Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 30 in total

  1. Chiang GL
    PMID: 7973951
    The genus Mansonia is divided into two subgenera, Mansonia and Mansonioides. The subgenus Mansonioides includes the important vectors of lymphatic filariasis caused by Brugia malayi in South and Southeast Asia. Six species of this subgenus are vectors of two types of brugian filariasis, periodic and subperiodic. All six species, viz Mansonia bonneae, Ma. dives, Ma. uniformis, Ma. annulifera, Ma. annulata and Ma. indiana are present in this country. The ecological factors governing the larval and adult biology and their control measures are discussed.
  2. Vythilingam I, Chiang GL, Amatachaya C
    PMID: 1355928
    The efficacy of two formulations, wettable powder and emulsifiable concentrate, of cyfluthrin sprayed on plywood [10 mg (ai)/m2] was assessed against six species of mosquitos. The bioassay followed the WHO standard method, with some modification for the bioassay of insecticidal deposits on wall surfaces. The results indicated that these two formulations of cyfluthrin were effective against Anopheles dirus and Mansonia uniformis, moderately toxic to Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus in decreasing mortality through out the study period. It was least effective against Culex quinquefasciatus and An. maculatus, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference between these two formulations.
  3. Mak JW, Normaznah Y, Chiang GL
    Singapore Med J, 1992 Oct;33(5):452-4.
    PMID: 1455266
    The quantitative buffy coat (QBC) technique was compared with the conventional thick blood film technique in a malaria survey carried out in a mesoendemic area of malaria in Betau, Pahang, Malaysia. The QBC technique was found to be a rapid technique but had a sensitivity of about 56% and a specificity of 95%, using the thick blood film method as the "gold standard". Malaria species identification was unsatisfactory with the QBC technique as it could identify parasites correctly in only about 60% of specimens. It was unable to detect as positive about 58% of specimens which had parasite counts < or = 500 per ul but could detect about 94% of those with counts > 500 per ul. This difference in positive detection rate was significantly different (p < 0.05). It cannot quantify parasitemia easily and the specimens cannot be stored for future reference and for quality control purposes. It is therefore concluded that the QBC technique cannot replace the classical thick blood film technique for use in malaria control programmes. Its use may be appropriate in situations like busy blood banks and outpatient clinics where rapid screening of malaria infection is needed but where experienced malaria microscopists may not be available.
  4. Chiang GL, Cheong WH, Samarawickrema WA
    PMID: 6151743
    Studies on age groups within activity cycles, age composition and survivorship in natural populations of Mansonia in Kampung Pantai, Bengkoka Peninsula of Sabah state have been described. Early activity of 3-5 parous Ma. bonneae during the first hour after sunset was noted. Age composition of Ma. bonneae at forest shade, indoor and outdoor of house, comparative buffalo vs human bait outdoor in Kampung Pantai showed all round high parous rates ranging from 66.7 to 75.4%. Population 3-parous and older ranged from 18.8 to 26.7%. Nine of the 14 infective Ma. bonneae were 3-parous and this segment of the population was engaged in active transmission. High parous rates were observed in Ma. dives and Ma. uniformis taken in small numbers. Parous rates of Ma. bonneae taken in Kampung Delima and Kampung Taradas were also high. Estimates of daily survivorship of Ma. bonneae and Ma. dives determined by two methods were very high.
  5. Klinkaewnarong W, Chiang GL, Eng KL
    PMID: 2862708
    Field surveillance of Cq. crassipes was conducted in an open housing estate near Kuala Lumpur using IMR traps baited with chicken and gerbils. Chicken bait attracted more Cq. crassipes. There was significant difference between chicken and gerbil as bait. The mosquitoes preferred to feed at canopy level. The parous rate was 20.41% and the infection rate for Cardiofilaria nilesi was 2.04%. None of the 120 chicken and 5 ducks, in a village close to the open housing estate, examined for microfilariae were positive. Ar. durhami and Ar. subalbatus did not support development of C. nilesi. However, Cq. crassipes is an extremely efficient vector of C. nilesi.
  6. Loong KP, Chiang GL, Yap HH
    PMID: 2633349
    Susceptibility tests were carried between 1987-1989 on Anopheles maculatus female adults collected from twelve different localities in Peninsular Malaysia to DDT. Mosquitoes collected from all localities except those from Kuala Berang, Trengganu state were found to be susceptible to DDT when tested with 4% impregnated paper. Several factors contributing to the lack of development of resistance despite many years of residual spraying in Peninsular Malaysia include exophily, exophagic and excito-repellency behaviour of An. maculatus and the inadequate spraying coverage of houses.
  7. Chiang GL, Loong KP, Eng KL
    PMID: 2575285
    Five strains of Ma. uniformis from Malaysia were tested for their susceptibility to infection with subperiodic B. malayi. All were found to be susceptible with infection rates ranging from 62% to 100%. The susceptibility rates were directly related to the microfilarial densities of the cat at the time of feeding. Statistical analysis showed no significant difference (p greater than 0.05) among the means of the indices of experimental infection as well as the percentage of infective mosquitoes of the five strains and an old laboratory colony. They were all equally susceptible to subperiodic B. malayi.
  8. Vythilingam I, Chiang GL, Chan ST
    PMID: 1359652
    CDC Light traps were used to study the attractant effect of CO2 and 1-octen-3-ol on trap catches of mosquito populations at three different locations in Malaysia. There was a significant increase in the number of mosquitos caught in traps baited with CO2 and CO2 with 1-octen-3-ol. The number of mosquitos caught in the CDC light trap and in the CDC light trap baited with 1-octen-3-ol alone were very few. 1-octen-3-ol and CO2 acted synergistically in attracting significantly greater numbers of Culex tritaeniorhynchus. However Anopheles sp. were not very attracted to light traps even with attractants added to them.
  9. Yong HS, Yao L, Dhaliwal SS, Cheong WH, Chiang GL
    Comp. Biochem. Physiol., B, 1983;75(1):43-5.
    PMID: 6406135
    1. A total of 8 samples from three natural populations and a laboratory strain of Aedes albopictus were analysed for glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase phenotypes by means of horizontal starch-gel electrophoresis. 2. The electrophoretic phenotypes were governed by three codominant Gpd alleles. 3. There was low variability, with the heterozygosity in the variable samples ranging from 0.02 to 0.12. 4. The commonest allele in all the population samples was GpdB which encoded an electrophoretic band with intermediate mobility. 5. There was no temporal or spatial variation.
  10. Chiang GL, Cheong WH, Samawickrema WA, Eng KL
    J Am Mosq Control Assoc, 1986 Dec;2(4):545-7.
    PMID: 2906991
    Methods are described for the laboratory colonization of Coquillettidia crassipes. The highest rate of insemination occurred in 60 x 60 x 120 cm cages and better insemination in laboratory adapted F15 generation. Embryonation and hatchability of eggs ranged from 69.6 to 97.9% and 63.3 to 94.3% respectively. Gravid females laid egg rafts on water in 500 ml breakers with small leaves of Salvinia for resting. Newly hatched larvae were set up in a basal medium of guinea pig dung and water or liver powder, yeast powder and water. Larvae attached to aquatic plants or 'Keaykolour' ruffia snow white paper. The cultures with paper gave better yields. At present 21 generations of Cq. crassipes have been reared in the laboratory.
  11. Chiang GL, Cheong WH, Eng KL, Samarawickrema WA
    J Helminthol, 1987 Dec;61(4):349-53.
    PMID: 3437114
    This paper reports the experimental transmission of a bird parasite into jirds. Infective larvae of Cardiofilaria nilesi obtained from laboratory colonized Coquillettidia crassipes mosquitoes which had fed on an infected chicken were inoculated subcutaneously into jirds. The number of larvae per jird varied from 10 to 228. Microfilaraemia appeared 22 to 89 days after inoculation of the infective larvae. Experiments were carried out with 24 jirds through six generations extending over a period of 22 months and 17 produced patent infections. At present 8 infected jirds are being maintained in the laboratory; their patent periods ranging from 6 to 13 months. However, the longest patent period observed was about thirteen months. The percentage of adults recovered in autopsied jirds ranged from 0 to 40 with an average of 16. The chicken showed a microfilarial periodicity with the peak microfilarial density around 2200 hours. However, in jirds there was a change in sub-periodicity. This model in the jird may be very useful for the screening of filaricides and in immunological work.
  12. Chiang GL, Loong KP, Mahadevan S, Eng KL
    PMID: 2906483
    Five mark-release-recapture experiments with wild caught Ma. uniformis were conducted in an open swamp area at Batang Berjuntai in Selangor, 40 km from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, between May 1983 and January 1985. A total of 64 (0.14%) from the 45,950 females released were recaptured feeding on humans and cattle and resting in cattle-sheds. Substantially fewer (0.03% to 0.09%) females were recaptured from releases of blood-fed females than from releases of unfed females (0.20% to 0.23%). More than 70% of all recaptures were taken within a radius of 1.5 km around the point of release and the longest detected flight was 3.5 km. The mean dispersal distance for blood-fed and unfed females was 1.445 +/- 1.06 and 1.706 +/- 1.03 km, respectively. However, there was no significant difference in the overall mean dispersal of the two groups of females (p greater than 0.05). The duration of the gonotrophic cycle in the field was between 3 to 4 days. Daily survivorship estimates (0.783-0.867) based on the recapture rates of date specific marked females was comparable to that estimated vertically from the dissection of unmarked females (0.751-0.795). These experiments revealed the remarkable flying ability of Ma. uniformis and the importance of reinvasion must be recognized when control operations are restricted to small areas.
  13. Yong HS, Chiang GL, Loong KP, Ooi CS
    PMID: 3238481
    Starch-gel electrophoretic studies on nine gene-enzyme systems comprising 14 loci revealed a fair level of genetic variation in two population samples of Anopheles maculatus from Peninsular Malaysia. The proportion of polymorphic loci was 0.36 for the Fort Bertau sample and 0.29 for the Gua Musang sample, while the mean heterozygosity value was 0.09 for Fort Bertau and 0.07 for Gua Musang. The values of genetic similarity (I = 0.98) and genetic distance (D = 0.02) were of the rank of geographical populations.
  14. Chiang GL, Tay SL, Eng KL, Chan ST
    PMID: 1981629
    Field tests were conducted to compare the degree of protection from bites of Mansonia species and Anopheles maculatus by applying two repellent/insecticidal bars, MOSBAR and MOSKIL, to exposed arms and legs. Human test subjects were exposed to natural populations of mosquitos for an 8-hour night time period while using the repellent/insecticidal bars. MOSBAR gave good protection against the bites of Mansonia and An. maculatus. MOSKIL was effective against An. maculatus but not against Mansonia. High mortality was observed among the mosquitos collected from human test subjects treated with the repellent/insecticidal bars. Use of MOSBAR in terms of cost-effectiveness and safety by field and health workers entering into malaria and filariasis endemic areas is discussed.
  15. Eng KL, Chiang GL, Hamidah T, Loong KP
    PMID: 1976273
    Descriptions of the eggs of Mansonia uniformis, Ma. indiana and Ma. annulifera are provided with the aid of scanning electron micrographs. Eggs of these three species, although similar in shape and colour, are covered by outer chorionic reticulum and tubercles which provide reliable morphological character for their identification. Size, distribution and number of lobes on the large tubercles present in the region between the anterior tube and posterior region, are important distinguishing features. Measurements of egg sizes and other chorionic differences are also discussed.
  16. Foo LC, Rekhraj V, Chiang GL, Mak JW
    Am J Trop Med Hyg, 1992 Sep;47(3):271-5.
    PMID: 1524139
    The malaria parasite rates and densities were compared in 79 ovalocytic-normocytic pairs of Malayan Aborigines matched for age, sex, proximity of residence to each other, and use of bed nets when sleeping in their jungle settlement in central Peninsular Malaysia. Malaria infection was determined from thick and thin Giemsa-stained blood films collected monthly for a period of six months. Blood films from ovalocytic individuals were found to be positive for malaria less often than in persons with normal red blood cells (P less than 0.05). Malaria infections per 100 person-months at risk were 9.7 in the ovalocytic group compared with 15.19 in the normocytic group. Among individuals parasitemic at any time, heavy infections (greater than or equal to 10,000 parasites/mm3 of blood) with Plasmodium falciparum, P. vivax, and P. malariae were encountered only in normocytic subjects, which comprised approximately 12.5% of the malaria-positive individuals in this group. In an earlier survey of 629 settlers that identified subjects for the above study, the prevalence of ovalocytosis was found to increase significantly with age. The above field observations support the view that ovalocytic individuals might have a survival advantage in the face of malaria. Consideration of the ovalocytic factor is indicated in future evaluations of malaria control measures in areas where ovalocytosis is prevalent.
  17. Yong HS, Cheong WH, Chiang GL, Dhaliwal SS, Loong KP, Sarjan R
    Comp. Biochem. Physiol., B, 1983;76(3):611-3.
    PMID: 6641178
    Three taxa of the malaria mosquito Anopheles balabacensis complex representing three geographical regions (Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah) in Southeast Asia, were analysed for genetic variation at 15 gene-enzyme systems. The Sabah taxon was monomorphic for all the 15 gene-enzyme systems. Only two gene-enzyme systems (esterase and glucose phosphate isomerase) were variable in the Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia taxa. The average heterozygosity or gene diversity was 0.007 for the Thailand taxon and 0.028 for the Peninsular Malaysia (Perlis) taxon. There were no unique gene-enzyme markers in the three taxa studied. The average values of genetic identities (0.933-0.997) and genetic distances (0.003-0.069) indicate that these three taxa are of subspecific status.
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