Displaying publications 161 - 180 of 295 in total

  1. Asyary A, Veruswati M, Arianie CP, Ratih TSD, Hamzah A
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2021 Feb 01;22(2):359-363.
    PMID: 33639648 DOI: 10.31557/APJCP.2021.22.2.359
    BACKGROUND: With the increasing prevalence of teenage or school-age smokers, schools have become the main focus of the Indonesian government in tobacco control, including through the smoke-free zone (SFZ) policy. This study aims to obtain information related to the implementation of SFZ policies in schools.

    METHODS: A nationally representative survey was employed in 900 elementary, junior high, and senior high schools that were located in 60 regions or 24 provinces of Indonesia. Each school's compliance with SFZ parameters was measured using a closed-ended questionnaire. The dataset was analyzed using frequency distribution, while the chi-square was performed to analyze the measurement effect of each parameter for SFZ compliance.

    RESULTS: Java Island is the region with the largest proportion of school units (10%) studied in this study, and the largest group of the schools are high schools (36.1%). In terms of SFZ compliance, 413 (45.9%) of schools had perfect compliance scores of 8, followed by 183 schools (20.3%) with a score of 7 and 107 (11.9%) with a score of 6. It was found that parameter 5, namely cigarette butts found in the school environment, had the largest proportion when a school did not apply SFZ. Cigarette butts were found in 261 (29.0%) schools. Cigarette butts found in schools contributed 7.8 times to not applying SFZ compared to schools where no cigarette cutters were found.

    CONCLUSION: Although the SFZ compliance rate in Indonesian schools is 66.2% at least on 7 of 8 existed parameters, this means most of schools still aren't fully complying with the regulations for SFZs. This recent evidence will help decisionmakers to enforce tobacco control, particularly among youth, which form the pillar of national development.

    Matched MeSH terms: Smoke-Free Policy/legislation & jurisprudence*; Tobacco Use/legislation & jurisprudence
  2. Kuay HS, Lee S, Centifanti LC, Parnis AC, Mrozik JH, Tiffin PA
    Int J Law Psychiatry, 2016 Jul-Aug;47:60-7.
    PMID: 27016774 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijlp.2016.02.035
    Although family violence perpetrated by juveniles has been acknowledged as a potentially serious form of violence for over 30years, scientific studies have been limited to examining the incidence and form of home violence. The present study examined the prevalence of family aggression as perpetrated by youths; we examined groups drawn from clinic-referred and forensic samples. Two audits of case files were conducted to systematically document aggression perpetrated by referred youths toward their family members. The purpose of the first audit was fourfold: i) to identify the incidence of the perpetration of family aggression among clinical and forensic samples; ii) to identify whether there were any reports of weapon use during aggressive episodes; iii) to identify the target of family aggression (parents or siblings); and iv) to identify the form of aggression perpetrated (verbal or physical). The second audit aimed to replicate the findings and to show that the results were not due to differences in multiple deprivation indices, clinical diagnosis of disruptive behavior disorders, and placement into alternative care. A sampling strategy was designed to audit the case notes of 25 recent forensic Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) cases and 25 demographically similar clinic-referred CAMHS cases in the first audit; and 35 forensic cases and 35 demographically similar clinic-referred CAMHS cases in the second audit. Using ordinal chi-square, the forensic sample (audit 1=64%; audit 2=82.9%) had greater instances of family violence than the clinical sample (audit 1=32%; audit 2=28.6%). They were more likely to use a weapon (audit 1=69%; audit 2=65.5%) compared to the clinical sample (audit 1 and 2=0%). Examining only the aggressive groups, there was more perpetration of aggression toward parents (audit 1, forensic=92%, clinical=75%; audit 2, forensic=55.17%, clinical=40%) than toward siblings (audit 1, forensic=43%, clinical=50%; audit 2, forensic=27.58%, clinical=30%). Based on these findings, we would urge professionals who work within the child mental health, particularly the forensic area, to systematically collect reports of aggression perpetrated toward family members.

    Study conducted in England
    Matched MeSH terms: Commitment of Mentally Ill/legislation & jurisprudence; Domestic Violence/legislation & jurisprudence*; Weapons/legislation & jurisprudence; Clinical Audit/legislation & jurisprudence
  3. Liljestrand J, Pathmanathan I
    J Public Health Policy, 2004;25(3-4):299-314.
    PMID: 15683067 DOI: 10.1057/palgrave.jphp.3190030
    Developing countries are floundering in their efforts to meet the Millennium Development Goal of reducing maternal mortality by 75% by 2015. Two issues are being debated. Is it doable within this time frame? And is it affordable? Malaysia and Sri Lanka have in the past 50 years repeatedly halved their maternal mortality ratio (MMR) every 7-10 years to reduce MMR from over 500 to below 50. Experience from four other developing countries--Bolivia, Yunan in China, Egypt, and Jamaica-confirms that each was able to halve MMR in less than 10 years beginning from levels of 200-300. Malaysia and Sri Lanka, invested modestly (but wisely)--less than 0.4% of GDP--on maternal health throughout the period of decline, although the large majority of women depended on publicly funded maternal health care. Analysis of their experience suggests that provision of access to and removal of barriers for the use of skilled birth attendance has been the key. This included professionalization of midwifery and phasing out of traditional birth attendants; monitoring births and maternal deaths and use of such information for high profile advocacy on the importance of reducing maternal death; and addressing critical gaps in the health system; and reducing disparities between different groups through special attention to the poor and disadvantaged populations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Policy/legislation & jurisprudence*; Health Services Accessibility/legislation & jurisprudence; Health Services Needs and Demand/legislation & jurisprudence; Quality Assurance, Health Care/legislation & jurisprudence
  4. Bhargava V, Jasuja S, Tang SC, Bhalla AK, Sagar G, Jha V, et al.
    Nephrology (Carlton), 2021 Nov;26(11):898-906.
    PMID: 34313370 DOI: 10.1111/nep.13949
    BACKGROUND: Peritoneal dialysis (PD) as a modality of kidney replacement therapy (KRT) is largely underutilized globally. We analyzed PD utilization, impact of economic status, projected growth and impact of state policy(s) on PD growth in South Asia and Southeast Asia (SA&SEA) region.

    METHODS: The National Nephrology Societies of the region responded to a questionnaire on KRT practices. The responses were based on the latest registry data, acceptable community-based studies and societal perceptions. The representative countries were divided into high income and higher-middle income (HI & HMI) and low income and lower-middle income (LI & LMI) groups.

    RESULTS: Data provided by 15 countries showed almost similar percentage of GDP as health expenditure (4%-7%). But there was a significant difference in per capita income (HI & HMI -US$ 28 129 vs. LI & LMI - US$ 1710.2) between the groups. Even after having no significant difference in monthly cost of haemodialysis (HD) and PD in LI & LMI countries, they have poorer PD utilization as compared to HI & HMI countries (3.4% vs. 10.1%); the reason being lack of formal training/incentives and time constraints for the nephrologist while lack of reimbursement and poor general awareness of modalities has been a snag for the patients. The region expects ≥10% PD growth in the near future. Hong Kong and Thailand with 'PD first' policy have the highest PD utilization.

    CONCLUSION: Important deterrents to PD underutilization were lack of PD centric policies, lackadaisical patient/physician's attitude, lack of structured patient awareness programs, formal training programs and affordability.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Expenditures/legislation & jurisprudence; Health Policy/legislation & jurisprudence; Nephrology/legislation & jurisprudence; Practice Patterns, Physicians'/legislation & jurisprudence; Nephrologists/legislation & jurisprudence
  5. Ketchoo C, Sangthong R, Chongsuvivatwong V, Geater A, McNeil E
    Tob Control, 2013 Jul;22(4):255-60.
    PMID: 22174006 DOI: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2011-050008
    Illicit cigarette consumption has increased worldwide. It is important to understand this problem thoroughly.

    To investigate behaviours and factors associated with illicit cigarette consumption in southern Thailand.

    A survey and qualitative study were conducted in a border province in southern Thailand next to Malaysia. A modified snowballing technique was used to recruit 300 illicit and 150 non-illicit cigarette smokers. A questionnaire was used to interview subjects. Illicit cigarette packs were obtained in order to identify their characteristics. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression was used for data analysis.

    Smoking of illicit cigarettes has become accepted in the communities. They were available in supermarkets and vendor shops. Friends and other illicit smokers known by illicit cigarette smokers were an important source of information for access to illicit cigarette products. The main factors associated with smoking illicit cigarettes, compared with smoking non-illicit cigarettes, were younger age, higher education and higher average monthly expenditure on cigarettes (most illicit smokers smoked illicit cigarettes (average price per packet = 33 THB (US$1.1), while most non-illicit smokers smoked hand-rolled cigarettes (average price per packet = 7 THB (US$0.2)) and knowledge of other illicit cigarette smokers. The low price of illicit cigarettes was the main reason for their use. Selling strategies included sale of singles, sale in shops and direct sale through social networking.

    Illicit cigarette consumption has become more acceptable especially among young adult smokers. Age and extent of social networks are important factors associated with smoking illicit cigarettes.

    Smoking behaviour; border province; cessation; cigarette consumption; global health; hand-rolled/RYO tobacco; health services; illegal tobacco products; illicit cigarette
    Matched MeSH terms: Commerce/legislation & jurisprudence*; Smoking/legislation & jurisprudence*
  6. Hwang JC, Sadiq K
    Nationalism Ethn Polit, 2010;16(2):192-215.
    PMID: 20648997 DOI: 10.1080/13537113.2010.490757
    The Chinese minority plays a dominant role in the economies of Indonesia and Malaysia, a fact that evokes indigenous resentment. However, Indonesia and Malaysia dealt differently with the issue. Malaysia legislated the Malays into the economy and protected Chinese citizenship, making them an integral part of a multicultural state. By contrast, New Order Indonesia adopted policies of economic manipulation, forced assimilation, and unequal citizenship. Only when the New Order regime fell did Chinese integration begin. The policy trajectories of Indonesia and Malaysia offer important lessons for plural states.
    Matched MeSH terms: Social Conditions/legislation & jurisprudence; Minority Health/legislation & jurisprudence
  7. Barraclough S, Morrow M
    Soc Sci Med, 2008 Apr;66(8):1784-96.
    PMID: 18304713 DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2008.01.001
    In the wake of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is among the few remaining mechanisms for tobacco corporations publicly to promote their interests. Health advocates may be unaware of the scale, nature and implications of tobacco industry CSR. This investigation aimed to construct a typology of tobacco industry CSR through a case study of the evolution and impact of CSR activities of a particular tobacco corporation in one country - British American Tobacco, Malaysia (BATM), the Malaysian market leader. Methods included searching, compiling and critically appraising publicly available materials from British American Tobacco, BATM, published literature and other sources. The study examined BATM's CSR strategy, the issues which it raises, consequences for tobacco control and potential responses by health advocates. The investigation found that BATM's CSR activities included assistance to tobacco growers, charitable donations, scholarships, involvement in anti-smuggling measures, 'youth smoking prevention' programs and annual Social Reports. BATM has stated that its model is predominantly motivated by social and stakeholder obligations. Its CSR activities have, however, had the additional benefits of contributing to a favourable image, deflecting criticism and establishing a modus vivendi with regulators that assists BATM's continued operations and profitability. It is imperative that health advocates highlight the potential conflicts inherent in such arrangements and develop strategies to address the concerns raised.
    Matched MeSH terms: Smoking/legislation & jurisprudence; Tobacco Industry/legislation & jurisprudence
  8. Triantafillou P
    Comp Stud Soc Hist, 2001;43(1):193-221.
    PMID: 17941160
    Matched MeSH terms: Government Agencies/legislation & jurisprudence; Pest Control, Biological/legislation & jurisprudence
  9. Ang HH
    Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., 2005 May;77(5):451.
    PMID: 15900291
    Matched MeSH terms: Drug Contamination/legislation & jurisprudence; Herbal Medicine/legislation & jurisprudence*
  10. Raju C
    Med J Malaysia, 2005 Aug;60 Suppl D:75-8.
    PMID: 16315630
    This paper attempts to sensitize the participants to understand the benefits of looking at the regulations of accreditation for medical courses in the neighbouring nearby countries. Deregulation of Medical Education like what they have done will bring enormous revenue benefits for the existing assets like the airports, hospitals, hotels resorts and the communication infrastructure of Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Foreign Medical Graduates/legislation & jurisprudence*; Physicians/legislation & jurisprudence*
  11. Nakahira M
    Crit Asian Stud, 2001;33(4):581-89.
    PMID: 21046839 DOI: 10.1080/146727101760107442
    Matched MeSH terms: Rape/legislation & jurisprudence; War Crimes/legislation & jurisprudence
  12. Morrow M, Barraclough S
    Health Promot Int, 2003 Sep;18(3):255-64.
    PMID: 12920146 DOI: 10.1093/heapro/dag021
    In the World Health Organization's Western Pacific Region, being born male is the single greatest risk marker for tobacco use. While the literature demonstrates that risks associated with tobacco use may vary according to sex, gender refers to the socially determined roles and responsibilities of men and women, who initiate, continue and quit using tobacco for complex and often different reasons. Cigarette advertising frequently appeals to gender roles. Yet tobacco control policy tends to be gender-blind. Using a broad gender-sensitivity framework, this contradiction is explored in four Western Pacific countries. Part I of the study discusses issues surrounding gender and tobacco, and analyses developments in Malaysia and the Philippines. Part II deals with Singapore and Vietnam. In all four countries, gender was salient for the initiation and maintenance of smoking, and in Malaysia and the Philippines was highly significant in cigarette promotion. Yet, with a few exceptions, gender was largely unrecognized in control policy. Suggestions for overcoming this weakness in order to enhance tobacco control are made in Part II.
    Study name: National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS-2006)
    Matched MeSH terms: Product Labeling/legislation & jurisprudence; Tobacco Industry/legislation & jurisprudence*
  13. Koepping E
    Sojourn, 2003;18(2):279-98.
    PMID: 21894631
    Based on detailed and long-term anthropological research among rural Kadazans, the paper sets out the social history of domestic violence in one Sabah village. In more than 30 per cent of the households, there is a woman who has experienced repeated spousal abuse during her life. Adding those men who abused earlier spouses, and adults who lived through the abuse of their mothers in childhood, it is clear that violence is and has long been part of everyday — yet secret — village experience. For various reasons, researchers appear to have colluded in ignoring the issue. To help those women and their children whose lives are blighted by fear and fearful memories, it would be wise to assume domestic violence is as present in rural as in urban settings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Family Relations/legislation & jurisprudence; Violence/legislation & jurisprudence
  14. Lim L
    Tonan Ajia Kenkyu, 1999;37:443-57.
    PMID: 22532997
    Matched MeSH terms: Race Relations/legislation & jurisprudence; Oceanic Ancestry Group/legislation & jurisprudence
  15. Han MC
    World Hosp Health Serv, 1997;33(2):8-13.
    PMID: 10174544
    The current status and directions for changes of issues related to quality care in health services in Asian countries--Malaysia, China, Singapore, Japan and Korea are overviewed. In countries with public sector dominated health care systems such as Malaysia. China and Singapore, governmental leadership in quality care is prominent along with legislative backup. Japan and Korea have private sector dominated health care systems and quality care activities are mainly carried out by non-governmental organisations. Hospital accreditation programs are in the developing stages in most countries, although China and Korea started in 1980. Most Asian countries are at the initial stages in quality care activities and focus has been placed on education and training. Asian countries are not exempted from efforts to enhance quality care activities and a new horizon in quality health care is emerging.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery of Health Care/legislation & jurisprudence; Quality Assurance, Health Care/legislation & jurisprudence
  16. Morrow M, Barraclough S
    Health Promot Int, 2003 Dec;18(4):373-80.
    PMID: 14695368
    In the World Health Organization's Western Pacific Region, being born male is the single greatest risk marker for tobacco use. While the literature demonstrates that risks associated with tobacco use may vary according to sex, gender refers to the socially determined roles and responsibilities of men and women, who initiate, continue and quit using tobacco for complex and often different reasons. Cigarette advertising frequently appeals to gender roles. Yet tobacco control policy tends to be gender-blind. Using a broad, gender-sensitivity framework, this contradiction is explored in four Western Pacific countries. Part I of the study presented the rationale, methodology and design of the study, discussed issues surrounding gender and tobacco, and analysed developments in Malaysia and the Philippines (see the previous issue of this journal). Part II deals with Singapore and Vietnam. In all four countries gender was salient for the initiation and maintenance of smoking. Yet, with a few exceptions, gender was largely unrecognized in control policy. Suggestions for overcoming this weakness in order to enhance tobacco control are made.
    Matched MeSH terms: Product Labeling/legislation & jurisprudence; Tobacco Industry/legislation & jurisprudence*
  17. Lin Y, Alias H, Luo X, Hu Z, Wong LP
    J Acad Consult Liaison Psychiatry, 2020 09 22;62(2):201-210.
    PMID: 33183846 DOI: 10.1016/j.psym.2020.09.005
    BACKGROUND: Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak, was locked down on January 23, 2020. We aimed to investigate the barriers to the physical prevention, negative attitudes, and anxiety levels.

    METHODS: A online cross-sectional survey was conducted with the people living in Wuhan between March 12th and 23rd, 2020.

    RESULTS: Of a total of 2411 complete responses, the mean and standard deviation for the total physical prevention barriers score was 19.73 (standard deviation ± 5.3; range 12-45) out of a possible score of 48. Using a cut-off score of 44 for the State-Trait Inventory score, 79.9% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 78.2-81.5) of the participants reported moderate to severe anxiety during the early phase of the outbreak, and 51.3% (95% CI 49.2-53.3) reported moderate to severe anxiety after the peak of coronavirus disease 2019 was over (during the study period). Comparing anxiety levels in the early phase of the outbreak and after the peak of the outbreak, 58.5% (95% CI 56.5-60.5) recorded a decreased anxiety. Females reported a higher likelihood of having decreased levels of anxiety than males (odds ratio = 1.78, 95% CI 1.48-2.14). Low negative attitudes score were associated with a higher decrease in anxiety (odds ratio = 1.59, 95% CI 1.33-1.89).

    CONCLUSIONS: The attitudinal barriers to prevention of transmission of coronavirus disease 2019 are more prominent than physical prevention barriers after the peak of coronavirus disease 2019. High anxiety levels even after the peak warrant serious attention.

    Matched MeSH terms: Public Health/legislation & jurisprudence; Quarantine/legislation & jurisprudence
  18. Ang HH, Lee KL
    Int J Toxicol, 2007 Sep-Oct;26(5):433-9.
    PMID: 17963130 DOI: 10.1080/10915810701583036
    The DCA (Drug Control Authority) of Malaysia implemented phase 3 registration of traditional medicines in January 1992 with special emphasis on the quality, efficacy, and safety of all dosage forms of these medicines. For this reason, a total of 100 herbal products containing Smilax myosotiflora were purchased in the Malaysian market and analyzed for mercury content, as mercury is a recognized reproductive toxicant. The products were analyzed using cold vapor atomic absorption spectrophotometry. It was found that 89% of the above products do not exceed 0.5 ppm of mercury. Heavy metal poisoning such as mercury has been associated with traditional medicines. Therefore, it is important that doctors and health care practitioners are aware of these risks and finding ways to minimize them, including questions pertaining to the use of these remedies during the routine taking of a patient's history.
    Matched MeSH terms: Drug and Narcotic Control/legislation & jurisprudence; Herbal Medicine/legislation & jurisprudence
  19. Ahmed I, Shaukat MZ, Usman A, Nawaz MM, Nazir MS
    Int J Occup Saf Ergon, 2018 Jun;24(2):240-250.
    PMID: 28795938 DOI: 10.1080/10803548.2017.1366145
    This research covers the current status of occupational health and safety (OHS)-related practices in the informal construction segment of Pakistan. Data were collected, through interviews, from 316 construction sites employing 3577 workers. The results of the study reveal that both employers and workers lack knowledge of OHS laws/standards and no practices of this nature are enacted at these construction sites. Alarmingly, work-related accidents, whenever they happen, are not given due attention and there is no formal injury-report system. The informal construction industry employs a huge portion of the informal workforce, and lack of OHS happens at tremendous human cost. These research findings may thus play their role in strengthening the case for reforms in the sector. This study, if properly utilized, may also enable employers of the sector by increasing their knowledge about OHS practices and, as a result, trying to offer safer environments for their workers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents, Occupational/legislation & jurisprudence; Occupational Health/legislation & jurisprudence
  20. Chong HY, Low TS
    Int J Occup Saf Ergon, 2014;20(3):503-13.
    PMID: 25189753
    Safety and health issues remain critical to the construction industry due to its working environment and the complexity of working practises. This research attempts to adopt 2 research approaches using statistical data and court cases to address and identify the causes and behavior underlying construction safety and health issues in Malaysia. Factual data on the period of 2000-2009 were retrieved to identify the causes and agents that contributed to health issues. Moreover, court cases were tabulated and analyzed to identify legal patterns of parties involved in construction site accidents. Approaches of this research produced consistent results and highlighted a significant reduction in the rate of accidents per construction project in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents, Occupational/legislation & jurisprudence*; Workplace/legislation & jurisprudence; Construction Industry/legislation & jurisprudence*
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