Displaying publications 101 - 120 of 607 in total

  1. Weatherall J, Simonsen J, Odlaug BL
    J Med Econ, 2020 Oct;23(10):1186-1192.
    PMID: 32573296 DOI: 10.1080/13696998.2020.1786393
    AIM: To compare the health economic efficiency of health care systems across nations, within the area of schizophrenia, using a data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach.

    METHODS: The DEA was performed using countries as decision-making units, schizophrenia disease investment (cost of disease as a percentage of total health care expenditure) as the input, and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) per patient due to schizophrenia as the output. Data were obtained from the Global Burden of Disease 2017 study, the World Bank Group, and a literature search of the PubMed database.

    RESULTS: Data were obtained for 44 countries; of these, 34 had complete data and were included in the DEA. Disease investment (percentage of total health care expenditure) ranged from 1.11 in Switzerland to 6.73 in Thailand. DALYs per patient ranged from 0.621 in Lithuania to 0.651 in Malaysia. According to the DEA, countries with the most efficient schizophrenia health care were Lithuania, Norway, Switzerland and the US (all with efficiency score 1.000). The least efficient countries were Malaysia (0.955), China (0.959) and Thailand (0.965).

    LIMITATIONS: DEA findings depend on the countries and variables that are included in the dataset.

    CONCLUSIONS: In this international DEA, despite the difference in schizophrenia disease investment across countries, there was little difference in output as measured by DALYs per patient. Potentially, Lithuania, Norway, Switzerland and the US should be considered 'benchmark' countries by policy makers, thereby providing useful information to countries with less efficient systems.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care/organization & administration*
  2. Alanazi HO, Abdullah AH, Qureshi KN
    J Med Syst, 2017 Apr;41(4):69.
    PMID: 28285459 DOI: 10.1007/s10916-017-0715-6
    Recently, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been used widely in medicine and health care sector. In machine learning, the classification or prediction is a major field of AI. Today, the study of existing predictive models based on machine learning methods is extremely active. Doctors need accurate predictions for the outcomes of their patients' diseases. In addition, for accurate predictions, timing is another significant factor that influences treatment decisions. In this paper, existing predictive models in medicine and health care have critically reviewed. Furthermore, the most famous machine learning methods have explained, and the confusion between a statistical approach and machine learning has clarified. A review of related literature reveals that the predictions of existing predictive models differ even when the same dataset is used. Therefore, existing predictive models are essential, and current methods must be improved.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care/organization & administration*
  3. Johnson CD, Haldeman S, Chou R, Nordin M, Green BN, Côté P, et al.
    Eur Spine J, 2018 09;27(Suppl 6):925-945.
    PMID: 30151805 DOI: 10.1007/s00586-018-5720-z
    PURPOSE: Spine-related disorders are a leading cause of global disability and are a burden on society and to public health. Currently, there is no comprehensive, evidence-based model of care for spine-related disorders, which includes back and neck pain, deformity, spine injury, neurological conditions, spinal diseases, and pathology, that could be applied in global health care settings. The purposes of this paper are to propose: (1) principles to transform the delivery of spine care; (2) an evidence-based model that could be applied globally; and (3) implementation suggestions.

    METHODS: The Global Spine Care Initiative (GSCI) meetings and literature reviews were synthesized into a seed document and distributed to spine care experts. After three rounds of a modified Delphi process, all participants reached consensus on the final model of care and implementation steps.

    RESULTS: Sixty-six experts representing 24 countries participated. The GSCI model of care has eight core principles: person-centered, people-centered, biopsychosocial, proactive, evidence-based, integrative, collaborative, and self-sustaining. The model of care includes a classification system and care pathway, levels of care, and a focus on the patient's journey. The six steps for implementation are initiation and preparation; assessment of the current situation; planning and designing solutions; implementation; assessment and evaluation of program; and sustain program and scale up.

    CONCLUSION: The GSCI proposes an evidence-based, practical, sustainable, and scalable model of care representing eight core principles with a six-step implementation plan. The aim of this model is to help transform spine care globally, especially in low- and middle-income countries and underserved communities. These slides can be retrieved under Electronic Supplementary Material.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care/organization & administration*
  4. Kopansky-Giles D, Johnson CD, Haldeman S, Chou R, Côté P, Green BN, et al.
    Eur Spine J, 2018 09;27(Suppl 6):915-924.
    PMID: 30151804 DOI: 10.1007/s00586-018-5725-7
    PURPOSE: The purpose of this report is to describe the development of a list of resources necessary to implement a model of care for the management of spine-related concerns anywhere in the world, but especially in underserved communities and low- and middle-income countries.

    METHODS: Contents from the Global Spine Care Initiative (GSCI) Classification System and GSCI care pathway papers provided a foundation for the resources list. A seed document was developed that included resources for spine care that could be delivered in primary, secondary and tertiary settings, as well as resources needed for self-care and community-based settings for a wide variety of spine concerns (e.g., back and neck pain, deformity, spine injury, neurological conditions, pathology and spinal diseases). An iterative expert consensus process was used using electronic surveys.

    RESULTS: Thirty-five experts completed the process. An iterative consensus process was used through an electronic survey. A consensus was reached after two rounds. The checklist of resources included the following categories: healthcare provider knowledge and skills, materials and equipment, human resources, facilities and infrastructure. The list identifies resources needed to implement a spine care program in any community, which are based upon spine care needs.

    CONCLUSION: To our knowledge, this is the first international and interprofessional attempt to develop a list of resources needed to deliver care in an evidence-based care pathway for the management of people presenting with spine-related concerns. This resource list needs to be field tested in a variety of communities with different resource capacities to verify its utility. These slides can be retrieved under Electronic Supplementary Material.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care/organization & administration*
  5. Ibrahim U, Wan-Puteh SE
    Pan Afr Med J, 2018;30:150.
    PMID: 30374396 DOI: 10.11604/pamj.2018.30.150.15851
    Introduction: This study sets out to assess the roles of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in post donor health project sustainability in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs), the case of the Bauchi State, Nigeria. This study equally investigated the CSOs strategies and roles in health project sustainability.

    Methods: For quantitative data collection, the random, purposive, and convenient sampling techniques were used and 156 respondents selected from relevant organizations operating in Bauchi state, Nigeria, and 15 respondents for Key Informant Interviews (KIIs). A Semi-structured questionnaire was the study instrument, and consent from the participants as well as ethical clearances were duly obtained.

    Results: The study revealed that 87.8% of the respondents indicate un-friendly operational policies, while 88.9% of them identified lack of resources (human, money and machineries) as impediments to project sustainability. Also, 74.3% of the respondents said partnership among key stakeholders and 86.6% of them affirmed that community participation and use of available (local) resources ensure health project sustainability. The study further revealed that CSOs fund health projects, support government efforts and encourage development of project sustainability road map in the state.

    Conclusion: Hence, health project sustainability plan should form part of a project right from inception through the donor period and thereafter. In addition to the above, internal income framework, community involvement, enabling policies and partnership among stakeholders, especially with the host government, should always guide project implementation, because without these in place, project sustainability will remain a mirage.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care/organization & administration*
  6. Lim HM, Ng CJ, Teo CH, Lee PY, Kassim PSJ, Nasharuddin NA, et al.
    PLoS One, 2021;16(6):e0253471.
    PMID: 34166432 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0253471
    BACKGROUND: Engaging students in the e-learning development process enhances the effective implementation of e-learning, however, students' priority on the topics for e-learning may differ from that of the educators. This study aims to compare the differences between the students and their educators in prioritising the topics in three healthcare curricula for reusable e-learning object (RLO) development.

    METHOD: A modified Delphi study was conducted among students and educators from University Malaya (UM), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and Taylor's University (TU) on three undergraduate programmes. In Round 1, participants were asked to select the topics from the respective syllabi to be developed into RLOs. Priority ranking was determined by using frequencies and proportions. The first quartile of the prioritised topics was included in Round 2 survey, which the participants were asked to rate the level of priority of each topic using a 5-point Likert scale. The mean score of the topics was compared between students and educators.

    RESULT: A total of 43 educators and 377 students participated in this study. For UM and TU Pharmacy, there was a mismatch in the prioritised topics between the students and educators. For UPM, both the educators and students have prioritised the same topics in both rounds. To harmonise the prioritisation of topics between students and educators for UM and TU Pharmacy, the topics with a higher mean score by both the students and educators were prioritised.

    CONCLUSION: The mismatch in prioritised topics between students and educators uncovered factors that might influence the prioritisation process. This study highlighted the importance of conducting needs assessment at the beginning of eLearning resources development.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care*
  7. Md Hamzah N, Yu MM, See KF
    Health Care Manag Sci, 2021 Jun;24(2):273-285.
    PMID: 33651316 DOI: 10.1007/s10729-020-09539-9
    Malaysia was faced with a life-threatening crisis in combating COVID-19 with a number of positive cases reaching 5305 and 88 deaths by 18th April 2020 (the first detected case was on 25th January 2020). The government rapidly initiated a public health response and provided adequate medical care to manage the public health crisis during the implementation of movement restrictions, starting 18th March 2020, throughout the country. The objective of this study was to investigate the relative efficiency level of managing COVID-19 in Malaysia using network data envelopment analysis. Malaysia state-level data were extracted from secondary data sources which include variables such as total number of confirmed cases, death cases and recovered cases. These variables were used as inputs and outputs in a network process that consists of 3 sub processes i) community surveillance, ii) medical care I and iii) medical care II. A state-level analysis was performed according to low, medium and high population density categories. The efficiency level of community surveillance was highest compared to medical care processes, indicating that the overall inefficiency is greatly influenced by the inefficiency of the medical care processes rather than the community surveillance process. Results showed that high-density category performed well in both community surveillance and medical care II processes. Meanwhile, low-density category performed better in medical care I process. There was a good overall performance of the health system in Malaysia reflecting a strong preparedness and response level to this pandemic. Furthermore, resource allocation for rapid response was distributed effectively during this challenging period.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care/standards*
  8. Ali N, Tretiakov A, Whiddett D, Hunter I
    Int J Med Inform, 2017 01;97:331-340.
    PMID: 27919392 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2016.11.004
    PURPOSE: To deliver high-quality healthcare doctors need to access, interpret, and share appropriate and localised medical knowledge. Information technology is widely used to facilitate the management of this knowledge in healthcare organisations. The purpose of this study is to develop a knowledge management systems success model for healthcare organisations.

    METHOD: A model was formulated by extending an existing generic knowledge management systems success model by including organisational and system factors relevant to healthcare. It was tested by using data obtained from 263 doctors working within two district health boards in New Zealand.

    RESULTS: Of the system factors, knowledge content quality was found to be particularly important for knowledge management systems success. Of the organisational factors, leadership was the most important, and more important than incentives.

    CONCLUSION: Leadership promoted knowledge management systems success primarily by positively affecting knowledge content quality. Leadership also promoted knowledge management use for retrieval, which should lead to the use of that better quality knowledge by the doctors, ultimately resulting in better outcomes for patients.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care/organization & administration*
  9. Lim KK, Chan M, Navarra S, Haq SA, Lau CS
    Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol, 2016 06;30(3):398-419.
    PMID: 27886939 DOI: 10.1016/j.berh.2016.08.007
    This chapter discusses the challenges faced in the development and implementation of musculoskeletal (MSK) Models of Care (MoCs) in middle-income and low-income countries in Asia and outlines the components of an effective MoC for MSK conditions. Case studies of four such countries (The Philippines, Malaysia, Bangladesh and Myanmar) are presented, and their unique implementation issues are discussed. The success experienced in one high-income country (Singapore) is also described as a comparison. The Community Oriented Program for Control of Rheumatic Diseases (COPCORD) project and the role of Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology (APLAR), a professional body supporting MoC initiatives in this region, are also discussed. The experience and lessons learned from these case studies can provide useful information to guide the implementation of future MSK MoC initiatives in other middle-income and low-income countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care/methods*
  10. Kuruvilla S, Hinton R, Boerma T, Bunney R, Casamitjana N, Cortez R, et al.
    BMJ, 2018 Dec 07;363:k4771.
    PMID: 30530519 DOI: 10.1136/bmj.k4771
    Shyama Kuruvilla and colleagues present findings across 12 country case studies of multisectoral collaboration, showing how diverse sectors intentionally shape new ways of collaborating and learning, using “business not as usual” strategies to transform situations and achieve shared goals
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care/methods*
  11. Joshi D, Sharma I, Gupta S, Singh TG, Dhiman S, Prashar A, et al.
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2021 Nov;28(42):59608-59629.
    PMID: 34515931 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-16345-5
    Medical devices, being life-saving tools, are considered to be a boon for healthcare system. However, in addition to their therapeutic effects, there are several ill consequences that are caused by these devices. An effective cohort vigilant system was needed to manage such adverse effects. This had led to the introduction of materiovigilance. Materiovigilance is the study and follow-up of occurrences that arise as a result from the usage of the medical equipment. It not only manages adverse events (AE) but also creates harmonization among countries. Keeping these objectives in focus, the principles, perspectives, and practices with regard to materiovigilance that are followed in the USA, Europe, China, Japan, Australia, Canada, and India are being compared. Such a comparison is essential, which will help us to understand the gaps in the current regulatory systems in the above-mentioned countries and furthermore will provide a comprehensive picture to the regulatory authorities to amend any existing laws if required. These amendments may ensure optimal patient safety by providing them a benign experience from the use of medical devices.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care*
  12. Sharma A, Sundaram S, Malviya R, Verma S, Fuloria NK, Fuloria S, et al.
    Infect Disord Drug Targets, 2023;23(3):e190922208916.
    PMID: 36121085 DOI: 10.2174/1871526522666220919105643
    The perspective of the people of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) toward both traditional and western healthcare systems varies. The goal of the current study is to examine the SSA's unique skin disease health care system. This study comprises numerous research that sought to examine how the general public feels about the SSA's current healthcare system. In this review, common skin conditions, such as atopic dermatitis, buruli ulcers, dermatophytosis, and scabies, are addressed. According to this report, government agencies must pay particular attention to skin illnesses in SSA and raise public awareness. Availability of medical care, socioeconomic factors, degree of education, and other factors influence patients' attitudes toward traditional and western health care differently in different geographic areas. Facts suggest that self-medication is the preference of the majority of patients before seeking dermatological care. The present study concludes that the magnitude of skin diseases is neglected or underestimated in many regions of SSA. Also, western healthcare facilities of many regions of SSA are not up to the mark. The present study recommends that proper access to the health care system and awareness about skin diseases through various government programs can be helpful in the regulation of skin disorders among people of SSA.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care*
  13. Anis-Syakira J, Jawahir S, Abu Bakar NS, Mohd Noh SN, Jamalul-Lail NI, Hamidi N, et al.
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Oct 21;19(20).
    PMID: 36294242 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph192013663
    The proportion of Malaysians of all ages who use private outpatient services has dropped over time, highlighting the overstretched condition of public outpatient facilities compared to their private counterparts. This paper aims to determine the prevalence of outpatient care, characteristics of outpatient care users by sector, and the factors affecting the utilisation of private outpatient services among the adult population of Malaysia using Andersen's behavioural model. Data from the National Health Morbidity Survey 2019 (NHMS 2019), a nationwide survey, were analysed. Logistic regression analysis was performed to explore the association of predisposing (locality, age, sex, ethnicity, education level, and marital status), enabling (working status, health care coverage, and household income), and need factors (perceived and evaluated needs) with the use of private outpatient services. Variables with a statistical significance ≤ 0.25 in the univariate regression analysis were included in the final multivariable logistic regression analysis. A total of 11,674 respondents, estimated to represent 22.4 million adults aged 18 years and above in Malaysia, were included for analysis. Overall, 8.3% of the adult population of Malaysia used outpatient care and 33.9% used the private sector. Those living in urban areas (OR = 1.80, 95% CI = 1.02, 3.18), non-Malays (OR = 1.74, 95% CI = 1.04, 2.93), those working (OR = 2.47, 95% CI = 1.48, 4.10), those with employer coverage (OR = 4.73, 95% CI = 2.79, 8.01), and those with health problems (OR = 2.26, 95% CI = 1.26, 4.05) were more likely to utilise private outpatient services. Those who self-rated their health status as fair (OR = 0.54, 95% CI = 0.33, 0.91) and who had diabetes, hypertension, or hypercholesterolemia (OR = 0.56, 95% CI = 0.31, 1.02) were less likely to utilise private outpatient services. The predisposing and enabling factors were associated with the use of private outpatient services, and the need factors were strong predictors of private outpatient care utilisation among adults. Understanding the factors associated with the utilisation of private outpatient services could aid in the development of effective initiatives designed to enhance outpatient care access among the population of Malaysia and balance the burden of outpatient care provision on the public and private sector.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care*
  14. Ahmad NA, Mat Ludin AF, Shahar S, Mohd Noah SA, Mohd Tohit N
    BMJ Open, 2022 Mar 09;12(3):e054561.
    PMID: 35264349 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-054561
    OBJECTIVES: This scoping review aims to identify the level of willingness, the existing barriers, and motivators among older adults in using mobile applications to monitor and manage their health conditions. The secondary aim of this paper is to categorise these willingness, barriers and motivators using the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF).

    DESIGN: Scoping review.

    DATA SOURCE: PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, Google Scholar and Science Direct (January 2009-December 2020).

    STUDY SELECTION: Studies that describe older adults' perspectives with regard to their willingness, barriers or motivators towards the use of mobile applications in monitoring and managing their health condition were included.

    DATA EXTRACTION: Titles and abstracts were initially screened by two reviewers. Articles agreed by both reviewers were proceeded to full-text screening. One reviewer extracted the data, which were verified by a second reviewer. Findings were further classified according to the 14 TDF domains by two researchers.

    RESULTS: Six studies were included in the final scoping review. Barriers to adopting mobile applications for health-related interventions among older adults were the most common topic identified in the included studies. Barriers included being unaware of the existence of mobile health applications, lack of technological skills, lack of perceived ability and time, absence of professional involvements, and violation of trust and privacy. With regard to willingness, older adults are willing to use mobile applications if the apps incorporated features from a trusted source and have valid credentials. Motivators included continuous improvements of mobile applications' design interface and personalised features tailored to older adults' needs.

    CONCLUSIONS: With the constant research for more diversified technology, the development of mobile applications to help older adults to manage and monitor health is seen as feasible, but barriers have to be addressed. The most prominent barriers linked to TDF domains were: (1) technological skills, (2) belief about consequences, and (3) memory, attention and decision process. Future interventions should use behaviour change techniques that target these three TDF domains in order to improve the ability to engage older adults with mobile technology.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care/methods
  15. Che Jamaludin FI, Abdullah MRTL, Endut MNAA, Saifuddeen SM, Hamimi KA, Harun S
    BMJ Open, 2025 Jan 06;15(1):e082263.
    PMID: 39762112 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-082263
    INTRODUCTION: In an increasingly diverse healthcare landscape, addressing the specific needs of Muslim patients has become paramount. The absence of comprehensive frameworks for Shariah-compliant healthcare services often poses challenges for healthcare professionals striving to provide care that aligns with Islamic values.

    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to develop a comprehensive framework for Shariah-compliant healthcare services, ensuring alignment with Islamic practices in healthcare.

    METHODS, SETTING, PARTICIPANTS: This consensus study employed a key input approach using the fuzzy Delphi method (FDM) and interpretive structural modelling. Conducted in Malaysia, the study involved 10 experts from various regions across the country. These experts were selected based on clear criteria that included professionals with experience in Islamic and/or healthcare, while those lacking relevant expertise were excluded.

    RESULTS: The primary outcome was the identification of pertinent elements for the framework, with final elements measured based on expert consensus achieved through FDM. The panel of experts reached consensus on 10 essential elements that form the backbone of the framework for Shariah-compliant healthcare services. These elements include governance, medical ethics, patient care, human resources and professional development, facilities for Islamic worship (ibadah), spiritual care support, end-of-life care, Islamic environment, medicine and drugs, and affordability and accessibility.

    CONCLUSION: Ultimately, the development of this comprehensive framework is a crucial step in addressing the specific needs and concerns of Muslim patients worldwide. By incorporating the input and consensus of experts from various relevant fields, the resulting framework provides healthcare professionals with a solid foundation to deliver healthcare services that align with Islamic values, ultimately promoting the well-being of Muslim patients in Malaysia and tourists globally.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care/organization & administration
  16. Ahmedy F, Yin KN, Sybil Shah S, Darsin Singh SK, Amat NAF, Francis FA, et al.
    J Rehabil Med, 2025 Feb 05;57:jrm40166.
    PMID: 39907216 DOI: 10.2340/jrm.v57.40166
    OBJECTIVE: This paper aims to outline the foundational framework for strengthening rehabilitation services in Sabah, Malaysia, through a collaborative capacity-building initiative between Hospital Universiti Malaysia Sabah (HUMS) and the Sabah State Health Department (JKNS). By focusing on academic, research, and service capacity-building, this partnership seeks to address the rehabilitation needs of the local population, particularly for individuals with functional limitations.

    METHODS: The collaboration integrates HUMS's academic and clinical strengths with JKNS's existing rehabilitation services. Key components include developing postgraduate training for rehabilitation medicine, expanding community-based rehabilitation outreach services, and establishing a referral network between hospitals and community healthcare providers.

    RESULTS: The partnership has resulted in the implementation of a comprehensive framework that enhances academic capacity, fosters research collaboration, and improves rehabilitation service delivery across Sabah. This approach is aligned with the WHO's Rehabilitation 2030 initiative, advocating for stronger integration of rehabilitation into healthcare systems.

    CONCLUSION: The collaborative efforts between HUMS and JKNS demonstrate the critical role of partnerships between academic institutions and public health departments in strengthening rehabilitation services. This model offers a replicable strategy for influencing policy development and ensuring resource allocation to meet the growing rehabilitation needs in underserved regions.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care/organization & administration
  17. Bulgiba AM
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2004;16(1):64-71.
    PMID: 18839870 DOI: 10.1177/101053950401600111
    In 1998, Malaysia opened its first hospital based on the "paperless and filmless" concept. Two are now in operation, with more to follow. Telemedicine is now being used in some hospitals and is slated to be the technology to watch. Future use of technology in health care will centre on the use of centralised patient databases and more effective use of artificial intelligence. Stumbling blocks include the enormous capital costs involved and difficulty in getting sufficient bandwidth to support applications on a national scale. Problems with the use of information technology in developing countries still remain; mainly inadequate skilled resources to operate and maintain the technology, lack of home-grown technology, insufficient experience in the use of information technology in health care and the attitudes of some health staff. The challenge for those involved in this field will not be in building new "paperless and filmless" institutions but in transforming current "paper and film-based" institutions to "paperless and filmless" ones and changing the mindset of health staff. Universities and medical schools must be prepared to respond to this new wave by incorporating elements of medical/health informatics in their curriculum and assisting governments in the planning and implementation of these projects. The experience of the UMMC is highlighted as an example of the difficulty of transforming a paper-based hospital to a "paperless and filmless" hospital.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care/trends*
  18. Choi S, Park S, Kim SY
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2018 07;30(5):458-469.
    PMID: 30051720 DOI: 10.1177/1010539518789351
    We examined the constitutional provisions on the right to health in the Western Pacific region countries and compared universal health coverage (UHC) achievement. In 9 of the 11 countries, the constitution had provisions related to health rights, of which 7 countries also included details related to the health care system. Additionally, 5 countries also had provisions for the vulnerable. The countries with weak state obligation and no clear provisions on health rights (China and Laos) all recorded low UHC achievement scores. Australia and Malaysia, which do not have constitutional provisions regarding health, have achieved high UHC achievement scores. Constitution is the supreme law of a country and the basis for developing and implementing health and medical laws and policies. In addition, laws or constitutions that regulate the rights to health can help gain access to health care. Follow-up research related to the constitutional right to health will be needed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care/legislation & jurisprudence*
  19. Sivalal S
    Int J Technol Assess Health Care, 2009 Jul;25 Suppl 1:224-30.
    PMID: 19527541 DOI: 10.1017/S0266462309090679
    Malaysia, as a rapidly developing country, has been facing tremendous pressures in its attempts to maximize scarce resources. Despite this problem, Malaysia has made great strides in developing its health services, and has successfully provided good access to the population to healthcare services, reduced the incidence of many communicable diseases, and improved life expectancies and other global indices of health care, some of which are comparable to that of developed countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
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