Displaying publications 1201 - 1220 of 1933 in total

  1. Sim JH, Vadivelu J, Lee SS
    Med Educ, 2016 Nov;50(11):1145.
    PMID: 27762037 DOI: 10.1111/medu.13188
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*
  2. Faulks D, Dougall A, Ting G, Ari T, Nunn J, Friedman C, et al.
    Eur J Dent Educ, 2018 May;22(2):e278-e290.
    PMID: 28940883 DOI: 10.1111/eje.12292
    INTRODUCTION: Recommended curricula in Special Care Dentistry (SCD) outline learning objectives that include the domain of attitudes and behaviours, but these are notoriously difficult to measure. The aims of this study were (i) to develop a test battery comprising adapted and new scales to evaluate values, attitudes and intentions of dental students towards people with disability and people in marginalised groups and (ii) to determine reliability (interitem consistency) and validity of the scales within the test battery.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A literature search identified pre-existing measures and models for the assessment of attitudes in healthcare students. Adaptation of three pre-existing scales was undertaken, and a new scale was developed based upon the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) using an elicitation survey. These scales underwent a process of content validation. The three adapted scales and the TPB scale were piloted by 130 students at 5 different professional stages, from 4 different countries.

    RESULTS: The scales were adjusted to ensure good internal reliability, variance, distribution, and face and content validity. In addition, the different scales showed good divergent validity.

    DISCUSSION: These results are positive, and the scales now need to be validated in the field.

    CONCLUSIONS: It is hoped that these tools will be useful to educators in SCD to evaluate the impact of teaching and clinical exposure on their students.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Dental/psychology*
  3. Simansalam S, Hadijah Shamsudin S, Mohamed MHN
    Curr Pharm Teach Learn, 2017 Sep;9(5):918-924.
    PMID: 29233325 DOI: 10.1016/j.cptl.2017.05.022
    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Malaysian National Quit Smoking Program had proposed to integrate smoking cessation counseling skills into all relevant healthcare curricula as one of its strategies to increase the number of Malaysians giving up smoking. More effective implementation of the curricula can be facilitated by further understanding the factors influencing students' intention in terms of providing smoking cessation counseling. This study, guided by Integrated Behavior Model (IBM), aimed to explore the factors which influenced pharmacy undergraduates in providing smoking cessation counseling.

    EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY AND SETTING: Following the elicitation study, the IBM-guided questionnaire was developed and distributed to students from two pharmacy schools which agreed to participate, each representing public and private institutions.

    FINDINGS: A total of 387 pharmacy students participated yielding a 83% response rate. Multiple regression analysis revealed that all three, namely, attitude (23%), perceived norm (16%), and personal agency (16%) were significant predictors of students' intention. Further analysis revealed 'experiential attitude', a component of attitude as the strongest predictor. In other words, students who felt more comfortable had higher intention to provide smoking cessation counseling.

    SUMMARY: An implication of this study is that tobacco-related curricula with an emphasis to enhance students' comfort level in providing counseling would be of value for these future pharmacists in terms of their intention as well as actual provision of smoking cessation counseling through the mediation of "experiential attitude" and personal agency.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Pharmacy/psychology*
  4. Fong JYM, Tan VJH, Lee JR, Tong ZGM, Foong YK, Tan JME, et al.
    Eur J Dent Educ, 2018 Aug;22(3):160-166.
    PMID: 29266663 DOI: 10.1111/eje.12297
    AIM: To evaluate the effectiveness of clinical audit-feedback cycle as an educational tool in improving the technical quality of root canal therapy (RCT) and compliance with record keeping performed by dental undergraduates.

    METHODS: Clinical audit learning was introduced in Year 3 of a 5-year curriculum for dental undergraduates. During classroom activities, students were briefed on clinical audit, selected their audit topics in groups of 5 or 6 students, and prepared and presented their audit protocols. One chosen topic was RCT, in which 3 different cohorts of Year 3 students conducted retrospective audits of patients' records in 2012, 2014 and 2015 for their compliance with recommended record keeping criteria and their performance in RCT. Students were trained by and calibrated against an endodontist (κ ≥ 0.8). After each audit, the findings were reported in class, and recommendations were made for improvement in performance of RCT and record keeping. Students' compliance with published guidelines was presented and their RCT performances in each year were compared using the chi-square test.

    RESULTS: Overall compliance with of record keeping guidelines was 44.1% in 2012, 79.6% in 2014 and 94.6% in 2015 (P = .001). In the 2012 audit, acceptable extension, condensation and the absence of mishap were observed in 72.4, 75.7% and 91.5%; in the 2014 audit, 95.1%, 64.8% and 51.4%; and in 2015 audit, 96.4%, 82.1% and 92.8% of cases, respectively. In 2015, 76.8% of root canal fillings met all 3 technical quality criteria when compared to 48.6% in 2014 and 44.7% in 2012 (P = .001).

    CONCLUSION: Clinical audit-feedback cycle is an effective educational tool for improving dental undergraduates' compliance with record keeping and performance in the technical quality of RCT.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Dental/psychology*
  5. Banneheke H, Nadarajah VD, Ramamurthy S, Sumera A, Ravindranath S, Jeevaratnam K, et al.
    BMC Med Educ, 2017 Aug 08;17(1):130.
    PMID: 28789645 DOI: 10.1186/s12909-017-0966-4
    BACKGROUND: Student perspectives of clinical preparedness have been studied in the literature, but the viewpoint of supervisors is limited. Hence, the aim was to examine the perspective of supervisors on the characteristics of health professional students important for preparedness for clinical learning.

    METHODS: This was a descriptive, questionnaire-based, cross-sectional study conducted at three higher education institutions in Malaysia. A previously published questionnaire with 62 characteristics was adopted with modifications after pre-testing. Descriptive analysis was completed for the demographic data. The sample was grouped based on health profession, clinical practice experience and teaching experience for further analysis. Non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test was selected to evaluate differences in mean ranks to assess the null hypothesis that the medians are equal across the groups. Kruskal-Wallis post-hoc pair wise comparison was performed on samples with significant differences across samples.

    RESULTS: The sample was comprised of 173 supervisors from medicine (55, 32%), pharmacy (84, 48%) and nursing (34, 20%). The majority (63%) of the supervisors were currently in professional practice. A high percentage (40%) of supervisors had less than 4 years of teaching experience. The highest theme ratings were for willingness (6.00) and professionalism (5.90). There was a significant difference (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  6. Shoaib LA, Safii SH, Naimie Z, Ahmad NA, Sukumaran P, Yunus RM
    Eur J Dent Educ, 2018 Feb;22(1):e26-e34.
    PMID: 27995730 DOI: 10.1111/eje.12252
    OBJECTIVES: This study was conducted in University of Malaya to evaluate student perceptions on the contribution and role of an effective clinical teacher based on the cognitive apprenticeship model in clinical practice.

    METHODS: Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to 233 undergraduate dental students involved with clinical teaching. This modified and validated questionnaire focusing on students' learning environment was used in order to gain relevant information related to dental clinical teaching. Six domains with different criteria applicable to clinical teaching in dentistry were selected consisting of modelling (four criteria), coaching (four criteria), scaffolding (four criteria), articulation (four criteria), reflection (two criteria) and general learning environment (six criteria). Data analyses were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 20.

    RESULTS: Majority of the students expressed positive perceptions on their clinical learning experience towards the clinical teachers in the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya, in all criteria of the domains. Few negative feedbacks concerning the general learning environment were reported.

    CONCLUSION: Further improvement in the delivery of clinical teaching preferably by using wide variety of teaching-learning activities can be taken into account through students' feedback on their learning experience.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Dental/psychology*
  7. Kho MHT, Chew KS, Azhar MN, Hamzah ML, Chuah KM, Bustam A, et al.
    BMC Emerg Med, 2018 01 15;18(1):1.
    PMID: 29334925 DOI: 10.1186/s12873-018-0152-y
    BACKGROUND: While emergency airway management training is conventionally conducted via face-to-face learning (F2FL) workshops, there are inherent cost, time, place and manpower limitations in running such workshops. Blended learning (BL) refers to the systematic integration of online and face-to-face learning aimed to facilitate complex thinking skills and flexible participation at a reduced financial, time and manpower cost. This study was conducted to evaluate its effectiveness in emergency airway management training.

    METHODS: A single-center prospective randomised controlled trial involving 30 doctors from Sarawak General Hospital, Malaysia was conducted from September 2016 to February 2017 to compare the effectiveness of BL versus F2FL for emergency airway management training. Participants in the BL arm were given a period of 12 days to go through the online materials in a learning management system while those in the F2FL arm attended a-day of face-to-face lectures (8 h). Participants from both arms then attended a day of hands-on session consisting of simulation skills training with airway manikins. Pre- and post-tests in knowledge and practical skills were administered. E-learning experience and the perception towards BL among participants in the BL arm were also assessed.

    RESULTS: Significant improvements in post-test scores as compared to pre-test scores were noted for participants in both BL and F2FL arms for knowledge, practical, and total scores. The degree of increment between the BL group and the F2FL arms for all categories were not significantly different (total scores: 35 marks, inter-quartile range (IQR) 15.0 - 41.0 vs. 31 marks, IQR 24.0 - 41.0, p = 0.690; theory scores: 18 marks, IQR 9 - 24 vs. 19 marks, IQR 15 - 20, p = 0.992; practical scores: 11 marks, IQR 5 -18 vs. 10 marks, IQR 9 - 20, p = 0.461 respectively). The overall perception towards BL was positive.

    CONCLUSIONS: Blended learning is as effective as face-to-face learning for emergency airway management training of junior doctors, suggesting that blended learning may be a feasible alternative to face-to-face learning for such skill training in emergency departments.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION: Malaysian National Medical Research NMRR-16-696-30190 . Registered 28 April 2016.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical*
  8. Sattar K, Akram A, Ahmad T, Bashir U
    Medicine (Baltimore), 2021 Mar 05;100(9):e23580.
    PMID: 33655905 DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000023580
    Changeover phases are essential and inevitable times in professional life, which let the learners adapt and grasp emerging opportunities for learning based on the past experiences with the catering of novel creativity as required in the present as well as emerging time. This study was carried out to examine the effectiveness of a professionalism course, during the transition from a non-clinical to clinical setting, within the context of undergraduate medical education.This observational study was conducted during 2019 to 2020, with pre- and post-professionalism course evaluation. We used the Dundee Poly-professionalism inventory-1: Academic Integrity, among the undergraduate medical students.Our results are based on the medical student's professional progress with the transition from 2nd year to 3rd year. During the 1st phase of the study, the participants at their Pre-Professionalism Course (PrPC) level in their 2nd medical year (only attended the introductory lectures for professionalism), showed a good understanding of professionalism. For the 2nd phase, when the same students, at their Post-Professionalism Course (PoPC) level, in their 3rd year (completed professionalism course) filled the same survey and it was found that there was no decline in their understanding of the topic, even after more than a year. They were even more aware of the significance of professionalism in their clinical settings.Despite a year gap, the understanding of professionalism among students was stable. Results helped us infer that time laps did not affect the professionalism concept learned earlier; rather during clinical settings, students become more aware of professionalism.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*
  9. Hossain MG, Saw A, Alam R, Ohtsuki F, Kamarul T
    Singapore Med J, 2013 Sep;54(9):516-20.
    PMID: 24068061
    INTRODUCTION: Cephalic index (CI), the ratio of head breadth to head length, is widely used to categorise human populations. The aim of this study was to access the impact of anthropometric measurements on the CI of male Japanese university students.

    METHODS: This study included 1,215 male university students from Tokyo and Kyoto, selected using convenient sampling. Multiple regression analysis was used to determine the effect of anthropometric measurements on CI.

    RESULTS: The variance inflation factor (VIF) showed no evidence of a multicollinearity problem among independent variables. The coefficients of the regression line demonstrated a significant positive relationship between CI and minimum frontal breadth (p < 0.01), bizygomatic breadth (p < 0.01) and head height (p < 0.05), and a negative relationship between CI and morphological facial height (p < 0.01) and head circumference (p < 0.01). Moreover, the coefficient and odds ratio of logistic regression analysis showed a greater likelihood for minimum frontal breadth (p < 0.01) and bizygomatic breadth (p < 0.01) to predict round-headedness, and morphological facial height (p < 0.05) and head circumference (p < 0.01) to predict long-headedness. Stepwise regression analysis revealed bizygomatic breadth, head circumference, minimum frontal breadth, head height and morphological facial height to be the best predictor craniofacial measurements with respect to CI.

    CONCLUSION: The results suggest that most of the variables considered in this study appear to influence the CI of adult male Japanese students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students*
  10. Boo NY, Chia GJ, Wong LC, Chew RM, Chong W, Loo RC
    Singapore Med J, 2010 Feb;51(2):126-32.
    PMID: 20358151
    INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to determine the prevalence of obesity among medical students and its relationship with their dietary intake and physical activities.
    METHODS:This observational study was carried out on 240 medical students during the clinical phase of their medical course in a private medical school. Their body weight and height were measured, and a standardised questionnaire was used to collect information on their physical activities and dietary intake.
    RESULTS: The median body weight of the participants was 59.0 kg (interquartile range: 51.3-66.8), the mean body height was 166.1 cm (standard deviation [SD] 8.5 cm), and the mean body mass index (BMI) was 21.8 kg/m2 (SD 3.4 kg/m2). Based on the World Health Organization BMI cut-offs for the Asian population, 30.1 percent (n is equal to 72) of the students were overweight or obese, with a BMI that was equal to or greater than 23.0 kg/m2. Logistic regression analysis showed that, after controlling for various potential confounders, the only significant risk factors associated with overweight/obesity among these students were: male gender (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 2.1; 95 percent confidence intervals [CI] of 1.1 and 4.1; p is equal to 0.03), Malay ethnic group (adjusted OR 2.4; 95 percent CI 1.0 and 5.7; p is equal to 0.04), Indian ethnic group (adjusted OR 3.6; 95 percent CI 1.5 and 8.9; p is equal to 0.005), and the number of soft drinks consumed per week (adjusted OR 1.3; 95 percent CI 1.0 and 1.5; p is equal to 0.02). Skipping breakfast, the frequency of physical exercise per week, the number of hours of sleep per day, and eating noodles or roti canai (a type of Malaysian pancake) for breakfast were not significant risk factors.
    CONCLUSION: Obesity remains a common problem among medical students in their clinical years.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/statistics & numerical data*
  11. Lai NM, Sivalingam N, Ramesh JC
    Singapore Med J, 2007 Nov;48(11):1018-27.
    PMID: 17975692
    INTRODUCTION: We evaluated the progress in the self-perceived competence of medical students in a range of common clinical, practical and personal skills, in their final six months of training.
    METHODS: The study was conducted on 65 final-year medical students undertaking their senior clerkship training at International Medical University, Malaysia. Questionnaire surveys were conducted at the beginning and the end of the six-month period, with 44 items covering clinical, practical, personal skills and readiness to work. Correlations were performed for experience and self-perceived competence, with the respective skills.
    RESULTS: 64 students returned the first survey and 63 returned the second survey. When the two survey results were compared, significant increases were found in self-perceived competence for the majority of the skills examined. The items with no significant improvement were divided into those which the students were already proficient in before senior clerkship, and those in which experience and confidence remained poor at the end of training. There were significant, but moderate, correlations between the experience and confidence of all common practical skills (correlation coefficients: 0.348-0.522, p-value is less than 0.001 for all items). At the end of training, students were, in general, more prepared to work as house officers (mean rating in the first survey: 3.05, second survey: 3.97, p-value is less than 0.001).
    CONCLUSION: Significant progresses in clinical experience and confidence can be observed in the final stages of medical training. The findings of inadequate improvements in some skills call for dedicated training sessions and strengthening of on-site supervision.
    Study site: International Medical University, Batu Pahat Campus, Johor, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*
  12. Emmanuel SC, Ho CK, Chen AJ
    Singapore Med J, 1990 Jun;31(3):211-6.
    PMID: 2392697
    A cross sectional nationally representative survey of 33,110 school-going children in Singapore aged between 9 and 20 years was carried out to obtain, for the first time, baseline information on smoking among the school-going population in Singapore. The survey was carried out among students attending vocational institutes and public sector schools in Singapore in 1987. The overall smoking prevalence was found to be 2% (3% among boys and 0.2% among girls). Ex-smokers comprised 2% of respondents whilst those who had only experimented with smoking made up 9% of the respondents. Analyses of the data showed that cigarette smoking was more prevalent among Malays, among boys, among older children, and among the less academically inclined. On average, boys smoked a median of 20 cigarettes a week and girls, 12 cigarettes a week. On an international basis, the smoking prevalence among the school-going population in Singapore is significantly lower than that of developed countries like Australia, England and Wales and neighbouring countries such as Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students*
  13. Ohn Mar S, Ali O, Sandheep S, Husayni Z, Zuhri M
    Singapore Med J, 2019 Feb;60(2):97-103.
    PMID: 29876579 DOI: 10.11622/smedj.2018065
    INTRODUCTION: This study explored attitudes towards vasectomy and its acceptance as a method of contraception among clinical-year medical students, and determined the association between their demographic characteristics, and attitudes and acceptance.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among clinical-year medical students from a Malaysian private medical college using a self-administered questionnaire.

    RESULTS: There were 330 participants with a female preponderance and a mean age of 22.0 ± 1.1 years. The largest proportion of respondents were from Year 3. The vast majority were ethnically Malay (91.8%) and followed Islam (92.4%). Overall, 60.9% of participants had a positive attitude towards vasectomy and 76.0% showed good acceptance. Gender, academic year, ethnicity and religion variables were not associated with attitudes and acceptance (p > 0.05). A significantly higher proportion of male respondents thought that vasectomy was religiously forbidden and would give a bad impression. A significantly higher proportion of Year 5 students agreed to the statement 'I would recommend vasectomy to relatives, friends and people close to me' compared to Year 3 and 4 students.

    CONCLUSION: Students' perception of vasectomy as a contraceptive method was encouraging. Our results suggest that their knowledge improved as medical training progressed, and attitudes evolved for the better irrespective of their traditional, cultural and religious beliefs - highlighting the importance of providing students with evidence-based learning about male sterilisation, which is more cost-effective and is associated with lower morbidity than female sterilisation. A qualitative study involving students from different ethnicities and religions would provide a better understanding of this subject.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*
  14. Wong SS, Wong CC, Ng KW, Bostanudin MF, Tan SF
    PLoS One, 2023;18(1):e0280680.
    PMID: 36696454 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0280680
    INTRODUCTION: This study aims to assess the impacts of COVID-19 pandemics among university students in Malaysia, by identifying the prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress among them and their respective predictors.

    METHODOLOGY: An online cross-sectional study was conducted via non-probabilistic convenience sampling. Data were collected on sociodemographic characteristics, lifestyle, COVID-19 related influences. Mental health status was assessed with depression, anxiety, and stress scale (DASS-21).

    RESULTS: 388 students participated this study (72.4% female; 81.7% Bachelor's student). The prevalence of moderate to severe depression, anxiety and stress among university students are 53.9%, 66.2% and 44.6%, respectively. Multivariable logistic regression analysis found that the odds of depression were lower among students who exercise at least 3 times per week (OR: 0.380, 95% CI: 0.203-0.711). The odd ratio of student who had no personal history of depression to had depression, anxiety and stress during this pandemic was also lower in comparison (OR: 0.489, 95% CI: 0.249-0.962; OR: 0.482, 95% CI: 0.241-0.963; OR: 0.252, 95% CI: 0.111-0.576). Surprisingly, students whose are currently pursuing Master study was associated with lower stress levels (OR: 0.188, 95% CI: 0.053-0.663). However, student who had poorer satisfaction of current learning experience were more likely to experience stress (OR: 1.644, 95% CI: 1.010-2.675).

    LIMITATIONS: It is impossible to establish causal relationships between variables on mental health outcomes, and there is a risk of information bias.

    CONCLUSION: The prevalence of mental health issues among university students is high. These findings present essential pieces of predictive information when promoting related awareness among them.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students/psychology
  15. Mustapha M, Lawal BK, Sha'aban A, Jatau AI, Wada AS, Bala AA, et al.
    PLoS One, 2021;16(11):e0260672.
    PMID: 34843594 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0260672
    Students of the health sciences are the future frontliners to fight pandemics. The students' participation in COVID-19 response varies across countries and are mostly for educational purposes. Understanding the determinants of COVID-19 vaccine acceptability is necessary for a successful vaccination program. This study aimed to investigate the factors associated with COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among health sciences students in Northwest Nigeria. The study was an online self-administered cross-sectional study involving a survey among students of health sciences in some selected universities in Northwest Nigeria. The survey collected pertinent data from the students, including socio-demographic characteristics, risk perception for COVID-19, and willingness to accept the COVID-19 vaccine. Multiple logistic regression was used to determine the predictors of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance. A total of 440 responses with a median (interquartile range) age of 23 (4.0) years were included in the study. The prevalence of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance was 40.0%. Factors that independently predict acceptance of the vaccine were age of 25 years and above (adjusted odds ratio, aOR, 2.72; 95% confidence interval, CI, 1.44-5.16; p = 0.002), instructions from heads of institutions (aOR, 11.71; 95% CI, 5.91-23.20; p<0.001), trust in the government (aOR, 20.52; 95% CI, 8.18-51.51; p<0.001) and willingness to pay for the vaccine (aOR, 7.92; 95% CI, 2.63-23.85; p<0.001). The prevalence of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among students of health sciences was low. Older age, mandate by heads of the institution, trust in the government and readiness to pay for the vaccine were associated with acceptance of the vaccine. Therefore, stakeholders should prioritize strategies that would maximize the vaccination uptake.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students*
  16. Elkalmi RM, Hassali MA, Ibrahim MI, Widodo RT, Efan QM, Hadi MA
    Am J Pharm Educ, 2011 Jun 10;75(5):96.
    PMID: 21829270 DOI: 10.5688/ajpe75596
    To assess senior pharmacy students' knowledge of and perceptions about pharmacovigilance and reporting of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) at 5 public universities in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Pharmacy*
  17. Swannell C
    Med J Aust, 2017 08 21;207(4):1.
    PMID: 28814225
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/history
  18. Azzani M, Muagan GAP, Atroosh WM, Ng IZ
    BMJ Open, 2024 Apr 30;14(4):e084454.
    PMID: 38688667 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2024-084454
    BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the major cause of mortality worldwide. Recent studies showed that there is increasing CVD incidence at younger ages. Therefore, this study aimed to estimate the risk of CVD and its associated factors among young adults.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among university students in Selangor, Malaysia, using a self-administered questionnaire along with anthropometric measurements. The sample size was calculated using a single proportion formula. The CVD risk was calculated using the non-laboratory-based Inter-Heart Modifiable Risk Score (IHMRS). Participants aged 18 years and above, with no CVD history, were recruited using a convenience sampling method between February and May 2022. CVD risk was classified as low (scores between 0 and 9 points), moderate (scores between 10 and 15 points) and high (scores between 16 and 48 points). The factors associated with the CVD risk were identified using χ2 analysis.

    RESULTS: A total of 241 participants were included in this study. The median age was 28 years and the majority were females (75.1%). The IHMRS revealed that 46.5%, 44.4% and 9% of the respondents have low, moderate and high CVD risk, respectively. The CVD risk associated factors were education, the history of heart attacks among parents, feeling sad or depressed for 2 weeks or more in a row, having several episodes/permanent stress, expose to secondhand smoke and consuming meat and poultry more than two times daily.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study found that more than 50% of study participants had moderate to high risk of CVD. Family history and lifestyle factors are the most likely determinants of CVD risk among the young age group. These findings support the development and implementation of targeted prevention programmes as well as provide useful information for action planning and policymaking to curb the disease in the future.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students/statistics & numerical data
  19. Pai DR, Ram S, Madan SS, Soe HH, Barua A
    Natl Med J India, 2014 Jul-Aug;27(4):192-7.
    PMID: 25668162
    It is known that simulation training is associated with stress for the trainees, at all levels of trainee experience. We explored the factors which were perceived by the trainees to cause them the maximum stress related to their simulation experience and their temporal changes over three simulation sessions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical/psychology*
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