The anatomical structures of the first, second and third instars of Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart) were examined by light microscopy. Observations were documented on the three main characteristics; the cephalopharyngeal skeleton, anterior spiracle and posterior spiracle. The first instar larva bore cornuae of fairly pigmented delineation with slim hypostomal sclerite and distinct dental sclerite. First instar did not have obscured anterior spiracle but posterior spiracles were obscured with thin lining of opened peritreme. Intersegmental spines were evident. The second instar larva displayed a prominent anterodorsal process approaching closer to hypostomal sclerite while upper margin of the dorsal cornua was slightly pigmented. Each anterior spiracle consisted of nine to ten papillae, arranged in a single row. Peritreme of the posterior spiracle thick, opening at the end of peritreme was not wide and confined to two spiracular slits. The third instar larva showed a prominent arch of the ventral cornua with broad and bold appearance. It approached the dorsal cornua and became narrow at the incision median. The anterior spiracle consisted of a single row of nine to ten papillae while intersegmental spine could be identified with one to three dark pigmented tips. A dark pigmented and wide periterime was observed confining three short and thick spiracular slits while button was poorly pigmented. The most distinctive feature of this second and third instar larva was the slender, thorn-like tubercle with numerous spined tips on the middle line segment of the body. These findings provide identification features of C. rufifacies larvae instars.
This study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of a floor gully come with grating to prevent the oviposition of Aedes aegypti in the floor trap. In order to conduct the test, two containers were placed into a mosquito cage (30 cm × 30 cm × 30 cm). Both containers were filled with declorinated seasoned tap water and covered with floor gully c/w grating and normal floor gully, respectively. A total of 50 gravid Ae. aegypti females were then released into the cage and left for a week. All the eggs obtained from the test were allowed to remain inside the containers for the eggs to hatch. The number of hatched larvae was counted and recorded. Five replicates were conducted concurrently. There was a significant difference of Ae. aegypti larvae obtained between container with floor gully c/w grating and normal floor gully (p < 0.05). A total of 96.41% reduction of Ae. aegypti larvae was obtained in the container with floor gully c/w grating compared with the normal floor gully, indicating that the floor gully c/w grating used in this study was able to prevent oviposition of Ae. aegypti in holding water.
The genetic relationship between any two populations is a function of the differences between them in allele frequencies, with this relationship commonly expressed in terms of a genetic distance. For example if the two populations are homozygous for different alleles at a particular locus, the distance is the maximum possible whereas if the allele frequencies in the two populations are identical, the distance is zero. The estimated genetic distances may vary among loci. Thus, the most accurate measures of relationships will be obtained by averaging many loci (Nei, 1978). In plant and animal breeding, it is expected that a cross between two individuals originating from two populations with a large genetic distance between them will result in maximum heterosis or hybrid vigour. Many estimates of genetic distances are available in the literature but Nei’s standard genetic distance, D, (Nei, 1972, 1978) had been extensively used in studies of human, animal and plant varieties, races, breeds, strains, populations, species and genera.
An entomological study was conducted in Tanjung Sepat, Selangor, Malaysia in May until September 2007 revealing five species of butterflies (all from family Nymphalidae) were attracted to pig carcasses placed in an oil palm plantation. Euploea mulciber (Cramer 1777), Hypolimnas bolina (Linnaeus 1758), Elymnias hypermnestra (Linnaeus 1763), Mycalesis mineus (Linnaeus 1758) and Ypthima baldus (Fabricius 1775) came to the carcasses at different stages of decomposition. From this study, we know that nymphalid butterflies are attracted to carcasses but their roles are most probably unimportant in post-mortem estimation.
Demodex sp. merupakan ektoparasit kulit dan dikenali sebagai tungau folikel yang selalu didapati pada manusia pada semua peringkat umur, kaum dan kumpulan geografi. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk menentukan prevalens infestasi Demodex sp. di kalangan orang dewasa berumur antara 20 hingga 29 tahun di kawasan Lembah Klang dan menentukan kaitan infestasi ektoparasit ini dengan jantina dan masalah jerawat. Kajian ini merupakan kajian pertama penentuan prevalens infestasi Demodex sp. di Malaysia. Seramai 350 orang subjek telah dikaji yang mana pemilihan sampel dilakukan secara pensampelan rawak berstrata. Pengambilan spesimen dilakukan secara kikisan kulit pada kawasan muka iaitu dahi, hidung, pipi dan dagu. Spesimen dititiskan dengan medium Hoyer dan pemerhatian dijalankan di bawah mikroskop cahaya. Borang soal selidik diedarkan untuk mengetahui kehadiran jerawat pada kulit muka. Hasil kajian mendapati prevalens keseluruhan infestasi Demodex sp. adalah 18.9% dan lelaki menunjukkan infestasi lebih tinggi (25.7%) berbanding perempuan (12.0%) manakala tiada perbezaan bermakna antara masalah jerawat dan infestasi Demodex sp. Kesimpulannya, infestasi Demodex sp. hadir di kalangan satu perlima dari subjek dengan lelaki didapati lebih bermasalah.