Displaying publications 141 - 160 of 232 in total

  1. Noreen Fitrisha Mat Nor, Sinniah, Saraswathy Devi, Maryati Md Dasor
    Objectives: To assess oral health related quality of life (OHRQoL) among orthodontic patients who had been allocated into three methods of orthodontic anchorage; transpalatal arch (TPA), modified TPA-Nance (TPA-Nance) and mini-implant (MI). Materials and Methods: This study was conducted in Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Sungai Buloh and Puncak Perdana campus. Thirty-six orthodontic patients with anchorage requirement between 18 and 30 years old were recruited. The subjects were equally divided into three groups, which included 28 females and 8 males. The assessment of patients’ oral health related quality of life (OHRQoL) towards the anchorage supplementation using modified oral health impact profile (S-OHIP-14) questionnaires were carried out. The questionnaire was given at two time points, which was before the insertion of the allocated anchorage regime (T0) and after a week of insertion of the allocated anchorage regime (T1). Results: There was no statistical significant difference on functional limitation, physical pain, psychological discomfort, physical disability, psychological disability, social disability and handicap domains of OHIP-14 questionnaire between the three anchorage groups (p>0.05). Conclusion: The OHRQoL patterns, during the treatment with the anchorage reinforcement were very similar. This suggests that TPA, TPA-Nance and MI do not affect patients’ OHRQoL. The OHRQoL trends observed during the study can be communicated to patients and used to increase patients’ compliance since they are made aware of the whole treatment process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Faculty
  2. Nurul Farahah Bahari, Nur Iffah Izzaty Jamal, John, Jacob
    Ann Dent, 2019;26(1):8-14.
    This cross sectional study investigated the clinical and radiographic status of crowned teeth with and without root canal treatment. The study used secondary data from records of patients who received crown treatment at the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya before 2015 and walk-in patients attending the primary care clinic between July - December 2016. The inclusion criterion was crown fitted for more than 12 months. Once identified, the patients were assessed for clinical and radiographic status. Data were entered into and analysed using SPSS Version 20 software. A total of 66 crowns [35 root canal treated (RCT) and 31 non-root canal treated (n-RCT)] were identified. Chi-square test was carried out to determine the health of crowned teeth and for its longevity in the oral cavity. There were 43 crowns (46.5% RCT; 53.5% n-RCT) with plaque accumulation, 15 (66.7% RCT; 33.3% n-RCT) with gingival swelling/recession, 17 (46.5% RCT; 53.5% n-RCT) with widening of the periodontal ligament, 13 (53.8% RCT; 46.2% n-RCT) with bone loss and 5 (60% RCT; 40% n-RCT) crowns with periapical lesion. There was no statistically significant difference except for poorer alveolar bone condition for crowns that have been in the mouth for >10 years. Based on the study, no significant adverse pulpal involvement between crown with RCT and crown without RCT was observed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Faculty
  3. Izni Syamsina Saari, Nor Adila Kedin, Ainon Syazana Ab Hamid, Mohd Amirul Atan
    ESTEEM Academic Journal, 2019;15(1):33-43.
    In Malaysia, gastric cancer (also known as stomach cancer) is diagnosed at a complex stage and has poor prognosis. Most mortality cases due to gastric cancer diseases are potentially preventable. Thus greater efforts are needed for gastric cancer awareness to give adequate knowledge for Malaysians in order to be more cautious or alert in diagnosing the ailment much earlier. After all, early detection is the key towards improving the survival rate in gastric cancer patients. Hence, the aim of this study is to assess the youngsters’ awareness on the risk factors of gastric cancer. A survey using online forms was conducted on 350 students of UiTM Melaka, Alor Gajah Campus, to assess their awareness of risk factors regarding gastric cancer. Based on the regression analysis conducted, it can be highlighted that attitudes, knowledge, medication, education level and faculty (dummy) are some of the variables that were found to be the risk factors of the awareness on gastric cancer among these selected youngsters in the 21st century.
    Matched MeSH terms: Faculty
  4. Ahmad Sofian, Shminan, Rehman, Ullah Khan, Wan Norizan, Wan Hashim, Iswandy, Jamaludin
    The world has suffered from a critical shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (Riva et al., 2007) during the pandemic of Covid-19 for medical staffs, the front liners. Like the whole world, Malaysia also imposed the stay-at-home and Movement Control Order (MCO) to break the chain of infections and flatten the curve of cases. The supply of PPE became a challenge during the lock down. There have been joined efforts from various parties stepping up, with different ways to help the production process of these key equipment but mostly focus on PPTs for male. Another challenge was face mask for Muslim lady health workers who wear hijab. This paper is about how to overcome these challenges and designed a novel face mask clip for hijab, using 3D printing. The face mask clip is for wearing a mask over hijab and is designed by generating a 3D digital file using computer-aided design (Hourcade, Bullock-Rest, & Hansen, 2012) software. Then the 3D design was converted to Standard Tessellation Language (STL) format, for the use of 3D printing systems. Then the design was split into layers for precise printing. The clips were tested by the staff in faculty of Cognitive Sciences and Human Development, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. Feedbacks were collected by an online survey using the modified System Usability Scale. The participants reported that the clips are very comfortable and easy to use.
    Matched MeSH terms: Faculty
  5. Lim TW, Ab Ghani SM, Mahmud M
    J Prosthet Dent, 2020 Dec 02.
    PMID: 33279159 DOI: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2020.06.034
    STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Resin-bonded fixed partial dental prostheses (RBFPDPs) cemented at an increased occlusal vertical dimension (OVD) (the Dahl concept) to create space for a metal retainer remain controversial because of the lack of reported clinical studies. This study evaluated RBFPDPs by applying the Dahl concept.

    PURPOSE: The purpose of this retrospective study was to investigate the clinical factors affecting the occlusal re-establishment and short-term complications of RBFPDPs cemented at an increased OVD.

    MATERIAL AND METHODS: Occlusal re-establishment and clinical complications were reviewed in 109 participants (155 RBFPDPs) treated at the Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Teknologi MARA from January 2013 to May 2018. Types of complications and risk factors were assessed from clinical data. Demographic factors, clinical factors, and prosthesis factors were distinguished and their association with occlusal re-establishment analyzed by using multiple regression analysis.

    RESULTS: A total of 155 RBFPDPs (42 anterior, 113 posterior) were placed in 109 participants. All achieved occlusal re-establishment, 89.9% complete occlusal re-establishment and 10.1% partial occlusal re-establishment, a minimum of 4 months after the RBFPDPs had been placed at an increased OVD. The design of the metal retainer coverage was found to be a significant factor affecting occlusal re-establishment and decementation (P

    Matched MeSH terms: Faculty
  6. Purnomo YW, Prananto IW, Driana E, Saparanti K, Nuriadin I, Ismail SN
    Data Brief, 2020 Dec;33:106578.
    PMID: 33318973 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106578
    This article presents data on factors that depict [pre-service] teacher beliefs about educational research. A cross-sectional survey was used to collect the data that involved 352 final-year students working on their undergraduate theses. The students were registered in the faculty of teacher training and education in one of the private universities with an A (excellent) accreditation in Jakarta, Indonesia. The participants were selected conveniently. Exploratory factor analysis was performed to reveal the factors comprised in the data. 49 out of 72 items formed five factors: negative views about educational research, positive views about educational research, knowledge about educational research, open-mindedness, and accessibility.
    Matched MeSH terms: Faculty
  7. Tin Sabai Aung, Amalina Emran, Chua Tock Hing, Tin Tin Thein, Win Win Than, Aye Aye Wynn, et al.
    Introduction: Dengue is caused by dengue virus (DENV) which is a member of the genus Flavivirus of the family Flaviviridae. The prevalence of dengue has been increasing all over the world especially in Southeast Asia and Western Pacific regions. In 2016 - 2017 dengue outbreaks were reported in Sandakan and Kudat of Sabah, Malay-sia. The aim of this study was to determine the serotypes of dengue viruses circulating in these two sites during the outbreaks. Methods: A total of 200 dengue patients’ sera tested positive with NS1 and IgM & IgG rapid test (PanBio) were collected from Hospital Duchess of Kent Sandakan and Hospital Kudat between June 2016 and December 2017. PCR was done at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. One-Step Reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) and nested PCR was performed using C-prM amplimers designed by Lanciotti et al and later redesigned by Chien et al, followed by sequencing some of the PCR products. Results: Out of 200 sera tested 128 were PCR positive. All the four dengue serotypes were detected with PCR products with specific sizes in gel electrophoresis. However, in four samples, no serotype-specific band was amplified by the nested PCR, while they were dengue-positive in RT-PCR showing 511 base pair amplicon. Sequencing results revealed all four samples were found to belong to DENV4. The sequences of these samples were aligned with that of DENV 4 reverse primer rTS4. The DENV4 specific primer rTS4 was found to have four mismatched nucleotides to the DENV4 sequences. Conclusion: There was a co-circulation of DENV1 to 4 in Sandakan and Kudat in the study period. DENV1 was the predominant serotype. DENV4 specific C-prM primer rTS4 should be redesigned for the local DENV4 strain in Sabah in future research.
    Matched MeSH terms: Faculty
  8. Widyahening IS, van der Heijden GJ, Moy FM, van der Graaf Y, Sastroasmoro S, Bulgiba A
    Perspect Med Educ, 2012 Dec;1(5-6):249-61.
    PMID: 23240103 DOI: 10.1007/s40037-012-0029-9
    Clinical epidemiology (CE) and evidence-based medicine (EBM) have become an important part of medical school curricula. This report describes the implementation and some preliminary outcomes of an integrated CE and EBM module in the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia (UI), Jakarta and in the University of Malaya (UM) in Kuala Lumpur. A CE and EBM module, originally developed at the University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU), was adapted for implementation in Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur. Before the start of the module, UI and UM staff followed a training of teachers (TOT). Student competencies were assessed through pre and post multiple-choice knowledge tests, an oral and written structured evidence summary (evidence-based case report, EBCR) as well as a written exam. All students also filled in a module evaluation questionnaire. The TOT was well received by staff in Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur and after adaptation the CE and EBM modules were integrated in both medical schools. The pre-test results of UI and UM were significantly lower than those of UMCU students (p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Faculty
  9. Kaliaperumal Rathakrishnan, Rosalia Saimon
    Introduction: Fewer men were engaged in taking responsibility of their own health. Previous evidence showed that the roles of masculinity, self-rated health status, social support and health literacy level affecting health seeking behaviour among men. However, there is still lack of evidence in Malaysia. The objective of this study was to deter-mine the factors influencing health seeking behaviours among male university students. Methods: This was a cross sectional study conducted in Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. Recommended sample size was 360 respondents. Out of eight faculties, using EXCEL randomization technique, first 4 faculties were selected. The selected faculties were Faculty of Business and Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Language and Communication. Based on the name list given from each faculty, alternate names very selected to participate. Data was collected using self-administered questionnaire. Results: 354 male students participated in this study. Total of 259(73.2%) students were reported to have low overall health seeking behaviour. Chi-square analysis showed of all the variables, there was correlation between health literacy level (r = 0.149, n = 354, p
    Matched MeSH terms: Faculty
  10. Siriwardena BSMS, Udagama MNGP, Tennakoon TMPB, Athukorala DAADW, Jayasooriya PR, Tilakaratne WM
    PMID: 32782125 DOI: 10.1016/j.bjorl.2020.06.004
    INTRODUCTION: The adenomatoid odontogenic tumor is a relatively uncommon odontogenic neoplasm representing about 4.7% of all odontogenic tumors.

    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the demographic and clinical profile of the adenomatoid odontogenic tumors in a Sri Lankan population.

    METHODS: Data gathered from the cases received for a period of 38 years from the Department of Oral Pathology, Faculty of Dental Sciences, University of Peradeniya. Request forms, biopsy reports and electronic data base of the department were used to obtain relevant information. Demographic data including age, gender and location of the tumor were included in the analysis.

    RESULTS: Out of 116 cases of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, the mean age was 21.02 ± 11.24. It occurs more fre quently in the second decade of life, more prevalent in females, most often associated with the maxilla, predominantly affecting anterior jaw bones and presenting mostly in the right side of the jaw bone. The results from the present study showed the statistically significant relationship with site of occurrence (maxilla/mandible) and age (p  0.05).

    CONCLUSIONS: Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor occurs more frequently in the second decade of life with a significant female predominance and the commonest site is anterior maxilla. This study revealed few differences on demographic and clinical presentations of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor from some regions of the world.

    Matched MeSH terms: Faculty
  11. Yakob M, Hassan YR, Tse KL, Gu M, Yang Y
    PMID: 28092164 DOI: 10.1597/16-191
    Objective To test the reliability of the modified Huddart-Bodenham (MHB) numerical scoring system and its agreement with the GOSLON Yardstick categorization for assessing the dental arch relationships in unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) cases. Design A retrospective study. Setting Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong. Patients Forty-one nonsyndromic UCLP consecutive patients attending the Joint Cleft Lip/Palate Clinic at Faculty of Dentistry in the University of Hong Kong were selected. Interventions Study models at 8 to 10 years old (T1) and 10 to 12 years old (T2) were obtained from each patient. Main Outcome Measures Models were rated with the MHB scoring system and GOSLON Yardstick index. The intra- and interexaminer reliabilities as well as correlation of both scoring systems were evaluated. Furthermore, to investigate the outcome measurements consistency, the MHB scoring system and GOSLON Yardstick were independently used to compare the dental arch relationships from T1 to T2, with the samples split into intervention and nonintervention groups. Results The MHB scoring system presented good intra- and interexaminer agreement, which were comparable to those of the GOSLON Yardstick. The correlation between the MHB scoring system and GOSLON Yardstick scores was good. Both scoring systems showed similar results when assessing the change in the dental arch relationships from T1 to T2. Conclusions The MHB scoring system can be used as an alternative method to the commonly used GOSLON Yardstick for assessing dental deformities in UCLP patients. Both scoring systems showed similar results in assessing the improvement in dental arch relationships.
    Matched MeSH terms: Faculty
  12. Seif AA, Eldamanhoury HM, Darahim K, Boulos DNK, Bahaa N, A M C, et al.
    Adv Physiol Educ, 2021 Mar 01;45(1):109-120.
    PMID: 33544038 DOI: 10.1152/advan.00166.2020
    The electrocardiogram (ECG) is the primary diagnostic tool in cardiovascular diseases. Hence its interpretation is a core competency in medicine, where obvious deficiencies have been reported among learners. The aim of this study was to introduce the fundamentals of ECG knowledge and interpretation through early clinical exposure (ECE) based on a six-step approach for preclinical students (n = 110) and to study its influence on their knowledge and interpretation skills thereafter. The first step employed a blended learning format using didactic lectures on normal and pathological ECGs, each preceded by preinstructional videos. The second step focused on psychomotor skills and utilized laboratory exercises for ECG recording and interpretation. The third step focused on vertical integration, where the clinical relevance of the procedure was established with integrated lectures. The fourth step used the Moodle platform, where opportunities for peer interactions and clarifications by clinical faculty were made available. The fifth step incorporated clinical and diagnostic reasoning through cardiology ward visits and interpretation of patient ECGs. The sixth step was designed for critical thinking and problem solving through case-based discussions with peers and faculty. Students were assessed with multiple-choice questions and objective structured practical examination. Learner perceptions of the approach were evaluated with a feedback questionnaire and focus group discussion. Statistical analysis showed that ECE through a six-step approach significantly enhanced knowledge and interpretation of ECG as evidenced by the pre- and posttest scores. Analysis of the focus group data revealed that learner engagement and skills of critical thinking were enhanced along with diagnostic and clinical reasoning.
    Matched MeSH terms: Faculty
  13. Idris RI, Shoji Y, Lim TW
    J Prosthet Dent, 2021 Jan 14.
    PMID: 33455729 DOI: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2020.11.035
    STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Space creation for a metal retainer of the resin-bonded fixed partial dental prostheses (RBFPDPs) with the Dahl concept remains controversial because of the lack of clinical studies.

    PURPOSE: The purpose of this clinical study was to investigate the occlusal force and occlusal contact reestablishment of RBFPDPs cemented at an increased occlusal vertical dimension (the Dahl concept) and to evaluate the factors affecting them.

    MATERIAL AND METHODS: A prospective clinical study was carried out on 28 participants receiving cantilevered RBFPDPs at an increased occlusal vertical dimension at the Faculty of Dentistry, University Teknologi MARA. Maximum occlusal forces were recorded at precementation, postcementation, and 12-week review visit by using pressure indicating film, while occlusal contact reestablishment was assessed at the precementation stage and 12-week review visit by using shim stock foils. The Wilcoxon signed-rank and chi-squared tests were used for statistical analysis (α=.05).

    RESULTS: Significant differences were found for maximum occlusal force between the precementation and the postcementation and between the postcementation and the 12-week review of RBFPDPs (P.05).

    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, occlusal force was reestablished after 12 weeks, and occlusal contact was completely reestablished in most participants after placement of RBFPDPs at an increased occlusal vertical dimension.

    Matched MeSH terms: Faculty
  14. Norkiah Binti Arsat, Segaran Ramodran, Farah RazeeraVidy, Nor Hafiqah Binti Mohd Taib, Dylela Lee Geem
    Introduction: Nursing students have been educated with critical thinking in client care. However, nursing students are often considered to be lacking in critical thinking especially during their clinical experience. This is likely due to lack of knowledge of critical thinking as the opportunities for learning critical thinking (LCT) are limited and less en- couraged to use critical thinking during the teaching and learning process. Therefore, it contributes to poor learning outcomes.The aim of this study was to identify level of LCT and critical thinking disposition (CTD) among diploma nursing student of UMS. Methods: A cross sectional survey design using purposive sampling methods. Sixty (60) of 66 year3 nursing students completed aCTD Inventory for Chinese Medical College Students (CTDI-M) by Wang et al (2019) and The LCT Inventory (LCTI) and the Teaching Critical Thinking Inventory (TCTI) developed by van Zyl, M.A., Bays, C.L., & Gilchrist, C. (2013).Approval to conduct study obtained from Dean of faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, UMS. Results: The data were analyzed through descriptive method using SPSS for window 21.0. Total score for CTD ranging from a low (M= 1.5) to a high (M=5.00), Mean value 3.86, (SD +/- .572). Total high-level CDT 58(96.7%). Total LCT scores ranging from a low (M=2.00) to high (M=5.00) and Mean value 4.02, (SD +/- .711). Total high level LCT 54(90%). The two subscale categories were analyzed for perceived LCT. Respondents reported significantly high level of both instructor helped in LCT 51(85%) and 56 (93.3%) provides support and encourage- ment in LCT, mean value 4.19 (SD+/-.713). Conclusion: The level of CTD and LCT was high, shows that nursing students perceive themselves as having a high level of critical thinking motivation, instructor providing guidance to assist and encourage to learn using critical thinking.
    Matched MeSH terms: Faculty
  15. Li Tsu Chong, Josephine Magdeline Joseph, Nur Atikah Binti Mohd Taib, Nurfirna Suzleyna Binti Mohd Salleh, Jennefer Henry
    Introduction: Medication error always happens among the nurses either the trained out staffs nor in nursing students. These errors may harm any patient that is involved and it may lead tolegislation issue. Therefore, this study aims to identify nursing students knowledge and assurance in medication administration. Methods: This study using a cross-sectional survey design using a convenience sampling method. Ethical approval was obtained from The Fac- ulty of Medicine and Health Sciences Ethical Committee. Adapted questionnaire divided into three sections with 14 multi-choice questions for each section (pharmacology, drug management and drug calculation) score (0-14) and Self perceived certainty on their correct answer were scored (1-high certainty, 2-moderate and 3-low certainty). Questionnaires were distributed through the online google form to Diploma of Nursing students of year two and three of Faculty Medicine and Health Science of University Malaysia Sabah. Result reported in mean (+SD). Results: Total of71 students volunteered responded to the survey. 42.3% of respondents (n=30) are the Year Two students and 57.7% (n=41) are the Year Three students.In knowledge about pharmacology mean score was 9.33 (2.37) and their certainty mean score was 1.9 (0.55), Drug management mean score was 8.42 (2.55) and their certainty mean score was 1.90 (0.45), While for their drug calculation mean score was 8.04 (3.03) and certainty mean score was
    2.13 (0.51). Conclusion: Knowledge in drug management and drug calculation both were below the appropriate score (less than 9) respectively. These indicate that more practices and training on the medication administration should be done to the students in order familiar with the context of medication administration. Their certainty level found moderate indicate that their confidence level on medication administration should be reinforced. Nursing educators need to facilitate the students in their learning process and training periods to gain their confidence before their graduation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Faculty, Nursing
  16. Nicholas Pang, Sofeinah Didora Judip, Jeanny John, Erwani Minin, Noor Rajrinnie Rajak, Luqman Ridha Anwar, et al.
    Introduction: University-wide healthcare programme are difficult to implement without complete protocols. This paper describes a collaborative academia-nursing programme to design a quick, user-friendly primary care screen- ing toolkit, to be used at community level at each faculty in UMS. Methods: A Primary Care Condition Assessment Questionnaire was designed by family medicine physicians, mental health doctors, and public health physicians. The questionnaire was pilot tested in 2 different faculties. The Primary Care Condition Assessment Questionnaire was manualized, and a one-day intervention training programme was administered. Subsequently 19 nurses and assistant medical officers were trained in the questionnaire administration and given concurrent communication skills and collaborative practice training to operate the questionnaire. Qualitative assessments of abilities to perform common primary health assessments were performed. Results: Trained nurses qualitatively felt they were more con- fident to perform primary care screening of common healthcare conditions and were able to deliver advice and refer screen-positive individuals to appropriate referral pathways. Conclusion: Public health programmes like HUMS2U put healthcare into the hands of nurses, allowing task-shifting to adequately trained non-specialist professions, and empowers nurses in basic non-communicable disease training and management. Further research will be performed to assess efficacy of the programme at all 23 faculties and departments of the university.
    Matched MeSH terms: Faculty
  17. M Tanveer Hossain Parash, Sadia Choudhury Shimmi, ABM Tofazzal Hossain
    Introduction: The healthy, active, and receptive huge student population is potential blood donors to meet safe blood requirements. The study aimed to assess the current level of knowledge regarding blood donation of nursing students of the Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, UMS and to observe their attitude towards voluntary blood donation and to explore their practice as a voluntary blood donor. Methods: This cross-sectional study was con- ducted from July 2015 to June 2018 among one hundred and eight (108) nursing students who were included in this study by simple random sampling. The researchers explained the study design, objectives, and methodology to the selected subjects and obtained written consent from them. The study assessed the current level of knowledge and observed their attitude towards voluntary blood donation and explored their active involvement in donating blood through a validated questionnaire. Results: There were 89 female and 19 male participants in the study. Almost ev- ery student (96%) knew their blood group and most of them were correct about the health status of a blood donor. They had a lack of knowledge regarding the time required for blood donation and the amount of blood collected in each bag. Although most of the students were very favourable to donate blood, only 34% had previous experience of donating blood out of them; only 6% regularly donated voluntarily and on demand. Conclusion: From this finding, it can be recommended that measures for increasing knowledge regarding blood donation should be taken, and that would result in increased blood donation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Faculty
  18. Patricia Sator, Jummaiyah Md Tahir, Elvinna Maria Joannes, Nafisah Mokti
    Introduction: Social media have been used widely by majority of population around the world and have been proved to be useful for sharing information as well as gain knowledge. For student, media social plays a huge role especially during learning session. Recently, a lot of issues regarding nursing services flooded social media, which gave a negative impression about nurses profession. This study aims to identify the awareness on the impact of social media in regards to nursing services among Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS), UMS nursing students. Methods: Descriptive quantitative cross-sectional study using modified questionnaire for data collection was con- ducted in FMHS, UMS. A total of 100 nursing student, year 3 (37%), year 2 (40%) and year 1 (23%) participated in the study. Results: Overall, 51% respondents agree and 45% strongly agree that social media is a powerful tool to connect among individuals. 63% agree and 34% strongly agree that social media can make jobs more efficient and innovative. 63% agree and 32% strongly agree that social media can be an agent of providing clinical education to nurses by facilitating conversations with colleagues about best practice and advanced healthcare. 51% agree and 22% strongly that social media can be trace and legal action can be taken towards nurses. 54% agree and 20% strongly agree that social media can be used to reveal malpractice among nurses. 45% agree and 40% strongly agree that social media can be misuse by the non-healthcare provider. Conclusion: Based on this study’s result, the respon- dents are well aware with the positive and negative impact of social media on nursing profession. There may has a small number of unaware or unsure about the impact among the respondents, with that the recommendation for this study is to ensure the UMS nursing students to abide with the professional and personal etiquettes and use common sense and caution while communicating on social media.
    Matched MeSH terms: Faculty
  19. Ruqoyyah Muslimat Othman, Noor Airin Aidil Koay, Sarah Haniza Abdul Ghani, Noraina Hafizan Norman
    Objective: To determine the prevalence of bimaxillary protrusion in general and the prevalence of skeletal Class I and dental Class I bimaxillary protrusion/ proclination among orthodontic patients attending postgraduate orthodontic clinic at Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Sungai Buloh, Malaysia. Materials and Methods: This is a cross sectional study which was carried out in two stages. The first part involves a random selection of 100 extra-oral profile photographs taken from postgraduate orthodontic residents’ patient list. The photographs were taken using Canon digital SLR camera EOS 70D with macro lens EF 100mm (Canon Inc., Tokyo, Japan) with patients in natural head position. The photographs were visually analysed for its bimaxillary protrusion features by two operators. The second part comprises of analyses of extra-oral profile photographs as well as intra-oral photographs of right buccal segment view which was conducted in two separate sittings. In the first sitting, five assessors analysed 259 extra - and intra-oral photographs followed by 40 photographs assessed in the second sitting for skeletal and dental Class I bimaxillary protrusion/ proclination. Statistical analysis for Kappa score was performed to assess the agreement between assessors using SPSS version 23 and Stata version 13. Results: The first part of the study showed an average prevalence of 34% with bimaxillary protrusion in 100 orthodontic patients. Whilst in the second part, prevalence of skeletal and dental Class I bimax ranging from 28 -33 per cent and 38-40 per cent respectively with very good and good inter-reliability agreement for both component. Conclusion: The prevalence of bimaxillary protrusion in general among UiTM orthodontic patients was found to range from 31 per cent to 37 per cent. Whilst the prevalence of skeletal and dental Class I bimax ranging from 28-33 per cent and 38-40 per cent respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Faculty
  20. Shamsul,Fadzil,S,S,, Ahmad,Khalil,A,I,, Noviaranny,I,Y,, Abdullah,Al-Jaf,N,M,, Kazi,J,A,
    Compendium of Oral Science, 2020;7(1):21-29.
    Objectives: The aims of this study were to evaluate patient’s satisfaction regarding the orthodontic treatment
    provided by the Faculty of Dentistry Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) and to determine the factors that
    affected their satisfaction level.
    Methods: : A cross-sectional study was conducted among the patients treated with full fixed appliances in the
    faculty’s orthodontic clinic using a validated questionnaire.
    Results: : The final sample consisted of 105 subjects (response rate 76%) which comprises of 26 males and 79
    females were chose with 97% of the respondents are Malay. Most subjects had orthodontic treatment duration
    of more than 1.5 years (100%) and were still wearing fixed appliances (89%). Items included in the
    questionnaire: reasons for seeking orthodontic treatment, questions relevant to satisfaction with orthodontic
    treatment, doctor-patient relationship and pain experience during orthodontic treatment. Concerning the doctor
    patient relationship, 91% of the respondents were contented with their orthodontist. Respondents answered
    ‘Yes’ to the treatment plan explained prior to the procedure (91.4%), questions answered promptly (94.3%),
    gentleness of the orthodontist (91.4%) and dental assistant (88.6%), orthodontist honesty about treatment
    duration (90.5%) and cost (97.1%), and recommendation to others (90.5%).
    Conclusion: Generally, patients who had received orthodontic treatment from the orthodontic clinic in Faculty
    of Dentistry UiTM were satisfied with the overall treatment outcomes. However, there were still some aspects of
    the service that can be improved in the future in order to provide a better healthcare services specifically in
    orthodontic treatment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Faculty
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