Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 92 in total

  1. Mok L, Wynne JW, Grimley S, Shiell B, Green D, Monaghan P, et al.
    J Gen Virol, 2015 Jul;96(Pt 7):1787-94.
    PMID: 25748429 DOI: 10.1099/vir.0.000112
    In recent years, bats have been identified as a natural reservoir for a diverse range of viruses. Nelson Bay orthoreovirus (NBV) was first isolated from the heart blood of a fruit bat (Pteropus poliocephalus) in 1968. While the pathogenesis of NBV remains unknown, other related members of this group have caused acute respiratory disease in humans. Thus the potential for NBV to impact human health appears plausible. Here, to increase our knowledge of NBV, we examined the replication and infectivity of NBV using different mammalian cell lines derived from bat, human, mouse and monkey. All cell lines supported the replication of NBV; however, L929 cells showed a greater than 2 log reduction in virus titre compared with the other cell lines. Furthermore, NBV did not induce major cytopathic effects in the L929 cells, as was observed in other cell lines. Interestingly, the related Pteropine orthoreoviruses, Pulau virus (PulV) and Melaka virus (MelV) were able to replicate to high titres in L929 cells but infection resulted in reduced cytopathic effect. Our study demonstrates a unique virus-host interaction between NBV and L929 cells, where cells effectively control viral infection/replication and limit the formation of syncytia. By elucidating the molecular mechanisms that control this unique relationship, important insights will be made into the biology of this fusogenic virus.
    Matched MeSH terms: Haplorhini
  2. Init I, Mak JW, Lokman Hakim S, Yong HS
    Parasitol Res, 1999 Feb;85(2):131-4.
    PMID: 9934962
    A total of 20 isolates of Blastocystis were characterized using a single set of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers. The amplification product revealed five types of pattern. All four isolates from Singapore yielded PCR products quite different from those of the local isolates. However, most of the local isolates showed a major product at either 280 or 500 bp, or both. We also suspected that the amplification product detected at 280 bp might be an indicator of the pathogenicity of this parasite. One isolate (M12) obtained from a monkey showed patterns similar to those of human isolates (10203 and KP1) and probably belongs to the same strain. The results indicate that the intraspecific or interstrain variations in these 20 Blastocystis isolates belong to 5 different patterns. The differences among isolates of the same strain revealed by the presence or absence of certain amplification products showed further intrastrain variations in this parasite.
    Matched MeSH terms: Haplorhini
  3. Mak JW, Lim PK
    Z Parasitenkd, 1983;69(5):677-80.
    PMID: 6415950
    The chemoprophylactic use of diethylcarbamazine citrate at total oral doses of 15--180 mg/kg body weight was tested against subperiodic Brugia malayi infection in the leaf monkey (Presbytis melalophos). A total dose of 45 mg/kg body weight given over 9 days killed all developing infective larvae. Similarly, a total dose of 35 mg/kg body weight given over 7 days killed all fourth stage larvae. The minimum effective dose that prevents infection would be 5 mg/kg body weight daily for 7 days every month.
    Matched MeSH terms: Haplorhini
  4. Awang A, Yap K
    J Diarrhoeal Dis Res, 1990 Sep;8(3):82-6.
    PMID: 2122998
    Randomly selected samples from different animal colonies from two laboratory animal houses and from the wild-caught monkeys were tested for the presence of anti-rotavirus antibodies to estimate the rates of infection with group A rotavirus. Antibodies to the common group A rotaviral antigen were detected by a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using reagents of WHO ELISA rotavirus detection kit. The results of the study showed that white mice, albino rats, and guinea pigs from long-established breeding colonies and resident house rats and house shrews from the animal house had no serological evidence of rotaviral infection. In contrast, one mousedeer from a colony of 19 animals and most of the rabbits from two separate breeding colonies at the same animal house were serologically positive for the infection. Also a significant number of the same species of monkey kept in captivity were found to acquire the infection. Leaf monkeys had no serological evidence of rotaviral infection. The infection rate in wild cynomolgus monkeys did not seem to be influenced by the different ecological environments of their respective habitats. The rate of infection in adults and juveniles was similar.
    Matched MeSH terms: Haplorhini
  5. Yamanouchi K, Fukuda A, Kobune F, Hikita M, Shishido A
    Jpn. J. Med. Sci. Biol., 1969 Apr;22(2):117-21.
    PMID: 4981321
    Matched MeSH terms: Haplorhini
  6. Jewel Bollah, Syed Sharizman
    Introduction: Malaria is a public health concern and still endemic in Malaysia particularly in Sabah. Malaria is due to plasmodium parasite which can be further divided into human malaria and zoonotic malaria. Plasmodium knowlesi, a zoonotic malaria species, is increasing in trend and alarming despite of ongoing prevention and control measures especially in Sabah. Methods: This is a case-control study involving a total of 169 respondents which comprises of 43 cases and 126 controls from Mukim Paginatan and Mukim Nalapak, Ranau. A simple random sampling were used to select subjects. Results: This study found male, forest related and doing outdoor activity has higher risk of contracting malaria. Village house is another significant risk factor. The specific risk factors with the strongest association with malaria is the presence of monkey near housing or farm area (OR5.667; 95% CI: 2.429, 13.220), live near forest (OR 5.330; 95% CI: 1.209, 23.495), presence of pond or pool or river near house (OR 4.222; 95% CI: 1.552, 11.490), doing outdoor activity after 5 PM (OR 3.434; 95% CI: 1.522, 7.748) and ever overnight in the hut (OR 2.724; 95% CI: 1.334, 5.561). Conclusion: This study shows several risk factors that associated with malaria knowlesi. Based on the identified risk factors, preventive and control measure can be improved and optimized.
    Matched MeSH terms: Haplorhini
  7. Sato S
    J Physiol Anthropol, 2021 Jan 07;40(1):1.
    PMID: 33413683 DOI: 10.1186/s40101-020-00251-9
    Malaria is one of the most devastating infectious diseases of humans. It is problematic clinically and economically as it prevails in poorer countries and regions, strongly hindering socioeconomic development. The causative agents of malaria are unicellular protozoan parasites belonging to the genus Plasmodium. These parasites infect not only humans but also other vertebrates, from reptiles and birds to mammals. To date, over 200 species of Plasmodium have been formally described, and each species infects a certain range of hosts. Plasmodium species that naturally infect humans and cause malaria in large areas of the world are limited to five-P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. malariae, P. ovale and P. knowlesi. The first four are specific for humans, while P. knowlesi is naturally maintained in macaque monkeys and causes zoonotic malaria widely in South East Asia. Transmission of Plasmodium species between vertebrate hosts depends on an insect vector, which is usually the mosquito. The vector is not just a carrier but the definitive host, where sexual reproduction of Plasmodium species occurs, and the parasite's development in the insect is essential for transmission to the next vertebrate host. The range of insect species that can support the critical development of Plasmodium depends on the individual parasite species, but all five Plasmodium species causing malaria in humans are transmitted exclusively by anopheline mosquitoes. Plasmodium species have remarkable genetic flexibility which lets them adapt to alterations in the environment, giving them the potential to quickly develop resistance to therapeutics such as antimalarials and to change host specificity. In this article, selected topics involving the Plasmodium species that cause malaria in humans are reviewed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Haplorhini
  8. Makar AB, McMartin KE, Palese M, Tephly TR
    Biochem Med, 1975 Jun;13(2):117-26.
    PMID: 1
    Matched MeSH terms: Haplorhini
  9. Siddiqui WA, Schnell JV, Geiman QM
    Mil Med, 1969 Sep;134(10):929-38.
    PMID: 4987068
    Matched MeSH terms: Haplorhini
  10. Collins WE, Skinner JC
    Am J Trop Med Hyg, 1972 Sep;21(5):690-5.
    PMID: 4627546
    Matched MeSH terms: Haplorhini
  11. Coatney GR
    Am J Trop Med Hyg, 1971 Nov;20(6):795-803.
    PMID: 5002245
    Matched MeSH terms: Haplorhini
  12. Weinman D, Wallis RC, Cheong WH, Mahadevan S
    Am J Trop Med Hyg, 1978 Mar;27(2 Pt 1):232-7.
    PMID: 417639
    Systematic surveys of the wild macaques of South Asia by blood culture resulted in the discovery that trypanosomiasis is enzootic in the simians of Indonesia, Malaysia, India, and Thailand. The isolates obtained differ in morphology, metabolism, and ability to multiply in arthropods. Following this discovery, interest focused on possible transmissions of these trypanosomiases. Laboratory-reared and wild-caught insects were studied to determine which are satisfactory intermediate hosts and potential natural vectors. Successful results were obtained with insectary-reared reduviids and Indonesian isolates. In Rhodnius prolixus and Triatoma rubrofasciata the Indonesian trypanosomes multiply for periods which can exceed 40 days. The flagellate infections are in the digestive tract, whereas trypanosomes have never been seen in the salivary glands or in the hemolymph. The feces of trypanosome-carrying reduviids are infective, suggesting a stercoreal method of infection of mammals, and infection was produced in experiments in which feeding by the insects was not possible. The relevance of these findings to natural transmission in Indonesia is not known. Experiments with insects and all other trypanosomal isolates have been negative. The natural transmission mechanism(s) of the simian trypanosomiases in South Asia remains an unsolved problem.
    Matched MeSH terms: Haplorhini
  13. Marchette NJ, Garcia R, Rudnick A
    Am J Trop Med Hyg, 1969 May;18(3):411-5.
    PMID: 4976739
    Matched MeSH terms: Haplorhini
  14. Schmidt LH, Fradkin R, Harrison J, Rossan RN
    Am J Trop Med Hyg, 1977 Jul;26(4):612-22.
    PMID: 407808
    This report summarizes the results of a comparative study of the virulence of the "S-M," H, and C strains of P. knowlesi for Indian rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and cynomolgus monkeys [M. irus (fascicularis)] of Malayan (West Malaysia) and Philippine origins. Each of the above strains produced fulminating, uniformly fatal infections in the rhesus monkey and mild, chronic infections, characterized by relatively low level parasitemias in cynomolgus monkeys of Philippine origin. In striking contrast, the H and C strains produced infections in cynomolgus monkeys of Malayan origin which were indistinguishable in severity from infections produced in M. mulatta. The circumstances of the study precluded evaluation of the virulence of the "S-M" strain for M. irus of Malayan origin. Even so, the available data make it necessary to qualify the long-held belief that infections with P. knowlesi in M. irus invariably follow a benign course.
    Matched MeSH terms: Haplorhini
  15. Arita I, Gispen R, Kalter SS, Lim TH, Marennikova SS, Netter R, et al.
    Bull World Health Organ, 1972;46(5):625-31.
    PMID: 4340222
    In connexion with the recent detection of cases of monkeypox in man in West and Central Africa, the frequency of monkeypox outbreaks in monkeys since 1958, when the disease was first recognized in captive animals, has been investigated. Special incidence surveys were made for this purpose. During the last 3 years, a serological survey has been conducted to find natural foci of monkeypox virus, and a total of 2 242 sera from monkeys of different species from various parts of Africa and Asia have been examined for poxvirus antibodies. The survey failed to detect any significant indication of poxvirus infections. The observations suggest that although a few human cases of monkeypox have been identified, monkeypox in the natural environment is not widespread and is perhaps localized in small areas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Haplorhini
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