One of the main characteristics of urbanization in Asia is the very rapid increase in population movement from rural to urban centers. This phenomenon has led to changing population structure, its composition and lifestyles in the cities and its fringes. As a consequent of population pressure on urban system and infrastructure, compounded by the nature of the composition of the in-migrant population, the urban concentrates are faced with several social and socio-economic problems. Although there has been a lot of interests among researchers to study the causes and effects or urbanization, there is a vacuum in the area of health implications. Planners and administrators usually give priority to the physical aspects of the urban and urbanities. Social problems and health implications thereof receives very little attention either at the level of administration or research. This paper therefore is a brave attempt to focus and draw some attention to this neglected area by looking at selected social problems and the health consequences.
Kuala Lumpur is the capital city of Malaysia with an estimated population of 1.55 million. Approximately 12% of the population live in squatter settlements occupying about 7% of the city total area. The squatter settlements generally are provided with basic amenities such as piped water, toilet facilities and electricity. Health indicators for the overall population of Kuala Lumpur are better off than for the rest of the country; however, intra-city differentials prevail along ethnic and socio-economic lines. Malays and Indians have higher rates for stillbirths, and neonatal, infant and toddler mortality than the Chinese. The wide disparity in the socio-economic status between the advantaged and the poor groups in the city is reflected in the dietary practices and nutritional status of young children from these communities. The percentage of preschool children from urban poor households with inadequate intakes of calories and nutrients is two to three times higher than those from the advantaged group. Compared to rural infants, a lower percentage of urban infants are breastfed. A lower percentage of Malays from the urban advantaged group breastfed, compared with the urban poor group. The reversed trend is found for the Chinese community. Growth attainment of young children from the urban poor is worse than the urban advantaged, though better than the rural poor. Health and nutritional practices implications related to both undernutrition and overnutrition are discussed, to illustrate the twin challenges of malnutrition in the city.
The risk behavior in malaria has been identified as one of the factors contributing to malaria in Malaysia. The occurrence of malaria among illegal immigrants and indigenous groups, staying in risk prone areas where conditions are favorable for transmission, highlights the behavior pattern of these groups. In these areas the usual anti-malarial activities are less effective and thus there is a need to identify control measures suited to that particular condition and environment and to community groups. Some of the determinants contributing to the increase in malaria cases like man-vector contact, non-compliance to drugs, complications of the disease, and factors interfering with malaria control measures, factors favoring transmission and proposals to modify risk behavior, which can be applied in an endeavor to control the diseases, have been discussed.
The Primary Health Care approach in Malaysia was first tried out in Sarawak, East Malaysia in 1982. In 1984, the Vector Borne Disease Control Program, Kelantan decided to adopt the Primary Health Care approach as an additional strategy in its effort to control malaria in the state, which then experienced an increase in malaria cases. Much effort was directed at creating the awareness and stimulating the interest of health staff and communities to adopt the strategy. Kelantan was made the model state. The paper gives an outline of the process involved and some characteristics of PHC workers. A study was carried out among health workers, community members and health staff on their knowledge and involvement in PHC in three states, including Kelantan. In view of the overall success of this approach, and the weaknesses which have been identified possible solutions have been suggested and should be acted upon.
Liver fluke disease (fascioliasis) is an important parasitic disease found worldwide affecting sheep, goats, cattle and buffalo, as well as other domestic ruminants. The common causative agents are Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica which require various species of Lymnaea, fresh water snails, as their intermediate hosts. The epidemiology of the disease and its prevalence in Malaysia is mentioned briefly. The disease causes considerable impact on the economy of the livestock industry. The economic losses consist of costs of anthelmintics, drenches, labor, liver condemnation at meat inspection; and losses in production due to mortality, reduction in meat, milk and wool production; and reduction in growth rate, fertility and draught power. The disease also has public health significance, causing human fascioliasis and "halzoun".
Food-borne parasitic zoonoses are emerging as major public health problems in most countries because they are widespread and pose a medical challenge. Not only are they important from an economic standpoint, but they also cause severe sequalae in all those affected. The extent of parasitic zoonoses in Malaysia is considered a "tip of the iceberg" problem. Cases of zoonotic diseases, like porocphaliasis, sarcocystosis, toxoplasmosis, cysticercosis, hydatidosis, echinostomiasis, and gnathostomiasis are traced and documented. An epidemiologic reassessment of methods is suggested to determine the extent of these parasitoses in Malaysia.
Various studies on toxoplasmosis in Malaysia have shown that specific antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii are common among Malaysians. Among the ethnic groups, the Malays have the highest prevalence rate followed by Indians, Orang Aslis (aborigines) and Chinese. Antibody is acquired early in life and increases with age. There is no significant difference in the prevalence rate between males and females. The disease is apparently more prevalent among rural dwellers and those in the lower socioeconomic group. It appears that the prevalence rate is also influenced by environmental conditions, occupation, diet and cultural habits. Studies with animals have shown the presence of antibody to T. gondii, but this does not seem to be the source of infection since Malaysians normally cook their meat well.
A nitrocellulose membrane strip dotted with a specific 50 kDa outer membrane protein of Salmonella typhi was applied for the serodiagnosis of typhoid fever. Using horseradish peroxidase conjugated IgM and IgG antibodies with 4-chloronaphthol as substrate, antibodies in typhoid patients were clearly visualised as bluish purple dots while sera from patients with non-typhoid fevers gave negative results. The detection of specific IgM and IgG antibodies in typhoid patients suggest either recent or current infection. Combined with the high specificity, reliability and rapidity of the test, the dot EIA technique provides a simple and useful method for the serodiagnosis of typhoid using a single serum specimen.
Mark-release-recapture experiments were undertaken in January 1989, in Pos Betau, Pahang, Malaysia, with the malaria vector Anopheles maculatus. On two consecutive nights, 121 and 175 blood-fed mosquitos were released. A mean recapture rate of 11.5% and survival rates of 0.699-0.705 with an estimated oviposition cycle period of 2.35 days were obtained from the releases. About 68% of all recaptures were taken within a distance of 0.5 km from their release points and the longest detected flight was 1.6 km. No heterogeneity was found between indoor and outdoor biters of An. maculatus.
Annual and biannual mass single dose diethylcarbamazine citrate (DEC) at 6 mg/kg body weight was administered to people in a Brugia malayi endemic area in Shertallai part of Kerala, India, in 1987 and 1988. The coverage of population ranged between 41.33% and 66.01% in different rounds. The highest percentage of treated population developing side reactions was 8.4%. Both annual and biannual regimens were effective in reducing the microfilaria prevalence significantly from 4.90% to 1.23% and from 6.27% to 0.62% respectively and the incidence of infection was minimal in the adult population and zero among children. There was significant reduction in mean microfilaria count in both annual (81.08%) and biannual (98.00%) areas. Marked reduction in the proportion of high density carriers and infectivity index of the population after DEC therapy was also observed. Beneficial effect of mass single dose DEC on clinical cases of filariasis was evident from the reduction in the prevalence of acute manifestations, recent edema cases and the proportion of chronic cases with acute episodes. Results obtained from mass treatment areas were compared with those of the control area.
A screening program searching for indigenous microbial control agents of mosquitos in Malaysia is initiated since 1987 and to date at least 20 isolates of mosquitocidal Bacillus thuringiensis serotypes have been obtained. Preliminary field evaluation of several isolates indicated that they are highly effective in the control of medically important mosquito species. For operational purposes, there is an urgent need to produce this agent utilizing cheap and locally available wastes through fermentation biotechnology. Fermentation studies in shake-flasks containing standard nutrient broth and soya bean waste, respectively, indicate that it takes about 37 hours for a Malaysian isolate of B. thuringiensis serotype H-14 to mature. In the grated coconut waste, fishmeal and rice bran, the bacteria took 28 hours, 26 hours and 126 hours respectively to mature. The endotoxin was harvested from the standard nutrient broth at 55 hours and at 50 hours from soybean, grated coconut waste and fishmeal. The endotoxin could only be harvested 150 hours after inoculation from rice bran medium. However, no bacterial growth was detected in palm oil effluent. In terms of endotoxin and biomass production, fishmeal appears to be a suitable medium. Variations in the pH of the fermenting media were also noted.
Field trials were conducted in two residential areas of Petaling Jaya Municipality to test the adulticidal and larvicidal effects of malathion 96% TG and Resigen on Aedes aegypti. Malathion is the currently used insecticide in Malaysia for the control of dengue. The Leco HD ULV machine was used throught the trials. For malathion the flow rate was 90 ml/minute at a vehicle speed of 8kph and for Resigen the flow rate was 200 ml/minute at the same vechicle speed. Malathion was more effective giving higher mortality rates when compared with Resigen. The mortality rate of adult Ae. aegypti outdoor was higher than in the living room and kitchen. Both insecticides did not show promising larvicidal effects.
Comparative field efficacy studies of four mosquito coil formulations containing active ingredient of d-allethrin (0.19 or 0.28 w/w) and d-transallethrin (0.12 or 0.16% w/w) and blank coils without active ingredient were carried out in living rooms (mean size 54.1 m3) of residential houses in a squatter area in Butterworth, Malaysia. The major indoor biting mosquitos collected in the test site were that of Culex quinquefasciatus Say (84.7%). Mean percentage reduction of blank coils, coils with 0.19 and 0.28% d-allethrin and coils with 0.12 and 0.16% d-transallethrin were 29.0, 71.7, 70.9, 75.0 and 72.6%, respectively. The use of coils as a mean of personal protection against mosquitos is discussed.
A survey was carried out in a Malay-speaking Muslim community in southern Thailand to obtain baseline data for planning of long term multidisciplinary research and development. By using a 30-cluster sampling technique, 210 households of 1,308 subjects were studied in the post-Ramadan period. It was found that the community was in a social transition. The crude birth rate was 4% and 37.6% of the households had at least one migrant. About half of these migrants had been to Malaysia and mainly worked in rubber plantations. Ninety-five per cent of the households had electricity whereas only 23.8% had a latrine. Boiled or rain water was regularly drunk in only 13.3 per cent of the households. Home-grown agricultural products were not sufficient to provide adequate food. Twenty-six per cent of the adults were unemployed and 24.6% were illiterate. Of the pregnancies 26.7% had no antenatal care and complete tetanus toxoid was given to only 27.8%. Traditional birth attendants conducted 81.1% of the deliveries and only 28.9 and 24.4% of the umbilical cords were correctly cut and correctly dressed, respectively. Breast feeding was still a common (87.8%) practice. However, complete immunization was given to only 10.8%, and 37.8% of the infants had at least one diarrheal episode in the previous month. It was concluded that high birth rate, high migration, low education, low income and bad health of infants are major problems. These problems were interlinked and needed a special multidisciplinary approach. In addition to common obstacles for routine health delivery, migration may create international complications, particularly related to maternal and child care.
The measurement of the ultimate effects of the microbial insecticides on mosquito density is best obtained by assessment of adult populations. The main aims of this study are: (1) to assess the effect of Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) FC Skeetal and Bactimos briquettes on the emergence rate of Mansonia bonneae developed from the introduced first-instar stage larvae and (2) to measure the effect of these two formulations of insecticides on Mansonia adult populations emerging from the natural breeding plots. Bti Skeetal and Bactimos briquettes at the lower applied dosages of 2.3 kg/ha and 1 briquette case/20 m2 respectively achieved 39-40% pupation rates and 31.5-34.2% adult emergence rates. At these low applied dosages, there was little or no direct effect on pupation from the surviving larvae and thereafter on the emergence of adults from the pupae. A two-fold increase in dosage, however, produced a drastic decline in the pupation rate and adult emergence rate. The rates dropped to 6.5% (pupation) and 4.3% (adult emergence) of the total larvae for Bactimos briquettes and to merely 1.5% (pupation) and 1.3% (adult emergence) of the total larvae for Skeetal. In studying the effect of Bti on the field populations of Mansonia mosquitos, two plots each were treated with Bactimos at 1 briquette case/10 m2 and Skeetal at 4.6 kg/ha. A wooden pyramid-shaped screened cage was placed on a cluster of host plants for a period of 2 weeks to trap the emerging adult mosquitoes. There were a total of 24 clusters of host plants in each plot.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)