Displaying publications 1201 - 1220 of 1549 in total

  1. Jeremic B, Fidarova E, Sharma V, Faheem M, Ameira AA, Nasr Ben Ammar C, et al.
    Radiother Oncol, 2015 Jul;116(1):21-6.
    PMID: 26163093 DOI: 10.1016/j.radonc.2015.06.017
    To optimize palliation in incurable locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), the International Atomic Energy Agency conducted a prospective randomized study (NCT00864331) comparing protracted palliative radiotherapy (RT) course with chemotherapy (CHT) followed by short-course palliative RT.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  2. Yong KW, Pingguan-Murphy B, Xu F, Abas WA, Choi JR, Omar SZ, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2015;5:9596.
    PMID: 25872464 DOI: 10.1038/srep09596
    Cryopreservation represents an effective technique to maintain the functional properties of human adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) and allows pooling of cells via long-term storage for clinical applications, e.g., cell-based therapies. It is crucial to reduce freezing injury during the cryopreservation process by loading the ASCs with the optimum concentration of suitable cryoprotective agents (CPAs). In this study, human ASCs were preserved for 3 months in different combinations of CPAs, including 1) 0.25 M trehalose; 2) 5% dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO); 3) 10% DMSO; 4) 5% DMSO + 20% fetal bovine serum (FBS); 5) 10% DMSO + 20% FBS; 6) 10% DMSO + 90% FBS. Interestingly, even with a reduction of DMSO to 5% and without FBS, cryopreserved ASCs maintained high cell viability comparable with standard cryomedium (10% DMSO + 90% FBS), with normal cell phenotype and proliferation rate. Cryopreserved ASCs also maintained their differentiation capability (e.g., to adipocytes, osteocytes and chondrocytes) and showed an enhanced expression level of stemness markers (e.g., NANOG, OCT-4, SOX-2 and REX-1). Our findings suggest that 5% DMSO without FBS may be an ideal CPA for an efficient long-term cryopreservation of human ASCs. These results aid in establishing standardized xeno-free long-term cryopreservation of human ASCs for clinical applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cell Survival
  3. Knight A, Hwa YS, Hashim H
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2015;16(8):3125-30.
    PMID: 25921108
    BACKGROUND: Breast cancer is a common cancer affecting women in Malaysia and the use of complementary/ alternative medicine (CAM) has been associated with delays in getting treatment. The aim of the study was to explore the use of CAM and the influencing factors in the Northern region of Peninsular Malaysia.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a cross-sectional descriptive study on a convenience sample of 100 Malaysian breast cancer survivors.

    FINDINGS: The reported use of CAM among the breast cancer survivors was lower than in other studies but the types of CAM used had a similar pattern with nutrition supplements/vitamins being the most common. The factors that positively influenced the use of complimentary/traditional therapy were income and getting information from television or radio. Survivors with access to internet/blogs appear to have lower odds of using complimentary/traditional therapy compared to the respondents who reported no such access.

    CONCLUSIONS: Information transmitted via television and radio appears to have a positive influence on CAM use by breast cancer patients compared to other information sources and it is important to ensure that such information is accurate and impartial.

    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  4. Ng T, Toh MR, Cheung YT, Chan A
    Support Care Cancer, 2015 Nov;23(11):3193-200.
    PMID: 25791392 DOI: 10.1007/s00520-015-2700-2
    PURPOSE: The aim of this study is to evaluate the perspectives of Asian oncology practitioners on the physical and psychosocial issues experienced by breast cancer survivors (BCS), current survivorship care practices, and the barriers to follow-up care.

    METHODS: This was a cross-sectional survey study. Oncology practitioners were recruited from a major cancer center in Singapore and through two regional cancer meetings that took place in Singapore and Malaysia in 2013.

    RESULTS: A total of 126 oncology practitioners from various Southeast Asian countries, mostly nurses (58.7 %) and physicians (37.3 %), were recruited. The majority of the respondents agreed that fatigue (78.4 %) and anxiety (69.1 %) were the most common physical and psychosocial problems experienced by BCS. Monitoring for physical and treatment-related adverse effects (80.7 %) and reviewing patients' noncancer medical history (65.3 %) were the most practiced aspects of follow-up care. Compared with the other practitioners, the physicians were more likely to communicate with other healthcare professionals (adjusted OR = 4.24, 95 % CI 1.54 to 11.72; p = 0.005). Most of the respondents also agreed that patient-specific barriers were the main impediments to follow-up care.

    CONCLUSION: This study provides insights into the various aspects of breast cancer survivorship care from the perspectives of oncology practitioners and shows that survivorship care is relatively inadequate in Asia. There is a need for new survivorship care models to meet the needs of Asian BCS and to complement the unique healthcare systems of Asia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  5. Atif Abbas S, Sharma JN, Pauzi A, Yusof M
    Gen. Pharmacol., 1999 Sep;33(3):243-7.
    PMID: 10480657
    The present study was conducted to examine the effect of bradykinin and bradykinin 2 receptor antagonist on survival time in rats with coronary artery ligation for 15 min and continuously. We also evaluated the heart rate and blood pressure responses in the presence and absence of bradykinin and its antagonist. Bradykinin treatment (4 microg and 8 microg/kg IV) significantly (p < 0.05) increased the survival time of rats compared with saline-treated rats with coronary artery ligation for 15 min and continuously. The heart rate and blood pressure responses were significantly (p < 0.001) altered in the presence of coronary artery ligation. Bradykinin antagonist treatment (4 microg/kg IV) abolished the effect of bradykinin and thus reduced the survival time of rats with coronary artery ligation. The mean value of survival time between saline-treated and bradykinin antagonist- plus bradykinin-treated rats did not differ significantly (p > 0.05).
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Analysis
  6. Alwi M, Geetha K, Bilkis AA, Lim MK, Hasri S, Haifa AL, et al.
    J Am Coll Cardiol, 2000 Feb;35(2):468-76.
    PMID: 10676696
    We compared the result of radiofrequency (RF)-assisted valvotomy and balloon dilation with closed surgical valvotomy and Blalock Taussig (BT) shunt as primary treatment in selected patients with pulmonary atresia and intact ventricular septum (PA-IVS).
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  7. Jaya F, Win MN, Abdullah MR, Abdullah MR, Abdullah JM
    Neuroepidemiology, 2002 Jan-Feb;21(1):28-35.
    PMID: 11744823
    All patients with a first-ever stroke admitted to the HUSM (Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia) from 1997 to 1998 were included in this study. All risk factors were determined and analysed prospectively. There were 158 cases of stroke admitted during the study period. The majority of the patients were Malays (86.1%), with a male preponderance. The mean age (SD) of the patients with stroke was 59.3 (12.28) years. Hypertension was present in both cerebral infarct and intracerebral haemorrhage patients at almost the same rate (65.2 and 69.2%, respectively). The overall mortality was 37%, and most patients died in the 1st month after stroke (34%). We hope this study will highlight the problems associated with the presentation and management of stroke in Southeast Asia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Analysis
  8. Ong TA, Yip CH
    Asian J Surg, 2003 Jul;26(3):169-75.
    PMID: 12925293
    OBJECTIVE: To study the impact of various clinicopathological factors on short-term survival in a cohort of breast cancer patients treated at the University of Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC).
    METHODS: All cases of breast cancer treated at UMMC from January 1999 to June 2001, except for stage IV disease, were included in the study. Survival analysis was carried out using Kaplan-Meier for univariate analysis and Cox regression for multivariate analysis. The log-rank test was used to test the significance of differences between the different survival curves.
    RESULTS: A total of 385 patients were included. The mean patient age at presentation was 50.3 years (SD, 11.4); 198 (51.4%) patients had lymph node-positive disease, and 187 (48.6%) had node-negative disease. The mean follow-up period was 18.7 months (SD, 8.8). The Malay ethnic group, tumours of larger size, node-positive disease, more than five positive lymph nodes, oestrogen receptor (ER) negativity and the presence of lymphovascular invasion were significant prognostic factors for shorter recurrence-free survival (RFS) in the univariate analysis. In the multivariate analysis, ER negativity was the only independent adverse prognostic factor for RFS. For overall survival (OS), tumours of larger size, node-positive disease, more than five positive lymph nodes, ER negativity and high grade tumours were associated with significantly shorter OS. However, more than five positive lymph nodes was the only independent prognostic factor for shorter OS in the multivariate analysis. Further multivariate analysis of the patients with node-positive disease showed that the Malay ethnic group, ER negativity and more than five positive lymph nodes were independent prognostic factors for shorter RFS. On the other hand, ER negativity and more than five positive lymph nodes were independent negative prognostic factors for OS in this subgroup of patients.
    CONCLUSION: The evaluation of various prognostic factors would provide useful information on disease progression in local patients, especially for the planning of adjuvant therapies and follow-up protocols. Differences in the pattern of breast cancer among the different ethnic groups in Malaysia warrant further studies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Analysis
  9. Cho EG, Noor NM, Kim HH, Rao VR, Engelmann F
    Cryo Letters, 2002 Sep-Oct;23(5):309-16.
    PMID: 12447490
    The desiccation and freezing tolerance of seeds, with and without testas, and embryonic axes of Citrus aurantifolia were investigated. Seeds were desiccated with silica gel, under the laminar air flow cabinet or by placing them on a laboratory bench. Whatever the desiccation method employed, survival before and after cryopreservation was higher for seeds without testas. When freezing intact seeds, the highest survival percentage (41.3 %) was achieved after desiccation to 7.3 % moisture content (fresh weight basis) on the laboratory bench. Survival of seeds cryopreserved without testas could reach up to 85 % after desiccation under the laminar air flow cabinet or on the laboratory bench, corresponding to moisture contents of 7.1 and 4.5 %, respectively. After desiccation with silica gel, survival reached a maximum of 60.0 %, for a seed moisture content of 3.3 %. Survival of control embryonic axes was high (80-100 %) whatever the sucrose concentration in the preculture medium and the duration of the desiccation period. After cryopreservation, no survival was noted with embryonic axes, which had not been precultured nor desiccated. Survival of non-desiccated embryonic axes after cryopreservation increased progressively in line with increasing sucrose concentrations in the preculture medium, from 7.5 % with 0.1 M sucrose to 77.5 % with 0.7 M sucrose. Survival of desiccated and cryopreserved embryos was always high, whatever the preculture treatment and desiccation period, ranging from 55.8 % to 92.5 %.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  10. Chen TP, Teo SM, Tan JC, Koh SN, Ambalavanar N, Tan SY
    Transplant Proc, 2000 Nov;32(7):1809-10.
    PMID: 11119946
    Matched MeSH terms: Graft Survival
  11. Tan SY, Chen TP, Lee SH, Tan PS, Chua CT, Teo SM, et al.
    Transplant Proc, 2000 Nov;32(7):1811-2.
    PMID: 11119947
    Matched MeSH terms: Graft Survival
  12. Visvanathan R
    Aust N Z J Surg, 1994 Aug;64(8):527-9.
    PMID: 8048888
    Sixty-nine severely head-injured patients treated by general surgeons over a 28 month period with admission Glasgow Coma Scale motor scores of 3 to 8 were reviewed retrospectively. Fifty-one patients were comatose on admission with periods from injury to admission exceeding 4 h in 34 patients who were referred from peripheral hospitals. Forty patients with acute intracranial bleeding underwent emergency decompressive surgery with 13 good recoveries and 18 deaths; good recoveries were observed in 11 of 20 patients with extradural haemorrhages, one out of eight patients with subdural haemorrhages, and one of 12 patients with intracerebral and/or combined haemorrhages. Twenty-nine patients with no evidence of acute mass lesions were treated medically with sedation, mechanical ventilation and mannitol infusion for cerebral decompression with seven good recoveries and 16 deaths. There were 15 good outcomes in 40 patients with admission motor scores of 6, 7 or 8 and five good outcomes in 29 patients with scores of 3, 4 or 5. A good outcome of 29% in the study may be improved by (i) better neurosurgical training of surgical and nursing staff; (ii) provision of technologically advanced diagnostic and treatment modalities; (iii) an efficient referral system; and (iv) provision of effective long-term rehabilitation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  13. Goh AY, Chan PW, Lum LC, Roziah M
    Arch Dis Child, 1998 Sep;79(3):256-9.
    PMID: 9875023
    OBJECTIVES: To determine the incidence and outcome of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in children by comparing two commonly used definitions: the lung injury score and the American-European Consensus Conference definition. The causes and risk for developing ARDS were also studied.

    METHODS: Part prospective and retrospective analysis of 8100 consecutive hospital admissions from 1 June 1995 to 1 April 1997.

    RESULTS: Twenty one patients fulfilled the criteria for ARDS. Both definitions identified the same group of patients. The incidence was 2.8/1000 hospital admissions or 4.2% of paediatric intensive care unit admissions. The main causes were sepsis and pneumonia. Mortality was 13 of 21. Factors predicting death were a high admission paediatric risk of mortality (PRISM) score (30.38 v 18.75) and the presence of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (92% v 25%).

    CONCLUSION: Both definitions identified similar groups of patients. The incidence in this population was higher than that reported elsewhere, but mortality and cause were similar to those in developed countries. Poor outcome was associated with sepsis, a high admission PRISM score, and simultaneous occurrence of other organ dysfunction.

    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  14. Wang F, Wang CL, Tan CT, Manivasagar M
    Lupus, 1997;6(3):248-53.
    PMID: 9104731 DOI: 10.1177/096120339700600306
    The aims of this study were to examine the clinical and laboratory features of Malaysian patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and to identify any difference in disease expression between the different genders and among the three major ethnic groups of Malaysia. Retrospective analysis of all patients with SLE admitted to and followed-up at University Hospital Kuala Lumpur from 1974-90 was undertaken. Ethnic Chinese had the highest prevalence of SLE compared to other ethnic groups. There was a high incidence of renal disease, 74% of patient had significant proteinuria and half of these had associated nephrotic syndrome. Indian patients had significantly less incidence of skin manifestation compared to other racial groups. No difference in disease expression was detected between the ethnic Chinese and Indians and between the male and female patients. The overall 5 y and 10 y survival rates were 82% and 70% respectively. Indian patients had the poorest survival rates. Survival rates are similar among the Chinese and Malay patients. Our findings are in broad agreement with those previously reported.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  15. Cheng CT
    Am J Forensic Med Pathol, 1992 Sep;13(3):261-3.
    PMID: 1476136
    In October 1988, a series of food poisoning cases occurred in the State of Perak in Malaysia. Most of the victims were children. Ultimately 13 children between the ages of 2.5 and 11 years died. Epidemiological investigations showed that the probable source of the poison was Loh See Fun, a noodles in the shape of a rat's tail. All the deceased ate the noodles from one supplier. Clinical and pathological findings were similar in each case. Postmortem examination was performed in 11 cases. Toxicological examination on organs in 10 cases showed a high concentration of aflatoxin in tissues of the deceased. High levels of boric acid were excreted from most of the victims. Histological examination of the liver in these cases showed necrotic changes found in aflatoxin poisoning. Combination of the epidemiological, clinical, toxicological, and pathological findings pointed to the fact that there was a common toxin or toxins responsible for the deaths. These were thought to be a combination of boric acid and aflatoxin.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  16. Hauswald M, Yeoh E
    Am J Emerg Med, 1997 Oct;15(6):600-3.
    PMID: 9337371
    Many of the costs associated with prehospital care in developed countries are covered in budgets for fire suppression, police services, and the like. Determining these costs is therefore difficult. The costs and benefits of developing a prehospital care system for Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, which now has essentially no emergency medical services (EMS) system, were estimated. Prehospital therapies that have been suggested to decrease mortality were identified. A minimal prehospital system was designed to deliver these treatments in Kuala Lumpur. The potential benefit of these therapies was calculated by using statistics from the United States corrected for demographic differences between the United States and Malaysia. Costs were extrapolated from the current operating budget of the Malaysian Red Crescent Society. Primary dysrhythmias are responsible for almost all potentially survivable cardiac arrests. A system designed to deliver a defibrillator to 85% of arrests within 6 minutes would require an estimated 48 ambulances. Kuala Lumpur has approximately 120 prehospital arrhythmic deaths per year. A 6% resuscitation rate was chosen for the denominator, resulting in seven survivors. Half of these would be expected to have significant neurological damage. Ambulances cost $53,000 (US dollars) to operate per year in Kuala Lumpur; 48 ambulances would cost a total of $2.5 million. Demographic factors and traffic problems would significantly increase the cost per patient. Other therapies, including medications, airway management, and trauma care, were discounted because both their additional cost and their benefit are small. Transport of patients (including trauma) is now performed by police or private vehicle and would probably take longer by ambulance. A prehospital system for Kuala Lumpur would cost approximately $2.5 million per year. It might save seven lives, three of which would be marred by significant neurological injury. Developing countries would do well to consider alternatives to a North American EMS model.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Analysis
  17. Ramachandran S, Patel TR, Colbo MH
    Ecotoxicol Environ Saf, 1997 Mar;36(2):183-8.
    PMID: 9126437
    Three species of tropical estuarine invertebrates were exposed to copper sulfate and cadmium chloride to investigate their potential as test specimens for sediment toxicity assays in the South-east Asian regions. The larvae of the reef sea urchin (Diadema setosum), the oyster (Crassostrea iradalei), and the mud crab (Scylla seratta Forskall) were used in the 48-hr assays with copper and cadmium as reference toxicants. In addition the sea urchin were tested for end point measurements at different stages of the larval development and a 60-min sperm bioassay. The study revealed that the sea urchin first cleavage, which is an assay end point and which takes place about 1 hr after fertilization, was the most sensitive stage for both toxicants, with copper being more toxic than cadmium. Sensitivity comparisons between the three invertebrate larvae revealed the mud crab zoea larvae to be most sensitive for cadmium with an LC50 value of 0.078 microgram/ml, while the sea urchin was more sensitive for copper, with EC50 values of 0.01 microgram/ml at the first cleavage stage and 0.04 microgram/ml at the pluteus larva stage. All the invertebrates tested gave responses that made them suitable test organisms for metal bioassays in the tropical estuarine environment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Analysis
  18. Mohamed R, Tan CT, Wong NW
    Med J Malaysia, 1994 Mar;49(1):49-52.
    PMID: 8057991
    The clinical course of 18 patients with Wilson's disease is reported. There were 13 males and five females of whom one is Malay. The prevalence of Wilson's disease in Malaysia is probably the same as elsewhere. Being a genetic syndrome, the genetic carrier rate for Wilson's disease is probably lower amongst the Malays. At diagnosis, the clinical signs were predominantly hepatic in 10 patients, neurological in five patients with three asymptomatic cases. All patients were commenced on penicillamine but poor compliance was observed in many patients. Two patients defaulted follow-up and seven patients died. Out of the nine surviving patients, only four are well with no clinical symptoms.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  19. Nesaretnam K, Selvaduray KR, Abdul Razak G, Veerasenan SD, Gomez PA
    Breast Cancer Res, 2010;12(5):R81.
    PMID: 20929592 DOI: 10.1186/bcr2726
    Basic research has indicated that tocotrienols have potent antiproliferative and proapoptotic effects that would be expected to reduce the effect of breast cancer.

    Study site: Hospital Kuala Lumpur
    Matched MeSH terms: Disease-Free Survival
  20. Zahari N, Mat Bah MN, A Razak H, Thong MK
    Eur J Pediatr, 2019 Aug;178(8):1267-1274.
    PMID: 31222391 DOI: 10.1007/s00431-019-03403-x
    Limited data are available on the survival of patients with Down syndrome and congenital heart disease (CHD) from middle-income countries. This retrospective cohort study was performed to determine the trends in the prevalence and survival of such patients born from January 2006 to December 2015 in Malaysia. Among 754 patients with Down syndrome, 414 (55%) had CHD, and no significant trend was observed during the 10 years. Of these 414 patients, 30% had lesions that closed spontaneously, 35% underwent surgery/intervention, 9% died before surgery/intervention, and 10% were treated with comfort care. The overall mortality rate was 23%, the median age at death was 7.6 months, and no significant changes occurred over time. The early and late post-surgery/intervention mortality rates were 0.7% and 9.0%, respectively. Most deaths were of non-cardiac causes. The overall 1-, 5-, and 10-year survival rates were 85.5%, 74.6%, and 72.9%, respectively. Patients with severe lesions, persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn, atrioventricular septal defect, and pulmonary hypertension had low survival at 1 year of age.Conclusion: The prevalence of CHD in patients with Down syndrome is similar between Malaysia and high-income countries. The lower survival rate is attributed to limited expertise and resources which limit timely surgery. What is Known: • The survival of patients with Down syndrome with congenital heart disease (CHD) has improved in high-income countries. However, little is known about the survival of patients with Down syndrome with CHD from middle-income countries. • In the Caucasian population, atrioventricular septal defect is the most common type of CHD associated with Down syndrome. What is New: • In middle-income countries, the prevalence of CHD is the same as in high-income countries, but with a lower survival rate. • In the Asian population, ventricular septal defect is the most common type of CHD in patients with Down syndrome.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Analysis
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