Displaying publications 581 - 600 of 1147 in total

  1. Yusof NM, Khalid KA, Zulkifly AH, Zakaria Z, Amin MA, Awang MS, et al.
    Malays J Med Sci, 2013 Oct;20(5):47-53.
    PMID: 24643115 MyJurnal
    Although open tibial fractures are common in Malaysia, the outcomes for these patients have not been evaluated in the literature. This retrospective study was conducted to examine the factors associated with infection and non-union in open tibial fractures managed at Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA), Kuantan, in 2009.
  2. Asha'ari ZA, Razali MS, Leman WI, Ahmad A
    Malays J Med Sci, 2014 Jan;21(1):72-4.
    PMID: 24639617
    Post-traumatic parotid sialocoele is a subcutaneous extravasation of saliva from the parotid gland secondary to traumatic disruption of its duct or parenchyma. Currently, there is no consensus regarding the best therapy for parotid sialocoele, as it is resistant to conservative management. The present paper puts forward a relatively simple, safe and effective technique for the treatment of parotid sialocoele, specifically a peroral drainage technique. The results justify our recommendation to use this approach for the treatment of sialocoele.
  3. Sanaz A, Syaqirah A, Khadijah S
    Malays J Med Sci, 2014 Jan;21(1):50-7.
    PMID: 24639612 MyJurnal
    BACKGROUND: Work-family conflict has received increasing attention in recent decades in the area of workplace stressors, which can affect employees' health. However, the dimensionality of the work-family conflict construct among the Malay-speaking population has not been clarified. In order to do so, it is crucial to use an instrument that is appropriate and valid for the Malay-speaking population. As such, the goal of this study was to validate and test the dimensionality of the Malay version of the Work-Family Conflict Questionnaire.
    METHODS: The present study conducted exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, discriminant validity, convergent validity, and internal consistency, using Cronbach's alpha, of the work-family conflict construct among 332 working women in Malaysia.
    RESULTS: The results supported the existence of four dimensions in the Work-Family Conflict Questionnaire that distinguish between time based and strain-based work-family conflict and family-work conflict. The discriminant validity, convergent validity, and internal consistency of this construct are adequately supported.
    CONCLUSION: The findings of this study supported the existence of discriminant and convergent validity, as well as adequate reliability, for the construct. Thus, the Work-Family Conflict Questionnaire is a valid and reliable instrument among Malay-speaking working women.
    KEYWORDS: factor analysis; professional-family relation; validity and reliability; working women
  4. Isabel BE, Rogelio HP
    Malays J Med Sci, 2014 Jan;21(1):4-10.
    PMID: 24639606
    Cerebral tuberculosis is the most severe type of extrapulmonary disease that is in developing countries highly predominant in children. Meningeal tuberculosis is the most common form and usually begins with respiratory infection followed by early haematogenous dissemination to extrapulmonary sites involving the brain. In comparison with the lung, Mycobacterium tuberculosis induces a very different immune response when infect the central nervous system. Herein, we review several aspects of the pathogenesis and immune response in pulmonary and cerebral tuberculosis in humans and experimental models and discuss the implications of this response in the cerebral infection outcome.
  5. Song CH, Chai FY, Saukani MF, Singh H, Jiffre D
    Malays J Med Sci, 2013 Jul;20(4):95-7.
    PMID: 24044004 MyJurnal
    Paratesticular liposarcoma is a rare entity. Compared to other genitourinary sarcoma, it is usually detected earlier and is easily resectable, resulting in an excellent prognosis. The recurrence of well-differentiated paratesticular liposarcoma after complete resection is extremely rare. Optimal management of the tumour recurrence includes complete re-excision and radiotherapy to the area of recurrence. Here, we describe a 48-year-old man with a recurrent left paratesticular well-differentiated liposarcoma, six years after its complete excision. Our discussion focused on the therapeutic strategy to prevent tumour recurrence. It is hoped that this case discussion can increase the awareness of this condition and assist in its management.
  6. Sriram PR
    Malays J Med Sci, 2013 Jul;20(4):91-4.
    PMID: 24044003 MyJurnal
    Chordoid meningioma, classified as atypical meningioma according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) classification, is a rare subtype, which represents only 0.5% of all meningiomas and is associated with a high incidence of recurrence. Multiple intracranial meningiomas are rare in non-neurofibromatosis patients. We present a female patient with both of these rare types of meningioma. The patient presented with two concurrent intracranial meningiomas, with one a meningotheliomatous subtype and the other a chordoid meningioma. Given the wide array of histological differential diagnoses in chordoid meningioma, immunohistochemistry has a significant role to play in differentiating them. Recurrence in chordoid meningioma can be generally predicted based on the extent of resection, the percentage of chordoid element, and proliferation indices.
  7. Salem SA, Hwie AN, Saim A, Chee Kong CH, Sagap I, Singh R, et al.
    Malays J Med Sci, 2013 Jul;20(4):80-7.
    PMID: 24044001 MyJurnal
    Adipose tissue provides an abundant source of multipotent cells, which represent a source of cell-based regeneration strategies for urinary bladder smooth muscle repair. Our objective was to confirm that adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) can be differentiated into smooth muscle cells.
  8. Melissa MH, Azmi S
    Malays J Med Sci, 2013 Jul;20(4):47-55.
    PMID: 24043996 MyJurnal
    The concentrated potassium chloride injection is a high-alert medication and replacing it with a pre-mixed formulation can reduce the risks associated with its use. The aim of this study was to determine the clinical characteristics of patients receiving different potassium chloride formulations available at a private institution. The study also assessed the effectiveness and safety of pre-mixed formulations in the correction of hypokalaemia.
  9. Al-Maweri SA, Ismail NM, Ismail AR, Al-Ghashm A
    Malays J Med Sci, 2013 Jul;20(4):39-46.
    PMID: 24043995 MyJurnal
    Diabetes mellitus is associated with a greater likelihood of developing certain oral mucosal disorders. This study was aimed at assessing the prevalence of oral mucosal lesions (OMLs) in patients with type 2 diabetes (DM2) and to investigate the association of such lesions with metabolic control of the disease.
  10. Embong MF, Yaacob R, Abdullah MS, Abdul Karim AH, Ghazali AK, Jalaluddin WM
    Malays J Med Sci, 2013 Jul;20(4):25-31.
    PMID: 24043993 MyJurnal
    Hippocampal volume is affected by several psychiatric illnesses of old age, as well as by normal aging. It is important to have a normal data in a population to assist in diagnosis. The aim of this study is to determine hippocampal volume in normal Malay people aged 50 years old and older.
  11. Hashim H, Nawawi O
    Malays J Med Sci, 2013 Mar;20(2):76-80.
    PMID: 23983582 MyJurnal
    Uterine arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is a rare condition, with fewer than 100 cases reported in the literature. Despite it being rare, it is a potentially life-threatening condition. This case report describes a 33-year-old woman who presented with secondary post-partum hemorrhage. Transabdominal ultrasound (US) of the pelvis showed increased vascularity with multidirectional flow of the uterus and a prominent vessel, located on the left lateral wall. She also had retained product of conception, which complicated the diagnosis. A uterine artery angiogram confirmed an AVM in the fundal region with an early draining vein. Embolisation of the AVM was performed successfully.
  12. Nguyen D, Yaacob Y, Muda S, Mohamed Z
    Malays J Med Sci, 2013 Mar;20(2):70-5.
    PMID: 23983581 MyJurnal
    Pulmonary thromboembolism is a life-threatening cardiovascular condition. The mortality rate is high in its current management. Besides supportive treatments, systemic thrombolysis and surgical thrombectomy play important roles in the comprehensive management of pulmonary embolism (PE). The percutaneous catheter-based rheolytic thrombectomy is a promising alternative for management of massive pulmonary emboli, particularly, when patients have contraindication with systemic thrombolysis or are not suitable for surgery. We present the case of a 36-year-old Somalian man who came to our center for a total knee replacement (TKR). Three days after TKR, he developed sudden shortness of breath and decreased oxygen saturation. Computed tomography of pulmonary arteriogram showed extensive thrombi within the main pulmonary trunk, right and left pulmonary arteries, bilateral ascending and bilateral descending pulmonary arteries in keeping with massive PE. Because the patient was contraindicated for systemic thrombolysis, percutaneous, catheter-based rheolytic thrombectomy was chosen as the alternative treatment. His clinical symptoms improved immediately post-treatment. In conclusion, catheter-based rheolytic thrombectomy can serve as an alternative treatment for massive PE with a good clinical outcome.
  13. Agarwal R, Daher AM, Mohd Ismail N
    Malays J Med Sci, 2013 Mar;20(2):52-61.
    PMID: 23983578 MyJurnal
    The study aimed to determine current status of knowledge, practices, and attitudes towards adverse drug reaction (ADR) reporting among private practitioners in Klang region of Malaysia.
  14. Alhabshi SM, Rahmat K, Westerhout CJ, Md Latar NH, Chandran PA, Aziz S
    Malays J Med Sci, 2013 May;20(3):83-7.
    PMID: 23966831 MyJurnal
    Lymphocytic mastitis, or diabetic mastopathy, is an unusual finding in early-onset and long-standing diabetes. It can presents as a non-tender or tender palpable breast mass. Mammogram and ultrasound frequently demonstrate findings suspicious of malignancy, thus biopsy and histological confirmation is usually required. We reviewed two cases of lymphocytic mastitis with characteristics findings on mammogram, ultrasound, and histopathology. Diagnoses were confirmed with excision biopsy.
  15. Nguyen DV, Muda AS, Yaacob Y
    Malays J Med Sci, 2013 May;20(3):71-7.
    PMID: 23966829 MyJurnal
    Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma is a rare disease with poor prognosis. Treatment including wide or radical excision is very important. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are additional treatment options, but no conclusive results for their efficacy have been shown until date. Imaging modalities can give important clues for diagnosis and management planning. Angioembolization before surgery could be useful as prophylaxis to control intraoperative bleeding, increasing the likelihood of complete resection.
  16. Dharmalingam TK, Ahmad Zainuddin NA
    Malays J Med Sci, 2013 May;20(3):51-4.
    PMID: 23966825 MyJurnal
    This study was undertaken to evaluate patient satisfaction after spinal anaesthesia, which is the most frequently administered anaesthesia in obstetric patients.
  17. Tissera S, Lee SM
    Malays J Med Sci, 2013 May;20(3):14-22.
    PMID: 23966820
    This was a preliminary study to test for the presence of multiple antibiotic-resistant extended spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) producing bacteria in Malaysian urban surface waters. Although the literature review revealed several published papers on clinical ESBL isolates in Malaysia, none were found on ESBL isolates obtained from local surface waters.
  18. Ahmed S, Othman NH
    Malays J Med Sci, 2013 May;20(3):6-13.
    PMID: 23966819 MyJurnal
    Tualang honey (TH) is a Malaysian multifloral jungle honey. In recent years, there has been a marked increase in the number of studies published in medical databases regarding its potential health benefits. The honey is produced by the rock bee (Apis dorsata), which builds hives on branches of tall Tualang trees located mainly in the north-western region of Peninsular Malaysia. This review collates the results of the various studies of TH that range from research on tissue culture to randomised control clinical trials. Findings thus far show that, TH has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimutagenic, antitumor, and antidiabetic properties, in addition to wound-healing attributes. Some of its properties are similar to the well-researched Manuka honey (New Zealand and/or Australian monofloral honey). Distinct differences include higher phenolics, flavonoids, and 5-(hydroxymethyl) furfural (HMF). Compared with Manuka honey, TH is also more effective against some gram-negative bacterial strains in burn wounds.
  19. Abdullah JM
    Malays J Med Sci, 2013 May;20(3):1-5.
    PMID: 23966818
    President Obama of the United States of America announced this April the Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies (BRAIN for short) investment, while Professor Henry Markram's team based in the European Union will spend over a billion euros on the Human Brain Project, breaking through the unknowns in the fifth science of the decade: Neuroscience. Malaysia's growth in the same field needs to be augmented, and thus the Universiti Sains Malaysia's vision is to excel in the field of clinical brain sciences, mind sciences and neurosciences. This will naturally bring up the level of research in the country simultaneously. Thus, a center was recently established to coordinate this venture. The four-year Integrated Neuroscience Program established recently will be a sustainable source of neuroscientists for the country. We hope to establish ourselves by 2020 as a global university with neurosciences research as an important flagship.
  20. Md Noh UK, Then KY
    Malays J Med Sci, 2013 Jan;20(1):84-7.
    PMID: 23785259
    A 42-year-old man from Ghana presented with bilateral painful corneal perforations following ingestion of a sulphur-based antibiotic. Emergency bilateral penetrating keratoplasty was performed, with restoration of globe integrity. However, surgical complications arose such as non-healing epithelial defect, secondary infection, graft dehiscence, and mounting intraocular pressure. This case illustrates the challenges faced in managing corneal grafts in patients with already compromised ocular surfaces.
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