Displaying publications 701 - 720 of 2034 in total

  1. Kan SP, Poon GK
    Public Health, 1987 Jul;101(4):243-51.
    PMID: 3659238
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population; Urban Population
  2. Zulkifli SN, Yusof K
    Med J Malaysia, 1985 Jun;40(2):62-79.
    PMID: 3834289
    A 70 million population for Malaysia by the year 2010 has been officially targetted for in the Mid-Term Review of the Fourth Malaysia Plan, 1981-1985. In response to this, a preliminary investigation was undertaken into the health aspects of population growth. For this exercise, infant mortality rate was used as the health indicator. From trends seen vis-a-vis population growth, it appears that thus far, population growth has not been associated negatively with health (as measured by IMR). In recognition of the relevance of the medical, economic and education factors to health, trends in Malaysia's population ratio, per capita GNP and rates of school enrolment were also drawn; the selection of these as proxies being based on completeness of time-serial records. Although statistical regressions established the high correlation between medical doctors.population ratio and school enrolment rate with IMR, the limitations in this analysis did not permit any reliable inferences. In view of the difficulties in projections of trends, a comparison of health and related variables was carried out for several countries with high populations as near to 70 million as were available. The characteristics associated with low mortality and high life expectancy (health indices) were identified as low population growth, high literacy and high per capita GNP; this being stated with explicit qualifications. Other determinants of health were also discussed in brief, and the need for careful planning in the distribution of human and material resources was noted.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Density*
  3. Anderson KH, Hill MA, Butler JS
    J Dev Econ, 1987 Aug;26(2):223-34.
    PMID: 12280709
    "This paper estimates a proportional hazards model for the timing of age at marriage of women in Malaysia. We hypothesize that age at marriage responds significantly to differences in male and female occupations, race, and age. We find considerable empirical support for the relevance of economic variables in determining age at marriage as well as evidence of strong differences in marriage patterns across races."
    Matched MeSH terms: Population; Population Characteristics
  4. Lee SM
    Int Migr Rev, 1989;23(2):309-31.
    PMID: 12315959
    "The role of Chinese and Indian women as immigrants and workers in colonial Malaya is examined using data from censuses, immigration records, official reports and secondary sources. The article discusses the main types of work of female immigrants and their contribution to the economic development of colonial Malaya during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in an attempt to redress the neglect of female immigrants' economic role in Malaya's history. Comparisons between male and female immigrants' labor and between Chinese and Indian immigrants, are drawn to highlight the different conditions of migration and labor for the different groups of immigrants."
    Matched MeSH terms: Population; Population Dynamics
  5. Viegas OA, Ratnam SS, Cole TJ
    Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1989 Aug;29(4):289-95.
    PMID: 2571528
    Data on 1800 term babies, 600 from each of the Chinese, Malay and Indian racial groups, were used to identify the factors affecting birthweight in Singapore. After adjustment for gestation, maternal height and other variables, the mean Indian birthweight was 100 g less than for the Chinese (P less than 0.001), 0.001), while the Malays averaged 33 g less than the Chinese. The shortfall in Indian birthweight is thought to be due, at least partly, to environmental factors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Continental Population Groups*
  6. Smart JE, Casco RR
    Asian Migr, 1998 Jan-Feb;1(1):8-12.
    PMID: 12281042
    Matched MeSH terms: Population; Population Dynamics
  7. Montgomery MR, Sulak DB
    J Dev Econ, 1989 Apr;30(2):225-40.
    PMID: 12342575
    Many studies have shown that schooling levels of husband and wife are important determinants of household behavior in developing countries. This article asks how the schooling levels of husband and wife come to be associated with each other through the marriage market. The Kiefer-Neumann model of labor market search is adapted to marital search, the aim being to explain both the positive sorting on educational levels for spouses, and the positive relationship between female schooling and age at 1st marriage. World Fertility Survey data for Indonesia, Korea, and Malaysia are employed in the analyses.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population; Population Dynamics
  8. Armstrong RW
    Med J Malaysia, 1984 Dec;39(4):257-63.
    PMID: 6544930
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population; Urban Population
  9. Omar AH, Henry RL
    Med J Malaysia, 1991 Mar;46(1):82-7.
    PMID: 1836043
    Prediction equations for peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) of Malay, Chinese and Indian children were obtained by analysing 1020 PEFR recordings of children free of respiratory symptoms and illnesses. Boys had significantly higher PEFR than girls. For both sexes the highest levels of PEFR were observed in Malays and the lowest in Indians. The differences between Malay and Chinese boys were not statistically significant but the levels of PEFR for Malay and Chinese boys were significantly higher than those for Indian boys. In girls the differences among the ethnic groups were not statistically significant. Although ethnic differences were observed in boys these differences might not be clinically important. A common prediction equation for each sex should be both practical and accurate. When compared with predicted levels for white American and Australian children the predicted levels of PEFR of Malaysian children were found to be lower; these differences could be clinically important and the use of standards for Western children when assessing Malaysian children might not be appropriate.
    Matched MeSH terms: Continental Population Groups*
  10. Anderson KH
    Res Popul Econ, 1984;5:87-112.
    PMID: 12266419
    Matched MeSH terms: Population*; Population Characteristics*; Population Control*; Population Dynamics*
  11. Chahnazarian A
    Comp Soc Res, 1984;7:231-55.
    PMID: 12340260
    "This paper will focus on ethnic differentials in the nuptiality of West Malaysia and on their evolution since the Second World War. The growing similarity of nuptiality patterns in the Malay, Chinese, and Indian communities will be outlined and the influence of age and sex distributions on the observed changes will be examined. The sources of data for this study are the 1947, 1957, and 1970 Population Censuses and the 1974 Malaysian Family and Fertility Survey."
    Matched MeSH terms: Population; Population Characteristics
  12. Spencer C, Navaratnam V
    Drug Alcohol Depend, 1980 Jun;5(6):411-9.
    PMID: 7379697
    Those Malaysian secondary schoolchildren who have ever used an illicit drug do not differ significantly in terms of social class background, ethnicity or rural/urban location, from the majority of their contemporaries who have not used drugs. The cross-sectional data show a rapid secular trend towards the sexes being equally involved in drug use. Significant differences between ever and never users are, however, found in their attitudes towards drug taking and their beliefs about the properties of drugs, although both groups share the same rather negative image of the typical drug user. Thus, drug users have accepted some of the attitudes towards drug issues which are normative in the non-user group, whilst developing other attitudes which are consistent with their continuing use. It is argued that adolescent drug abuse in Malaysia is not to be linked specifically with social deprivation, but should be seen as being part of the life style of particular groups in all strata of society.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population; Urban Population
  13. Dimond HJ, Ashworth A
    Hum Nutr Appl Nutr, 1987 Feb;41(1):51-64.
    PMID: 3558008
    Infant feeding practices of 6149 mothers in Kenya, Mexico and Malaysia are reported. A high proportion of mothers initiated breast-feeding in each country regardless of social class. Most Kenyan mothers continued to breast-feed for at least 12 months. In Mexico and Malaysia, however, breast-feeding was discontinued relatively early, especially among urban mothers. Early supplementation of breast-fed infants with milk and/or other food was a common practice in each of the three countries. Among breast-fed infants below 4 months of age, the percentages who were exclusively breast-fed in the urban elite, urban poor and rural groups respectively were 6, 14 and 21 per cent in Kenya, 8, 19 and 31 per cent in Mexico, and 11, 9 and 11 per cent in Malaysia. Supplementation of breast-fed infants in the first two months of life was more likely to be with infant formula than with any other milk or food. At three months of age, however, nonmilk foods were the most common supplements in all population groups with the exception of those in urban Kenya. The policy implications are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population; Urban Population
  14. Krishnasamy M, Singh I, de Witt GF, Ambu S
    Malays J Pathol, 1981 Aug;4:29-34.
    PMID: 7186601
    Matched MeSH terms: Animal Population Groups/parasitology*
  15. Ng KK, Lee SL, Koh CL
    Mol Ecol, 2004 Mar;13(3):657-69.
    PMID: 14871369
    Analyses of the spatial distribution pattern, spatial genetic structure and of genetic diversity were carried out in two tropical tree species with contrasting breeding systems and different ploidy levels using a 50-ha demographic plot in a lowland dipterocarp forest in Peninsular Malaysia. Shorea leprosula is a diploid and predominantly outcrossed species, whereas S. ovalis ssp. sericea is an autotetraploid species with apomictic mode of reproduction. Genetic diversity parameters estimated for S. leprosula using microsatellite were consistently higher than using allozyme. In comparisons with S. leprosula and other tropical tree species, S. ovalis ssp. sericea also displayed relatively high levels of genetic diversity. This might be explained by the lower pressure of genetic drift due to tetrasomic inheritance, and for autotetraploids each locus can accommodate up to four different alleles and this allows maintenance of more alleles at individual loci. The observed high levels of genetic diversity in S. ovalis ssp. sericea can also be due to a random retention of more heterogeneous individuals in the past, and the apomictic mode of reproduction might be an evolutionary strategy, which allows the species to maintain high levels of genetic diversity. The spatial distribution pattern analyses of both species showed significant levels of aggregation at small and medium but random distribution at the big diameter-class. The decrease in magnitude of spatial aggregation from small- to large-diameter classes might be due to compensatory mortality during recruitment and survival under competitive thinning process. Spatial genetic structure analyses for both species revealed significant spatial genetic structure for short distances in all the three diameter-classes. The magnitude of spatial genetic structure in both species was observed to be decreasing from smaller- to larger-diameter classes. The high spatial genetic structuring observed in S. ovalis ssp. sericea at the small-diameter class is due primarily to limited seed dispersal and apomictic mode of reproduction. The similar observation in S. leprosula, however, can be explained by limited seed and pollen dispersal, which supports further the fact that the species is pollinated by weak fliers, mainly of Thrips and Megalurothrips in the lowland dipterocarp forest.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population*
  16. Smith JD
    J Math Biol, 2004 Jan;48(1):105-18.
    PMID: 14685774
    A canonical/lognormal model for human demography is established, specifying the net maternity function and the age distribution for mothers of new-borns using a single macroscopic parameter vector of dimension five. The age distribution of mothers is canonical, while the net maternity function normalizes to a lognormal density. Comparison of an actual population with the model serves to identify anomalies in the population which may be indicative of phase transitions or influences from levels outside the demographic. Tracking the time development of the parameter vector may be used to predict the future state of a population, or to interpolate for data missing from the record. In accordance with classical theoretical considerations of Backman, Prigogine, et al., it emerges that the logarithm of a mother's age is the most fundamental time variable for demographic purposes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Dynamics; Population Growth
  17. Nakagawa M, Itioka T, Momose K, Yumoto T, Komai F, Morimoto K, et al.
    Bull. Entomol. Res., 2003 Oct;93(5):455-66.
    PMID: 14658448
    Insect seed predators of 24 dipterocarp species (including the genera ot Dipterocarpus, Dryobalanops and Shorea) and five species belonging to the Moraceae, Myrtaceae, Celastraceae and Sapotaceae were investigated. In a tropical lowland dipterocarp forest in Sarawak, Malaysia, these trees produces seeds irregularly by intensely during general flowering and seeding events in 1996 and/or 1998. Dipterocarp seeds were preyed on by 51 insect species (11 families), which were roughly classified into three taxonomic groups: smaller moths (Trotricidae, Pyralidae, Crambidae, Immidae, Sesiidae, and Cosmopterigidae), scolytids (Scolydae) and weevils (Curdulionidae, Apionidae, Anthribidae, and Attelabidae). Although the host-specificity of invertebrate seed predators has been assumed to be high in tropical forests, it was found that the diet ranges of some insect predators were relatively wide and overlapped one another. Most seed predators that were collected in both study years changes their diets between general flowering and seeding events. The results of cluster analyses based on the number of adult of each predator species that emerged from 100 seeds of each tree species, suggested that the dominant species was not consistent, alternating between the two years.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Density; Population Dynamics
  18. Seah LH, Jeevan NH, Othman MI, Jaya P, Ooi YS, Wong PC, et al.
    Forensic Sci Int, 2003 Dec 17;138(1-3):134-7.
    PMID: 14642733
    Allele frequencies for the 15 STR loci in the AmpFlSTR Identifiler kit were determined and compared for the three main ethnic groups of the Malaysian population comprising 210 Malays, 219 Chinese and 209 Indians. Blood was placed on FTA paper and DNA was purified in-situ.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population*
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