A 61-year old lady presented clinically in unstable angina with ST-segment depression typical of myocardial ischemia. However, coronary arteries were completely normal at angiography. Exercise testing reproduced symptoms and ST-segment depression. A diagnosis of Syndrome X was made, an uncommon disorder of myocardial ischemia with normal coronary anatomy and excellent prognosis.
A retrospective study was made to determine relative incidence of lymphoma subtypes in Malaysia. High grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma was found to be common. Low grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and Hodgkin's disease were relatively rare in this Malaysian series. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of B-cell immunophenotype was four times as common as that of T-cell lineage. There was a high incidence of primary extranodal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Differences in fertility between the three major ethnic groups (Malays, Chinese and Indians) in Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore have existed since before the onset of fertility decline in the late 1950s and remain today, although the relative positions and the actual differences have changed due to the varying rates of decline. By 1987, the Malays experienced the highest fertility and the Chinese the lowest in both countries but in Singapore the Malay fertility was lower than the Chinese fertility in Peninsular Malaysia. The fertility differentials will lead to changes in the ethnic composition in both countries but more so in Peninsular Malaysia.
Heat stroke is hardly seen in Malaysia. However, it occurs commonly in Saudi Arabia during the Haj season. Many Malaysian pilgrims are affected every year and some die. Having faced this environmental hazard for eight years, the Malaysian Medical Mission, sent each year to look after our pilgrims, modified its treatment strategy in 1988 and successfully decreased the overall morbidity and mortality of affected patients without the use of sophisticated equipment. A brief account of the management of 17 cases seen in 1988 is given. Only one died following treatment. The rest recovered fully without any residual neurological deficit or other complications.
The eye harbours bacteria from the time of birth throughout life. Owing to its antibacterial properties, the normal conjunctival flora plays a significant role in the defence against superficial ocular infections. In view of its protective action as well as its probable role in causing ocular disease under certain circumstances, the study of the normal flora and its pattern of antibiotic susceptibility could provide useful information in the prevention and treatment of post-surgical infections. While several such surveys have been reported from various parts of the world, no data is available for the Malaysian population. This survey seeks to establish the pattern of bacterial flora in healthy conjunctivae of Malaysians. In addition, the bacterial flora of a nondiabetic population was compared to that of a diabetic population to see if there were any differences.
Stevens-Johnson syndrome is relatively rare. The authors report a retrospective study of 34 patients seen at the University Hospital in Malaysia over 16 years and discuss the epidemiology, clinical features, complications, investigations, etiologic association, mortality, sequelae, course of the disease, and the use of steroid.
A survey was conducted on three different groups of population viz. inpatients in the medical wards of General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, the people of Kampong Pandan and two rubber estates as to their analgesic consuming habits. It is found that 0.5 to 2.0% of the people surveyed had consumed more than 2 kg of analgesics and 4.6 to 9.6% of the people surveyed had consumed more than 250g of analgesics. The commonest analgesic consumed is paracetamol followed by Chap Kaki Tiga and Chap Harimau. The commonest reason for consuming analgesic is headache. The implications of the above findings are discussed.
A bnormal variants of plasma cholinesterase (ChE, EC. are a rarity in this region and to date there is no reported case of suxamethonium sensitivity in the Malaysian population. We now report a case of a Malaysian Indian patient who received suxamethonium, developed prolonged apnoea and on investigation was found to be a homozygote for the silent gene. His family was screened for abnormal variants of plasma cholinesterase. The results are discussed.
Demographic characteristics of all patients with a diagnosis of alcoholism or alcoholic psychoses admitted between 1975 and 1978 to the Psychiatry Department, General Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, were examined. The diagnosis of alcoholism or alcoholic psychoses accounted for 2% of the total psychiatric admissions. Males greatly predominated over females and Indians greatly predominated over Malays and Chinese. Reasons for these differences are discussed.
This was a retrospective study of 177 patients above the age of 45 who were admitted to the Psychiatric Unit, University Hospital Petaling Jaya during the period October 1975 to October 1978. The available socio-demographic and clinical data from the case files were studied. The patients were divided into two groups - those with effective illnesses and those with non-affective illnesses. The differences in socio-demographic background and clinical symptomatology between the two groups and how the data compares with that in other studies was reported. The sick elderly person is an economic and psychological liagility to .his family and society. Absence of illness in the elderly not only fosters their continued independence but also improves the quality of their individual life. Though no definite correlations or conclusions could be arrived at, this study has sought to bring into awareness the necessity of delineating possible illness precipitating stress factors in the social and domestic environment of patients in later life.
Gastric cancer is an important cause of death among patients with malignancies in Malaysia. Survival of patients with gastric cancer is dependent on the stage at which diagnosis is made. We report our experience in dealing with gastric cancer in a major Ministry of Health Hospitals in Malaysia. A retrospective review of two hundred and fifty consecutive histologically proven gastric adenocarcinoma at Hospital Ipoh for the period January 1988 to 1998 was performed. The study confirms that gastric cancer is a disease of the elderly and has a male preponderance. It is also identifies the Chinese and Indians to be at increased risk of gastric cancer when compared to the Malays. The most striking finding in this study was the very late stage of disease at time of presentation. Eighty-two percent of the patients presented with stage IV disease and curative surgery was offered only to a 16% of them. In a substantial number of patients not even a palliative procedure was offered. Early detection is the key to improving survival in gastric cancer patients. There is an urgent need for clinicians to change their approach to the management of the disease. Patients with dyspeptic symptoms should be investigated early rather then wait for classical symptoms of gastric cancer.
How people perceive risk influences their behaviour towards these risks. We do not know how workers perceive risk of dying from diseases or accidents. This study was conducted among 198 workers of a security company in Malaysia. The workers were asked to score on a Likert scale of 1 to 5 the perceived risk of death of Malaysians from selected causes of death. The highest perceived risks of death were, in order of ranking, motor vehicle accidents, cancer and diabetes mellitus whereas according to the certified causes of death in Malaysia the highest risks of death among the selected items were cardiovascular disease, cancer and stroke. The difference in perception and mortality data needs be addressed.
Population norms for Health Related Quality of Life using SF-36 are described. A national sample was canvassed in 2000 using a self-administered SF-36 in Bahasa Malaysia and English. Response rate was 30.6%, with 3072 usable data. Male: Female ratio was 1.04 and mean age was 39.8 years. Quality of life was affected by age and sex. Older population and women had a poorer quality of life. Population norms for Malaysia differed from those of US, Canada and Australia. The malaysian general population norm described is useful as reference point for studies in Malaysia. Variability in scores by age and sex emphasize the need to use appropriate age- or sex-specific normative data.
The cause and effect relationship between acute pancreatitis and primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT) still evokes controversy. Our paper reviews the debate in the medical literature. In this controversy we add a case of a 49-year old non-alcoholic man presenting with recurrent attacks of acute pancreatitis. His raised serum calcium was realized rather late. Eventually, high intact parathyroid hormone levels led to open neck exploration and finding of a solitary parathyroid adenoma. Post-surgery, serum calcium returned to normal and abdominal symptoms disappeared. The case report and the accompanying literature review support our belief, that acute pancreatitis is one of the symptoms of pHPT often caused by a parathyroid adenoma and curable by its excision.
We report two patients, who have used Pneumostat to replace the conventional underwater seal drainage system for recurrent pneumothorax. Both patients had required repeated chest tube insertion for recurrent pneumothorax and needed a longer hospital stay. Both patients were able to be discharged with the Pneumostat device and were reviewed in outpatient clinic. Both patients had optimal clinical improvement and chest X-ray showed no residual pneumothorax.
This is a preliminary report on the use of the modified Airway Management Device in 50 spontaneously breathing patients undergoing elective day care surgery. We were successful in establishing a clear airway in all 50 patients, 46 of these patients had a patient airway on the first attempt. All patients were successfully managed with the Airway Management Device throughout the surgery. Partial airway obstruction during maintenance of anaesthesia occurred in three cases requiring only minor manipulations. Our result showed that the Airway Management Device may be used as an alternative airway management in anaesthesia.