381 articles. After title and abstract screening 30 articles were chosen; further assessment of the full texts led to 17 eligible articles for inclusion in the review. It seems that temporal measurements are more sensitive to the detection of risk of fall in elderly people. The results of the 17 selected studies showed that fallers have a tendency toward a slower walking speed and cadence, longer stride time, and double support duration. Also, fallers showed shorter stride and step length, wider step width and more variability in spatio-temporal parameters of gait. According to the effect size analysis, step length, gait speed, stride length and stance time variability were respectively more capable of differentiating faller from non-faller elderlies. However, because of the difference of methodology and number of studies which investigated each parameter, these results are prone to imprecision. Spatio-temporal analysis of level walking is not sufficient and cannot act as a reliable predictor of falls in elderly individuals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Postural Balance/physiology*
  10. Lim KS, Hew YC, Lau HK, Lim TS, Tan CT
    Can J Neurol Sci, 2009 Jan;36(1):60-4.
    PMID: 19294890
    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: There is lack of published data on bulbar signs among the healthy population. This study aims to determine the range of normality of bulbar signs particularly among the elderly.

    METHODS: Systemic examination of bulbar signs was carried out according to a predetermined protocol on a cohort of young and elderly healthy subjects.

    RESULTS: A total of 206 subjects were recruited in the study, 104 young adults with mean age of 20 years, and 102 elderly with mean age of 73 years. Uvula deviation was seen in 28 (26.9%) young subjects and 22 (21.6%) elderly. Irregular tongue border was seen in 17 subjects, unilateral in 4 subjects. Fourteen (6.8%) subjects had deviation on tongue protrusion. Occasional tremor of tongue on protrusion is common in both young and old. Persistent (severe) tongue tremor on protrusion was seen in 18.6% of the elderly, and 4.8% of the young. None of the subjects had tremor of tongue at rest. In gag reflex, absence of gagging response was common in elderly, seen in two thirds of the subjects on stimulation of the posterior pharyngeal wall. However, all the subjects had uvular movement. Habituation or suppression of gagging response was seen in close to 90% of young males.

    CONCLUSION: There is wide range of normality in bulbar signs in normal population, particularly among the elderly.

    Matched MeSH terms: Postural Balance/physiology
  11. Lee CT
    SPUMS J, 1998 Sep;28(3):125-32.
    PMID: 11542272
    The Sharpened Romberg Test (SRT) is a test of balance commonly used in Diving Medicine. Interpretation of an abnormal test can be confounded by several factors. This study was conducted to further evaluate the usefulness of the SRT. In the first part of the study, naval and civilian volunteers in a Naval Base were recruited as subjects. The SRT scores were recorded in two separate trials; once in the morning (4 attempts) and once in the evening (4 attempts) to evaluate the effect of practice on the SRT. In the second part of the study immediate pre- and post-dive scores in a group of divers were measured to evaluate: (1) the effect of decompression; (2) the effect of the normal post-dive fatigue; and (3) the vestibular effect of swaying after a boat ride. Comparisons were also made between the distributions of the SRTs of the normal subjects and those of a retrospective group of DCI patients treated at the Slark Hyperbaric Unit, Royal New Zealand Navy Hospital (RNZNH), Auckland. The SRT was found to have an early learning effect. Second attempts were significantly better than the first (p<0.001) within the same trial. However this learning effect plateaued by the third and fourth attempts. No difference was found between trials (morning and evening). There was a post-dive decline in the scores of the first attempts only (p<0.05). Subsequent second to fourth attempts were not affected by diving. The practice effect is only evident between the first and second attempts within the same trial but not between trials. The pre- and post-dive data showed that the SRT was not affected by decompression, post-dive fatigue or the vestibular sensation of swaying that is commonly experienced after a boat ride. Comparison of the distributions between controls and DCI patients showed a bimodal pattern. Fifty-four percent (54%) of the DCI patients had 'normal' scores (60 seconds), while 14% had scores between 16-35 seconds and 32% scored less than 15 seconds. In contrast, 95% of the control groups had 'normal' scores while 5% scored between 16-35 seconds. Therefore, accepting a score of less than 40 seconds as being "abnormal" will give the SRT a sensitivity of 46%, specificity of 95% and predictive value of 82%.
    Matched MeSH terms: Postural Balance/physiology*
  12. Saedon NI, Frith J, Goh CH, Ahmad WAW, Khor HM, Tan KM, et al.
    Clin Auton Res, 2020 04;30(2):129-137.
    PMID: 31696333 DOI: 10.1007/s10286-019-00647-3
    PURPOSE: Consensus definitions currently define initial orthostatic hypotension (IOH) as ≥ 40 mmHg systolic (SBP) or ≥ 20 mmHg in diastolic blood pressure (DBP) reductions within 15 s of standing, while classical orthostatic hypotension (COH) is defined as a sustained reduction ≥ 20 mmHg SBP or ≥ 10 mmHg SBP within 3 min of standing. The clinical relevance of the aforementioned criteria remains unclear. The present study aimed to determine factors influencing postural blood pressure changes and their relationship with physical, functional and cognitive performance in older adults.

    METHODS: Individuals aged ≥ 55 years were recruited through the Malaysian Elders Longitudinal Research (MELoR) study and continuous non-invasive BP was monitored over 5 min of supine rest and 3 min of standing. Physical performance was measured using the timed-up-and-go test, functional reach, handgrip and Lawton's functional ability scale. Cognition was measured with the Montreal Cognitive Assessment. Participants were categorized according to BP responses into four categories according to changes in SBP/DBP reductions from supine to standing:

    Matched MeSH terms: Postural Balance/physiology
  13. Mat S, Ng CT, Tan MP
    J Rehabil Med, 2017 Mar 06;49(3):258-263.
    PMID: 28218341 DOI: 10.2340/16501977-2202
    OBJECTIVE: To compare the relationship between postural control and knee and hip osteoarthritis in older adults with and without a history of falls.
    METHODS: Fallers were those with ≥ 2 falls or 1 injurious fall over 12 months. Non-fallers were volunteers with no falls in the past year. Radiological evidence of osteoarthritis with no reported symptoms was considered "asymptomatic osteoarthritis", while "symptomatic osteoarthritis" was defined as radiographic osteoarthritis with pain or stiffness. Dynamic postural control was quantified with the limits of stability test measured on a balance platform (Neurocom® Balancemaster, California, USA). Parameters assessed were end-point excursion, maximal excursion, and directional control.
    RESULTS: A total of 102 older individuals, mean age 73 years (standard deviation 5.7) years were included. The association between falls and poor performance in maximal excursion and directional control was confounded by age and comorbidities. In the same linear equation model with falls, symptomatic osteoarthritis remained independently associated with poor end-point excursion (β-coefficient (95% confidence interval) -6.80 (-12.14 to -1.42)).
    CONCLUSION: Poor performance in dynamic postural control (maximal excursion and directional control) among fallers was not accounted for by hip/knee osteoarthritis, but was confounded by old age and comorbidities. Loss of postural control due to hip/knee osteoarthritis is not a risk factor for falls among community-dwelling older adults.
    Study site: Departments of Emergency Medicine, Primary Care and Geriatric Medicine, in a teaching hospital in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Postural Balance*
  14. Khan SJ, Khan SS, Usman J, Mokhtar AH, Abu Osman NA
    Gait Posture, 2018 03;61:243-249.
    PMID: 29413792 DOI: 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2018.01.024
    OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that toe-in gait (TI) will further reduce first peak (Knee Adduction Moment) KAM and decrease balance when combined with a knee brace (KB) and laterally wedged insoles (LWI) in medial knee osteoarthritis (kOA) patients.
    PARTICIPANTS: Twenty patients with bilateral symptomatic medial kOA.
    INTERVENTIONS: 4-point leverage-based KB, full-length LWI with 5° inclination and toe-in gait (TI).
    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: First and second peak knee adduction moment (fKAM and sKAM respectively), balance and pain.
    METHODS: The fKAM and sKAM were determined from 3-dimensional gait analysis with six randomized conditions: (1) N (without any intervention), (2) KB, (3) KB + TI, (4) LWI, (5) LWI + TI, (6) KB + LWI + TI. Balance was assessed by Biodex Balance System using three stability settings, (i) Static (ii) Moderate dynamic setting for fall risk (FR12) and (iii) High dynamic setting for fall risk (FR8).
    RESULTS: The reduction in fKAM and sKAM was greatest (19.75% and 12%) when TI was combined with KB and LWI respectively. No change in balance was observed when TI combined with KB, and LWI and when used concurrently with both the orthosis at static and FR12 conditions. Significant balance reduction was found at FR8 for KB + TI (22.22%), and KB + LWI + TI (35.71%). Pain increased significantly for KB (258%), KB + TI (305%), LWI + TI (210%) and KB + LWI + TI (316%). LWI showed no effect on pain.
    CONCLUSIONS: There is a synergistic effect of TI when combined with KB and LWI concurrently in sKAM reduction. However, the concurrent use of TI, KB and LWI decreases balance and pain as assessed on a highly dynamic platform.
    Study site: Department of Sports Medicine, University of Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Postural Balance/physiology*
  15. Gholizadeh H, Osman NA, Kamyab M, Eshraghi A, Abas WA, Azam MN
    Clin Biomech (Bristol), 2012 Jan;27(1):34-9.
    PMID: 21794965 DOI: 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2011.07.004
    The method of attachment of prosthesis to the residual limb (suspension) and socket fitting is a critical issue in the process of providing an amputee with prosthesis. Different suspension methods try to minimize the pistoning movement inside the socket. The Seal-In(®) X5 and Dermo(®) Liner by Ossur are new suspension liners that intend to reduce pistoning between the socket and liner. Since the effects of these new liners on suspension are unclear, the objective of this study was to compare the pistoning effect of Seal-In(®) X5 and Dermo(®) Liner by using Vicon Motion System.
    Matched MeSH terms: Postural Balance*
  16. Gholizadeh H, Abu Osman NA, Kamyab M, Eshraghi A, Lúvíksdóttir AG, Wan Abas WA
    Am J Phys Med Rehabil, 2012 Oct;91(10):894-8.
    PMID: 22173083
    The effects of Seal-In X5 and Dermo liner (Össur) on suspension and patient's comfort in lower limb amputees are unclear. In this report, we consider the case of a 51-yr-old woman with bilateral transtibial amputation whose lower limbs were amputated because of peripheral vascular disease. The subject had bony and painful residual limbs, especially at the distal ends. Two prostheses that used Seal-In X5 liners and a pair of prostheses with Dermo liners were fabricated, and the subject wore each for a period of 2 wks. Once the 2 wks had passed, the pistoning within the socket was assessed and the patient was questioned as to her satisfaction with both liners. This study revealed that Seal-In X5 liner decreased the residual limb pain experienced by the patient and that 1-2 mm less pistoning occurred within the socket compared with the Dermo liner. However, the patient needed to put in extra effort for donning and doffing the prosthesis. Despite this, it is clear that the Seal-In X5 liner offers a viable alternative for individuals with transtibial amputations who do not have enough soft tissue around the bone, especially at the end of the residual limb.
    Matched MeSH terms: Postural Balance/physiology
  17. Rahayu UB, Wibowo S, Setyopranoto I, Hibatullah Romli M
    NeuroRehabilitation, 2020;47(4):463-470.
    PMID: 33164953 DOI: 10.3233/NRE-203210
    BACKGROUND: Brain injuries such as strokes cause damage and death of the neuron cells. Physiotherapy interventions help to improve patient's performance and ability. However, this is only theorized but the impact of the physiotherapy intervention on brain plasticity is not known.

    OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed to investigate the effect of physiotherapy interventions on brain neuroplasticity by evaluating the brain plasticity regeneration, balance and functional ability.

    METHODS: A randomized controlled trial was conducted with 64 stroke patients from three hospitals in the Surakarta region, Indonesia. Control groups (n = 32) received conventional physiotherapy and intervention groups (n = 32) received neurorestoration protocol, which both lasted for seven days. Efficacy of the interventions were measured on brain-derived neurotropic factor serum analysis, Berg Balance Scale and Barthel Index, respectively.

    RESULTS: Both groups showed improvements in all parameters but only balance and functional performance had a statistically significant outcome.

    CONCLUSION: Neurorestoration protocol that combined several established physiotherapy interventions was effective in improving balance and functional ability of stroke patients in only a seven days period.

    Matched MeSH terms: Postural Balance/physiology*
  18. Khan SJ, Khan SS, Usman J, Mokhtar AH, Abu Osman NA
    Prosthet Orthot Int, 2019 Apr;43(2):148-157.
    PMID: 30192706 DOI: 10.1177/0309364618796849
    BACKGROUND:: Knee osteoarthritis is a major contributor to the global burden of disease. There is a need of reducing knee joint load and to improve balance and physical function among knee osteoarthritis patients.

    OBJECTIVES:: To test the hypothesis that toe-out gait will reduce second peak knee adduction moment further and increase fall risk when combined with knee brace and laterally wedged insole in knee osteoarthritis patients.

    STUDY DESIGN:: Single visit study with repeated measures.

    METHODS:: First and second peak knee adduction moments, fall risk and comfort level. First and second peak knee adduction moments were determined from three-dimensional gait analysis, completed under six randomized conditions: (1) natural, (2) knee brace, (3) knee brace + toe-out gait, (4) laterally wedged insole, (5) laterally wedged insole + toe-out gait, and (6) knee brace + laterally wedged insole + toe-out gait. Fall risk was assessed by Biodex Balance System using three randomized stability settings: (1) static, (2) moderate dynamic setting (FR12), and (3) high dynamic setting (FR8).

    RESULTS:: The reduction in first peak knee adduction moment and second peak knee adduction moment was greatest (7.16% and 25.55%, respectively) when toe-out gait combine with knee brace and laterally wedged insole. Significant increase in fall risk was observed with knee brace + laterally wedged insole + toe-out gait (42.85%) at FR12. Similar significant balance reductions were found at FR8 condition for knee brace + toe-out gait (35.71%), laterally wedged insole + toe-out gait (28.57%), and knee brace + laterally wedged insole + toe-out gait (50%) as compared to natural. However, knee brace decreased fall risk at FR12 by 28.57%.

    CONCLUSION:: There is a synergistic effect of toe-out when combined with knee brace and laterally wedged insole concurrently in second peak knee adduction moment reduction but with a greater degree of fall risk. Simultaneous use of conservative treatments also decreases comfort level.

    CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Patients with mild and moderate knee osteoarthritis are usually prescribed conservative treatment techniques. This study will provide an insight whether or not a combination of these techniques have a synergistic effect in reducing knee joint load.

    Matched MeSH terms: Postural Balance/physiology
  19. Teichmann J, Suwarganda EK, Lendewig C, Wilson BD, Yeo WK, Aziz RA, et al.
    J Sport Rehabil, 2016 May;25(2):126-32.
    PMID: 25658597 DOI: 10-1123/jsr.2014-0280
    CONTEXT: The Unexpected-Disturbance Program (UDP) promotes exercises in response to so-called involuntary short- to midlatency disturbances.

    OBJECTIVE: This study investigated the effectiveness of the UDP in the last 6 wk of rehabilitation.

    DESIGN: Pre-post study with 2-tailed paired t tests for limited a priori comparisons to examine differences.

    SETTING: National Sports Institute of Malaysia.

    PARTICIPANTS: 24 Malaysian national athletes.

    INTERVENTIONS: 7 sessions/wk of 90 min with 3 sessions allocated for 5 or 6 UDP exercises.

    MAIN OUTCOMES: Significant improvements for men and women were noted. Tests included 20-m sprint, 1-repetition-maximum single-leg press, standing long jump, single-leg sway, and a psychological questionnaire.

    RESULTS: For men and women, respectively, average strength improvements of 22% (d = 0.96) and 29% (d = 1.05), sprint time of 3% (d = 1.06) and 4% (d = 0.58), and distance jumped of 4% (d = 0.59) and 6% (d = 0.47) were noted. In addition, athletes reported improved perceived confidence in their abilities. All athletes improved in each functional test except for long jump in 2 of the athletes. Mediolateral sway decreased in 18 of the 22 athletes for the injured limb.

    CONCLUSION: The prevention training with UDP resulted in improved conditioning and seems to decrease mediolateral sway.

    Matched MeSH terms: Postural Balance/physiology
  20. Singh DK, Pillai SG, Tan ST, Tai CC, Shahar S
    Clin Interv Aging, 2015;10:1319-26.
    PMID: 26316727 DOI: 10.2147/CIA.S79398
    Physical performance and balance declines with aging and may lead to increased risk of falls. Physical performance tests may be useful for initial fall-risk screening test among community-dwelling older adults. Physiological profile assessment (PPA), a composite falls risk assessment tool is reported to have 75% accuracy to screen for physiological falls risk. PPA correlates with Timed Up and Go (TUG) test. However, the association between many other commonly used physical performance tests and PPA is not known. The aim of the present study was to examine the association between physiological falls risk measured using PPA and a battery of physical performance tests.
    Matched MeSH terms: Postural Balance
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