METHODS: RPE, heart rate (HR), and oxygen uptake (V˙O2) data were retrospectively extracted from 3 lab-based crossover studies, with a pooled sample size of 45 adolescents, performing either cycling-based or running-based HIIE sessions. Within-participant correlations were calculated for RPE-HR and RPE-V˙O2, and receiver operator characteristic curve analysis was used to establish RPE cut points.
RESULTS: The results showed that RPE-HR demonstrated acceptable criterion validity (r = .53-.74, P < .01), while RPE-V˙O2 had poor validity (r = .40-.48, P < .01), except for HIIE at 100% peak power (r = .59, P < .01). RPE cut points of 4 and 5 were established in corresponding to HR/V˙O2 based thresholds.
CONCLUSION: RPE has some utility in evaluating intensity during lab-based running or cycling HIIE in adolescents. Future studies should expand the validation and calibration of RPE for prescribing and monitoring HIIE in children and adolescents in field-based contexts.
METHODS: In 35,815 patients from the VISION cohort study and 9219 patients from the POISE-2 trial who were ≥45 yr old and underwent nonurgent inpatient noncardiac surgery, we examined (by age and sex) the association between continuous nonlinear preoperative estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and the composite of myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery, nonfatal cardiac arrest, or death owing to a cardiac cause within 30 days after surgery. We estimated contributions of predictive information, C-statistic, and net benefit from eGFR and other common patient and surgical characteristics to large multivariable models.
RESULTS: The primary composite occurred in 4725 (13.2%) patients in VISION and 1903 (20.6%) in POISE-2; in both studies cardiac events had a strong, graded association with lower preoperative eGFR that was attenuated by older age (Pinteraction<0.001 for VISION; Pinteraction=0.008 for POISE-2). For eGFR of 30 compared with 90 ml min-1 1.73 m-2, relative risk was 1.49 (95% confidence interval 1.26-1.78) at age 80 yr but 4.50 (2.84-7.13) at age 50 yr in female patients in VISION. This differed modestly (but not meaningfully) in men in VISION (Pinteraction=0.02) but not in POISE-2 (Pinteraction=0.79). eGFR contributed the most predictive information and mean net benefit of all predictors in both studies, most C-statistic in VISION, and third most C-statistic in POISE-2.
CONCLUSIONS: Continuous preoperative eGFR is among the best cardiac risk predictors in noncardiac surgery of the large set examined. Along with its interaction with age, preoperative eGFR would improve risk calculators.
METHODS: BMP10 levels were quantified in 2085 chronic HF patients from the European BIOlogy Study to TAilored Treatment in Chronic Heart Failure (BIOSTAT-CHF) cohort and in 1487 patients from the Scottish validation cohort. Multivariable linear regression identified independent associates of BMP10. Proteomic analysis of 6369 proteins with subsequent gene set enrichment analysis was used to explore biological pathways associated with elevated BMP10. Cox proportional hazards models adjusting for established risk factors were used to associate BMP10 levels with clinical outcomes, including all-cause mortality and HF hospitalisation.
RESULTS: In a multivariable model including clinical and echocardiographic parameters, log-transformed and standardised BMP10 levels were significantly associated with a history of atrial fibrillation (Sβ=0.419; p<0.001), and with echocardiographic features reflecting atrial stress, such as increased left atrial diameter (Sβ=0.075; p=0.048). By contrast, these were not among the strongest associates of NT-proBNP levels. Gene set enrichment analysis showed significant overrepresentation in pathways of muscle contraction and extracellular matrix organisation. Higher log-transformed and standardised BMP10 levels predicted a combined outcome of 2-year all-cause mortality and HF rehospitalisation (HR=1.10, 95% CI=1.02-1.19), with the validation cohort yielding comparable results.
CONCLUSION: BMP10 emerges as a novel biomarker reflecting atrial stress and remodelling in chronic HF patients. Its additional predictive value for adverse outcomes underscores its potential utility in enhancing risk stratification and guiding therapeutic interventions in HF management.