METHODS: Questionnaire study conducted in May-December 2012 on 847 physicians from 255 ICUs in 10 low-middle-income countries and regions according to the World Bank's classification, and 618 physicians from 211 ICUs in six high-income countries and regions.
RESULTS: After we accounted for personal, ICU, and hospital characteristics on multivariable analyses using generalised linear mixed models, physicians from low-middle-income countries and regions were less likely to limit cardiopulmonary resuscitation, mechanical ventilation, vasopressors and inotropes, tracheostomy and haemodialysis than those from high-income countries and regions. They were more likely to involve families in end-of-life care discussions and to perceive legal risks with limitation of life-sustaining treatments and do-not-resuscitate orders. Nonetheless, they were also more likely to accede to families' requests to withdraw life-sustaining treatments in a patient with an otherwise reasonable chance of survival on financial grounds in a case scenario (adjusted odds ratio 5.05, 95 % confidence interval 2.69-9.51, P
OBJECTIVE: To examine the psychological impact of COVID-19 on emergency HCWs and to understand how they are dealing with COVID-19 pandemic, their stress coping strategies or protective factors, and challenges while dealing with COVID-19 patients.
METHODS: Using a framework thematic analysis approach, 15 frontline emergency HCWs directly dealing with COVID-19 patients from April 2, 2020 to April 25, 2020. The semi-structured interviews were conducted face-to-face or by telephone. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis.
RESULTS: Findings highlighted first major theme of stress coping, including, limiting media exposure, limited sharing of Covid-19 duty details, religious coping, just another emergency approach, altruism, and second major theme of Challenges includes, psychological response and noncompliance of public/denial by religious scholar.
CONCLUSIONS: Participants practiced and recommended various coping strategies to deal with stress and anxiety emerging from COVID-19 pandemic. Media was reported to be a principal source of raising stress and anxiety among the public. Religious coping as well as their passion to serve humanity and country were the commonly employed coping strategies.
METHODS: This pre-post, single-arm, quasi-experimental study randomly sampled 140 healthcare providers working in the Emergency Department of Hospital Ampang, Malaysia. Parameters of CPR quality, namely chest compression rate and depth were compared among participants when they performed CPR with and without an AV CPR feedback device. The efficacy of the AV CPR feedback device was assessed using the Chi-square test and Generalised Estimating Equations (GEE) models.
RESULTS: The use of an AV CPR feedback device increased the proportion of healthcare providers achieving recommended depth of chest compressions from 38.6% (95% Confidence Interval, 95%CI: 30.5, 47.2) to 85.0% (95%CI: 78.0, 90.5). A similar significant improvement from 39.3% (95%CI: 31.1, 47.9) to 86.4% (95%CI: 79.6, 91.6) in the recommended rate of chest compressions was also observed. Use of the AV CPR device significantly increased the likelihood of a CPR provider achieving recommended depth of chest compressions (Odds Ratio, OR=13.01; 95%CI: 7.12, 24.01) and rate of chest compressions (OR=13.00; 95%CI: 7.21, 23.44).
CONCLUSION: The use of an AV CPR feedback device significantly improved the delivered rate and depth of chest compressions closer to American Heart Association (AHA) recommendations. Usage of such devices within real-life settings may help in improving the quality of CPR for patients receiving CPR.
METHOD: This study used an analytic descriptive design with a cross-sectional approach with a population of 115 and the sample used was 85 people. Data were collected by distributing questionnaires. Questionnaires were used assess about nurses' knowledge, nurses' attitudes, and nurses' behavior in providing spiritual nursing care.
RESULTS: The results of bivariate analysis found a relationship between knowledge and behavior of nurses in the provision of spiritual nursing care with p value 0.010 (α=0.05). But there is no relationship between attitudes with nurses' behavior in providing spiritual nursing care with p value 1.000 (α=0.05).
CONCLUSION: Nurses' knowledge of nursing care can influence nurses' behavior in providing spiritual nursing care to patients.