Displaying publications 121 - 140 of 361 in total

  1. How SH, Ng KH, Jamalludin AR, Shah A, Rathor Y
    Med J Malaysia, 2005 Dec;60(5):606-13.
    PMID: 16515112
    We conducted a retrospective review of 135 patients with melioidosis in Pahang from January 2000 to June 2003. Patients were mostly male (78.5%) and Malay (83%) with a median age of 51 years. Seventy four percent of patients were diabetic. Common presentations were pneumonia (40.7%), septicaemic without obvious source of infection (19.3%) and multiple organ involvement (15.6%). Only 32.7% were given appropriate antibiotics empirically. The overall mortality was 54% with most deaths (65%) occurring within 48 hours of admission. Patients with pneumonia, multiple organ involvement and septicaemic of unknown source had higher mortality as compared to patients with subcutaneous, musculoskeletal or single internal organ involvement without pneumonia (p < 0.001). The relapse rate was 19.2%.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  2. Norleza AN, Gendeh BS
    Med J Malaysia, 2005 Aug;60(3):281-5.
    PMID: 16379180 MyJurnal
    We studied nine cases of SNUCs presented to the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Hospital University Kebangsaan Malaysia from 1999 to 2003. There were 8 males and 1 female with ages ranging from 24 to 78 years (mean 46.5y). The racial distribution consisted of 5 Chinese (55.5%), 3 Malays (33.3%) and 1 Indian (11.1%). Three patients were Kadish B (33.3%) and six were Kadish C (66.6%) by classification. In our series 2 years survival was 26.3% and median survival time was 14.2 months.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  3. Khoo JJ, Pee S, Thevarajah B, Yap YC, Chin CK
    J Paediatr Child Health, 2005 Jan-Feb;41(1-2):31-5.
    PMID: 15670221 DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1754.2005.00532.x
    OBJECTIVES: To determine the pattern of renal histology, clinical outcome of children with lupus nephritis and to identify any associated risk factors predicting renal failure in these children.
    METHODS: Retrospectively, 27 children under 16 years of age with lupus nephritis who had renal biopsies done at Sultanah Aminah Hospital Johor, Malaysia from 1994 to 2002 were studied. The renal histology was graded according to WHO classification system (1982). The medical records, laboratory data and the clinical outcome of the patients were studied.
    RESULTS: There were 24 cases of WHO Class IV, two cases of WHO Class II and a case of WHO Class V. Twenty children were in the good renal outcome group while six children progressed into the poor renal outcome group and required renal replacement. One child was lost to follow-up. All six children in the poor renal outcome group had WHO Class IV histology. The 5-year patient and renal survival rates were 84% and 75%, respectively. Age, sex, activity and chronicity indices in the renal histology, anaemia, elevated serum creatinine, depressed levels of C3 and C4, heavy proteinuria or presence of urinary active sediments were not associated with progression to renal failure.
    CONCLUSIONS: Presently, children with lupus nephritis appeared to have better patient and renal survival rates. Assessment of renal histology in these children was important for diagnosis, treatment and probably prognosis. In this study, there was a 25% incidence of loss of renal function over 5 years in children with WHO Class IV renal histology.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  4. Cheah IG, Soosai AP, Wong SL, Lim TO, Cost-Effectiveness NICU Study Group
    J Perinatol, 2005 Jan;25(1):47-53.
    PMID: 15372062
    To perform a cost-effective analysis on the care of infants between 1000 and 1500 g birthweight (the study group), where outcomes are measured as survival to 1 year of age.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  5. Rai NP, Divakar DD, Al Kheraif AA, Ramakrishnaiah R, Mustafa SM, Durgesh BH, et al.
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2015;16(16):6919-22.
    PMID: 26514468
    BACKGROUND: The treatment selection for the oral squamous cell carcinoma remains controversial. Radiation therapy or surgical excision of the lesion can be applied as the sole treatment or it can be used in combination with other treatment modalities. Radiotherapy is considered to be the safest of all the treatment modalities and can be used in several situations for oral and oropharyngeal cancers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the survival outcome differences in patients treated with radical and palliative radiotherapy as the primary treatment modality.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included a total of 47 patients with oral cancer reporting to our hospital between years 2009 to 2010. The age group for the selected patients was more than 65 years, treated with radical and palliative radiotherapy with no prior surgical interventions. Patients were evaluated till Dec 2013 for overall survival time.

    RESULTS: Twenty nine patients were treated with radical radiotherapy as main stay of treatment, out of which 21 died during the follow up time with median survival of 352 ± 281.7 days with 8 patients alive. All the 16 patients were dead who received palliative radiotherapy with a median survival time of 112 ± 144.0 days.

    CONCLUSIONS: This retrospective study showed improved overall survival time, loco regional control rates and reduced morbidity in patients treated with radical radiotherapy when compared to patients treated with palliative radiotherapy.

    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  6. Ng SY, Pua KC, Zahirrudin Z
    Med J Malaysia, 2015 Dec;70(6):367-8.
    PMID: 26988214 MyJurnal
    Temporal bone squamous cell carcinoma (TBSCC) is rare and poses difficulties in diagnosing, staging and management. We describe a case series with six patients who were diagnosed TBSCC, from January 2009 to June 2014, with median age of 62 years old. All patients presented with blood-stain discharge and external auditory canal mass, showing that these findings should highly alert the diagnosis of TBSCC. Three patients staged T3 and another three with T4 disease. High-resolution CT (HRCT) temporal findings were noted to be different from intraoperative findings and therefore we conclude that MRI should be done to look for middle ear involvement or other soft tissue invasion for more accurate staging. Lateral temporal bone resection (LTBR) and parotidectomy was done for four patients with or without neck dissection. Patients with positive margin, perineural invasion or parotid and glenoid involvement carry poorer prognosis and postoperative radiotherapy may improve the survival rate. One patient had successful tumor resection via piecemeal removal approach in contrast with the recommended en bloc resection shows that with negative margin achieved, piecemeal removal approach can be a good option for patients with T2-3 disease. In general, T4 tumor has dismal outcome regardless of surgery or radiotherapy given.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  7. Idris SZ, Hassan N, Lee LJ, Md Noor S, Osman R, Abdul-Jalil M, et al.
    Hematology, 2016 May;21(4):206-12.
    PMID: 26907959 DOI: 10.1080/10245332.2015.1101965
    INTRODUCTION: Regulation in adaptive immune response balances a fine line that prevents instigation of self-damage or fall into unresponsiveness permitting abnormal cell growth. Mechanisms that keep this balance in check include regulatory T cells (Tregs). Tregs consist of a small but heterogeneous population, which may be identified by the phenotype, CD3+CD4+CD25+CD127-. The role of Tregs in pathogenesis of cancers is thus far supported by evidence of increased Tregs in various cancers and may contribute to poorer prognosis. Tregs may also be important in acute leukaemias.

    OBJECTIVE: A review of the literature on Tregs in acute leukaemias was conducted and Tregs were determined in B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemias (ALLs).

    RESULTS: Studies on Tregs in B-cell ALL are few and controversial. We observed a significantly increased percentage of Tregs (mean±SD, 9.72 ± 3.79% vs. 7.05 ± 1.74%; P = 0.047) in the bone marrow/peripheral blood of ALL (n = 17) compared to peripheral blood of normal controls (n = 35). A positive trend between Tregs and age (R = 0.474, P = 0.055, n = 17) implicates this factor of poor prognosis in B-cell ALL.

    DISCUSSION: Tregs in cancer are particularly significant in immunotherapy. The manipulation of the immune system to treat cancer has for a long time ignored regulatory mechanisms inducible or in place. In lymphoma studies, tumour-specific mechanisms that are unlike conventional methods in the induction of Tregs have been hypothesized. In addition, tumour-infiltrating Tregs may present different profiles from peripheral blood pictures. Tregs will continue to be dissected to reveal its mysteries and their impact on clinical significance.

    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  8. Faisham WI, Mat Saad AZ, Alsaigh LN, Nor Azman MZ, Kamarul Imran M, Biswal BM, et al.
    Asia Pac J Clin Oncol, 2017 Apr;13(2):e104-e110.
    PMID: 25870979 DOI: 10.1111/ajco.12346
    AIM: Osteosarcoma is a highly malignant primary bone tumor. The study aim to evaluate the prognostic factors influencing the survival rate in our center.

    METHODS: This was a retrospective cohort study of all patients treated between January 2005 and December 2010.

    RESULTS: We included 163 patients with an age range of 6-59 years (median = 19). The median follow-up was 47 months (range 36-84). The overall survival in patients who completed chemotherapy and surgery (n = 117) was 72% at 2 years and 44% at 5 years. Histologically, 99 (85%) had osteoblastic, 6 (5%) had chondroblastic and 3 (2.5%) had telangiectatic osteosarcoma. Limb salvage surgery was performed in 80 (49%) and 41 (25%) underwent amputation. However, 46 patients (28%) underwent no surgical intervention and incomplete chemotherapy. In total, 38/79 patients had a good chemotherapy response. There was a significantly better survival rate for limb salvage versus amputation. Independent prognostic factors for survival are compliance to treatment and presence of lung metastasis.

    CONCLUSION: The overall survival of osteosarcoma patients was influenced by the presence of pulmonary metastases and compliance to treatment. Histological subtype, different chemotherapy regimens and histological necrosis after chemotherapy did not significantly influence survival. The patients who did not complete treatment had significantly poorer survival.

    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  9. Loh SY, Musa AN
    PMID: 25792854 DOI: 10.2147/BCTT.S47012
    CONTEXT: Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer amongst women but it has the highest survival rates amongst all cancer. Rehabilitation therapy of post-treatment effects from cancer and its treatment is needed to improve functioning and quality of life. This review investigated the range of methods for improving physical, psychosocial, occupational, and social wellbeing in women with breast cancer after receiving breast cancer surgery.
    METHOD: A search for articles published in English between the years 2009 and 2014 was carried out using The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, the Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, PubMed, and ScienceDirect. Search terms included: 'breast cancer', 'breast carcinoma', 'surgery', 'mastectomy', 'lumpectomy', 'breast conservation', 'axillary lymph node dissection', 'rehabilitation', 'therapy', 'physiotherapy', 'occupational therapy', 'psychological', 'psychosocial', 'psychotherapy', 'exercise', 'physical activity', 'cognitive', 'occupational', 'alternative', 'complementary', and 'systematic review'.
    STUDY SELECTION: Systematic reviews on the effectiveness of rehabilitation methods in improving post-operative physical, and psychological outcomes for breast cancer were selected. Sixteen articles met all the eligibility criteria and were included in the review.
    DATA EXTRACTION: Included review year, study aim, total number of participants included, and results.
    DATA SYNTHESIS: Evidence for exercise rehabilitation is predominantly in the improvement of shoulder mobility and limb strength. Inconclusive results exist for a range of rehabilitation methods (physical, psycho-education, nutritional, alternative-complementary methods) for addressing the domains of psychosocial, cognitive, and occupational outcomes.
    CONCLUSION: There is good evidence for narrowly-focused exercise rehabilitation in improving physical outcome particularly for shoulder mobility and lymphedema. There were inconclusive results for methods to improve psychosocial, cognitive, and occupational outcomes. There were no reviews on broader performance areas and lifestyle factors to enable effective living after treatment. The review suggests that comprehensiveness and effectiveness of post-operative breast cancer rehabilitation should consider patients' self-management approaches towards lifestyle redesign, and incorporate health promotion aspects, in light of the fact that breast cancer is now taking the form of a chronic illness with longer survivorship years.
    KEYWORDS: breast cancer surgery; lifestyle redesign; quality of life; rehabilitation methods; self-management; symptom-management
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  10. Mak KH, Chia KS, Kark JD, Chua T, Tan C, Foong BH, et al.
    Eur Heart J, 2003 Jan;24(2):151-60.
    PMID: 12573272
    AIMS: We compare the myocardial infarction (MI) event and mortality rates among Chinese, Malay and Indian residents of Singapore.

    METHODS: Residents, aged 20 to 64 years, with an MI event were identified from hospital discharge listings, postmortem reports, and the Registry of Births and Deaths. All pathology laboratories flagged patients with elevated creatine phosphokinase (CPK) levels. Modified MONICA (multinational monitoring of trends and determinants in cardiovascular disease) criteria were used for determining MI events.

    RESULTS: From 1991 to 1999, 12 481 MI events were identified. Chinese patients were older and less likely to have typical symptoms or previous MI. Malays had the highest peak CPK level. Among all three ethnic groups, MI event and age-adjusted case-fatality rates declined. Compared with Chinese, MI event rates were >2-fold and >3-fold higher, and age-standardized coronary mortality rates were 2.4 and 3.0 higher times for Malays and Indians, respectively. Malays have the highest 3.1-year case-fatality, with an adjusted hazard ratio of 1.26 (95% confidence interval, 1.14 to 1.38) compared with Chinese.

    CONCLUSION: We found strong ethnic differences in MI event, case-fatality and coronary mortality rates among the three ethnic groups in Singapore. While Indians have the greatest MI event rates, Malays have the highest case-fatality.

    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  11. J Med Assoc Thai, 2000 Jan;83(1):1-7.
    PMID: 10710862
    To study the existing stroke epidemiology of nine Asian countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  12. Lim GC
    Jpn J Clin Oncol, 2002 Mar;32 Suppl:S37-42.
    PMID: 11959876 DOI: 10.1093/jjco/hye132
    The problem of cancer in Malaysia is a growing one. It is now the fourth leading cause of death among medically certified deaths. Cancer of the lung is the most common killer among malignancies. It is estimated that the annual incidence of cancer is 30 000. The majority of patients are found at a late stage of the disease. The National Cancer Control Program aims to reduce the incidence and mortality of cancer and to improve the quality of life of cancer patients. Policies encompass prevention, early diagnosis, treatment, palliative care and rehabilitation. The program for prevention includes an anti-smoking campaign and immunization of babies against hepatitis B. Papanicolaou's smear and breast self-examination are among efforts for the early detection of cancer. Public education and the promotion of healthy lifestyles have been actively carried out. Facilities for treatment and palliative care are being developed further. Networks between the public and private sectors and non-governmental organizations have been on-going. Apart from the establishment and upgrading of treatment facilities, the need for training of skilled staff in the treatment of cancer is highlighted.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  13. Cho EG, Hor YL, Kim HH, Rao VR, Engelmann F
    Cryo Letters, 2002 Sep-Oct;23(5):317-24.
    PMID: 12447491
    This paper investigates the importance of loading and treatment with a vitrification solution on the survival of Citrus madurensis embryonic axes cryopreserved using a vitrification protocol. Among the seven different loading solutions tested, the solution containing 2 M glycerol + 0.4 M sucrose was the most efficient. Of the six vitrification solutions tested, the PVS2 vitrification solution, applied for 20 min at 25 degree C or for 60 min at 0 degree C, ensured the highest survival. A three-step vitrification protocol, involving the treatment of embryonic axes at 0 degree C with half strength PVS2 solution for 20 min then with full strength PVS2 for an additional 40 min was more efficient than a two-step protocol that involved treatment of axes directly with full strength PVS2 solution for 60 min. After rapid immersion in liquid nitrogen, rapid rewarming, unloading in a 1.2 M sucrose solution for 20 min, culture on solid medium with 0.3 M sucrose for 1 day and growth recovery for 4 weeks on standard medium, survival of C. madurensis embryonic axes reached 85 % following the three-step process, compared with 70 % for the two-step process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  14. Cho EG, Hor YL, Kim HH, Rao VR, Engelmann F
    Cryo Letters, 2002 Sep-Oct;23(5):325-32.
    PMID: 12447492
    In this paper, we demonstrate that C. madurensis embryonic axes can withstand cryopreservation using the encapsulation-dehydration technique. Up to 57.5 % survival was achieved using a standard encapsulation-dehydration protocol, which included pregrowth of encapsulated axes for 16 h in medium containing 0.8 M sucrose + 1 M glycerol, desiccation of beads to around 30 % moisture content (fresh weight basis) followed by rapid freezing. A slightly higher survival percentage (65 %) was obtained using a modified encapsulation-dehydration protocol, which included pretreatment of axes with 2 M glycerol + 0.6 M sucrose for 1 h, concomitantly with their encapsulation in 3 % calcium alginate beads, followed by desiccation of the beads to around 30 % moisture content.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  15. Cho EG, Hor YL, Kim HH, Rao VR, Engelmann F
    Cryo Letters, 2001 Nov-Dec;22(6):391-6.
    PMID: 11788881
    The role of pregrowth and preculture treatments in terms of both medium composition and exposure duration on survival of embryonic axes of Citrus madurensis after cryopreservation using the vitrification procedure was investigated. The optimal pregrowth treatment for excised embryonic axes was a 3-day treatment with 0.1M sucrose. Preculture was also essential in increasing survival after cryopreservation. Among the various media and treatment durations evaluated, a 24h-preculture of embryonic axes on medium with 0.3M sucrose and 0.5M glycerol was found to be optimal. Using these pregrowth and preculture conditions followed by treatment at 25 degrees C for 20 min each with a loading solution (0.4M sucrose + 2.0M glycerol) and then the PVS2 vitrification solution, direct immersion in liquid nitrogen, rapid rewarming, unloading in a 1.2M sucrose solution for 20 min and transfer of embryonic axes on recovery medium, 82.5% survival and regrowth without intermediary callus formation were obtained with C. madurensis embryonic axes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  16. Boo NY, Chandran V, Zulfiqar MA, Zamratol SM, Nyein MK, Haliza MS, et al.
    J Paediatr Child Health, 2000 Aug;36(4):363-9.
    PMID: 10940172
    OBJECTIVES: To identify the types of early cranial ultrasound changes that were significant predictors of adverse outcome during the first year of life in asphyxiated term infants.

    METHODOLOGY: This was a prospective cohort study. Shortly after birth, cranial ultrasonography was carried out via the anterior fontanelles of 70 normal control infants and 104 asphyxiated infants with a history of fetal distress and Apgar scores of less than 6 at 1 and 5 min of life, or requiring endotracheal intubation and manual intermittent positive pressure ventilation for at least 5 min after birth. Neurodevelopmental assessment was carried out on the survivors at 1 year of age.

    RESULTS: Abnormal cranial ultrasound changes were detected in a significantly higher proportion (79.8%, or n = 83) of asphyxiated infants than controls (39.5%, or n = 30) (P < 0.0001). However, logistic regression analysis showed that only three factors were significantly associated with adverse outcome at 1 year of life among the asphyxiated infants. These were: (i) decreasing birthweight (for every additional gram of increase in birthweight, adjusted odds ratio (OR) = 0.999, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.998, 1.000; P = 0.047); (ii) a history of receiving ventilatory support during the neonatal period (adjusted OR = 8.3; 95%CI 2.4, 28.9; P = 0.0009); and (iii) hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy stage 2 or 3 (adjusted OR = 5.8; 95%CI 1.8, 18.6; P = 0.003). None of the early cranial ultrasound changes was a significant predictor.

    CONCLUSIONS: Early cranial ultrasound findings, although common in asphyxiated infants, were not significant predictors of adverse outcome during the first year of life in asphyxiated term infants.

    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  17. Shahrudin MD
    Int Surg, 1997 Jul-Sep;82(3):269-74.
    PMID: 9372373
    Recent studies have demonstrated a reduction in the morbidity and mortality of pancreatic resection and improvement in the actuarial 5-year survival for patients with resected ductal adenocarcinoma. We reviewed the clinico-pathological characteristics of patients who underwent resection with curative intent for ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas between 1980 and 1993.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  18. Fan KS, Lim TO, Morad Z, Suleiman AB, Lei CC, Khairullah A
    Transplant Proc, 1995 Feb;27(1):1466-8.
    PMID: 7878944
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  19. Sivanesaratnam V, Sen DK, Jayalakshmi P, Ong G
    Int. J. Gynecol. Cancer, 1993 Jul;3(4):231-238.
    PMID: 11578351
    During a 14-year period, 397 radical hysterectomies and pelvic lymphadenectomies were performed for early invasive carcinoma of the cervix. Twenty-one patients were in stage IA2 with lymphatic/vascular channel permeation (5.2%), 340 in stage IB (85.6%) and 34 in early stage 2A disease (8.5%). Eighteen patients (4.5%) were pregnant. Adenocarcinoma comprised 26.9% of cases. The mean operative time was 4.14 h; the intraoperative blood loss was less than 1.51 in 77.3% patients. There was no operative mortality; one patient died 3 weeks after surgery from clostridium difficile enterocilitis. Eleven patients (2.7%) developed venous thrombosis; severe lymphedema occurred in four (1%). The incidence of uretero-vaginal fistula was 0.2% and that of vesico-vaginal fistula 0.5%. Ovarian metastases were noted in 4.3% of cases with adenocarcinoma. Sixty-six patients had positive nodes (16.6%). Five-year survival in patients with more than 2 positive nodes was 68%. The use of adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with 'high risk' factors resulted in survival rates approaching those without risk factors. Neo-adjuvant chemotherapy was used in 10 patients with large bulky tumors; the results were favorable. Recurrences occurred in 47 patients (11.8%); 36 patients have died (9.1%). Age did not appear to influence survival. The overall 5-year survival was 92.2%.
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
  20. Koh ET, Seow A, Leong KH, Chng HH
    Lupus, 1997;6(1):27-31.
    PMID: 9116715 DOI: 10.1177/096120339700600104
    We analysed the causes of 67 deaths, over a 4 y period, in our oriental population with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The median disease duration was 48 +/- 60.5 months (range 1-250 months). The mean age at diagnosis and death were 30 and 35.1 y respectively. SLE alone accounted for death in 30 patients (44.8%), infection in 27 (40.3%), pulmonary embolism in 5 (7.5%), malignancy in 4 (5.9%) and rheumatic heart disease in 1 (1.5%). The major organ involvement in those with active disease at death were SLE related thrombocytopenia (n = 23/44, 52.3%), nephritis (n = 21/44), 47.7%), cerebral lupus (n = 16/44, 36.4%), and pulmonary haemorrhage (n = 12/44, 27.3%). As in other series, SLE and infection were the principal causes of death in our population. During this 4 y period, there was no late death due to atherosclerosis.
    Study site: Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH), Singapore
    Matched MeSH terms: Survival Rate
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