DESIGN: Retrospective study.
METHODS: Results from 108 intradermal allergy tests, 25 IgE serological assays and immunotherapy outcomes in 37 dogs were retrospectively analysed. Immunotherapy outcomes were determined as excellent, good, modest or failure using a global assessment of efficacy matrix which incorporated pruritus scores, lesion severity, medication requirements, and owner and clinician opinion.
RESULTS: The most common positive reactions in intradermal allergy tests were Red clover (59%), Dermatophagoides farinae (29%), Tyrophagus putrescentiae (28%), Yellow dock (25%) and Malassezia pachydermatis (24%). In the IgE serological tests, Yorkshire fog grass (40%), Yellow dock (36%), Kentucky bluegrass (36%) and T. putrescentiae (36%) were the most commonly reported positive results. The outcome of allergen-specific immunotherapy was judged to be excellent in 20% of dogs, good in 15%, modest in 18% and a failure in 47%.
CONCLUSION: As has been reported in other geographical areas, environmental mites and plant pollens frequently gave positive reactions in allergy tests in South Australia. However, the prevalence of individual allergen reactions differed between intradermal and IgE serological tests, with M. pachydermatis being identified as a common cause of hypersensitivity in intradermal tests but not in IgE serological assays. Immunotherapy was judged to be a beneficial treatment in 35% of dogs but was essentially unsuccessful in 65%.
METHODS: Dietary habits were assessed using a validated semi-quantitative, investigator-administered food frequency questionnaire from the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood. We derived an amount-based dietary index to estimate fiber intake while studying its correlation with probiotic drinks intake. AD status was determined by skin prick tests for HDM and symptomatic histories of eczema. Multivariable logistic regression analysis, adjusting for demographic, genetic predisposition, body mass index and lifestyle factors, and synergy factor analysis were used to explore the association and interaction of dietary factors on disease outcomes.
RESULTS: High fiber intake (approximately 98.25 g/serving/week) significantly lowered the associated risks for HDM allergy (Adjusted Odds Ratio [AOR]: 0.895; 95% Confidence Intervals [CI]: 0.810-0.989; adjusted p-value
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the purified latex allergens and to demonstrate specific IgE antibody in the sera of health care workers and spina bifida patients with clinical latex allergy.
METHODS: Two radioallergosorbent and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using latex proteins Hev b 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 along with two glove extracts and Malaysian nonammoniated latex (MNA) were evaluated to demonstrate IgE in the sera of health care workers and spina bifida with latex allergy and controls with no history of latex allergy.
RESULTS: ELISA using the purified latex allergens demonstrated specific IgE in 32-65% health care workers and 54-100% of spina bifida patients with latex allergy. The corresponding figures for RAST were 13-48 and 23-85 for RAST-1 and 19-61 and 36-57 for RAST-2. These results were comparable with the results obtained with glove extracts and crude rubber latex proteins.
CONCLUSIONS: When used simultaneously, latex proteins Hev b 2 and Hev b 7 reacted significantly with specific serum IgE in 80% of health care workers and 92% of spina bifida patients with latex allergy by ELISA technique, while this combination gave lower positivity when the RASTs were used. By the addition of Hev b 3, specific IgE was detected in all spina bifida patients with latex allergy. Both RASTs failed to show specific IgE in the control subjects, while the ELISA showed significant latex-specific IgE in 22% of controls.
OBJECTIVE: We conducted a phase 1/2 clinical study to examine the safety and diagnostic accuracy (sensitivity and specificity) of nonammoniated latex, ammoniated latex, and rubber glove extracts as skin test extracts to identify the most efficacious source material for future skin test reagent development.
METHODS: Twenty-four adults not allergic to latex, 19 adults with hand dermatitis or pruritus, and 59 adults with a latex allergy were identified by clinical history. All provided blood and then received puncture skin tests and intradermal skin tests with nonammoniated latex, ammoniated latex, and rubber glove extracts from Malaysian H. brasiliensis latex by use of sequential titration. A glove provocation test and IgE anti-latex RAST were used to clarify positive history-negative skin test response and negative history-positive skin test response mismatches.
RESULTS: All three extracts were biologically safe and sterile. After normalization to 1 mg/ml of total protein, all three extracts produced equivalent diagnostic sensitivity and specificity in puncture skin tests and intradermal skin tests at various extract concentrations. Optimal diagnostic accuracy was safely achieved at 100 micrograms/ml for intradermal skin tests (e.g., nonammoniated latex: puncture skin test sensitivity 96%, specificity 100%; intradermal skin test sensitivity 93%, specificity 96%). The presence of IgE antibody in skin was highly correlated with IgE anti-latex in serum (nonammoniated latex: r = 0.98, p < 0.001; ammoniated latex: r = 0.94, p < 0.001; rubber glove extract: r = 0.96, p < 0.001). All five available subjects with a positive history, negative skin test response, and absence of IgE antibody in serum had a negative glove provocation test response, indicating no clinical evidence of latex allergy. No systemic or large local allergic reactions were observed with puncture skin tests or intradermal skin tests.
CONCLUSIONS: Equivalent diagnostic sensitivity and specificity were observed with the nonammoniated latex, ammoniated latex, and rubber glove extract skin test reagents after normalization for total protein; nonammoniated latex may be considered the reagent of choice on the basis of practical quality control and reproducibility considerations.
METHODOLOGY: Patients with GERD and a control group of healthy asymptomatic volunteers were recruited. All subjects underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy and the acid-saline perfusion test. Symptomatic ERD and NERD patients were given rabeprazole 20 mg twice daily for 2 weeks and their response to treatment assessed.
RESULTS: A total of 105 subjects were recruited: ERD=37 (symptomatic=24, asymptomatic=13), NERD=34 and controls=34. During saline perfusion, only the NERD group recorded a significantly higher sensitivity score compared to controls (2.74±7.28 vs. 0) (p=0.035). During acid perfusion, symptomatic ERD (15.42±13.42) and NERD (16.71±15.04) had significantly higher scores versus controls and asymptomatic ERD patients (both p<0.001). The mean %∆ reflux symptom score following treatment was significantly higher in symptomatic ERD patients compared to NERD patients (89.08±21.67 vs. 58.53±32.54; p<0.001).
CONCLUSIONS: Patients with NERD were a generally hypersensitive group while asymptomatic ERD patients represent a hyposensitive group of patients which merits further study.
METHODS AND RESULTS: Ara h 2.02 cDNA was cloned into pNZ8048 for heterologous expression in L. lactis. The purified recombinant allergen showed IgE binding comparable with native Ara h 2. Balb/c mice were fed with either recombinant (rLl), nonrecombinant L. lactis (Ll) or NaHCO3 (Sham) prior to sensitization and challenged with rAra h 2.02, whereas the baseline group was only fed with Ll. Allergen-specific immunoglobulin and splenocyte cytokines responses were determined for each mouse. Mice fed with either Ll or rLl showed significant alleviation of IgE and IgG1 compared to the Sham group. Despite no significant decrease in Th2 (IL-4, IL-13, IL-6) or increase in Th1 (IFN-γ) cytokines, both groups showed lower IL-10 level, while the IL-4 : IFN-γ ratio was significantly lower for rLl compared to Ll group.
CONCLUSIONS: Oral administration of rLl harbouring Ara h 2.02 demonstrated alleviation of Th2-associated responses in allergen-challenged mice and a possible added allergen-specific prophylactic effect.
SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Ara h 2.02 coupled with the intrinsic properties of probiotic L. lactis as a delivery vehicle can be explored for the development of a commercially scalable vaccine.