Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 393 in total

  1. Lee HL, Chandrawathani P, Wong WY, Tharam S, Lim WY
    Malays J Pathol, 1995 Dec;17(2):109-11.
    PMID: 8935136
    A case of true enteric myiasis in a 7-year-old girl is reported. Two larvae were obtained from the vomitus of the patient. After processing and identification, the larvae were found to be those of Hermetia illucens (Soldier Fly). This is the first case of true enteric myiasis due to these larvae in Malaysia.
  2. Seow A, Lee J, Sng I, Fong CM, Lee HP
    Cancer, 1996 May 1;77(9):1899-904.
    PMID: 8646691
    BACKGROUND: Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma has increased in incidence in many countries, particularly in the West. Advances in diagnostic methods and the understanding of the disease over time pose a challenge to the interpretation of these trends. The aim of this study was to determine if the disease has increased in Singapore, a newly industrialized Asian country, and to examine the possible factors that may account for any observed changes.
    METHODS: Data from the population-based Singapore Cancer Registry for the period 1968 to 1992 were reviewed to determine time trends based on sex and ethnic group. The Poisson regression model was fitted to the cross-tabulated data to obtain the adjusted incidence density ratios.
    RESULTS: A total of 1988 cases of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma were included in the analysis. There was an overall increase in incidence among both Chinese and Malaysians. However, the rate of increase was greater in females (age-standardized rate from 1.8 per 100,000 in 1968-1972 to 4.5 per 100,000 in 1988-1992) than in males (3.2 per 100,000 to 5.9 per 100,000 in the same time periods). Between ethnic groups, Malay females were at higher overall risk compared with their Chinese counterparts (incidence density ratio 1.32; 95% confidence interval, 1.08-1.61). Although a substantial proportion of patients diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease between 1968 and 1972 were reclassified on review, using present criteria, as having non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, it is unlikely that this, and other recent changes in histologic interpretation, could have accounted for an increase of this magnitude.
    CONCLUSIONS: Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma has increased in incidence among the Chinese and Malay populations in Singapore. The pattern of increase differs from that of the common cancer sites, and suggests the need to look for environmental and genetic factors that have not yet been elucidated.
  3. Seow A, Duffy SW, McGee MA, Lee J, Lee HP
    Int J Epidemiol, 1996 Feb;25(1):40-5.
    PMID: 8666502
    BACKGROUND: Breast cancer is the most commonly occurring cancer among women in Singapore, a country which has experienced significant changes in lifestyle over the past three decades. The increase in incidence of the disease is a matter of some concern.

    METHODS: Data from the population-based Singapore Cancer Registry for 1968-1992 were used to determine time trends, inter-ethnic differences and the contributions of age, period and cohort effects to the incidence of the disease.

    RESULTS: Our results revealed an average annual increase of 3.6% over the 25-year period for all women, form 20.2 per 100,000 women in the period 1968-1972 to 38.8 per 100,000 in 1988-1992. There was a statistically significant difference between the three major ethnic groups, the rate of increase being highest in Malays (4.4%) and lowest in Indians (1.4%). The overall increase was attributable to a strong cohort effect that remained significant when adjusted for time period for Chinese women and for all ethnic groups combined. The risk was observed to increase in successive birth cohorts from the 1890s to 1960s.

    CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that breast cancer incidence rates are likely to continue to increase more sharply in the future as women born after the mid-20th century reach the high-risk age groups. They also suggest the pattern by which important aetiological factors for the disease in our population have exerted their effects, and provide support for the role of demographic and lifestyle changes as possible risk factors.

  4. Phoon WH, Lee HS, Ho SF, Ngui SJ
    Med J Malaysia, 1985 Sep;40(3):220-4.
    PMID: 2948100
    Cement is a common cause of dermatitis. Workers affected are usually those in cement factories and at building construction sites. Cement dermatitis among port-workers is not so commonly reported. This paper describes an outbreak of dermatitis among stevodores at a port handling cement. The cement was imported in bags, and because of breakage, there was much spillage. It was also hot and dusty inside the hatch of the ship, and some of the stevodores worked bare-bodied. Cases of dermatitis began to appear in January 1983 and reached a peak in April 1983, gradually subsiding over the next few months to August 1983. This coincided with the increased tonnage of cement handled at the port. A total of 33 stevodores were reported as having dermatitis over this period. Of the 15 cases examined, 13 had eczema, and in 19 the hands and wrists were affected. However, most of the cases had multiple site involvement, including the arms, legs and abdomen.
    Samples of cement showed the presence of water-soluble chromium, varying from 9.9 to 17.8pg/g. As the stevodores were reluctant to go for skin patch-testing, only four were tested, but two did not return for the reading of the results. The other two were found to have a positive reaction to dichromates. The outbreak of dermatitis was probably due to several factors which are discussed.
  5. de Barjac H, Sebald M, Charles JF, Cheong WH, Lee HL
    C. R. Acad. Sci. III, Sci. Vie, 1990;310(9):383-7.
    PMID: 1972899
    A strain of Clostridium bifermentans individualized as serovar malaysia (C.b.m.) according to its specific H antigen is toxic to mosquito and blackfly larvae when given orally. The toxicity occurs in sporulated cells which contain, in addition to spores, proteinic parasporal inclusion bodies and feather-like appendages; the amino acid content of the inclusion bodies is similar to that of Bacillus thuringiensis serovar israelensis (B.t.i.) and B. sphaericus crystals. The toxicity to Anopheles stephensi is as high as that of B.t.i. and the best strains of B. sphaericus. Culex pipiens is somewhat less susceptible, and Aedes aegypti much less. Pure parasporal inclusion bodies, isolated by ultracentrifugation on sucrose gradients, are highly toxic to mosquito larvae. The larvicidal power is destroyed by heating at 80 degrees C or by treatment with 50 mM NaOH. It is preserved by freeze-drying. The innocuity to mice of the sporulated cells is shown by different routes of administration: force-feeding, percutaneous, subcutaneous, intraperitoneal or intravenous injections. The potential for the biological control of mosquito and blackfly larvae is suggested.
  6. Daruwalla JS, Balasubramaniam P, Chay SO, Rajan U, Lee HP
    J Bone Joint Surg Br, 1985 Mar;67(2):182-4.
    PMID: 3980521
    Routine examination for spinal deformity as part of a school health screening programme was introduced in Singapore in 1981. The three different ethnic groups included in the study provided figures for the prevalence of idiopathic scoliosis in an Asian population. A three-tier system of examination was used and a total of 110744 children in three age groups were studied. In those aged 6 to 7 years the prevalence was 0.12%. The prevalence in those aged 11 to 12 years was 1.7% for girls and 0.4% for boys, a ratio of 3.2 to 1. In girls aged 16 to 17 years the prevalence was 3.1%. In the latter two age groups there was a significantly higher prevalence in Chinese girls as compared with Malay and Indian girls. The optimal age for school screening seemed to be 11 to 12 years, but repeated examinations may be worthwhile.
  7. Lee HL, Gregorio ER, Khadri MS, Seleena P
    J Am Mosq Control Assoc, 1996 Dec;12(4):651-5.
    PMID: 9046471
    Evaluation of the effectiveness of Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. israelensis (B.t.i.) against mosquito larvae dispersed by ultralow volume (ULV) spraying was conducted in simulated field trials. Effectiveness was measured using 3 different indicators: larval mortality, colony-forming unit enumeration, and droplet analysis. B.t.i. was dispersed with a ULV generator using 2 different flow rates: 0.3 and 0.5 liter/min on 2 different days. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that an output of 0.3 liter/min is effective for controlling Aedes aegypti. although a dosage of 0.5 liter/min can be used when high residual activity is desired. For Culex quinquefasciatus control, both dosages were effective but with low residual activity. For Anopheles maculatus control, only a discharge rate of 0.5 liter/min was effective with low residual activity. B.t.i. application at both dosages penetrated tires well, indicating that B.t.i. ULV application is an effective method for controlling container-inhabiting mosquitoes. Good coverage of target area and penetration were attributed to satisfactory droplet profiles.
  8. Hassan SH, Velayutham TS, Chen YW, Lee HV
    Int J Biol Macromol, 2021 Jun 01;180:392-402.
    PMID: 33737185 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2021.03.066
    The present work focuses on the development of cellulose nanofibrils (CNF) film that derived from sustainable biomass resources, which potentially to work as bio-based conductive membranes that assembled into supercapacitors. The chemically purified cellulose was isolated from different parts of coconut (coconut shell and its husk) and further subjected to 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl radical (TEMPO)-mediated oxidation for CNF preparation. Physicochemical properties of prepared CNFs were studied in terms of chemical characteristics & crystallinity, surface functionalities, surface morphology, and thermal properties. Both coconut shell-derived CNF and coconut husk-derived CNF fulfilled with nanocellulose's characteristics with fibres width ranged of 70-120 nm and 150-330 nm, respectively. CNF films were further prepared by solvent casting method to measure the modulus elasticity, piezoelectric and dielectric properties of the films. Mechanical study indicated that coconut shell-derived CNF film showed a higher value of elastic modulus than the coconut husk-derived CNF film, which was 8.39 GPa and 5.36 GPa, respectively. The effectiveness of electrical aspects for CNF films are well correlated with the crystallinity and thermal properties, associated with it's composition of different coconut's part.
  9. Yung WH, Siew CHC, Lee HY, Low HM
    Med J Malaysia, 2021 Jan;76(1):114-117.
    PMID: 33510122
    Xanthogranulomatous inflammation is an uncommon form of chronic inflammatory process. Only a few isolated case reports of xanthogranulomatous appendicitis (XA) have been published. XA has nonspecific imaging findings and cannot be reliably differentiated on imaging from locally advanced malignancy. XA however follows a benign course and can potentially be treated with surgical resection.
  10. Wong CK, Md Fuzi NH, Baherin MF, Lee HG
    Med J Malaysia, 2020 03;75(2):171-172.
    PMID: 32281602
    We report a rare case of severe Plasmodium knowlesi malaria and dengue co-infection in a 36-year-old lady with hyperparasitaemia, metabolic acidosis, haemolysis and acute kidney injury. She was in shock requiring inotropic support and elective intubation. She had pericardial tamponade which necessitate pericardiocentesis to allow for haemodynamic stability during haemodialysis. She underwent haemodialysis, was ventilated for six days and stayed in hospital for 29 days. She was discharged home well with almost complete renal recovery. Physicians must have a high degree of suspicion for dengue co-infection in malaria patients with plasma leakage such as pericardial effusion to allow for prompt management.
  11. Loke SR, Sing KW, Teoh GN, Lee HL
    Trop Biomed, 2015 Mar;32(1):76-83.
    PMID: 25801256 MyJurnal
    Space spraying of chemical insecticides is still an important mean of controlling Aedes mosquitoes and dengue transmission. For this purpose, the bioefficacy of space-sprayed chemical insecticide should be evaluated from time to time. A simulation field trial was conducted outdoor in an open field and indoor in unoccupied flat units in Kuala Lumpur, to evaluate the adulticidal and larvicidal effects of Sumithion L-40, a ULV formulation of fenitrothion. A thermal fogger with a discharge rate of 240 ml/min was used to disperse Sumithion L-40 at 3 different dosages (350 ml/ha, 500 ml/ha, 750 ml/ha) against lab-bred larvae and adult female Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. An average of more than 80% adult mortality was achieved for outdoor space spray, and 100% adult mortality for indoor space spray, in all tested dosages. Outdoor larvicidal effect was noted up to 14 days and 7 days at a dosage of 500 and 750 ml/ha for Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus, respectively. Indoor larvicidal effect was up to 21 days (500 ml/ha) and 14 days (750 ml/ha), respectively, after spraying with larval mortality > 50% against Ae. aegypti. This study concluded that the effective dosage of Sumithion L-40 thermally applied against adult Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus indoor and outdoor is 500 and 750 ml/ha. Based on these dosages, effective indoor spray volume is 0.4 - 0.6 ml/m³. Additional indoor and outdoor larvicidal effect will be observed at these application dosages, in addition to adult mortality.
  12. Rosilawati R, Baharudin O, Syamsa RA, Lee HL, Nazni WA
    Trop Biomed, 2014 Dec;31(4):785-91.
    PMID: 25776605 MyJurnal
    Preservation of larvae retrieved from cadavers is important in ensuring the quality and integrity of entomological specimens used for the estimation of post-mortem interval (PMI). The process of killing and preserving larvae could distort the larvae leading to inaccurate estimation of PMI. In this study, the effects of killing Chrysomya megacephala larvae with hot water at different temperatures and subsequent maintenance in various preservatives were determined. Larvae not killed by hot water but preserved directly were used as control. The types of preservative used were 10% formalin, 70% ethanol and Kahle's solution. The morphological features examined were length, turgidity, curvature and coloration of larvae. Larvae killed in 80ºC hot water have shorter mean length (12.47 ± 2.86 mm) compared to those in 60ºC hot water (12.95 ± 2.69 mm). Increasing the duration of preservation in all types of preservative caused elongations of larvae treated or untreated with hot water. There were no significant changes in larval turgidity preserved in Kahle's solution compared to other two preservatives and were unaffected by the duration of storage. Larvae preserved in Kahle's solution experienced the least changes in coloration and shape compared to other preserved larvae in 70% ethanol or 10% formalin. Larvae directly immersed alive in 70% ethanol experienced the most changes in curvature, coloration and turgidity. This study suggested that killing larvae with hot water at 80ºC and preservation in Kahle's solution is the optimum method resulting in least changes in morphological features of Ch. megacephala larvae.
  13. Rohani A, Aziz I, Zurainee MN, Rohana SH, Zamree I, Lee HL
    Trop Biomed, 2014 Mar;31(1):159-65.
    PMID: 24862056 MyJurnal
    Chemical insecticides are still considered as important control agents for malaria vector control. However, prolonged use of these chemicals may select mosquito vectors for resistance. In this study, susceptibility status of adult Anopheles maculatus collected from 9 localities in peninsular Malaysia, viz., Jeli, Temerloh, Pos Banun, Senderut, Jeram Kedah, Segamat, Kota Tinggi, Kluang and Pos Lenjang were determined using the standard WHO bioassay method in which the adult mosquitoes were exposed to standard insecticide impregnated papers malathion, permethrin, DDT and deltamethrin--at pre-determined diagnostic dosage. Deltamethrin was most effective insecticide among the four insecticides tested, with the LT50 of 29.53 min, compared to malathion (31.67 min), DDT (47.76 min) and permethrin (48.01 min). The effect of all insecticides on the laboratory strain was greater (with all insecticides demonstrated LT50 < 1 hour) than the field strains (deltamethrin 32.7, malathion 53.0, permethrin 62.0, DDT 67.4 min). An. maculatus exhibited low degree of resistance to all test insecticides, indicating that these chemical insecticides are still effective in the control of malaria vector.
  14. Kavitha R, Tan TC, Lee HL, Nazni WA, Sofian AM
    Trop Biomed, 2013 Jun;30(2):211-9.
    PMID: 23959486 MyJurnal
    DNA identification of blow fly species can be a very useful tool in forensic entomology. One of the potential benefits that mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has offered in the field of forensic entomology is species determination. Conventional identification methods have limitations for sibling and closely related species of blow fly and stage and quality of the specimen used. This could be overcome by DNA-based identification methods using mitochondrial DNA which does not demand intact or undamaged specimens. Mitochondrial DNA is usually isolated from whole blow fly and legs. Alternate sources for mitochondrial DNA isolation namely, egg, larva, puparium and empty puparium were explored in this study. The sequence of DNA obtained for each sample for every life cycle stage was 100% identical for a particular species, indicating that the egg, 1st instar, 2nd instar, 3rd instar, pupa, empty puparium and adult from the same species and obtained from same generation will exhibit similar DNA sequences. The present study also highlighted the usefulness of collecting all life cycle stages of blow fly during crime scene investigation with proper preservation and subsequent molecular analysis. Molecular identification provides a strong basis for species identification and will prove an invaluable contribution to forensic entomology as an investigative tool in Malaysia.
  15. Kavitha R, Tan TC, Lee HL, Nazni WA, Sofian-Azirun M
    Trop Biomed, 2013 Mar;30(1):119-24.
    PMID: 23665717 MyJurnal
    Estimation of post-mortem interval (PMI) is crucial for time of death determination. The advent of DNA-based identification techniques forensic entomology saw the beginning of a proliferation of molecular studies into forensically important Calliphoridae (Diptera). The use of DNA to characterise morphologically indistinguishable immature calliphorids was recognised as a valuable molecular tool with enormous practical utility. The local entomofauna in most cases is important for the examination of entomological evidences. The survey of the local entomofauna has become a fundamental first step in forensic entomological studies, because different geographical distributions, seasonal and environmental factors may influence the decomposition process and the occurrence of different insect species on corpses. In this study, calliphorids were collected from 13 human corpses recovered from indoors, outdoors and aquatic conditions during the post-mortem examination by pathologists from the government hospitals in Malaysia. Only two species, Chrysomya megacephala and Chrysomya rufifacies were recovered from human corpses. DNA sequencing was performed to study the mitochondrial encoded COI gene and to evaluate the suitability of the 1300 base pairs of COI fragments for identification of blow fly species collected from real crime scene. The COI gene from blow fly specimens were sequenced and deposited in GenBank to expand local databases. The sequenced COI gene was useful in identifying calliphorids retrieved from human corpses.
  16. Loke SR, Andy-Tan WA, Benjamin S, Lee HL, Sofian-Azirun M
    Trop Biomed, 2010 Dec;27(3):493-503.
    PMID: 21399591 MyJurnal
    The susceptibility status of field-collected Aedes aegypti (L.) from a dengue endemic area to Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) and temephos was determined. Since August 2007, biweekly ovitrap surveillance (OS) was conducted for 12 mo in 2 sites, A & B, in Shah Alam, Selangor. Site A was treated with a Bti formulation, VectoBac® WG at 500 g/ha, from December 2007 - June 2008 while Site B was subjected to routine dengue vector control activities conducted by the local municipality. Aedes aegypti larvae collected from OS in both sites were bred until F3 and evaluated for their susceptibility. The larvae were pooled according to 3 time periods, which corresponded to Bti treatment phases in site A: August - November 2007 (Bti pre-treatment phase); December 2007 - June 2008 (Bti treatment phase); and July - September 2008 (Bti post-treatment phase). Larvae were bioassayed against Bti or temephos in accordance with WHO standard methods. Larvae collected from Site A was resistant to temephos, while incipient temephos resistant was detected in Site B throughout the study using WHO diagnostic dosage of 0.02 mg/L. The LC50 of temephos ranged between 0.007040 - 0.03799 mg/L throughout the year in both sites. Resistance ratios (LC50) indicated that temephos resistance increased with time, from 1.2 - 6.7 folds. The LC50 of Ae. aegypti larvae to Bti ranged between 0.08890 - 0.1814 mg/L throughout the year in both sites, showing uniform susceptibility of field larvae to Bti, in spite of Site A receiving 18 Bti treatments over a period of 7 mo. No cross-resistance of Ae. aegypti larvae from temephos to Bti was detected.
  17. Ummul Haninah A, Vasan SS, Ravindran T, Chandru A, Lee HL, Shamala Devi S
    Trop Biomed, 2010 Dec;27(3):611-23.
    PMID: 21399603 MyJurnal
    This paper reports the development of a one-step SYBR-Green I-based realtime RT-PCR assay for the detection and quantification of Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) in human, monkey and mosquito samples by targeting the E1 structural gene. A preliminary evaluation of this assay has been successfully completed using 71 samples, consisting of a panel of negative control sera, sera from healthy individuals, sera from patients with acute disease from which CHIKV had been isolated, as well as monkey sera and adult mosquito samples obtained during the chikungunya fever outbreak in Malaysia in 2008. The assay was found to be 100-fold more sensitive than the conventional RT-PCR with a detection limit of 4.12x10(0) RNA copies/μl. The specificity of the assay was tested against other related viruses such as Dengue (serotypes 1-4), Japanese encephalitis, Herpes Simplex, Parainfluenza, Sindbis, Ross River, Yellow fever and West Nile viruses. The sensitivity, specificity and efficiency of this assay were 100%, 100% and 96.8% respectively. This study on early diagnostics is of importance to all endemic countries, especially Malaysia, which has been facing increasingly frequent and bigger outbreaks due to this virus since 1999.
  18. Lee HL, Aramu M, Nazni WA, Selvi S, Vasan S
    Trop Biomed, 2009 Dec;26(3):312-9.
    PMID: 20237445
    The natural and artificial mating of laboratory bred Aedes albopictus and transgenic Aedes aegypti RIDL-513A-Malaysian strain was conducted. The experiment consisted of crossmating of homologous Ae. aegypti RIDL female symbol X Ae. aegypti RIDL male symbol and reciprocal Ae. aegypti RIDL female symbol X Ae. albopictus WT male symbol. The other set comprised homologous Ae. albopictus WT female symbol X Ae. albopictus WT male symbol and reciprocal Ae. albopictus WT female symbol X Ae. aegypti RIDL male symbol. This study demonstrated that reproductive barriers exist between these two species. Cross insemination occurred between A. albopictus male and Ae. aegypti female and their reciprocals. There was 26.67% and 33.33% insemination rate in Ae. aegypti RIDL female cross-mating with A. albopictus WT male and Ae. albopictus female cross-mating with Ae. aegypti RIDL male, respectively. There was 0% hatchability in both directions of the reciprocals. There was also no embryonation of these eggs which were bleached. Although none of the female Ae. albopictus WT was inseminated in the cross-mating with Ae. albopictus WT female symbol X Ae. aegypti RIDL male symbol, a total of 573 eggs were obtained. The homologous mating was very productive resulting in both high insemination rate and hatchability rates. Generally there was a significantly higher insemination rate with artificial mating insemination of homologous than with artificial mating of reciprocal crosses. Interspecific mating between Ae. aegypti RIDL and Ae. albopictus wild type was not productive and no hybrid was obtained, indicating absence of horizontal transfer of introduced RIDL gene in Ae. aegypti to Ae. albopictus.
  19. Selvi S, Edah MA, Nazni WA, Lee HL, Azahari AH
    Trop Biomed, 2007 Jun;24(1):63-75.
    PMID: 17568379 MyJurnal
    Larvae and adults of Culex quinquefasciatus were used for the test undertaken for malathion resistant strain (F61 - F65) and permethrin resistant strain (F54 - F58). The results showed that the LC50 for both malathion (F61 - F65) and permethrin (F54 - F58) resistant Cx. quinquefasciatus increased steadily throughout the subsequent five generations, indicating a marked development of resistance. The adult female malathion resistant strain have developed a high resistance level to malathion diagnostic dosage with a resistance ratio of 9.3 to 17.9 folds of resistance compared with the susceptible Cx. quinquefasciatus. Permethrin resistance ratio remained as 1.0 folds of resistance at every generation. It was obvious that malathion resistance developed at a higher rate in adult females compared to permethrin. Enzyme-based metabolic mechanisms of insecticide resistance were investigated based on the biochemical assay principle. From the results obtained obviously shows that there is a significant difference (p < 0.05) in esterase level in both malathion and permethrin selected strains. Female malathion selected strain has the higher level of esterase activity compared to the female permethrin selected strain at (0.8 to 1.04) alpha-Na micromol/min/mg protein versus (0.15 to 0.24) alpha-Na micromol/min/mg protein respectively. This indicated increased level of non-specific esterase is playing an important role in resistance mechanism in female malathion selected strain. Permethrin selected strain exhibited non-specific esterase activity at a very low level throughout the different life stages compared to malathion selected strain. This study suggests that life stages play a predominant role in conferring malathion and permethrin resistance in Cx. quinquefasciatus.
  20. Chen CD, Azahari AH, Saadiyah I, Lee HL
    Trop Biomed, 2007 Dec;24(2):89-91.
    PMID: 18209714 MyJurnal
    Photon (light) technology has already been widely used in make-up, medical treatment etc, but repelling mosquitoes by photon technology is an innovation. The objective of this study was to determine the efficacy of a mosquito repelling lamp, E Da under indoor conditions. E Da lamp is a lamp coated with yellow luminous pigment on the inner part of the glass bulb of the lamp which is used to screen out the UV radiation, and when it is turned on, the yellow illuminating wavelength will drive the mosquitoes away. The tests were conducted inside 2 cabins measuring 8' X 8' X 20'. The mosquito population was estimated by using the Bare Leg Catch (BLC) techniques. For treated test, E Da lamp was placed indoor 2 - 3 meters away from a human bait. Another cabin without the lamp was used as untreated control. BLC was conducted in both sites simultaneously. The mosquitoes collected in this study were solely those of Culex quinquefasciatus and Aedes albopictus. There was an 91.34% reduction of Cx. quinquefasciatus population in the treated test compared with the untreated cabin during the 4 hours catches (p < 0.05). E Da mosquito repelling lamp used in this study exerted repellency effect against the mosquitoes especially Cx. quinquefasciatus.
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