MATERIALS AND METHODS: In a cross-sectional study using self-administered questionnaires, a total of 24 nurses and 43 doctors were assessed for patient-centredness, psychological distress, and job satisfaction using the Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and Job Satisfaction Scale. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, independent samples t-test and MANCOVA, with p<0.05 considered significant.
RESULTS: Overall response rate was 95.6% (43/45) for physicians and 85.7% (24/28) for nurses. Even after adjusting for known covariates, our principal finding was that doctors reported greater psychological distress compared to nurses (p=0.009). Doctors also reported lower job satisfaction compared to nurses (p = 0.017), despite higher levels of patient-centredness found in nurses (p=0.001). Findings may be explained in part by differences in job characteristics and demands.
CONCLUSIONS: Mental health is an important concern not just in cancer patients but among healthcare professionals in oncology.
METHOD: An audio-taped focus group interview was undertaken with 14 medical students using a semi-structured interview guide. The recorded discussion was transcribed verbatim and thematic analysis was performed.
RESULTS: Initial apprehension about interacting with patients lessened as the students engaged in shared activities. Students described their increased awareness of the normality and competence of psychiatric patients. As future doctors, they reported a greater understanding of the benefits of social inclusion for patients and carers alike. Promoting positive experiences of patient contact … may be important in influencing medical students' attitudes to people with mental illness
DISCUSSION: Medical students' joint participation in a group activity programme for people with mental illness in non-hospital settings may have advantages in promoting positive attitudinal change. Clinical teachers could usefully incorporate this type of experience into the undergraduate psychiatry curriculum.