Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 390 in total

  1. Azman NM, Latip NS, Sah SA, Akil MA, Shafie NJ, Khairuddin NL
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2011 Dec;22(2):45-64.
    PMID: 24575217 MyJurnal
    The diversity and the feeding guilds of birds in three different habitats (secondary forest, oil palm plantation and paddy field) were investigated in riparian areas of the Kerian River Basin (KRB), Perak, Malaysia. Point-count observation and mist-netting methods were used to determine bird diversity and abundance. A total of 132 species of birds from 46 families were recorded in the 3 habitats. Species diversity, measured by Shannon's diversity index, was 3.561, 3.183 and 1.042 in the secondary forest, the paddy field and the oil palm plantation, respectively. The vegetation diversity and the habitat structure were important determinants of the number of bird species occurring in an area. The relative abundance of the insectivore, insectivore-frugivore and frugivore guilds was greater in the forest than in the monoculture plantation. In contrast, the relative abundance of the carnivore, granivore and omnivore guilds was higher in the plantation. The results of the study show that the conversion of forest to either oil palm plantation or paddy fields produced a decline in bird diversity and changes in the distribution of bird feeding guilds.
    Matched MeSH terms: Forests
  2. Shahrudin S, Jaafar I
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2012 Dec;23(2):49-57.
    PMID: 24575233 MyJurnal
    The study on the amphibian fauna of Bukit Jana, Taiping, Perak was carried out from January 2009 until December 2010 with a total of 12 nights of observation. Twenty four species of frogs from 14 genera and 6 families were recorded to inhabit the Bukit Jana areas. Seven commensal species were found around human habitations near the foothill whereas the others are typical forest frogs found mostly near the rivers, streams and forest floor. This is the first amphibian checklist of Bukit Jana, Perak and it contributed 22% out of 107 species of frogs that are recorded to inhabit Peninsular Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Forests
  3. Pounsin G, Wahab NS, Roslan A, Zahidin MA, Pesiu E, Tamrin NAM, et al.
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2018 Mar;29(1):51-69.
    PMID: 29644015 MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/tlsr2018.29.1.4
    A study of the bat diversity was conducted in Hulu Terengganu dipterocarp forest and Setiu Wetland Beach Ridges Interspersed with Swales (BRIS) forest in Terengganu, to study the species diversity, composition and stratification of fruit bats from the understorey to the forest canopy. Mist nets were set up at the understorey, sub-canopy and canopy layer while harp traps were set up at the understorey layer. We recorded 170 individuals from six families' compromised 21 species from Hulu Terengganu dipterocarp forests and four species from Setiu Wetland BRIS forests throughout the sampling period. Megaerops ecaudatus and Cynopterus brachyotis were the most dominant species in Hulu Terengganu dipterocarp forest and Setiu Wetland BRIS forests. Our study also recorded two species with new distributional records for the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia, namely, Rhinolophus chiewkweeae and Chaerephon johorensis in Hulu Terengganu dipterocarp forests. Potential factors that might influence the results were in terms of the canopy covers, the structural complexity of canopy, food availability and spatial characteristics. This study was able to increase the knowledge on the species diversity and composition of bats in Hulu Terengganu dipterocarp forest and Setiu Wetland BRIS forest, thus, further aid in the effort of bat conservation in both areas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Forests
  4. Ghazalli MN, Md Sah MS, Mat M, Awang K, Jaafar MA, Mirad R, et al.
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2021 Mar;32(1):107-117.
    PMID: 33936554 DOI: 10.21315/tlsr2021.32.1.7
    Mitragyna speciosa (Korth.) Havil. or locally known as ketum/daun sebiak/biak-biak belongs to Rubiaceae family and generally occurs in secondary forest or disturbed areas in tropical and subtropical region. This research enumerated the characterisation of Mitragyna speciosa leaf anatomy and micromorphology features which is still not well documented. This medium to large sized tree species characterised with opposite arrangement, ovate-acuminate leaf and with 12-17 pairs of veins. Transverse sections of petioles showed that this species has petiole outlines with slightly convex at the middle of the adaxial part and 'U'-shaped on abaxial side. Results also showed that this species has paracytic and hypostomatic stomata, combination of non-glandular (majority) and glandular trichomes (minority), with observation on the secretory cells present in petiole and midrib parenchyma cells. Cuticle on the abaxial and adaxial epidermal surfaces showed the presence granule and wax films with periclinal and anticlinal walls can be differentiated clearly. The results obtained in this study can be used to providing additional systematics information of Mitragyna speciosa with the documentation of the leaf anatomy and micromorphology characters.
    Matched MeSH terms: Forests
  5. Liu X, Burslem DFRP, Taylor JD, Taylor AFS, Khoo E, Majalap-Lee N, et al.
    Ecol Lett, 2018 05;21(5):713-723.
    PMID: 29536604 DOI: 10.1111/ele.12939
    Partitioning of soil phosphorus (P) pools has been proposed as a key mechanism maintaining plant diversity, but experimental support is lacking. Here, we provided different chemical forms of P to 15 tree species with contrasting root symbiotic relationships to investigate plant P acquisition in both tropical and subtropical forests. Both ectomycorrhizal (ECM) and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) trees responded positively to addition of inorganic P, but strikingly, ECM trees acquired more P from a complex organic form (phytic acid). Most ECM tree species and all AM tree species also showed some capacity to take up simple organic P (monophosphate). Mycorrhizal colonisation was negatively correlated with soil extractable P concentration, suggesting that mycorrhizal fungi may regulate organic P acquisition among tree species. Our results support the hypothesis that ECM and AM plants partition soil P sources, which may play an ecologically important role in promoting species coexistence in tropical and subtropical forests.
    Matched MeSH terms: Forests
  6. Ledo A, Cornulier T, Illian JB, Iida Y, Kassim AR, Burslem DF
    Ecol Appl, 2016 Dec;26(8):2374-2380.
    PMID: 27907254 DOI: 10.1002/eap.1450
    Accurate estimation of tree biomass is necessary to provide realistic values of the carbon stored in the terrestrial biosphere. A recognized source of errors in tree aboveground biomass (AGB) estimation is introduced when individual tree height values (H) are not directly measured but estimated from diameter at breast height (DBH) using allometric equations. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of 12 alternative DBH : H equations and compare their effects on AGB estimation for three tropical forests that occur in contrasting climatic and altitudinal zones. We found that fitting a three-parameter Weibull function using data collected locally generated the lowest errors and bias in H estimation, and that equations fitted to these data were more accurate than equations with parameters derived from the literature. For computing AGB, the introduced error values differed notably among DBH : H allometric equations, and in most cases showed a clear bias that resulted in either over- or under-estimation of AGB. Fitting the three-parameter Weibull function minimized errors in AGB estimates in our study and we recommend its widespread adoption for carbon stock estimation. We conclude that many previous studies are likely to present biased estimates of AGB due to the method of H estimation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Forests
  7. Mahirah Jahari, Khairunniza-Bejo, S., Abdul Rashid Mohamed Shariff, Helmi Zulhaidi Mohd. Shafri
    In this research wok, three different techniques of change detection were used to detect changes in forest areas. One of the techniques used a local similarity measure approach to detect changes. This new approach of change detection technique, which used mutual information to measure the similarity between two multi-temporal images, was developed based on correspondence of the pixel values, rather than the difference in their intensity. Pixels suffering any changes will be maximally dissimilar. The study was conducted using multi-temporal SPOT 5 satellite images, with the resolution of 10 m x10 m on 5th August 2005 and 13th June 2007. The experimental results show that local mutual information provides more reliable results in detecting changes of the multitemporal images containing different lighting condition compared to the image differencing and NDVI technique, specifically in areas with less plant growth. In addition, it can also overcome the problem on selecting the threshold value. Besides, the findings of this study have also shown that band 3, which is sensitive to vegetation biomass, gave the best result in detecting area of changes compared to the others.
    Matched MeSH terms: Forests
  8. Nawawi, S.W., S. Sabikan
    In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in quadcopter technology
    implementation in the real world; for instance in real estate photography, aerial surveying, periodic
    forest monitoring, and search/rescue missions. Generally, each quadcopter implementation required
    different sensors which are needed to attach and integrate into quadcopter system. However, the most
    critical part in almost cases is preparing the quadcopter flight performance and capability to be suited
    in any outdoor applications. Because of that reason, this paper has proposed an implementation of
    Open-Source Project (OSPs) platform as autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) quadcopter
    development that can be fitted for any outdoor applications or even in research experimental purposes.
    We started out with an explanation about the general approach that has been used in the development
    of a quadcopter testbed, and then followed with detail explanations in the OSP platform approach.
    The OSP platform is the most popular approach. The main reason is because of their flexibility in both
    hardware and software. The basic quadcopter configuration for autonomous flight also presented and
    applied. This paper also provided several outdoor experiments results in uncontrolled environment
    that have been executed using our developed testbed to evaluate their performance, such as attitude
    and altitude stabilization, interference and vibration effect, and trajectory mapping generation.
    Finally, throughout this project, we realized that the OPSs quadcopter platform has offered almost
    complete frameworks in the development of quadcopter for any outdoor applications or even as a
    research testbed system.
    Matched MeSH terms: Forests
  9. Too CC, Ong KS, Ankenbrand MJ, Lee SM, Yule CM, Keller A
    Genome Announc, 2018 Jun 21;6(25).
    PMID: 29930066 DOI: 10.1128/genomeA.00561-18
    We report the draft genome sequence of a bacterial isolate, Paraburkholderia sp. strain C35, which was isolated from a Malaysian tropical peat swamp forest. The putative genes for the biogeochemical processes were annotated and are publicly available in the online databases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Forests
  10. Too CC, Ong KS, Ankenbrand MJ, Lee SM, Yule CM, Keller A
    Genome Announc, 2018 Jun 21;6(25).
    PMID: 29930065 DOI: 10.1128/genomeA.00560-18
    We report here the draft genome of Klebsiella sp. strain C31, a bacterial isolate from the North Selangor peat swamp forest in Malaysia. The putative genes for the biogeochemical processes of the genome were annotated and investigated.
    Matched MeSH terms: Forests
  11. Too CC, Ong KS, Lee SM, Yule CM, Keller A
    Genome Announc, 2018 Jun 21;6(25).
    PMID: 29930031 DOI: 10.1128/genomeA.00459-18
    We report here the draft genome sequences of a bacterial isolate, Dyella sp. strain C11, which was isolated from a Malaysian tropical peat swamp forest. The putative genes for the biogeochemical processes were annotated, and the genome was deposited in an online database.
    Matched MeSH terms: Forests
  12. T Ismail TNS, A Kassim NF, A Rahman A, Yahya K, Webb CE
    Trop Med Infect Dis, 2018 Jul 23;3(3).
    PMID: 30274473 DOI: 10.3390/tropicalmed3030077
    Due to conservation and rehabilitation efforts, mangrove forests represent some of the largest environmental niches in Malaysia. However, there is little information on the potential risks posed by mosquitoes that are directly and indirectly associated with mangrove forests. To study the potential health risk to humans active within and in close vicinity of mangrove forests, this research focused on the day biting habits of mosquitoes in mangrove forests of Kedah, Malaysia. The bare leg catch (BLC) method was used to collect adult mosquitoes during a 12-h period from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. in both disturbed and less disturbed areas of mangroves. In total, 795 adult mosquitoes from 5 genera and 8 species were collected, and over 65% of the total mosquitoes were collected from the less disturbed area. The predominant species from the less disturbed area was Verrallina butleri; in the disturbed area the dominant species was Culex sitiens. The peak biting hour differed for each species, with Aedes albopictus and Cx. sitiens recorded as having a bimodal biting activity peak during dawn and dusk. For Ve. butleri an erratic pattern of biting activity was recorded in the less disturbed area but it peaked during the early daytime for both collection points. Overall, the distinct pattern of day biting habits of mosquitoes within mangroves peaked during dawn and dusk for the less disturbed area but was irregular for the disturbed area throughout the day. The presence of vectors of pathogens such as Ae. albopictus for both areas raises the need for authorities to consider management of mosquitoes in mangrove forests.
    Matched MeSH terms: Forests
  13. Suhailah A, Che Salmah M
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:667-674.
    Seasonal changes in Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) community was studied at rivers in Gunung Jerai Forest Reserve, Kedah, Malaysia. The rivers were visited monthly from September 2007 to August 2008 to sample aquatic insects using D-pond nets. More EPT were found in the wet season (10664 individuals) compared with the dry season (6599 individuals). In all rivers, ephemeropteran populations was highest during the wet season (z=-2.465, p=0.014). Meanwhile, the plecopteran population was low and almost constant throughout seasons in all rivers (z=-2.280, p=0.023). Trichopterans exhibited the highest peak of abundance in the dry season (z=-6.096, p=0.00). Concomitantly, higher diversity was recorded in the dry season (29 taxa) compared with 25 taxa recorded in wet season from all rivers. Tupah River had the most diverse EPT assemblage during the dry season. In wet season, the abundance of ephemeropterans genera such as Baetis, Platybaetis, Campsoneuria and Thalerosphyrus increased tremendously especially in Teroi River.
    Matched MeSH terms: Forests
  14. Phua MH, Wong W, Goh MH, Kamlisa Uni Kamlun, Julius Kodoh, Teo S, et al.
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:1461-1470.
    Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation-plus (REDD+) is considered as an important mitigation strategy against global warming. However, the implementation of REDD+ can adversely affect local people who have been practicing shifting cultivation for generations. We analyzed Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper images of 1990 and 2009 to quantifying deforestation and forest degradation at Lubuk Antu District, a typical rural area of Sarawak, Malaysia. The results showed significant loss of intact forest at 0.9% per year, which was substantially higher than the rate of Sarawak. There were increases of oil palm and rubber areas but degraded forest, the second largest land cover type, had increased considerably. The local people were mostly shifting cultivators, who indicated readiness of accepting the REDD+ mechanism if they were given compensation. We estimated the monthly willingness to accept (WTA) at RM462, which can be considered as the opportunity cost of foregoing their existing shifting cultivation. The monthly WTA was well correlated with their monthly household expenses. Instead of cash payment, rubber cultivation scheme was the most preferred form of compensation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Forests
  15. Salmiati, Nor Zaiha A., Mohd Ismid M.S.
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:1223-1228.
    Temporal changes of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) communities were investigated at the study area of Gunung Pulai Recreational Forest, Johor, Malaysia. Taxa diversity were also studied to determine the seasonality impact on certain benthic communities. Sampling of aquatic insects were carried out from November 2012 to July 2013 using rectangular dip net. As a result, more EPT were found during the dry season (1533 individuals) compared to wet season (321 individuals). Concomitantly, higher diversity was also recorded in the dry season. Among these three investigated orders, Trichoptera represented the most diverse community with three families recorded, followed by Plecoptera (2 families) and Ephemeroptera (1 family). Caddisfly family Hydropsychidae were found to be abundant in the study area. Therefore, seasonality impact on EPT assemblage at Gunung Pulai Recreational Forest is extremely evident.
    Matched MeSH terms: Forests
  16. Wang YJ, Shi XP, Peng Y, Tao JP, Zhong ZC
    Sains Malaysiana, 2012;41:649-657.
    Dwarf bamboo is recognized as a significant determinant of the structure and dynamics in temperate forests. Quantitative relationships between the abundance (density and coverage) of dwarf bamboo, Fargesia nitida, and micro-environments, species diversity on the floor were estimated in an Abies faxoniana pure forest in southwest China. Understory microenvironmental conditions (daily differences temperature and moisture, RPPFD under bamboo layer and ground cover) changed dramatically with the bamboo density. Stepwise multiple regression analyses indicated that abundance of F. nitida was mainly correlated with canopy characteristics and disturbance factors in the A. faxoniana pure forest. All richness indices decreased significantly with the bamboo density and RPPFD under bamboo layer. Importance values (IV) of understory species in different bamboo densities and Detrended canonical correspondence analysis (DCCA) indicated three understory plant groups, resistant to high bamboo abundance (Group A), resistant to intermediate bamboo abundance (Group B) and sensitive to bamboo abundance (Group C). These groups mainly responded to abundance of bamboo and RPPFD under bamboo layer, resulted from the integration of characteristics of bamboo, canopy and topography factors. Different bamboo abundance had different influences on understory species diversity and groups. Dense F. nitida condition (> 10 culms/m2) had significant negative effect and 0-5 bamboo condition had not significant negative effect on understory species diversity in A. faxoniana forest. We suggest the fine-scale analysis on effects of bamboo abundance should be taken account into considering in heterogeneous patches in process of the succession and regeneration of natural forests.
    Matched MeSH terms: Forests
  17. Ahmet Tolunay, Ayhan Akyol
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:159-166.
    Sustainable forest management (SFM) practices have started in 1999 in Turkey. A set of criteria and indicators, composed by the General Directorate of Forestry (GDF) on the basis of the criteria and indicators defined in the Pan-European and Near Eastern Processes, was enquired via a survey to serve this purpose. GDF tested the sustainability under the following titles: Situation of forest resources, biodiversity, health and vitality, production capacity and functions, protective functions and environmental and socio-economic functions. There were problems in identification and definition of SFM criteria and indicators. Biological diversity indicators has been selected, described and developed in this study. At this phase, the survey was completed upon receiving the views of the scientists interested in different dimensions of this topic as well as the views of other interest groups affiliated with forestry. As a result, there were 13 indicators that may be used as the basis of a regional or forest management unit level for the purpose of protecting, developing and maintaining biodiversity. Furthermore, these indicators are instruments, which may easily be used by relevant decision-makers in the management of forest resources in a more effective and productive manner.
    Matched MeSH terms: Forests
  18. Yee SA, Phooi KC, Chong LP
    Sains Malaysiana, 2018;47:1439-1445.
    Vocalisations of tropical birds are still largely unexplored particularly the nocturnal species. This study examined and
    quantitatively described the territorial calls and duets of the Sunda Scops-Owl (Otus lempiji), Brown Boobook (Ninox
    scutulata) and Spotted Wood-Owl (Strix seloputo) based on 105 territorial call and four duetting recordings collected
    from one forest reserve and oil palm smallholdings in Selangor, Peninsular Malaysia. Wilcoxon signed-rank tests found
    significant differences (p<0.05) for almost all vocal parameters measured from the spectrograms derived from the duets
    with one higher-pitched than the other. Being the first study to describe the vocal structure of the duetting calls of the
    three Malaysian strigids, this study serves as a baseline for future behavioural study of nocturnal birds particularly
    pertaining to conspecific interactions in the Sunda region.
    Matched MeSH terms: Forests
  19. Yap ML, Chew LJ, Pritpal Singh SS, Sekawi Z, Chee HY, Ong HKO, et al.
    Trop Biomed, 2021 Jun 01;38(2):122-128.
    PMID: 34172700 DOI: 10.47665/tb.38.2.047
    Leptospirosis is an emerging zoonotic disease endemic in tropical regions. Aiming at assessing the potential infection risks via recreational exposure, the molecular prevalence of pathogenic Leptospira in 14 amenity forests in five selected districts of the state of Perak was determined. Water and soil samples along streams and waterfalls were subjected to culture of leptospires and the pathogenic Leptospira spp. was detected by lipL32-based polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Twenty out of 154 samples (13%) that tested positive for leptospires were mostly soils and still water recorded with tolerable temperatures (22.2- 26.5°C) and pHs (5.73-6.70). The localised prevalence was highly varied among eight positive forests (6.7-41.7%), particularly higher in Kampar and Kinta districts which are the more populated urban areas. The importance of public health surveillance should not be underrated given the high prevalence of Leptospira spp. in forests in close proximity to indigenous settlements, even where the places are clean. Overall, this study discovered a wide distribution of pathogenic Leptospira spp. in recreational areas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Forests
  20. Wang S, Ibrahiem MH, Li M
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Dec 18;19(24).
    PMID: 36554915 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph192417034
    As one of the largest payment platforms in China, Alipay, launched a green behavior project called Ant Forest. The purpose of taking this initiative by Alipay is to make the world greener. This mobile application has motivated many users to plant millions of trees. However, minimal studies have been conducted to empirically disclose the factors that motivate Alipay users to participate in Ant Forest. A mixed-method approach is used to examine the factors influencing Alipay users to participate in Ant Forest and the level of satisfaction they got from it. The qualitative method was carried out through a structured questionnaire from 400 Alipay users and qualitative data from 20 users who have applied to Ant Forest and successfully planted trees. Additionally, alongside the mixed method employed to rationalize the relationship highlighted, a multiple regression model was employed to predict the value of a dependent variable (level of satisfaction) based on the value of several independent variables (namely, number of years engaged with Ant Forest activities, age, gender, profession, and education). The empirical results show that intrinsic motivations (enjoyment, social interaction, fulfilment, altruism) and extrinsic motivations (external rewards, competition) influence Alipay users to participate in the Ant Forest project. Further insights are presented in the concluding section for all stakeholders for environmental sustainability among the users of Alipay.
    Matched MeSH terms: Forests
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