Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 233 in total

  1. Vignesvaran K, Alias Z
    Arch Insect Biochem Physiol, 2016 Jul;92(3):210-21.
    PMID: 27075600 DOI: 10.1002/arch.21332
    Drosophila melanogaster glutathione S-transferase D3 (DmGSTD3) has a shorter amino acid sequence as compared to other GSTs known in the fruit flies. This is due to the 15 amino acid N-terminal truncation in which normally active amino acid residue is located. The work has made use of homology modeling to visualize the arrangement of amino acid side chains in the glutathione (GSH) substrate cavity. The identified amino acids were then replaced with amino acids without functional groups in the side chains and the mutants were analyzed kinetically. Homology modeling revealed that the side chains of Y89 and Y97 were shown facing toward the substrate cavity proposing their possible role in catalyzing the conjugation. Y97A and Y89A GSH gave large changes in Km (twofold increase), Vmax (fivefold reduction), and Kcat /Km values for GSH suggesting their significant role in the conjugation reaction. The replacement at either positions has not affected the affinity of the enzyme toward 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene as no significant change in values of Kmax was observed. The replacement, however, had significantly reduced the catalytic efficiency of both mutants with (Kcat /Km )(GSH) and (Kcat /Km )(CDNB) of eight- and twofold reduction. The recombinant DmGSTD3 has shown no activity toward 1,2-dichloro-4-nitrobenzene, 2,4-hexadienal, 2,4-heptadienal, p-nitrobenzyl chloride, ethacrynic acid, and sulfobromophthalein. Therefore, it was evident that DmGSTD3 has made use of distal amino acids Y97 and Y89 for GSH conjugation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sequence Alignment
  2. Tai HF, Foo HL, Abdul Rahim R, Loh TC, Abdullah MP, Yoshinobu K
    Microb Cell Fact, 2015;14:89.
    PMID: 26077560 DOI: 10.1186/s12934-015-0280-y
    Bacteriocin-producing Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) have vast applications in human and animal health, as well as in food industry. The structural, immunity, regulatory, export and modification genes are required for effective bacteriocin biosynthesis. Variations in gene sequence, composition and organisation will affect the antimicrobial spectrum of bacteriocin greatly. Lactobacillus plantarum I-UL4 is a novel multiple bacteriocin producer that harbours both plw and plnEF structural genes simultaneous which has not been reported elsewhere. Therefore, molecular characterisation of bacteriocin genes that harboured in L. plantarum I-UL4 was conducted in this study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sequence Alignment
  3. Sim TS, Loke P, Lee MA, Singh M, Flotow H
    Parasitol Res, 2001 Sep;87(9):683-6.
    PMID: 11570549
    In this study, the genome of the Plasmodium falciparum Gombak A strain was examined for the presence of a gene encoding falcipain-2, a cysteine protease, using homology-based polymerase chain reaction cloning. The nucleotide sequence obtained from the gene cloned (designated pFG1) is approximately 99% homologous to other falcipain-2 genes from different strains. Comparatively, it is 69% homologous to falcipain-3 genes. Direct cloning of the falcipain-2 gene and its resemblance to the reported corresponding mRNA transcript suggests the absence of introns in this gene. Sequence alignment and comparison revealed four amino acid differences at positions 15, 51, 59 and 414 in the falcipain-2 from P. falciparum Gombak A as compared to other falcipain-2 proteins from different strains.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sequence Alignment
  4. McMinn P, Lindsay K, Perera D, Chan HM, Chan KP, Cardosa MJ
    J Virol, 2001 Aug;75(16):7732-8.
    PMID: 11462047
    Enterovirus 71 (EV71) is a frequent cause of hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) epidemics associated with severe neurological sequelae in a small proportion of cases. There has been a significant increase in EV71 epidemic activity throughout the Asia-Pacific region since 1997. Recent HFMD epidemics in this region have been associated with a severe form of brainstem encephalitis associated with pulmonary edema and high case fatality rates. In this study, we show that four genetic lineages of EV71 have been prevalent in the Asia-Pacific region since 1997, including two previously undescribed genogroups (B3 and B4). Furthermore, we show that viruses belonging to genogroups B3 and B4 have circulated endemically in Southeast Asia during this period and have been the primary cause of several large HFMD or encephalitis epidemics in Malaysia, Singapore, and Western Australia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sequence Alignment
  5. Chua KB, Wang LF, Lam SK, Eaton BT
    Arch Virol, 2002 Jul;147(7):1323-48.
    PMID: 12111411
    A novel paramyxovirus in the genus Rubulavirus, named Tioman virus (TiV), was isolated in 1999 from a number of pooled urine samples of Island Flying Foxes (Pteropus hypomelanus) during the search for the reservoir host of Nipah virus. TiV is antigenically related to Menangle virus (MenV) that was isolated in Australia in 1997 during disease outbreak in pigs. Sequence analysis of the full length genome indicated that TiV is a novel member of the genus Rubulavirus within the subfamily Paramyxovirinae, family Paramyxoviridae. However, there are several features of TiV which make it unique among known paramyxoviruses and rubulaviruses in particular: (1) TiV, like MenV, uses the nucleotide G as a transcriptional initiation site, rather than the A residue used by all other known paramyxoviruses; (2) TiV uses C as the +1 residue for all intergenic regions, a feature not seen for rubulaviruses but common for all other members within the subfamily Paramyxovirinae; (3) Although the attachment protein of TiV has structural features that are conserved in other rubulaviruses, it manifests no overall sequence homology with members of the genus, lacks the sialic acid-binding motif N-R-K-S-C-S and has only two out of the six highly conserved residues known to be important for the catalytic activity of neuraminidase.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sequence Alignment
  6. Chansiri K, Kawazu S, Kamio T, Terada Y, Fujisaki K, Philippe H, et al.
    Vet Parasitol, 1999 Jun 15;83(2):99-105.
    PMID: 10392966
    Classification of Theileria parasites of south-east Asian countries is still ambiguous due to the lack of basic studies, especially their molecular genetic information. In this study, we included 6 known species and 14 unclassified Theileria parasite isolates: Theileria annulata, Theileria parva, Theileria taurotragi, Theileria sergenti, Theileria buffeli, Theileria types Sable, Theileria types A, B, B1, B2, C, D, E, F, G, G1, Theileria type Medan (Indonesia), Theileria type Ipoh (Malaysia) and Theileria type Thong Song (Thailand). Small subunit ribosomal RNA (srRNA) nucleotide sequence data were collected by PCR, cloning and dideoxy sequencing. The srRNA nucleotide sequences were aligned and analyzed by distance methods, maximum parsimony algorithms and maximum likelihood methods to construct phylogenetic trees. Bootstrap analysis was used to test the strength of the different phylogenetic reconstructions. The data indicated that all of the tree-building methods gave very similar results. This study identified two groups of Theileria, the pathogenic and benign groups, which are strongly supported by bootstrap analysis. The analysis also indicated that three subgroups (A, B and C) were generated within the benign Theileria group whereas the classification of Theileria type D and Thong Song is questionable. However, more basic information such as life cycle differences, vectors, modes of transmission, virulent and genetic/sexual compatability is essential for clearer taxonomic definition of the benign Theileria parasites.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sequence Alignment
  7. Muthuchelvan D, Venkataramanan R, Hemadri D, Sanyal A, Tosh C
    Acta Virol., 2001 Jun;45(3):159-67.
    PMID: 11774894
    Partial nucleotide sequences of 1D gene of 38 isolates of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) of serotypes O, A and Asia 1 originating from various parts of India were determined. Field materials were subjected straight to RNA extraction, reverse transcription - PCR (RT-PCR) and sequencing. Also 3 FMDV vaccine strains, IND R2/75 (serotype O), IND 63/72 (serotype Asia 1) and IND 17/77 (serotype A) were included in the analysis. The seqences were compared mutually as well as with available corresponding sequences of other FMDV isolates, and their phylogenetic relationships were calculated. The deduced amino acid sequences showed that the serotype O isolates were relatively conserved as compared to serotype Asia 1 or A isolates from India. In phylogenetic analysis, the serotype O viruses clustered in two genotypes, one including the European vaccine strain (O1/K) and the other represented by the isolates from Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Turkey. The serotype Asia 1 viruses clustered in two groups of single genotype where the prototype strain from Pakistan (PAK 1/54) formed one group and the other was formed by the isolates from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Israel and Nepal. In serotype A viruses three well-differentiated genotypes were observed. The isolates from Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Malaysia and India formed the first genotype. The second genotype was formed by isolates from Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, while two recent Iranian isolates represented the third genotype. In India, the prevalence of at least one genotype could be identified in each serotype. This evolutionary clustering of isolates from the neighbor countries is not surprising, since these countries share border with India. The genetic relatedness between sequences of isolates from India and those from distant places is indicative of spread of the virus between the countries. Of importance is the fact that clinical materials proved useful for rapid generation of sequences and subsequent studying of molecular epidemiology of the disease.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sequence Alignment
  8. Gibbs AJ, Mackenzie AM, Abdul-Samad N
    Arch Virol, 1997;142(8):1697-702.
    PMID: 9672629
    A tymoyirus isolated from Malaysian crops of Calopogonium mucunoides has been shown to have virions that are serologically indistinguishable from those of clitoria yellow vein tymovirus. We have sequenced the virion protein (VP) gene of the virus and have found that although it is a member of the cluster that includes CYVV, it is the most distinct member of that cluster (< 62% sequence identity with all the others), and is clearly a separate species, which we propose should be named calopogonium yellow vein virus. Most of the serological specificity of the virions of tymoviruses seems to reside in the C-terminal hexapeptide of the virion protein.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sequence Alignment
  9. Poidinger M, Hall RA, Mackenzie JS
    Virology, 1996 Apr 15;218(2):417-21.
    PMID: 8610471
    The Japanese encephalitis (JE) serocomplex of flaviviruses comprises 10 members, 9 of which: Alfuy (ALF); Koutango (KOU); Kokobera (KOK); Kunjin (KUN); Murray Valley encephalitis (MVE); JE; Stratford (STR); Usutu (USU); and West Nile (WN) have been isolated from Africa, southern Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Australia. The tenth member, St. Louis encephalitis (SLE) virus, is confined to North, Central, and South America. For ALF, KOK, KOU, STR, and USU, no sequence data have as yet been reported, and little molecular phylogeny has been determined for this complex as a whole. Using a rapid, one-step RT-PCR and universal primers, we have amplified and sequenced a 450-600 base pair region of the virus genome encompassing the N terminus of the nonstructural protein NS5 and the 5' end of the 3' noncoding region, for several strains of all of these viruses, except USU and SLE viruses. These data, as well as published sequence data for other flaviviruses, were analyzed with the ClustalW and Phylip computer packages. The resultant phylogenetic data were consistent with some of the current flavivirus serological classification, showing a close relationship between ALF and MVE viruses and between KOK and STR viruses, but suggested that KOK and STR are distantly related to the other viruses and should perhaps be reclassified in their own serocomplex. The data also confirmed the close relationship between KUN and WN viruses and showed that an isolate of KUN virus from Sarawak may represent a "link" between these two virus species. In addition, the primary sequence data revealed a polymorphic region just downstream of the stop codon in the 3' end of the viral genomes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sequence Alignment
  10. Kissinger JC, Collins WE, Li J, McCutchan TF
    J Parasitol, 1998 Apr;84(2):278-82.
    PMID: 9576499
    Plasmodium inui (Halberstaedter and von Prowazek, 1907), a malarial parasite of Old World monkeys that occurs in isolated pockets throughout the Celebes, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines, has traditionally been considered to be related more closely to Plasmodium malariae of humans (and its primate counterpart Plasmodium brasilianum), than to other primate Plasmodium species. This inference was made in part because of the similarities in the periodicities or duration of the asexual cycle in the blood, the extended sporogonic cycle, and the longer period of time for development of the pre-erythrocytic stages in the liver. Both P. inui and P. malariae have quartan (72 hr) periodicities associated with their asexual cycle, whereas other primate malarias, such as Plasmodium fragile and Plasmodium cynomolgi, are associated with tertian periodicities (48 hr), and Plasmodiumn knowlesi, with a quotidian (24 hr) periodicity. Phylogenetic analyses of portions of orthologous small subunit ribosomal genes reveal that P. inui is actually more closely related to the Plasmodium species of the "vivax-type" lineage than to P. malariae. Ribosomal sequence analysis of many different, geographically isolated, antigenically distinct P. inui isolates reveals that the isolates are nearly identical in sequence and thus members of the same species.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sequence Alignment
  11. Choi SB, Normi YM, Wahab HA
    Protein J, 2009 Dec;28(9-10):415-27.
    PMID: 19859792 DOI: 10.1007/s10930-009-9209-9
    Twenty percent of genes that encode for hypothetical proteins from Klebsiella pneumoniae MGH78578 were identified, leading to KPN00728 and KPN00729 after bioinformatics analysis. Both open reading frames showed high sequence homology to Succinate dehydrogenase Chain C (SdhC) and D (SdhD) from Escherichia coli. Recently, KPN00729 was assigned as SdhD. KPN00728 thus remains of particular interest as no annotated genes from the complete genome sequence encode for SdhC. We discovered KPN00728 has a missing region with conserved residues important for ubiquinone (UQ) and heme group binding. Structure and function prediction of KPN00728 coupled with secondary structure analysis and transmembrane topology showed KPN00728 adopts SDH-(subunit C)-like structure. To further probe its functionality, UQ was docked on the built model (consisting KPN00728 and KPN00729) and formation of hydrogen bonds between UQ and Ser27, Arg31 (KPN00728) and Tyr84 (KPN00729) further reinforces and supports that KPN00728 is indeed SDH. This is the first report on the structural and function prediction of KPN00728 of K. pneumoniae MGH78578 as SdhC.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sequence Alignment
  12. Ting NC, Zaki NM, Rosli R, Low ET, Ithnin M, Cheah SC, et al.
    J Genet, 2010 Aug;89(2):135-45.
    PMID: 20861564
    This study reports on the detection of additional expressed sequence tags (EST) derived simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers for the oil palm. A large collection of 19243 Elaeis guineensis ESTs were assembled to give 10258 unique sequences, of which 629 ESTs were found to contain 722 SSRs with a variety of motifs. Dinucleotide repeats formed the largest group (45.6%) consisting of 66.9% AG/CT, 21.9% AT/AT, 10.9% AC/GT and 0.3% CG/CG motifs. This was followed by trinucleotide repeats, which is the second most abundant repeat types (34.5%) consisting of AAG/CTT (23.3%), AGG/CCT (13.7%), CCG/CGG (11.2%), AAT/ATT (10.8%), AGC/GCT (10.0%), ACT/AGT (8.8%), ACG/CGT (7.6%), ACC/GGT (7.2%), AAC/GTT (3.6%) and AGT/ACT (3.6%) motifs. Primer pairs were designed for 405 unique EST-SSRs and 15 of these were used to genotype 105 E. guineensis and 30 E. oleifera accessions. Fourteen SSRs were polymorphic in at least one germplasm revealing a total of 101 alleles. The high percentage (78.0%) of alleles found to be specific for either E. guineensis or E. oleifera has increased the power for discriminating the two species. The estimates of genetic differentiation detected by EST-SSRs were compared to those reported previously. The transferability across palm taxa to two Cocos nucifera and six exotic palms is also presented. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products of three primer-pairs detected in E. guineensis, E. oleifera, C. nucifera and Jessinia bataua were cloned and sequenced. Sequence alignments showed mutations within the SSR site and the flanking regions. Phenetic analysis based on the sequence data revealed that C. nucifera is closer to oil palm compared to J. bataua; consistent with the taxanomic classification.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sequence Alignment
  13. Ernieenor FCL, Ernna G, Jafson AS, Mariana A
    Exp Appl Acarol, 2018 Sep;76(1):99-107.
    PMID: 30151715 DOI: 10.1007/s10493-018-0285-4
    The occurrence of Suidasia medanensis (= S. pontifica) mites in Malaysian house dust was first reported in 1984. The taxonomy of this storage mite is, however, quite confusing. Therefore, we need an accurate identification to resolve morphological problems due to its minute size and some overlapping characters between species. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the application of partial mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) sequences for the identification of S. medanensis by PCR. Identity of the mite was first determined by observing morphological characters under a light microscope. Genomic DNA of S. medanensis mites was successfully extracted prior to PCR and DNA sequencing using COI universal primers. The length of the COI sequences obtained was 378 bp. BLAST analysis of amplicon sequences showed that local S. medanensis COI region had 99% maximum identity with S. medanensis nucleotide sequence (AY525568) available in the GenBank. As the phylogenetic tree generated indicated, COI sequences from this study were clustered with S. medanensis from Korea and the UK in one major clade, supported with high bootstrap value (> 85%). Results of the phylogenetic analysis of this COI gene were congruent with the morphological identification and provided strong support for a single clade of local S. medanensis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sequence Alignment
  14. Abd Rahman RN, Leow TC, Salleh AB, Basri M
    BMC Microbiol, 2007;7:77.
    PMID: 17692114
    Thermophilic Bacillus strains of phylogenetic Bacillus rRNA group 5 were described as a new genus Geobacillus. Their geographical distribution included oilfields, hay compost, hydrothermal vent or soils. The members from the genus Geobacillus have a growth temperatures ranging from 35 to 78 degrees C and contained iso-branched saturated fatty acids (iso-15:0, iso-16:0 and iso-17:0) as the major fatty acids. The members of Geobacillus have similarity in their 16S rRNA gene sequences (96.5-99.2%). Thermophiles harboring intrinsically stable enzymes are suitable for industrial applications. The quest for intrinsically thermostable lipases from thermophiles is a prominent task due to the laborious processes via genetic modification.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sequence Alignment
  15. Mok SC, Teh AH, Saito JA, Najimudin N, Alam M
    Enzyme Microb Technol, 2013 Jun 10;53(1):46-54.
    PMID: 23683704 DOI: 10.1016/j.enzmictec.2013.03.009
    A truncated form of an α-amylase, GTA, from thermophilic Geobacillus thermoleovorans CCB_US3_UF5 was biochemically and structurally characterized. The recombinant GTA, which lacked both the N- and C-terminal transmembrane regions, functioned optimally at 70°C and pH 6.0. While enzyme activity was not enhanced by the addition of CaCl2, GTA's thermostability was significantly improved in the presence of CaCl2. The structure, in complex with an acarbose-derived pseudo-hexasaccharide, consists of the typical three domains and binds one Ca(2+) ion. This Ca(2+) ion was strongly bound and not chelated by EDTA. A predicted second Ca(2+)-binding site, however, was disordered. With limited subsites, two novel substrate-binding residues, Y147 and Y182, may help increase substrate affinity. No distinct starch-binding domain is present, although two regions rich in aromatic residues have been observed. GTA, with a smaller domain B and several shorter loops compared to other α-amylases, has one of the most compact α-amylase folds that may contribute greatly to its tight Ca(2+) binding and thermostability.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sequence Alignment
  16. Chua TH, Chong YV, Lim SH
    Pest Manag Sci, 2010 Apr;66(4):379-84.
    PMID: 19946858 DOI: 10.1002/ps.1886
    Identification of Bactrocera carambolae Drew and Hancock, B. papayae Drew and Hancock, B. tau Walker, B. latifrons Hendel, B. cucurbitae Coquillett, B. umbrosa Fabricius and B. caudata Fabricius would pose a problem if only a body part or an immature stage were available. Analysis of polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) of cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene using primers COIR, COIF, UEA7 and UEA10 and restriction enzymes (MseI, RsaI and Alu1) was carried out. The banding profiles in the electrophoresis gel were analysed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sequence Alignment
  17. Ch'ng ACW, Chan SK, Ignatius J, Lim TS
    Eur J Immunol, 2019 08;49(8):1186-1199.
    PMID: 30919413 DOI: 10.1002/eji.201747328
    The application of human TCR in cancer immunotherapy has gained momentum with developments in tumor killing strategies using endogenous adaptive immune responses. The successful coverage of a diverse TCR repertoire is mainly attributed to the primer design of the human TCR V genes. Here, we present a refined primer design strategy of the human TCR V gene by clustering V gene sequence homolog for degenerate primer design based on the data from IMGT. The primers designed were analyzed and the PCR efficiency of each primer set was optimized. A total of 112 alpha and 160 beta sequences were aligned and clustered using a phylogram yielding 32 and 27 V gene primers for the alpha and beta family. The new primer set was able to provide 93.75% and 95.63% coverage for the alpha and beta family, respectively. A semi-qualitative approach using the designed primer set was able to provide a relative view of the TCR V gene diversity in different populations. Taken together, the new primers provide a more comprehensive coverage of the TCR gene diversity for improved TCR library generation and TCR V gene analysis studies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sequence Alignment
  18. Fong MY, Asha T, Azdayanti M, Yee LL, Sinnadurai S, Rohela M
    Trop Biomed, 2008 Apr;25(1):87-92.
    PMID: 18600209 MyJurnal
    This paper presents the first reported use of 18S rRNA gene sequence to determine the phylogeny of Brugia pahangi. The 18S rRNA nucleotide sequence of a Malaysian B. pahangi isolate was obtained by PCR cloning and sequencing. The sequence was compared with 18S rRNA sequences of other nematodes, including those of some filarial nematodes. Multiple alignment and homology analysis suggest that B. pahangi is closely related to B. malayi and Wuchereria bancrofti. Phylogenetic trees constructed using Neighbour Joining, Minimum Evolution and Maximum Parsimony methods correctly grouped B. pahangi with other filarial nematodes, with closest relationship with B. malayi and W. bancrofti. The phylogeny of B. pahangi obtained in this study is in concordance with those previously reported, in which the 5S rRNA gene spacer region and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) sequences were used.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sequence Alignment
  19. Zangooie F, Ganjali M, Keighobadi M, Nabavi R
    Trop Biomed, 2018 Dec 01;35(4):1140-1147.
    PMID: 33601861
    Trypanosomiasis is a disease caused by a flagellate protozoon called Trypanosoma and can be mechanically transmitted by vectors to humans and animals. Various species of Trypanosoma are found in livestock and poultry, which include Trypanosoma evansi, T. brucei, T. vivax and T. congolense. The camel is the most sensitive livestock for T. evansi, so the exact identification of infection is very important for epidemiological studies and the design of control programs. The present study was conducted with the aim of molecular detection of camel trypanosomiasis in the Sistan region in 2015. Previous studies have shown that internal transcribed spacer one (ITS1) of the ribosomal DNA is a reliable genetic marker for carrying out systematic molecular studies of trypanosomes. In order to investigate infections of camels with T. evansi, a total of 113 blood samples were collected randomly and the presence of parasites in each sample was evaluated using the microscopic method and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. Genomic DNA was extracted and the ITS-1 was amplified by PCR. In comparison to the nucleotide sequence obtained with the sequences recorded in GenBank, it was determined that there is a 99% homology with the recorded sequence of T. evansi. The obtained sequence was registered in Gen Bank with kx900449 code. The T. evansi sequences from different countries such as India, Taiwan, Thailand, the Philippines, China and Argentina and etc., were extracted from the Gene bank and aligned using the ClustalW2 sequence alignment tool and MEGA software. In this study the prevalence of T. evansi infection using the molecular method was 6.19% and no positive samples were found by microscopic observation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sequence Alignment
  20. Ung CY, Teoh TC
    J Biosci, 2014 Jun;39(3):493-504.
    PMID: 24845512
    DARPP-32 (dopamine and adenosine 3', 5'-monophosphate-regulated phosphoprotein of 32 kDa), which belongs to PPP1R1 gene family, is known to act as an important integrator in dopamine-mediated neurotransmission via the inhibition of protein phosphatase-1 (PP1). Besides its neuronal roles, this protein also behaves as a key player in pathological and pharmacological aspects. Use of bioinformatics and phylogenetics approaches to further characterize the molecular features of DARPP-32 can guide future works. Predicted phosphorylation sites on DARPP-32 show conservation across vertebrates. Phylogenetics analysis indicates evolutionary strata of phosphorylation site acquisition at the C-terminus, suggesting functional expansion of DARPP-32, where more diverse signalling cues may involve in regulating DARPP-32 in inhibiting PP1 activity. Moreover, both phylogenetics and synteny analyses suggest de novo origination of PPP1R1 gene family via chromosomal rearrangement and exonization.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sequence Alignment
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