Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 607 in total

  1. Belton JL, Slater H, Ravindran TKS, Briggs AM
    J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 2023 Apr;53(4):162-171.
    PMID: 36507691 DOI: 10.2519/jospt.2022.11427
    BACKGROUND: Despite the rising burden of musculoskeletal (MSK) problems (MSK conditions, MSK pain, and MSK injury and trauma) in most countries, actions to improve (strengthen) systems for supporting MSK health are often low on the priority list, relative to other noncommunicable diseases. Delivering effective, person-centered and equitable MSK health care requires strengthening systems for health, for example, through policy, financing, service delivery, and workforce initiatives. A critical, but often overlooked component is genuine integration of lived experience perspectives to cocreate care and systems that are responsive to people's needs and contexts. CLINICAL QUESTION: How can cocreation approaches support effective, person-centered and equitable MSK health care? What principles can stakeholders adopt to build responsive health systems? KEY RESULTS: Lived experience perspectives are not systematically integrated in initiatives to strengthen health systems. However, such integration is critical to creating equitable and person-centered health systems that provide care and support healthy populations. Cocreation principles and frameworks can guide processes to strengthen health systems, which must include historically marginalized groups and consider social and environmental contexts as they relate to health. CLINICAL APPLICATION: Clinicians, educators, and policy-makers play a critical role in creating equitable health systems and environments, and driving system reform with people who have lived experience. Genuine cocreation approaches capture diverse economic development (in particular, low-resource settings where health inequities are more prevalent), span the life course and diagnostic categories, are appropriate and/or adapted for the context and setting, and reflect evolving standards and opportunities for MSK health. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2023;53(4):1-10. Epub: 12 December 2022. doi:10.2519/jospt.2022.11427.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  2. Abdullah BJ, Ng KH, Pathmanathan R
    Med J Malaysia, 1999 Jun;54(2):169-74.
    PMID: 10972025
    Teleradiology is the most mature and rapidly evolving specialty in telemedicine. The use of teleradiology has grown tremendously during the past few years. This article describes the role of teleradiology in health care along with a brief history of its development in tandem with advances in telecommunications and computer technologies. Teleradiology standards, image acquisition, data compression, transmission and image interpretation are summarised. The impact of teleradiology in the practice of radiology, traces the evolution of the modality especially in the Malaysian perspective and its current and future role are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care*
  3. Ahad A, Tahir M, Aman Sheikh M, Ahmed KI, Mughees A, Numani A
    Sensors (Basel), 2020 Jul 21;20(14).
    PMID: 32708139 DOI: 10.3390/s20144047
    Smart health-care is undergoing rapid transformation from the conventional specialist and hospital-focused style to a distributed patient-focused manner. Several technological developments have encouraged this rapid revolution of health-care vertical. Currently, 4G and other communication standards are used in health-care for smart health-care services and applications. These technologies are crucial for the evolution of future smart health-care services. With the growth in the health-care industry, several applications are expected to produce a massive amount of data in different format and size. Such immense and diverse data needs special treatment concerning the end-to-end delay, bandwidth, latency and other attributes. It is difficult for current communication technologies to fulfil the requirements of highly dynamic and time-sensitive health care applications of the future. Therefore, the 5G networks are being designed and developed to tackle the diverse communication needs of health-care applications in Internet of Things (IoT). 5G assisted smart health-care networks are an amalgamation of IoT devices that require improved network performance and enhanced cellular coverage. Current connectivity solutions for IoT face challenges, such as the support for a massive number of devices, standardisation, energy-efficiency, device density, and security. In this paper, we present a comprehensive review of 5G assisted smart health-care solutions in IoT. We present a structure for smart health-care in 5G by categorizing and classifying existing literature. We also present key requirements for successful deployment of smart health-care systems for certain scenarios in 5G. Finally, we discuss several open issues and research challenges in 5G smart health-care solutions in IoT.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care*
  4. Marešová P, Klímová B, Honegr J, Kuča K, Ibrahim WNH, Selamat A
    Front Public Health, 2020;8:308.
    PMID: 32903646 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.00308
    Objective: Medical device development, from the product's conception to release to market, is very complex and relies significantly on the application of exact processes. This paper aims to provide an analysis and summary of current research in the field of medical device development methodologies, discuss its phases, and evaluate the associated legislative and risk aspects. Methods: The literature search was conducted to detect peer-reviewed studies in Scopus, Web of Science, and Science Direct, on content published between 2007 and November 2019. Based on exclusion and inclusion criteria, 13 papers were included in the first session and 11 were included in the second session. Thus, a total of 24 papers were analyzed. Most of the publications originated in the United States (7 out of 24). Results: The medical device development process comprises one to seven stages. Six studies also contain a model of the medical device development process for all stages or for just some of the stages. These studies specifically describe the concept stage during which all uncertainties, such as the clinical need definition, customer requirements/needs, finances, reimbursement strategy, team selection, and legal aspects, must be considered. Conclusion: The crucial factor in healthcare safety is the stability of factors over a long production time. Good manufacturing practices cannot be tested on individual batches of products; they must be inherently built into the manufacturing process. The key issues that must be addressed in the future are the consistency in the classification of devices throughout the EU and globally, and the transparency of approval processes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care*
  5. Singh K
    Med J Malaya, 1970 Dec;25(2):79-82.
    PMID: 4251139
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care*
  6. Memon MA, Khan S, Alam K, Rahman MM, Yunus RM
    Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech, 2020 Dec 04;31(2):234-240.
    PMID: 33284258 DOI: 10.1097/SLE.0000000000000889
    In the era of evidence-based decision-making, systematic reviews (SRs) are being widely used in many health care policies, government programs, and academic disciplines. SRs are detailed and comprehensive literature review of a specific research topic with a view to identifying, appraising, and synthesizing the research findings from various relevant primary studies. A SR therefore extracts the relevant summary information from the selected studies without bias by strictly adhering to the review procedures and protocols. This paper presents all underlying concepts, stages, steps, and procedures in conducting and publishing SRs. Unlike the findings of narrative reviews, the synthesized results of any SRs are reproducible, not subjective and bias free. However, there are a number of issues related to SRs that directly impact on the quality of the end results. If the selected studies are of high quality, the criteria of the SRs are fully satisfied, and the results constitute the highest level of evidence. It is therefore essential that the end users of SRs are aware of the weaknesses and strengths of the underlying processes and techniques so that they could assess the results in the correct perspective within the context of the research question.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care*
  7. Tenkorang PO, Awuah WA, Ng JC, Kalmanovich J, Nazir A, Yarlagadda R, et al.
    Neurosurgery, 2023 Mar 01;92(3):e72-e73.
    PMID: 36700753 DOI: 10.1227/neu.0000000000002330
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care*
  8. Med J Malaysia, 1995 May;50 Suppl A:S20-1.
    PMID: 10968008
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care/legislation & jurisprudence*; Delivery of Health Care/organization & administration*
  9. Anuwar AHK, Ab-Murat N
    Oral Health Prev Dent, 2021 Jan 07;19(1):217-227.
    PMID: 33829719 DOI: 10.3290/j.ohpd.b1179509
    PURPOSE: To develop an evidence-based Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) on caries management for the Malaysian population using the ADAPTE trans-contextual adaptation framework.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A systematic search was conducted to identify all CPGs related to caries management on guideline repository websites and other platforms. The search findings were screened and the quality of the identified guidelines was evaluated using the AGREE II tool. The currency and the content of the recommendations were assessed by multidisciplinary experts for local adaptation.

    RESULTS: Following an extensive assessment, six high-quality CPGs were selected for adaptation. Subsequent to the content assessment, the multidisciplinary experts agreed to adopt 24 recommendations, adapt 55, and exclude two recommendations. The adaptation process generated 21 recommendations for caries management in Malaysia. The formulation of the final evidence-based recommendations for caries management in Malaysia was based on the feedback given by the external reviewers.

    CONCLUSION: The use of the trans-contextual adaptation process is feasible for the development of local guidelines when there are scarce resources and insufficient local evidence. The involvement of the multidisciplinary experts ensures the comprehensiveness of the CPG in terms of its quality and validity and subsequently promotes adherence and ownership of the CPG at the local settings.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  10. Portelly J
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  11. Drummond MF, Augustovski F, Bhattacharyya D, Campbell J, Chaiyakanapruk N, Chen Y, et al.
    Value Health, 2022 Aug;25(8):1257-1267.
    PMID: 35931428 DOI: 10.1016/j.jval.2022.02.006
    Health technology assessment (HTA) has been growing in use over the past 40 years, especially in its impact on decisions regarding the reimbursement, adoption, and use of new drugs, devices, and procedures. In countries or jurisdictions with "pluralistic" healthcare systems, there are multiple payers or sectors, each of which could potentially benefit from HTA. Nevertheless, a single HTA, conducted centrally, may not meet the needs of these different actors, who may have different budgets, current standards of care, populations to serve, or decision-making processes. This article reports on the research conducted by an ISPOR Health Technology Assessment Council Working Group established to examine the specific challenges of conducting and using HTA in countries with pluralistic healthcare systems. The Group used its own knowledge and expertise, supplemented by a narrative literature review and survey of US payers, to identify existing challenges and any initiatives taken to address them. We recommend that countries with pluralistic healthcare systems establish a national focus for HTA, develop a uniform set of HTA methods guidelines, ensure that HTAs are produced in a timely fashion, facilitate the use of HTA in the local setting, and develop a framework to encourage transparency in HTA. These efforts can be enhanced by the development of good practice guidance from ISPOR or similar groups and increased training to facilitate local use of HTA.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care
  12. Idris I
    Med J Malaysia, 2003 Mar;58 Suppl A:119-22.
    PMID: 14556359
    The people who are in detention are screened by the Medical Officer of the Prison and if they are found to be unwell, these prisoners will be accommodated in the sickbay and medical treatment will be provided. If their sickness needs further investigations and management, they will be sent to the Government Hospital. If the prisoners are found to have infectious or contagious diseases, steps will be taken to prevent the spread of these diseases to other prisoners in the prison. Prisoners are given time to exercise to maintain good health and their clothing are regularly washed to make sure that they will not contract skin diseases, e.g. scabies, ringworm, etc. The Prison Department since 1989 has increasing numbers of HIV positive prisoners. The Department complies with this problem by sending staff for courses, lectures and seminars so that they will be able to handle these prisoners more efficiently in the prison. When these HIV/AIDS prisoners' condition turns bad, they are usually transferred to a Government Hospital. Another of the Prison Department's prominent medical problem among the prisoners is drug addiction. Staff trained with skill and techniques are counselors for the drug related prisoners. Realizing and in anticipation that the sickbays in the prisons are going to be full of HIV/AIDS prisoners and drug related prisoners, special attention will be given to more allocation to upgrade the sickbays in the prison. White attires will be provided to the sick prisoners in the sickbays so that they will look neat and clean. More doctors, medical assistants and nurses will be employed so that appropriate medical care or rather more appropriate medical care can be provided to the sick prisoners in the prisons. The Prison Department is in the process of privatizing medical care for prisoners in the prison and the Department is also trying to convert some prisons to be medical prisons so that adequate medical care can be given to the sick prisoners.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care/standards*
  13. Singh S, Bala MM, Kumar N, Janor H
    Int J Health Plann Manage, 2021 Jul;36(4):1236-1250.
    PMID: 33855765 DOI: 10.1002/hpm.3169
    This study assesses and compares the productive efficiency of the national healthcare system of the ASEAN region which includes Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam amidst rising mortality rate from noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) era. Nonparametric data envelopment analysis technique based on the Malmquist Productivity Index is performed and its components, total factor productivity change, technical change and technological change are compared across the region. Two different models are considered in assessing and comparing the technical efficiency of the national healthcare system across the region with life expectancy at birth and mortality rate from NCDs as parallel health care output for both the models. The mean value of total factor productivity is 0.983 and 0.974 which suggests that national healthcare system productivity efficiency decays by 1.7% for Model I and 2.6% for Model II, respectively. This suggests that the health care system inefficiencies across the ASEAN region have not made life expectancy to improve as much as it should be and curtailed the mortality rate from growing chronic NCDs within a decade. The region is likely to lag behind in achieving SDGs 3 target 4 on reducing by one-third premature mortality from chronic NCDs unless the health care system's technical efficiency is improved across the region. The finding suggests a microlevel study on each country to identify major sources of healthcare system inefficiency in a bid to ameliorate it.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care*
  14. Cheong WL
    Health Aff (Millwood), 2016 08 01;35(8):1547.
    PMID: 27503988 DOI: 10.1377/hlthaff.2016.0791
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care*
  15. Chen PC
    Med J Malaysia, 1975 Jun;29(4):237-9.
    PMID: 1196171
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care*
  16. Che Musa MF, Bernabé E, Gallagher JE
    Int Dent J, 2020 Oct;70(5):360-373.
    PMID: 32476143 DOI: 10.1111/idj.12575
    OBJECTIVE: The dental workforce is facing unprecedented change globally as a result of multiple influences. There is a need for research informed action to map possible drivers for change at the national level and examine their potential implications in order to shape the dental workforce to serve population needs. The objective of this study was to explore key stakeholders' views on the drivers for change for the Malaysian dental workforce and their potential implications.

    METHOD: Stakeholders from key dental organisations/professions in Malaysia were purposively sampled and invited to participate in a semi-structured interview (n = 20) using a pre-tested topic guide. Interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed using Framework Analysis.

    RESULTS: Drivers for workforce were identified across four main domains: policy-politics; trends in demography; social and economic; and, technology-scientific development. The pace of change and possible interplay between drivers, most notably government policy, liberalisation of education and health services and challenges of workforce governance, followed by Malaysian demography and health trends. Implications for the future, including possible uncertainties, particularly in relation to specialisation and privatisation were identified, together in balancing and meeting public health needs/demands with professional career expectations.

    CONCLUSION: Stakeholders' views on the high-level drivers for change broadly mirror those of high-income countries; however, specific challenges for Malaysia relate to rapid expansion of dental education and a young workforce with significant career aspirations, together with imbalances in the health care system. The impact of these drivers was perceived as leading to greatest uncertainty around specialisation and privatisation of the future workforce.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care*
  17. Zamzam AH, Abdul Wahab AK, Azizan MM, Satapathy SC, Lai KW, Hasikin K
    Front Public Health, 2021;9:753951.
    PMID: 34646808 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.753951
    Medical equipment highly contributes to the effectiveness of healthcare services quality. Generally, healthcare institutions experience malfunctioning and unavailability of medical equipment that affects the healthcare services delivery to the public. The problems are frequently due to a deficiency in managing and maintaining the medical equipment condition by the responsible party. The assessment of the medical equipment condition is an important activity during the maintenance and management of the equipment life cycle to increase availability, performance, and safety. The study aimed to perform a systematic review in extracting and categorising the input parameters applied in assessing the medical equipment condition. A systematic searching was undertaken in several databases, including Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct, IEEE Xplore, Emerald, Springer, Medline, and Dimensions, from 2000 to 2020. The searching processes were conducted in January 2020. A total of 16 articles were included in this study by adopting Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). The review managed to classify eight categories of medical equipment reliability attributes, namely equipment features, function, maintenance requirement, performance, risk and safety, availability and readiness, utilisation, and cost. Applying the eight attributes extracted from computerised asset maintenance management system will assist the clinical engineers in assessing the reliability of medical equipment utilised in healthcare institution. The reliability assessment done in these eight attributes will aid clinical engineers in executing a strategic maintenance action, which can increase the equipment's availability, upkeep the performance, optimise the resources, and eventually contributes in providing effective healthcare service to the community. Finally, the recommendations for future works are presented at the end of this study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care*
  18. Syeed MS, Poudel N, Ngorsuraches S, Veettil SK, Chaiyakunapruk N
    J Med Econ, 2022 10 28;25(1):1158-1166.
    PMID: 36301001 DOI: 10.1080/13696998.2022.2140591
    OBJECTIVES: Characterizing and evaluating the holistic value of innovative healthcare technologies (e.g. treatments, services) constitutes a crucial goal to maximize limited resources. However, the characteristics of innovation have not been well identified. This review aims to describe the characteristics of healthcare innovation.

    METHODS: We performed a comprehensive systematic search using PubMed, Embase, PsycINFO, and Econlit from inception to July 2022. Articles were included if they described innovation or the characteristics of innovation of the technologies in healthcare. Characteristics or definitions of innovation directly or indirectly described as innovation were extracted from the included articles. Two independent reviewers then conceptualized the identified characteristics of innovation to generate innovation attributes in healthcare.

    RESULTS: In total, 103 articles were included in this review. Eight attributes describing innovation, i.e. novelty, step change, substantial benefits, an improvement over existing technologies, convenience and/or adherence, added value, acceptable cost, and uncounted benefits, were conceptualized. Most of the identified innovation attributes were based on the researchers' perspective.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study conceptualized innovation attributes in healthcare based on the characteristics of healthcare innovation as defined in the literature. Further research is warranted to obtain a complete understanding of the perspectives of researchers and other stakeholders, including patients, healthcare providers, healthcare payers, and the pharmaceutical industry, on recognizing innovation in healthcare.KEY POINTSThis is the first systematic review to conceptualize attributes of healthcare innovation.We conceptualized eight attributes describing innovation, i.e. novelty, step change, substantial benefits, an improvement over existing technologies, convenience and/or adherence, added value, acceptable cost, and uncounted benefits based on the similar concept.In existing literature, patients' and caregivers' perspectives were less frequently found to describe the innovation attributes.Future research is needed to identify, measure, and value various stakeholders, including patients' and caregivers' perspectives on healthcare innovation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care*
  19. BMC Public Health, 2012 Nov 27;12 Suppl 2:A1-40.
    PMID: 23211035
    A1. The post discharge stroke care services in Malaysia: a pilot analysis of self-reported practices of family medicine specialists at public health centres
    Authors: Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Nor Azah Aziz, Saperi Sulong and Syed Mohamed Aljunid
    A2. Home-based carer-assisted therapy for people with stroke: findings from a randomised controlled trial
    Authors: Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Noor Azah Aziz, Saperi Sulong and Syed Mohamed Aljunid
    A3. Disaster management: a study on knowledge, attitude and practice of emergency nurse and community health nurse
    Authors: Nurul’Ain Ahayalimudin, Aniza Ismail and Ismail Mohd Saiboon
    A4. Patient-reported outcomes after one year of periodontal treatment at public specialist dental clinics in Peninsular Malaysia
    Authors: Tuti Ningseh Mohd Dom, Syed Mohamed Al Junid, Mohd Rizal Abd Manaf, Khairiyah Abd Muttalib, Ahmad Sharifuddin Mohd Asari, Rasidah Ayob, Yuhaniz Ahmad Yaziz, Noorlin Ishak, Hanizah Abdul Aziz and Noordin Kasan
    A5. Level of patients' satisfaction toward National Health Insurance in Istanbul City-Turkey
    Authors: Saad Ahmed Ali Jadoo, Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh, Zafar Ahmed and Ammar Jawdat
    A6. Epidemiological pattern of acute respiratory infection among under-fives in Almazar Aljanoubi District -South Jordan
    Authors: Ibrahim Al-nawaiseh, Ahmad Alkafajei, Jamal Hisham Hashim, Zaleha Md Isa, Nedal Awad Alnawaiseh and Samar Jameel Salahat
    A7. Function and quality of life following stroke rehabilitation: have our stroke patients gained optimum recovery?
    Authors: Nor Azlin Mohd Nordin, Noor Azah Aziz, Saperi Sulong and Syed Mohamed Aljunid
    A8. Health impact of intimate partner violence and implication on services in Malaysia
    Authors: Siti Hawa Ali, Tengku Nur Fadzilah Tengku Hassan, Halim Salleh and Harmy Mohamed Yusoff
    A9. Human impact and financial loss of floods in Southeast Asia, from 2007 to 2011
    Authors: Isidore Koffi Kouadio, Hasanain Faisal Ghazi and Syed Mohamed Aljunid
    A10. Factors affecting demand for individual health insurance in Malaysia
    Authors: Arpah Abu Bakar, Angappan Regupathi, Syed Mohamed Aljunid and Mohd Azahadi Omar
    A11. Case control study on risk factors associated with esophageal cancer in Yemen
    Authors: Al-abed Ali Ahmed Al-abed, Azmi Mohd Tamil and Sami Abdo Radman Al-Dubai
    A12. Obesity and the poor women living in urban slum areas: health system response
    Authors: Digna N Purwaningrum, Mubasysyir Hasanbasri and Laksono Trisnantoro
    A13. Potential of mobile technology in meeting the public health needs in developing countries
    Authors: Isidore Koffi Kouadio, Hasanain Faisal Ghazi, Namaitijiang Maimaiti, Azam Rahimi and Syed Mohamed Aljunid
    A14. Quality of life among Jordanian patients on haemodialysis and their caregivers
    Authors: Emad A Shdaifat and Mohd Rizal Abdul Manaf
    A15. Patient satisfaction with services in physiotherapy clinics: a cross sectional study at teaching hospitals in Klang Valley
    Authors: Mohamad Nasaruddin Mahdzir and Aniza Ismail
    A16. How should the health system react to informal drug dispensaries? The case of self-medication in Yogyakarta Province
    Authors: Eunice Setiawan, Mubasysyir Hasanbasri and Laksono Trisnantoro
    A17. Cervical cancer in Malaysia: can we improve our screening and preventive practice?
    Authors: Shanthi Varatharajan, M Majdah, Syed Aljunid, Won-Sun Chen, A Mukarramah and Chee-Meng Yong
    A18. Burden of risk factors for non-communicable diseases: an epidemiological review of the evidence from INDEPTH Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) in Indonesia
    Authors: Dwidjo Susilo, Istiti Kandarina, Siwi Padmawati and Laksono Trisnantoro
    A19. Carbonated drinks, chips intake and their relation to Intelligence Quotient (IQ) among primary school children in Baghdad city, Iraq
    Authors: Hasanain Faisal Ghazi, Zaleha Md Isa, Mohammed A AbdalQader, Isidore Koffi Kouadio, Azam Rahimi, Namaitijiang Maimaiti and Syed Mohamed Aljunid
    A20. Outcomes of home health care and telephone home visit by pharmacist in type 2 diabetes patients on hospital readmission: a case study at Bangplama Hospital, Suphanburi Province, Thailand
    Authors: Nilawan Upakdee and Suwicha Mankongdee
    A21. Selection of HMG-coenzyme A reductase inhibitors using multiattribute scoring tool
    Authors: Azuana Ramli, Syed Mohamed Aljunid, Saperi Sulong and Faridah Aryani Mohd Yusof
    A22. Role of microRNAs in the pathophysiology of sporadic colorectal cancer
    Authors: Fung Lin Yong, Chee Wei Law and Chee Woon Wang
    A23. Health systems, policies and infant mortality in developing countries
    Authors:David Baguma, Jamal Hisham Hashim and Syed Mohamed Aljunid
    A24. Health system for maternal health – a case study from Papua, Indonesia
    Authors: Tiara Marthias and Laksono Trisnantoro
    A25. Main challenges in developing biotechnology industry in Malaysia: perspectives from the innovative biotechnology firms
    Authors: Gulifeiya Abuduxike, Syed Mohamed Aljunid and Saperi Sulong
    A26. Periodontal disease as an indicator of chronic non-communicable diseases: evidence from literatures
    Authors:Tuti Ningseh Mohd Dom, Shahida Mohd Said, Aznida Firzah Abdul Aziz, Mohd Rizal Abdul Manaf and Syed Mohamed Aljunid
    A27. Alert Village: an awareness and health promotion programme on healthy behaviors
    Authors: Asmaripa Ainy, Misnaniarti Makky and Nur Alam Fajar
    A28. Burden of non-communicable diseases among the Orang Asli community and patient satisfaction on non-communicable diseases management at public health facilities
    Authors: Netty Darwina and Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh
    A29. Beta-thalassaemia major – a public health problem in Malaysia: impacts, coping strategies and needs of parents with affected children
    Authors: Nursalihah Muhammad, Jin Ai Mary Anne Tan, Elizabeth George and Wong Li Ping
    A30. Incidence of bacterial meningitis in South East Asia region
    Authors: Namaitijiang Maimaiti, Zaleha Md Isa, Azam Rahimi, Isidore Koffi Kouadio, Hasanain Faisal Ghazi and Syed Mohamed Aljunid
    A31. Evidence-based budgeting policy in maternal and child health programme: do they work?
    Authors: M Faozi Kurniawan, Deni Harbianto, Digna Purwaningrum and Tiara Marthias
    A32. Improving mental health policy in the case of schizophrenia in Thailand: evidence-based information for efficient solutions
    Authors: Pudtan Phanthunane, Theo Vos, Harvey Whiteford and Melanie Bertram
    A33. A study on social determinants of infant mortality in Malaysia
    Authors: Amaluddin Ahmad
    A34. Expression of circulating micro-RNAs in hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophy
    Authors: Soh Zi Ling, Chee Kok Han, Wong Chew Ming and Wang Chee Woon
    A35. The influence of mother’s embrace on the level of infant pain during injection
    Authors:Arie Kusumaningrum and Regina Natalia
    A36. Information needs as perceived by caregivers and patients following stroke: a qualitative systematic review
    Authors: Nor Haty Hassan, Syed Mohamed Aljunid and Peter Davis
    A37. Factors influencing willingness to pay for healthcare
    Authors: Azimatun Noor Aizuddin, Saperi Sulong and Syed Mohamed Aljunid
    A38. Influence of antenatal care on birth weight: a cross sectional study in Baghdad City, Iraq
    Authors: Mohammed A Abdal Qader, Idayu Badilla, Rahmah Mohd Amin and Hasanain Faisal Ghazi
    A39. Asthma treatment adherence among asthmatic patients in Yazd
    Authors: Azam Rahimi, Saperi Sulong, Namaitijiang Maimaiti, Hasanain Faisal Ghazi, Koffi Isidore Kouadio and Hidayatulfathi Othman
    A40. Cost analysis of colorectal cancer (CRC) management in UKM Medical Centre using clinical pathway
    Authors: Natrah Mohd, Sharifa Ezat, Syed Mohamed Aljunid, Mohd Rizal Abdul Manaf, Saperi Sulong, Ismail Sagap and Muhd Azrif
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care*
  20. Zailani MAH, Raja Sabudin RZA, Abdul Rahman R, Mohd Saiboon I, Ismail A, Mahdy ZA
    Malays J Pathol, 2021 Aug;43(2):251-259.
    PMID: 34448789
    INTRODUCTION: The vast advancement of technology and breakthrough in high-tech disciplines created multiple areas of research activities, including the emergence of the medical drone. Malaysia, a rapidly developing country in Southeast Asia is on track to achieving high-income status. However, the stagnant growth of Malaysian maternal healthcare does not run parallel with the aspiration. This review paper assessed and reported narratively the current condition of maternal healthcare in Malaysia, the possible application of drones in improving the sector, exploring in detail several challenges, and providing recommendations for experts in studying the rising technological phenomena.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A literature search was done from June 2019 to November 2019 with restrictions to the English language. The search was performed in ScienceDirect, PubMed, and EMBASE databases, using a combination of search terms related to drones, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), maternal, obstetric, healthcare, medical products transportation and Malaysia. A discourse analysis followed and a narrative review was provided on this subject.

    RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The validated ability of drones in the delivery of blood products is highlighted as a possible application in improving maternal healthcare in Malaysia, particularly in the state of Sabah. Five key challenges are identified: infrastructure, technicalities, regulations, expertise, and social acceptance. Future predictions of drone technology in healthcare were outlined with the suggestion of three principle arms of application.

    CONCLUSION: The usage of the medical drone in medical products transportation supports the objectives of WHO MDG 5 for Malaysian maternal health. A study on the impact of drones in reducing the maternal mortality ratio is recommended for further exploration.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care*
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