A cross-sectional prevalence study amongst a nursing home elderly population was carried out at Rumah Sri Kenangan, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan between June 1995 until June 1996. A total of 204 cases of 60 years and older were examined in order to determine the ocular morbidity amongst them. It was found that 47.5% had low vision and 19.1% were legally blind. Cataract was found to be the leading cause of low vision and blindness occurring in 81.4% and 74.3% respectively. Glaucoma occurred in 1% of those who had low vision and none due to macular degeneration or diabetic retinopathy. The magnitude of visual impairment and blindness in this nursing home is high but is preventable and avoidable.
A study was done on patients admitted to Penang Hospital with malignant disease in 1995. A total of 1333 patients (638 male, 695 female) with 1335 malignancies were studied. The majority (77.3%) were aged 41-80 years. The commonest cancers in males were cancers of lung, nasopharynx, colon and rectum, leukemia and larynx whereas the commonest malignancies in females were of the breast, cervix, colon and rectum, leukemia and ovarian/lung carcinoma. The average number of admissions was 2.2 and the average length of stay was 12.7 days. Cancer admissions account for a significant proportion of the inpatient workload of Penang Hospital.
The records of all the glaucoma patients seen at the General Hospital Kuala Lumpur over a five year period were analysed. The racial, age and sex distribution of patients with primary open angle glaucoma and primary angle closure glaucoma was determined. The causes of secondary glaucoma were analysed. As no previous records of glaucoma statistics are available in Malaysia, it is hoped that these findings will form an initial mosaic to build on in the future.
The age-corrected incidence of hip fracture in the city of Kuala Lumpur and the surrounding districts has increased from 1981 to 0.7 per 1,000 population in 1989. Women dominated by a factor of 1.3. The mean age was 73 (50-103) years. The increased rate observed was attributed solely to trochanteric fractures among those 70 years and above. There were differences in the various parameters among the different races. The fracture incidence and woman/man ratio were substantially lower than has been reported from developed countries.
The management of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) at a private medical centre was reviewed. The criteria for surgery were AAA more than or equal to five centimeters in diameter, symptomatic AAA even if less than five centimeters and ruptured AAA. A total of 67 patients were seen between October 1991 to September 1994. The age range was 48 to 94 years, mean = 69.8. There were 58 males to nine females. Twelve patients presented with ruptured AAA. There were three suprarenal AAA and three mycotic AAA. Aneurysmectomies were performed on 50 patients. This include all patients with ruptured AAA. There was no mortality in the elective cases. One patient with ruptured AAA died, ie. an operative mortality of eight per cent. It was concluded that a very low operative mortality can be achieved in this group of high risk patients. Our results were comparable to those reported by other centres in the developed countries. Important factors contributing to these results include a team approach in a unit interested in this disease, careful pre-operative preparation and a rigid post-operative regime. For ruptured AAA, survival of the patient depended on a successful and timely operation. It was also concluded that no patient should be deemed unfit for surgery or denied an operation if they needed to have one and it was safe to transport patients with ruptured AAA to a centre where the operation can be performed.
One thousand one hundred and sixty three patients (male-852, female-311) with ureteric calculi requiring intervention were treated between April 1988 to July 1992. Four hundred and eleven cases were treated by ESWL Monotherapy, 414 by stone manipulation plus ESWL, 301 by retrograde ureteroscopic lithotripsy, 36 by percutaneous antegrade ureteroscopic lithotripsy and 1 case by open ureterolithotomy. There were 25 failures of the initial procedures. Only three cases that failed primary procedures required open surgery. Other complications include minor ureteric mucosal perforation (3%), infection (3%), transient moderate to gross haematuria (20%), loin ache (26.4%), irritative urination (34.4%) and low grade fever (30.1%). Current modalities used in the treatment of ureteric calculi produce good results and there is generally no primary role for any open surgery.
From March 1986 to June 1992, 100 primary total knee arthroplasties were done in 69 patients. The demographic data and complications were analysed in these 69 patients. The first 50 knees with a minimal follow-up of one year (range 1-6 years) were analysed in more detail according to the International Knee Society Rating System. Detailed radiological evaluation was also carried out to assess positioning of the components. There were 79 knees with osteoarthritis, 20 knees with rheumatoid arthritis and one with Systemic Lupus Erythromatosus (SLE). The knee score was poor in all knees pre-operatively. Post-operatively 78% had good to excellent score and the other 22% had fair knee score. However the functional score remained poor in 50% of the knees. Ideal tibio-femoral alignment was obtained in 68% of the knees. Twenty four percent of the knees had 0.4 degrees of varus and eight percent had 10-12 degrees valgus. Complication rate was low with 1% of infection (one knee). Overall early results were satisfactory.
Study site; University Hospital Kuala Lumpur (University Malaya Medical Centre)
Fasting growth hormone (GH) level is an important reference level in dynamic tests of GH secretion. Other studies have demonstrated sex and age variation in the rate of GH secretion. We analysed fasting serum samples from 377 normal subjects (193 males and 184 females, age range 6 to 81 years old), using our in-house enzyme immunoassay. We found sex differences in fasting GH levels to be only significant in the prepubertal children (Tanner stage I), being higher in girls than in age-matched boys (p < 0.05). Both sexes showed age-dependent changes in fasting GH levels (p < 0.001); highest levels were achieved at puberty and subsequently declined with advancing age. Hence, the physiological sex difference and age-dependency in GH secretion can also be demonstrated in single fasting samples.
Continuous spinal anaesthesia using the incremental technique was used in nineteen high risk patients with multiple medical problems, seventeen of whom were elderly, for lower limb orthopaedic and pelvic surgery. An intrathecal catheter (18G/28G) was inserted under local anaesthesia via the lumbar interspinous space. Spinal anaesthesia was induced with small incremental doses of 0.5% bupivacaine hydrochloride through the intrathecal catheter to achieve the level of analgesia required for surgery. The duration of surgery ranged from 45 to 300 minutes (mean + S.D 100 + 37 min). The initial volume of 0.5% bupivacaine required for surgery ranged from 0.8 ml-2.0 ml (1.2 + 0.7 ml) and the total volume ranged from 0.9 ml to 3.1 ml (mean + S.D 1.4 + 0.7 ml). Haemodynamic stability was well maintained perioperatively. Only two patients required 6 mg of ephedrine and 1 mg of aramine respectively for a greater than 25% reduction in systolic blood pressure with induction of spinal anaesthesia. Intrathecal morphine 0.1-0.3 mg was administered to 15 patients at the end of surgery for postoperative pain relief with good effect. One patient developed late respiratory depression from an inadvertent overdose of intrathecal morphine. No neurological sequelae were noted and no patient developed a postdural puncture headache. The use of the microcatheter was discontinued in the U.S.A and Australia following four case reports of cauda equina syndrome with this technique. Current opinion, however, is that the reported cauda equina syndrome was due to the neurotoxic effects of lignocaine 5% that was used and not due to the microcatheter per se. Continuous spinal anaesthesia is now used widely in Europe when cardiovascular stability is desired in poor risk patients undergoing lower limb and lower abdominal surgery.
This retrospective study of radioactive needle implants at the Institute of Radiotherapy and Oncology, Kuala Lumpur Hospital serves as an audit of our practice as well as a demonstration of the usefulness of this technique of brachytherapy. A variety of tumour sites were implanted, of which over two-thirds involved the tongue and buccal mucosa. Although most of the implants were carried out with radical intent, one-tenth of these implants were performed for palliation. Radiotherapy techniques employed are described. The crude survival ranged from 1 month to 109 months while the disease free interval ranged from 0 months to 102 months.
Oxygen consumption values calculated by Fick's principle (cVO2) were compared to simultaneously obtained values measured by indirect calorimetry (mVO2) in two groups of patients; post-coronary artery bypass graft (post-CABG) and septic shock. In both groups of patients, oxygen consumption values derived using indirect calorimetry were higher than that from Fick's principle. Whilst the bias obtained between the two methods of measurement were of acceptable amount clinically, the limits of agreement were wide: -57 to 51 ml.min-1.m-2 in the post-CABG group and -101 to 67 ml.min-1.m-2 in the group of septic patients; indicating that significant differences exist between paired individual values such that cVO2 and mVO2 were not interchangeable in this study.
Health indices of 317 healthy elderly Malay females 55 years and older from two rural subdistricts in Negeri Sembilan were collected through personal interviews. About 33% of the respondents perceived their health condition as good to excellent, 63.4% rated their health status compared to a year earlier as about the same, 48.3% had no worry about their health, and 49.2% perceived themselves as physically active as their peers. Arthritis was the major ailment which affected the daily activities of about 64% of the respondents. The classical age-related problems of poor hearing, poor sight and difficulty in chewing were also prevalent among these elderly.
Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) is now the preferred method for dealing with the obstructing prostate. This procedure was reintroduced to the Penang General Hospital in August 1985. Over the next one and a half years, 100 TURP were performed by the author (NYTL). This paper reviews this initial experience. Of the patients, 17.7% required blood transfusion of one unit each. The mean post operative stay was 4.8 days. There were no immediate deaths. This experience confirms the acceptable results of TURP in the treatment of patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy in the Malaysian context.
Circadian variations have been observed in the onset of acute coronary syndromes including acute myocardial infarction. We studied 422 acute myocardial infarction patients who presented to the coronary care unit of General Hospital Kuala Lumpur. Of the 318 (75.4%) patients whose data was complete, a circadian rhythm with bimodal peak was demonstrated. The second quarter of the day i.e. 6.00 a.m. to 12 noon was shown to have a significantly increased frequency of onset of acute myocardial infarction (p less than 0.05). Time delay in presenting to the hospital was also determined. This showed that 56.8% of acute myocardial infarction patients presented early, within four hours of the onset of symptoms. By six hours, more than 71% had sought hospital care. This early presentation to the hospital may offer a realistic opportunity for optimal thrombolytic therapy should this treatment modality be offered as routine to infarct patients.
An 84 year old man who presented with Stokes Adams syncope with exertion was found to have complete heart block on walking with reversion to sinus rhythm on recovery. The resting ECG showed evidence of ischemic heart disease with old anteroseptal and old inferior infarction but there was no recent myocardial infarction as shown by normal cardiac enzymes levels. The probable explanation for the mechanism and causation of the transient A-V block is described.
594 intravenous urograms done at the General Hospital, Ipoh, from January 1981 to March 1985 were reviewed for renal papillary necrosis (RPN). 11 cases (1.8%) of RPN were detected. Of these three were due to diabetes mellitus;eight were due to analgesic nephropathy. There was an equal incidence
in males and females, contrary to the experience in the West and Australia. RPN was observed mainly in the older age groups. Five of the 11 cases of RPN presented as renal colic.
This study investigated the effect of loading the iliotibial band (ITB) on the stability of the patellofemoral joint. We measured the restraining force required to displace the patella 10 mm medially and laterally (defined as medial and lateral stability, respectively) in 14 fresh-frozen knees from 0 to 90 degrees knee flexion. The testing rig allowed the patella to rotate and translate freely during this displacement. The quadriceps was separated into five components and loaded with 175 N total tension. Testing was performed at 0 to 90 N ITB tension. With no ITB tension, the lateral restraining force ranged from 82 to 101 N across 0 to 90 degrees flexion. Increasing ITB tension caused progressive reduction of the lateral restraining force. The maximum reduction was 25% at 60 degrees flexion and 90 N ITB tension. Medial restraining force increased progressively with increasing knee flexion and increasing ITB loads; it ranged from 74 N at 0 degrees knee flexion and 0 N ITB tension to 211 N at 90 degrees knee flexion and 90 N ITB tension. The maximum effect was an increase of medial restraining force of 50% at 90 degrees flexion and 90 N ITB tension.