A prospective study of 102 children with bacteriologically confirmed typhoid fever, admitted to Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia over 5 years was conducted. The average age at presentation was 91.3 (range 6 - 159) months. Fever (900%), abdominal pain (56%) and diarrhoea (44%) were common symptoms. Findings included: hepatomegaly (85.3%), splenomegaly (27.5%), anaemia (31%), leukopenia (15%). thrombocytopenia (26%), positive Widal (62.5%) and Typhidot test (96%). Patients were treated with ampicillin (n = 54) or chloramphenicol (n = 49) and 1/3 developed complications like hepatitis (n = 19), bone marrow suppression (n = 8) and paralytic ileus (n = 7). A patient with splenomegaly, thrombocytopenia or leukopenia was at higher risk of developing complications.
A retrospective study of 137 patients with blood culture-positive typhoid fever admitted to the paediatric unit of the Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia was carried out to study epidemiological, clinical, laboratory and treatment aspects of typhoid fever in Kelantanese children in hospital. The male:female ratio was 1:1.1. School-children were the most affected. Cases were seen throughout the year. The five most frequently presenting features were fever, hepatomegaly, diarrhoea, vomiting and cough. Rose spots were seen in only two patients. Complications included gastritis, bronchitis, ileus, psychosis, encephalopathy, gastro-intestinal bleeding and myocarditis. Relative bradycardia was not seen. Blood and stool cultures were positive in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd weeks of illness. There was no significant difference between percentages of elevated O and H titres, whether done during or after the 1st week of illness. A four-fold rise in (O) titres occurred in 50% of cases tested. We would miss 50% of typhoid fever cases if a titre (O) equal to more than 1/160 were relied upon for diagnosis. Altogether, 46% of patients had leucopenia. Chloramphenicol was the most commonly used antibiotic. There were two deaths.
Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi (S. Typhi) exhibits unique characteristics as an intracellular human pathogen. It causes both acute and chronic infection with various disease manifestations in the human host only. The principal factors underlying the unique lifestyle of motility and biofilm forming ability of S. Typhi remain largely unknown. The main objective of this study was to explore and investigate the motility and biofilm forming behaviour among S. Typhi strains of diverse background.
Bacteria exist widely in a diversity of natural environments. In order to survive adverse conditions such as nutrient depletion, biochemical and biological disturbances, and high temperature, bacteria have developed a wide variety of coping mechanisms. Temperature is one of the most important factors that can enhance the expression of microbial proteins. This study was conducted to investigate how outer membrane proteins (OMPs) of the bacterium Shigella flexneri respond to stress, especially during fever when the host's body temperature is elevated.
Fragmentary data from reported cases show that STDs are second only to malaria in number and are more prevalent than typhoid, cholera and infectious hepatitis put together. There is lack of priority in the allocation of funding for control of STDs presently.
Next-generation whole-genome sequencing has revolutionised the study of infectious diseases in recent years. The availability of genome sequences and its understanding have transformed the field of molecular microbiology, epidemiology, infection treatments and vaccine developments. We review the key findings of the publicly accessible genomes of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi since the first complete genome to the most recent release of thousands of Salmonella Typhi genomes, which remarkably shape the genomic research of S. Typhi and other pathogens. Important new insights acquired from the genome sequencing of S. Typhi, pertaining to genomic variations, evolution, population structure, antibiotic resistance, virulence, pathogenesis, disease surveillance/investigation and disease control are discussed. As the numbers of sequenced genomes are increasing at an unprecedented rate, fine variations in the gene pool of S. Typhi are captured in high resolution, allowing deeper understanding of the pathogen's evolutionary trends and its pathogenesis, paving the way to bringing us closer to eradication of typhoid through effective vaccine/treatment development.
Currently, there are no licensed vaccines or therapies available against chikungunya virus (CHIKV), and these were subjects discussed during a CHIKV meeting recently organized in Langkawi, Malaysia. In this review, we chart the approaches taken in both areas. Because of a sharp increase in new data in these fields, the present paper is complementary to previous reviews by Weaver et al. in 2012 and Kaur and Chu in 2013 . The most promising antivirals so far discovered are reviewed, with a special focus on the virus-encoded replication proteins as potential targets. Within the vaccines in development, our review emphasizes the various strategies in parallel development that are unique in the vaccine field against a single disease.
This paper presents the temperature characteristics of silicon nanowire transistors (SiNWTs) and examines the effect of temperature on transfer characteristics, threshold voltage, I(ON)/I(OFF) ratio, drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL), and sub-threshold swing (SS). The (MuGFET) simulation tool was used to investigate the temperature characteristics of a transistor. The findings reveal the negative effect of higher working temperature on the use of SiNWTs in electronic circuits, such as digital circuits and amplifiers circuits, because of the lower I(ON)/I(OFF) ratio, higher DIBL, and higher SS at higher temperature. Moreover, the ON state is the optimum condition for using a transistor as a temperature nano-sensor.
Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is a mosquito-borne alphavirus which causes fever, rash, and arthralgia. In the past, life-threatening complications were very rarely reported. However, during the recent worldwide outbreaks, there have been several reports of unusually severe complications and deaths. Malaysia is experiencing a nationwide outbreak of CHIKV, with over 10 000 patients affected since April 2008. We report the first case of culture-confirmed CHIKV-associated death in Malaysia, in a patient with fever, rash, acute exacerbation of pre-existing heart failure, rhabdomyolysis, and multiple organ failure. CHIKV infections may cause atypical, severe or fatal presentations.
In the interfacial superconductor Bi2Te3/Fe1+yTe, two dimensional superconductivity occurs in direct vicinity to the surface state of a topological insulator. If this state were to become involved in superconductivity, under certain conditions a topological superconducting state could be formed, which is of high interest due to the possibility of creating Majorana fermionic states. We report directional point-contact spectroscopy data on the novel Bi2Te3/Fe1+yTe interfacial superconductor for a Bi2Te3 thickness of 9 quintuple layers, bonded by van der Waals epitaxy to a Fe1+yTe film at an atomically sharp interface. Our data show highly unconventional superconductivity, which appears as complex as in the cuprate high temperature superconductors. A very large superconducting twin-gap structure is replaced by a pseudogap above ~12 K which persists up to 40 K. While the larger gap shows unconventional order parameter symmetry and is attributed to a thin FeTe layer in proximity to the interface, the smaller gap is associated with superconductivity induced via the proximity effect in the topological insulator Bi2Te3.
Salmonella Typhi (S. Typhi) causes typhoid fever which is a disease characterised by high mortality and morbidity worldwide. In order to curtail the transmission of this highly infectious disease, identification of new markers that can detect the pathogen is needed for development of sensitive and specific diagnostic tests. In this study, genomic comparison of S. Typhi with other enteric pathogens was performed, and 6 S. Typhi genes, that is, STY0201, STY0307, STY0322, STY0326, STY2020, and STY2021, were found to be specific in silico. Six PCR assays each targeting a unique gene were developed to test the specificity of these genes in vitro. The diagnostic sensitivities and specificities of each assay were determined using 39 S. Typhi, 62 non-Typhi Salmonella, and 10 non-Salmonella clinical isolates. The results showed that 5 of these genes, that is, STY0307, STY0322, STY0326, STY2020, and STY2021, demonstrated 100% sensitivity (39/39) and 100% specificity (0/72). The detection limit of the 5 PCR assays was 32 pg for STY0322, 6.4 pg for STY0326, STY2020, and STY2021, and 1.28 pg for STY0307. In conclusion, 5 PCR assays using STY0307, STY0322, STY0326, STY2020, and STY2021 were developed and found to be highly specific at single-gene target resolution for diagnosis of typhoid fever.