METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out on medical students in a public medical school. DASS-21, the neuroticism-subscale of USMaP-i and SAS-SV were administered to measure psychological distress, neuroticism, and smartphone addiction of the medical students. Spearman correlation was performed to examine the correlation between smartphone addiction with psychological distress and neuroticism. Simple linear regression was performed to investigate relationship factors of smartphone addiction.
RESULTS: A total of 574 medical students participated in this study. The prevalence of smartphone addiction was 40.6%. It was higher among male (49.2%) compared to female (36.6%) medical students. The result showed a fair positive correlation between smartphone addiction and psychological health (rdepression = 0.277, p-value
RESULTS: showed before getting simulated basic life support skills of the respondents have enough skill as much as 46.7% (14 respondents) and after getting simulated basic life support skills of respondents, 76.73% (23 respondents). Based on Wilcoxon test signed rank test (Asym.p Sig. 2 tailed) earned value 0.000. Because the value of 0.000 is less than <0.05. It can be concluded that there effect simulation help in improving basic life skills nursing profession student assistance in implementing the basic life in RSU Karsa Husada Batu. Students of the nursing profession who have obtained basic aid simulation have good skills increases due to learning their simulations to the knowledge and practice in performing basic life support.
METHODS: A survey was distributed to medical students in three consecutive years: 2017-2019. The survey contains items regarding student perception of various types of blended learning techniques applied in the course. The survey was administered using i-Clicker; an interactive device that enables students to answer survey questions. Descriptive statistics were used to examine the perception of students on these blended learning dimensions investigated.
RESULTS: Seven-hundred and one student responded to the questionnaire (male; 69.5%, female 30.5%). Out of which, 59.1% of students found team interactions positively supported discussions and asked questions freely, and 48.1% expressed that working in groups facilitated their learning process. However, 56.0% of students chose face-to-face lectures as the most preferred class activities followed by discussion 23.8%. More than 78% of participants agree that online quizzes are good experience and enjoyable. Grade center where students can check for marks and attendance also received high perception (66.3%).
CONCLUSION: Introducing modified team-based and blended-learning are considered challenging, and therefore, investigating their perceptions can provide useful insights into how these methods could be used more effectively. The blended-learning technique is highly essential in teaching medical informatics to overcome challenges faced due to a large number of students and the need for various exposures to reach the course's learning goals. Moreover, it is noticed that students were engaged in face-to-face and online activities, furthermore, modified team-based learning reported facilitating learning and asking questions without embarrassment.
METHODS: We compared two methods of OSCE feedback delivered to fourth year medical students in Malaysia: (i) Face to face (FTF) immediate feedback (semester one) (ii) Individualised enhanced written (EW) feedback containing detailed scores in each domain, examiners' free text comments and the marking rubric (semester two). Both methods were evaluated by students and staff examiners, and students' responses were compared against their OSCE performance.
RESULTS: Of the 116 students who sat for both formative OSCEs, 82.8% (n=96) and 86.2% (n=100) responded to the first and second survey respectively. Most students were comfortable to receive feedback (91.3% in FTF, 96% in EW) with EW feedback associated with higher comfort levels (p=0.022). Distress affected a small number with no differences between either method (13.5% in FTF, 10% in EW, p=0.316). Most students perceived both types of feedback improved their performance (89.6% in FTF, 95% in EW); this perception was significantly stronger for EW feedback (p=0.008). Students who preferred EW feedback had lower OSCE scores compared to those preferring FTF feedback (mean scores ± SD: 43.8 ± 5.3 in EW, 47.2 ± 6.5 in FTF, p=0.049). Students ranked the "marking rubric" to be the most valuable aspect of the EW feedback. Tutors felt both methods of feedback were equally beneficial. Few examiners felt they needed training (21.4% in FTF, 15% in EW) but students perceived this need for tutors' training differently (53.1% in FTF, 46% in EW) CONCLUSION: Whilst both methods of OSCE feedback were highly valued, students preferred to receive EW feedback and felt it was more beneficial. Learning cultures of Malaysian students may have influenced this view. Information provided in EW feedback should be tailored accordingly to provide meaningful feedback in OSCE exams.
METHODS: A modified Students Motivation towards Science Learning (SMTSL) was used to assess the digital learning usage and learning motivation among 150 UKM and 147 SUMS medical students throughout Year 1 to 5.
RESULTS: The frequency of digital learning usage and learning motivation among UKM medical students was significantly higher as compared to SUMS (p
METHODS: Third-year undergraduate dental students were facilitated to discuss stories, engage in perspective taking activities and keep a portfolio for assessment in the Stories and Perspectives selective. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data in their portfolios.
RESULTS: The dental students identified key learning points that would better prepare them for patient-centered care. Three themes emerged: (1) facilitate empathy in students, (2) stimulate self-awareness in students, and (3) motivate students to be perceptive communicators. Students were able to appreciate the complexities of care giving as it involved taking into account the thoughts and feelings of the other while recognizing their own mental state. They further valued the choice of appropriate words and actions in mediating this process.
CONCLUSION: The potential for incorporating humanities based approaches to teach patient care to dental students is favorable. Reading stories and extending this to perspective taking activities to induce creative ways to shift between experiences of self and other is a positive approach in preparing health professionals for care giving encounters.
DESIGN: Cross-sectional.
METHODS: Study was conducted among Iranian medical sciences students from April to May 2020. A total of 660 students participated in the online self-administrated questionnaire. Construct validity, convergent and divergent validity, and reliability of P-BMPN were evaluated.
RESULTS: The Exploratory factor analysis showed that the Persian version of the BMPN has 17 items with four factors: dissatisfaction, autonomy Satisfaction, relatedness satisfaction and competence satisfaction that explained 40.17% of the total variance. Based on confirmatory factor analysis, all goodness-of-fit indices confirmed the model fit.
CONCLUSION: These results suggest that the Persian version of the BMPN is a reliable and valid measure to assess satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the psychological needs in Iranian university students.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted by distributing self-administered questionnaires among pharmacy students in Malaysia. Descriptive statistics, the Mann-Whitney test, the Kruskal-Wallis test, and the Spearman's correlation test were used for analysis.
RESULTS: A total of 328 pharmacy students enrolled in this study, and 84.1% (n = 276) had video game experience. Students usually played video games using mobile phones (n = 231, 70%). Pharmacy students showed positive perceptions regarding serious games with a mean score of 3.69. However, limited awareness and knowledge of serious games was observed among pharmacy students. The most preferred game genres were role-playing and strategy (n = 174, 53%). Pharmacy students also preferred playing a cooperative game style (n = 113, 34.5%) with scores as a reward system (n = 204, 62.6%). Over three quarters (n = 292, 89.3%) wanted to see the results of the assessment after the game.
CONCLUSIONS: This research provided information on serious games preferences of local pharmacy students. Further study should evaluate the acceptance and effectiveness of the implementation of serious games among pharmacy students in Malaysia.
Results: Of the 170 participants, 60% were female and 40% were male. Participants ranged in age from twenty-four to twenty-seven years, with an average age of twenty-four years. There was a relationship between personality scores obtained for the students and their subsequent academic performance. The broad conscientiousness, competence, achievement, and dutifulness predicted academic and clinical success. The prediction accuracy of conscientiousness was improved by the inclusion of dutifulness, self-discipline, and deliberation.
Conclusion: This study confirms that the students' personality profile is a substantial predictor of academic performance and likely to help select future intakes of students, although a prospective study would be required for a definite answer to this question.