Forensic identification of juvenile skulls is a problem area. Although the skull suture patterns have been suggested for use in individualizing human remains by comparing antemortem and postmortem radiographs, the age at which such patterns stabilize and can be useful for identification had been indicated as 7 years. Subsequent researchers have also concurred that antemortem and postmortem radiographs taken after the 7th year would be sufficient to meet the Daubert standard criteria for identifying skulls using radiographs. The suggestions regarding the lower age limit for stabilization of suture patterns have not been verified so far. In this research, the patterns of the sutures in the ectocranial and endocranial surfaces of the lambdoid region in 22 juvenile skulls (age range 1-10 years) and 100 adult skulls (age range 17-70 years) were studied for the relative incidence of different types of suture patterns. The radiographic recordings of the suture patterns in the juvenile skulls were also compared with the patterns seen in the ectocranial and endocranial surfaces. The findings of this study support the proposition that the suture patterns are plastic during the juvenile stage and that they undergo significant remodeling during growth into adulthood. Indicating the possibility of growth related alterations in the sutural morphology, the onset of adulthood is suggested as the age for stabilization of suture patterns in the context of prescribing standards for such criteria as those relating to Daubert.
This study aimed to collate data on childhood drowning in Malaysia and review existing drowning prevention measures. This study used secondary data from governmental and non-governmental agencies. All reported fatal drownings from 2000 to 2007 and all reported non-fatal drownings from 2000 to 2008 were included. Data were analysed to provide understanding of the epidemiology of drowning incidents, risk factors and available preventive efforts. On average 286 (range 248-344) children died yearly due to drowning with a death rate of 3.05 per 100,000 annually. An additional average of 207 children drowned but survived annually (1.99 per 100,000). The estimated burden of drowning in children (death and non-death) is 5 per 100,000. There was no reduction in annual drowning fatalities over time. Most drowning took place in east coast regions during the annual monsoon season. It was 3.52 (2.80-4.41) times more common in boys and most prevalent among 10-14 years. Most prevalent sites of all-age drowning were seas and rivers. Limited water safety regulations are currently available in the country. This is the first comprehensive national study in Malaysia on paediatric drowning and highlights the magnitude of the problem. It calls for concerted effort to devise effective national drowning prevention measures.
Giardia duodenalis is considered the most common intestinal parasite in humans worldwide. In Malaysia, many studies have been conducted on the epidemiology of giardiasis. However, there is a scarcity of information on the genetic diversity and the dynamics of transmission of G. duodenalis. The present study was conducted to identify G. duodenalis assemblages and sub-assemblages based on multilocus analysis of the glutamate dehydrogenase (gdh), beta-giardin (bg) and triose phosphate isomerase (tpi) genes. Faecal specimens were collected from 484 Orang Asli children with a mean age of 7 years and examined using light microscopy. Specimens positive for Giardia were subjected to PCR analysis of the three genes and subsequent sequencing in both directions. Sequences were edited and analysed by phylogenetic analysis. G. duodenalis was detected in 17% (84 of 484) of the examined specimens. Among them, 71 were successfully sequenced using at least one locus. Genotyping results showed that 30 (42%) of the isolates belonged to assemblage A, 32 (45%) belonged to assemblage B, while discordant genotype results were observed in 9 specimens. Mixed infections were detected in 43 specimens using a tpi-based assemblage specific protocol. At the sub-assemblages level, isolates belonged to assemblage A were AII. High nucleotide variation found in isolates of assemblage B made subtyping difficult to achieve. The finding of assemblage B and the anthroponotic genotype AII implicates human-to-human transmission as the most possible mode of transmission among Malaysian aborigines. The high polymorphism found in isolates of assemblage B warrants a more defining tool to discriminate assemblage B at the sub-assemblage level.
In Malaysia, various aspects of the epidemiology of pneumococcal carriage and disease remain largely unclear due to the lack of supporting data. Although a number of relevant studies have been documented, their individual discrete findings are not sufficient to inform experts on pneumococcal epidemiology at a national level. Therefore, in this review we aim to bring together and systematically evaluate the key information regarding pneumococcal disease epidemiology in Malaysia and provide a comprehensive overview of the data. Major aspects discussed include pneumococcal carriage, disease incidence and prevalence, age factors, invasiveness of pneumococci, serotypes, molecular epidemiology and antibiotic susceptibility. Penicillin resistance is increasingly prevalent and studies suggest that the majority of pneumococcal serotypes causing pneumococcal disease in Malaysia are covered by currently available conjugate vaccines. Continued surveillance is needed to provide a better understanding of pneumococcal epidemiology in Malaysia.
Although few studies concerning optic neuritis (ON) in Asian countries have been reported, there is no report about ON in Malaysia particularly within the Malay population. We aimed to determine the clinical manifestation, visual outcome and aetiology of ON in Malays, and discussed the literature of ON studies in other Asian populations. This was a retrospective study involving 31 consecutive patients (41 eyes) with ON treated at Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia commencing from July 2005 till January 2010 with a period of follow-up ranging from 18-60 months. The clinical features, laboratory results, possible aetiology, and visual acuity after one year were analysed. Females were the predominant group. The age of the patients ranged between 3-55 years and peaked between 21-30 years old. 67.7% of the patients had unilateral involvement. Pain on ocular movement was observed in 31.7% of the affected eyes. 73.3% of 41 involved eyes showed visual acuity equal 6/60 or worse on presentation. Paracentral scotoma was the most common visual field defect noted. Optic disc papillitis proved more widespread compared to the retrobulbar type of ON. The aetiology was idiopathic in more than 50%, while the risk of multiple sclerosis was extremely low (3.2%) in our series. 66.0% demonstrating visual acuity improved to 6/12 or better at one year after the attack. 16.1% showed evidence of recurrence during follow-up. In conclusion, the clinical profile and aetiology of ON in Malay patients are comparable to other ON studies reported by other Asian countries.
A retrospective case series was conducted to determine the clinical characteristics and bronchoscopy findings of children with foreign body aspiration in Paediatric Institute, Hospital Kuala Lumpur. Ten boys and two girls were included (range 2-177 months; median 26 months old). They commonly presented with cough (12/100%) and difficulty in breathing (9/75%). All patients had unilateral auscultatory findings and the commonest radiographic findings were unilateral hyperinflation (7/58.3%). The majority of foreign bodies removed was organic (8/66.6%) and more frequently found in the left bronchial tree (7/58.3%). Major complications were pneumonia (11/91.6%) and airway oedema (11/ 91.6%). Eight patients had delayed diagnosis due to parents unawareness (6/50%) and missed diagnosis (2/16.7%).
Multislice computed tomography (MSCT) is the imaging modality of choice in assessing clinically stable patients with blunt abdominal trauma. This study assessed the role of MSCT in the detection of intra abdominal injury caused by blunt trauma in our centre within a two-year-period (2008-2009). A total of 151 patients had MSCT abdomen for blunt abdominal trauma within this study period. Positive scan were seen in 126 patients (83.4%). Out of these positive scans, liver, spleen and renal injuries were seen in 42.1% (n = 53), 34.9% (n = 44) and 30.0% (n = 34) of cases respectively. Laparotomies were performed in 45 patients. Out of these 45 laparotomies, 10 patients had surgically significant injuries that were missed on CT scan findings. The injuries were bowel perforation (n = 4), serosal tear of bowel (n = 1), mesenteric injuries with active haemorrhage (n=3), spleen injury (n = 1) and liver injury (n = 1).
Fibrosarcoma is rare in the pediatric age group. It generally involves the extremities and the trunk but rarely involves the genital area. We report a case of a large fungating infantile fibrosarcoma of the penis in a 2-year-old Malay boy. Partial recovery of the penile structure was achieved after chemotherapy. The difficulty in managing the social and surgical aspect of this case is discussed in our report. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case report of infantile fibrosarcoma involving the penis in an Asian region.
OBJECTIVE: Ear, nose and throat foreign bodies are common in ENT clinical practice. This study was designed to establish the local data of otorhinolaryngeal foreign bodies in term of prevalence among paediatric and adult groups, the clinical features, types of foreign body at different sites, and laterality of foreign bodies.
METHOD: This study was carried out at ENT department, Sarawak General Hospital, Malaysia, from 1st January 2005 to 31st December 2009. A total of 1084 cases were included and statistically analyzed.
RESULT: Ear foreign bodies showed the highest incidence which was consisted of 480 (44.3%) cases, followed by nose in 270 (24.9%) cases, pharynx in 251 (23.2%) cases, esophagus in 57 (5.3%) cases and laryngo-tracheobronchial tree in 26 (2.4%) cases. Otorhinolaryngeal foreign bodies occurred more frequently in 0-10 year old age group which constituted 651 (60.1%) cases. The descending order of frequency for foreign body sites in adult was pharynx (17.2%), ear (12.8%), esophagus (3.1%), nose (1.7%) and laryngo-tracheobronchial tree (1.1%). The type of foreign bodies varies with age group and site of foreign body lodgement. In general, common foreign bodies in both adult and children were food related, with the additional of small objects such as plastic toy in paediatric group.
CONCLUSION: Otorhinolaryngeal foreign bodies were found more frequently in children. The types of foreign body were different from age group and sites of foreign body lodgement. The local food constituted the highest incidence of ear, nose, and throat foreign bodies with additional of plastic toys in paediatric group.
Study site: ENT clinic, Sarawak General Hospital, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
This study aimed to assess the physical activity levels of pediatric patients with acute leukemia undergoing chemotherapy. Thirty-eight pediatric patients and matched controls, aged 3-12 years old, were measured for weight, height, and other anthropometric parameters. Physical activity was assessed using actical accelerometer and activity log book. Patients recorded significantly lower mean total activity counts (26.2±30.2 cpm vs. 192.2±68.8 cpm; p<0.01) and spent more time in sedentary activities (1301±121 min vs. 1020±101 min; p<0.001) compared to controls. They also achieved fewer 1-5-min bouts of moderate-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) compared to controls (1.50±5.95 vs. 37.38±40.36; p<0.001). In conclusion, patients had lower physical activity level and intensity; and simple exercise intervention programs may be needed to minimize the detrimental effects of prolonged sedentary behaviors.
Compared with US or European countries, there are fewer mental health services for mothers of children with developmental disabilities in Latin American and/or Southeast Asian countries.
Urinary schistosomiasis is caused by the digenetic trematode Schistosoma haematobium, characterized by accumulation of eggs in the genitourinary tract. Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA-4) can play an important role in parasitic infection due to its major role as a negative regulator of T-cell activation and proliferation. This study was performed in patients with schistosomiasis and healthy controls to analyze the allele and genotype frequencies of four CTLA-4 gene polymorphisms. The CTLA-4 gene was amplified using Taqman real-time polymerase chain reaction, and allele and genotypes of 49 patients with schistosomiasis were analyzed using allelic discrimination analysis followed by subsequent direct sequencing. The results were compared with healthy control subjects. The frequencies of CTLA-4 rs733618 A allele at position -1722 (p=0.001), rs11571316 C allele at position -1577 (p<0.001), and rs231775 A allele at position +49 (p=0.002) in the patient group were significantly higher than the control group. The rs733618 AA genotype (p=0.001), rs11571316 CC genotype (p<0.001), and rs231775 AA genotype (p=0.007) were also significantly overrepresented. Meanwhile, rs733618 AG genotype (p=0.001), rs11571316 CT genotype (p=0.02), and rs231775 GG genotype (p=0.029) were significantly decreased in the patients with schistosomiasis, as compared with the controls. No significant difference was observed in both allele and genotype of rs16841252. The results of this study suggest that the rs733618, rs11571316, and rs231775 polymorphisms in the CTLA-4 gene may influence susceptibility to schistosomiasis infection in the Gabonese children.
This is a retrospective review of congenital cholesteatoma cases that were managed surgically. There were 5 cases. The age of presentation ranged from 5 to 18 year old. Three patients presented with complication of the disease. Three patients had intact tympanic membrane, two had perforation at the anterior superior quadrant. All patients had cholesteatoma medial to tympanic membrane. Four cases had extensive ossicular erosion with preoperative hearing worse than 40 dB. Four cases underwent canal wall down mastoid surgery and one underwent canal wall up surgery. One patient had recurrence which required revision surgery. In conclusion, congenital cholesteatoma presented late due to the silent nature of disease in its early stage. Extensive disease, ossicular destruction with risk of complication at presentation were marked in our study. Hence, more aggressive surgical intervention is recommended in the management of congenital cholesteatoma.
Retinoblastoma is a childhood ocular cancer. The aim of this paper is to describe the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients with retinoblastoma in a major paediatric ophthalmology center in the country. Retrospective information was collected through the retinoblastoma registry. Late presentation with advanced staging is a major problem.
A 3-year-old child presented with congenital bilateral facial nerve palsy with bilateral profound sensorineural hearing loss. High Resolution Computed Tomogram (HRCT) of the temporal bones found bilateral atresia of cochlear nerve canals, incomplete partition of the cochleae and narrow facial nerve canals. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed bilateral hypoplasia of facial nerves and aplasia of both vestibulocochlear nerves. There have been no other reported cases with this presentation. The possible aetiology and treatment options for the patient are discussed. We highlighted the review of aplasia/hypoplasia of the facial nerve and hypoplasia of cochlear nerve canal.
Operative treatment for neglected fracture of lateral humeral condyle (LHC) is difficult because of contracted muscle, fibrous tissue formation, and indistinct bony edges. Its success depends on the ability to preserve blood supply during the surgery. We retrospectively reviewed eight cases of neglected fracture of LHC in children treated with open reduction with selected multiple 'V' lengthening of common extensor muscle and internal fixation. The patients were between 3 and 8 years of age. The period of neglect was between 3 and 20 weeks. Four patients with displacement of more than 10 mm and neglect for 5 weeks or more required lengthening of common extensor muscle aponeurosis. The follow-up assessments were between 1 and 6.3 years with a mean of 4.4 years. All patients had union by 2 months. They gained improvement of flexion range of motion between 60° and 120° with a mean of 86.3°. Loss of final range of motion compared with the normal side was between 5° and 35° with a mean of 10°. No patient had limitation of activities or pain. Six cases had excellent and two cases had good Dillon functional score. All patients had lateral condyle prominent with different severities. There was one mild avascular necrosis and one fishtail deformity. Both of them had almost full range of motion. All patients had early physeal closure, except one, who had only 1 year follow-up. There was no case of progressive valgus deformity. Children with neglected fracture of LHC would benefit from anatomical reduction and internal fixation through a proper exposure and if indicated combined with multiple 'V' lengthening of common extensor muscle aponeurosis. This is a level IV study.
Measurements of (222)Rn activity concentration were carried out in 39 samples collected from the domestic and drinking water sources used in the island and mainland of Penang, northern peninsular, Malaysia. The measured activity concentrations ranged from 7.49 to 26.25 Bq l(-1), 0.49 to 9.72 Bq l(-1) and 0.58 to 2.54 Bq l(-1) in the raw, treated and bottled water samples collected, respectively. This indicated relatively high radon concentrations compared with that from other parts of the world, which still falls below the WHO recommended treatment level of 100 Bq l(-1). From this data, the age-dependent associated committed effective doses due to the ingestion of (222)Rn as a consequence of direct consumption of drinking water were calculated. The committed effective doses from (222)Rn resulting from 1 y's consumption of these water were estimated to range from 0.003 to 0.048, 0.001 to 0.018 and 0.002 to 0.023 mSv y(-1), for age groups 0-1, 2-16 and >16 y, respectively.