METHODS: We performed a retrospective analysis of data from 759 patients with biopsy-proven NAFLD (24% with advanced fibrosis), seen at 10 centers in 9 countries in Asia, from 2006 through 2018. By using liver biopsies as the reference standard, we calculated percentages of misclassifications and indeterminate or discordant results from assessments made based on fibrosis scores (NAFLD fibrosis score [NFS] or Fibrosis-4 score) and liver stiffness measurements (LSMs), alone or in combination. The analysis was repeated using randomly selected subgroups with a different prevalence of advanced fibrosis (histologic fibrosis stage ≥F3).
RESULTS: In groups in which 3.7% and 10% of patients had advanced fibrosis, a 2-step approach (using the NFS followed by LSM only for patients with indeterminate or high NFS) and using a gray zone of 10 to 15 kPa for LSM, produced indeterminate or discordant results for 6.9% of patients and misclassified 2.7% of patients; only 25.6% of patients required LSM. In the group in which 10% of patients had advanced fibrosis, the same approach produced indeterminate or discordant results for 7.9% of patients and misclassified 6.6% of patients; only 27.4% of patients required LSM. In groups in which 24% and 50% of patients had advanced fibrosis, using LSM ≥10 kPa alone for the diagnosis of advanced fibrosis had the highest accuracy and misclassified 18.1% and 18.3% of patients, respectively. These results were similar when the Fibrosis-4 score was used in place of NFS.
CONCLUSIONS: In a retrospective analysis, we found that a 2-step approach using fibrosis scores followed by LSM most accurately detects advanced fibrosis in populations with a low prevalence of advanced fibrosis. However, LSM ≥10 kPa identifies patients with advanced fibrosis with the highest level of accuracy in populations with a high prevalence of advanced fibrosis.
METHODS: 1812 biopsy-proven NAFLD patients across nine countries in Asia assessed between 2006 and 2019 were pooled into a curated clinical registry. Demographic, metabolic and histological differences between non-obese and obese NAFLD patients were evaluated. The performance of Fibrosis-4 index for liver fibrosis (FIB-4) and NAFLD fibrosis score (NFS) to identify advanced liver disease across the varying obesity subgroups was compared. A random forest analysis was performed to identify novel predictors of fibrosis and steatohepatitis in non-obese patients.
FINDINGS: One-fifth (21.6%) of NAFLD patients were non-obese. Non-obese NAFLD patients had lower proportions of NASH (50.5% vs 56.5%, p = 0.033) and advanced fibrosis (14.0% vs 18.7%, p = 0.033). Metabolic syndrome in non-obese individuals was associated with NASH (OR 1.59, 95% CI 1.01-2.54, p = 0.047) and advanced fibrosis (OR 1.88, 95% CI 0.99-3.54, p = 0.051). FIB-4 performed better than the NFS score (AUROC 81.5% vs 73.7%, p liver disease.
CONCLUSION: A substantial proportion of non-obese NAFLD patients has NASH or advanced fibrosis. FIB-4, compared to NFS better identifies non-obese NAFLD patients with advanced liver disease. Serum GGT, cholesterol, haemoglobin and waist circumference, which are neither components of NFS nor FIB-4, are important biomarkers for advanced liver disease in non-obese patients.
AIMS: To provide a narrative review on the performance and limitations of non-invasive tests, with a special emphasis on the impact of diabetes and obesity.
METHODS: We searched PubMed and Cochrane databases for articles published from 1990 to August 2023.
RESULTS: Abdominal ultrasonography remains the primary method to diagnose hepatic steatosis, while magnetic resonance imaging proton density fat fraction is currently the gold standard to quantify steatosis. Simple fibrosis scores such as the Fibrosis-4 index are well suited as initial assessment in primary care and non-hepatology settings to rule out advanced fibrosis and future risk of liver-related complications. However, because of its low positive predictive value, an abnormal test should be followed by specific blood (e.g. Enhanced Liver Fibrosis score) or imaging biomarkers (e.g. vibration-controlled transient elastography and magnetic resonance elastography) of fibrosis. Some non-invasive tests of fibrosis appear to be less accurate in patients with diabetes. Obesity also affects the performance of abdominal ultrasonography and transient elastography, whereas magnetic resonance imaging may not be feasible in some patients with severe obesity.
CONCLUSIONS: This article highlights issues surrounding the clinical application of non-invasive tests for MASLD in patients with type 2 diabetes and obesity.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells were injected intravenously into the tails of mice of the Institute of Cancer Research strain that had been treated with carbon tetrachloride for 4 weeks. Survival rate, migration, and proliferation of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in the liver were observed by histochemistry, fluorescent labeling, and serological detection.
RESULTS: At 1, 2, and 3 weeks after adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cell injection, liver fibrosis was significantly ameliorated. The injected adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells had hepatic differentiation potential in vivo, and the survival rate of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells declined over time.
CONCLUSIONS: The findings in this study confirmed that adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells derived from the Bama pig can be used in the treatment of liver fibrosis, and the grafted adipose-derived mesenchy-mal stem cells can migrate, survive, and differentiate into hepatic cells in vivo.
AIM: To identify the association of baseline GGT level and QRISK2 score among patients with biopsy-proven nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
METHODS: This was a retrospective study involving 1535 biopsy-proven NAFLD patients from 10 Asian centers in 8 countries using data collected by the Gut and Obesity in Asia (referred to as "GO ASIA") workgroup. All patients with available baseline GGT levels and all 16 variables for the QRISK2 calculation (QRISK2-2017; developed by researchers at the United Kingdom National Health Service;; 10-year cardiovascular risk estimation) were included and compared to healthy controls with the same age, sex, and ethnicity. Relative risk was reported. QRISK2 score > 10% was defined as the high-CVD-risk group. Fibrosis stages 3 and 4 (F3 and F4) were considered advanced fibrosis.
RESULTS: A total of 1122 patients (73%) had complete data and were included in the final analysis; 314 (28%) had advanced fibrosis. The median age (interquartile range [IQR]) of the study population was 53 (44-60) years, 532 (47.4%) were females, and 492 (43.9%) were of Chinese ethnicity. The median 10-year CVD risk (IQR) was 5.9% (2.6-10.9), and the median relative risk of CVD over 10 years (IQR) was 1.65 (1.13-2.2) compared to healthy individuals with the same age, sex, and ethnicity. The high-CVD-risk group was significantly older than the low-risk group (median [IQR]: 63 [59-67] vs 49 [41-55] years; P < 0.001). Higher fibrosis stages in biopsy-proven NAFLD patients brought a significantly higher CVD risk (P < 0.001). Median GGT level was not different between the two groups (GGT [U/L]: Median [IQR], high risk 60 [37-113] vs low risk 66 [38-103], P = 0.56). There was no correlation between baseline GGT level and 10-year CVD risk based on the QRISK2 score (r = 0.02).
CONCLUSION: The CVD risk of NAFLD patients is higher than that of healthy individuals. Baseline GGT level cannot predict CVD risk in NAFLD patients. However, advanced fibrosis is a predictor of a high CVD risk.
OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence and characteristics of NAFLD in individuals with metabolically healthy obesity.
SETTING: A tertiary, academic, referral hospital.
METHODS: All patients who underwent bariatric surgery with intraoperative liver biopsy from 2008 to 2015 were identified. Patients with preoperative hypertension, dyslipidemia, or prediabetes/diabetes were excluded to identify a cohort of metabolically healthy obesity patients. Liver biopsy reports were reviewed to determine the prevalence of NAFLD.
RESULTS: A total of 270 patients (7.0% of the total bariatric surgery patients) met the strict inclusion criteria for metabolically healthy obesity. The average age was 38 ± 10 years and the average body mass index was 47 ± 7 kg/m2. Abnormal alanine aminotransferase (>45 U/L) and asparate aminotransferase levels (>40 U/L) were observed in 28 (10.4%) and 18 (6.7%) patients, respectively. A total of 96 (35.5%) patients had NAFLD with NALFD Activity Scores 0 to 2 (n = 61), 3 to 4 (n = 25), and 5 to 8 (n = 10). A total of 62 (23%) patients had lobular inflammation, 23 (8.5%) had hepatocyte ballooning, 22 (8.2%) had steatohepatitis, and 12 (4.4%) had liver fibrosis.
CONCLUSION: Even with the use of strict criteria to eliminate all patients with any metabolic problems, a significant proportion of metabolically healthy patients had unsuspected NAFLD. The need and clinical utility of routine screening of obese patients for fatty liver disease and the role of bariatric surgery in the management of NAFLD warrants further investigation.