Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 23 in total

  1. Braima KA, Muslimin M, M Ghazali AR, Wan-Nor F, Wilson JJ, Jeffery J, et al.
    Acta Trop, 2017 Jul;171:138-140.
    PMID: 28359829 DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2017.03.025
    Mosquitoes are vectors of various human diseases in the tropics including yellow fever, dengue, malaria and West Nile virus. Mosquitoes can act as vectors between wildlife and humans, which is particularly important for diseases where wild animals serve as reservoirs of parasites in the absence of human infections. Research has mainly focused on the medical impacts of Anopheles, Aedes, Mansonia and Culex, however, very little attention has been directed towards other mosquito genera, especially those which act as vectors of diseases of wildlife. We have observed adults of Mimomyia (Etorleptiomyia) luzonensis (Ludlow, 1905) feeding on a toad, Ingerophrynus parvus, near an oil palm plantation settlement in Setia Alam, Selangor state, Peninsular Malaysia. Mimomyia is known to feed on reptiles and amphibians, and is a documented vector of several arboviruses, including West Nile virus. The observation of Mimomyia feeding on a common toad near a human settlement highlights a need to understand the relationships between mosquitoes, toads and humans from an ecological perspective. We report on-site observations of the feeding habit of Mimomyia; the first records from Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culicidae/physiology*
  2. Chiang GL, Loong KP, Mahadevan S, Eng KL
    PMID: 2906483
    Five mark-release-recapture experiments with wild caught Ma. uniformis were conducted in an open swamp area at Batang Berjuntai in Selangor, 40 km from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, between May 1983 and January 1985. A total of 64 (0.14%) from the 45,950 females released were recaptured feeding on humans and cattle and resting in cattle-sheds. Substantially fewer (0.03% to 0.09%) females were recaptured from releases of blood-fed females than from releases of unfed females (0.20% to 0.23%). More than 70% of all recaptures were taken within a radius of 1.5 km around the point of release and the longest detected flight was 3.5 km. The mean dispersal distance for blood-fed and unfed females was 1.445 +/- 1.06 and 1.706 +/- 1.03 km, respectively. However, there was no significant difference in the overall mean dispersal of the two groups of females (p greater than 0.05). The duration of the gonotrophic cycle in the field was between 3 to 4 days. Daily survivorship estimates (0.783-0.867) based on the recapture rates of date specific marked females was comparable to that estimated vertically from the dissection of unmarked females (0.751-0.795). These experiments revealed the remarkable flying ability of Ma. uniformis and the importance of reinvasion must be recognized when control operations are restricted to small areas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culicidae/physiology*
  3. Vythilingam I, Chiang GL, Chan ST
    PMID: 1359652
    CDC Light traps were used to study the attractant effect of CO2 and 1-octen-3-ol on trap catches of mosquito populations at three different locations in Malaysia. There was a significant increase in the number of mosquitos caught in traps baited with CO2 and CO2 with 1-octen-3-ol. The number of mosquitos caught in the CDC light trap and in the CDC light trap baited with 1-octen-3-ol alone were very few. 1-octen-3-ol and CO2 acted synergistically in attracting significantly greater numbers of Culex tritaeniorhynchus. However Anopheles sp. were not very attracted to light traps even with attractants added to them.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culicidae/physiology*
  4. Chang MS, Hii J, Buttner P, Mansoor F
    Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1997 7 1;91(4):382-6.
    PMID: 9373626
    Surveys were conducted of adult and immature mosquitoes in an area undergoing oil palm development in north Sarawak. Point prevalence data from 2 sites were collected annually, coinciding with annual phases of forest clearing, burning/cultivation, and maintenance. Major habitat perturbation during the forest/clearing transition shifted the major mosquito faunal equilibrium in terms of species composition, relative density and occurrence. Analyses of variance showed that the mean numbers of 4 species of Anopheles decreased significantly after forest clearing. Relative densities of immature stages decreased after forest clearing, but A. letifer and Culex tritaeniorhynchus remained relatively unchanged after the second year. Comparisons with the pre-development forest stage showed that the reductions in person-biting rates, adult survival and combined entomological inoculation rates (EIR) of A. donaldi and A. letifer decreased the risk of malaria transmission by 90% over the 4 years period. Concomitant reductions in EIR and annual malaria incidence were also correlated. This study highlighted the 'law of unintended consequences', since 2 contrasting effects were observed: reduction of malaria vectors but concomitant increase of dengue vectors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culicidae/physiology*
  5. Chiang GL, Samarawickrema WA, Eng KL, Cheong WH, Sulaiman I, Yap HH
    Ann Trop Med Parasitol, 1986 Apr;80(2):235-44.
    PMID: 2875691
    Surveillance methods for Coquillettidia crassipes were studied in an open housing estate near Kuala Lumpur using three types of traps Trinidad 10 trap, modified Lard can trap and IMR trap, each baited with chicken or pigeon. All traps attracted Cq. crassipes. There was no significant difference in the catches in the three traps. There was also no significant difference between chicken and pigeon as bait. Catches at heights of 1.5, 3, 4.5 and 6 m did not show any significant difference in density. Cq. crassipes was active at night with an early peak during the first hour of the night and a minor peak between 0100 and 0200 hours. The activity of the parous and nulliparous sections of the population was similar, except that a higher proportion of the parous females was active during the second peak compared with the nulliparous females. The parous rate was 22.3%, and the probability of survival through one day for two gonotrophic cycles was 0.711 and 0.650. The infection rate for Cardiofilaria was 29 out of 1052 (2.76%) and the infective rate (L3 larvae) was 13 out of 1052 (1.24%). 48.3% of the infected Cq. crassipes had a worm burden of more than ten larvae. One of the chickens in the traps was positive for microfilariae of Cardiofilaria four weeks after exposure as bait. Laboratory bred Cq. crassipes fed on this chicken produced infective larvae in ten days, and these were inoculated into clean chickens and pigeons. Microfilariae appeared in the chickens but not in pigeons. The adult worms recovered await identification.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culicidae/physiology
  6. Chiang GL, Samarawickrema WA, Mak JW, Cheong WH, Sulaiman I, Yap HH
    Ann Trop Med Parasitol, 1986 Feb;80(1):117-21.
    PMID: 2873797
    Field observations were made on Coquillettidia crassipes during a study of Mansonia in a swamp forest ecotype in Tanjong Karang. There was an increase in abundance in July consistent with the increase in abundance of Mansonia and an increase in rainfall. The biting cycle showed a dramatic early peak during the period 1900-2000 hours. The probability of daily survival through one day for the first three gonotrophic cycles was 0.770, 0.722 and 0.759. Two of the 54 Cq. crassipes dissected were infective, with two and 25 L3 larvae of Brugia. Both subperiodic B. malayi and B. pahangi developed into L3 larvae in laboratory bred Cq. crassipes. The index of experimental infection was higher for B. pahangi. Mansonia bonneae and Ma. uniformis showed higher indices of experimental infection than Cq. crassipes for subperiodic B. malayi. It is concluded that in an endemic area with a high density of Cq. crassipes it could act as a secondary vector of Brugian filariasis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culicidae/physiology
  7. Nyamah MA, Sulaiman S, Omar B
    Trop Biomed, 2011 Aug;28(2):312-9.
    PMID: 22041750
    This study explored the efficacy of Toxorhynchites splendens, predator of Aedes albopictus as a biocontrol agent. There was a negative correlation between Ae. albopictus larval population and Tx. splendens larval population in ovitraps (r=-0.287, R²=0.0821). The correlation is higher between the mean number of Ae. albopictus larvae per ovitrap and the number of Tx. splendens larvae in an ovitrap (r=-0.987, R²=0.9737). Larvae of Tx. splendens were observed to co-exist with larvae of Ae. albopictus and Culex fuscocephala in the ovitraps placed in the study area. The existence of Tx. splendens larvae in the study area coincides with their habit, preferring to breed in bamboo stumps. A total of 480 ovitraps were inspected for 30-week study period and 281 ovitraps were positive with Ae. albopictus larvae respectively. There was a significant difference between numbers of ovitrap positive for Ae. albopictus larvae with number of Tx. splendens larvae in the ovitraps (ANOVA, F((4,475)) 2.655, p<0.05). Of 281 ovitraps positive with Ae. albopictus larvae, 255 ovitraps contained only one Tx. splendens larva each. Only one ovitrap contained four, the most number of Tx. splendens larvae (p< 0.05). Thus, Tx. splendens could be utilised as an alternative for dengue vector control programme.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culicidae/physiology*
  8. Wolff GH, Riffell JA
    J Exp Biol, 2018 02 27;221(Pt 4).
    PMID: 29487141 DOI: 10.1242/jeb.157131
    Mosquitoes are best known for their proclivity towards biting humans and transmitting bloodborne pathogens, but there are over 3500 species, including both blood-feeding and non-blood-feeding taxa. The diversity of host preference in mosquitoes is exemplified by the feeding habits of mosquitoes in the genus Malaya that feed on ant regurgitation or those from the genus Uranotaenia that favor amphibian hosts. Host preference is also by no means static, but is characterized by behavioral plasticity that allows mosquitoes to switch hosts when their preferred host is unavailable and by learning host cues associated with positive or negative experiences. Here we review the diverse range of host-preference behaviors across the family Culicidae, which includes all mosquitoes, and how adaptations in neural circuitry might affect changes in preference both within the life history of a mosquito and across evolutionary time-scales.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culicidae/physiology*
  9. Dapari R, Mohd Fadzil MF, Hanzir MY, Mohamed Jais JS, Safarudin NF, Albar A
    PLoS One, 2024;19(5):e0303330.
    PMID: 38718075 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0303330
    INTRODUCTION: Workers in the construction industry frequently work in construction sites with numerous areas that can potentially accumulate water, such as tanks, wet cement surfaces, or water puddles. These water collection sites become ideal breeding grounds for mosquito infestation, which leads to a higher prevalence of mosquito-borne diseases, especially malaria and dengue among construction workers. Despite that numerous factors have been identified in controlling vector-borne diseases, the specific factors that influence mosquito control at construction sites have yet to be explored.

    AIMS: This systematic review aims to determine the factors associated with mosquito control among construction workers.

    METHODS: Primarily, articles related to factors associated with mosquito control among construction workers were collected from two different online databases (ScienceDirect and EBSCOhost). Two independent reviewers were assigned to screen the titles and abstracts of the collected data, stored in Microsoft Excel, against the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Afterwards, the quality of the included articles was critically assessed using the Mixed Method Appraisal Tool (MMAT). Of the 171 articles identified, 4 were included in the final review.

    RESULTS: Based on the thorough evaluation, mosquito-related knowledge, practical mosquito prevention measures, and Larval Source Management (LSM) were identified as vital factors associated with mosquito control among construction workers. The significant association between mosquito-related knowledge and control practices indicates higher knowledge linked to effective practices, particularly among female workers and those who were recently infected with malaria. Concurrently, there were notable challenges regarding sustainable preventive measures and larval control methods in construction settings.

    CONCLUSION: Implementing effective mosquito control, including knowledge and practice on mosquito control together with vector control, is highly required to suppress the expanding mosquito population. It is recommended that employers provide continuous mosquito control education and training to their employees and reward them with incentives, while employees should comply with the guidelines set by their employers to ensure successful mosquito control and reduce the spread of mosquito-borne diseases in the construction industry.

    Matched MeSH terms: Culicidae/physiology
  10. Vythilingam I, Oda K, Mahadevan S, Abdullah G, Thim CS, Hong CC, et al.
    J Med Entomol, 1997 May;34(3):257-62.
    PMID: 9151487
    A 2-yr study of Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus in Sepang District, Selangor, Malaysia, was carried out to identify the mosquito vectors and to determine their seasonal abundance, parity, and infection rates. In total, 81,889 mosquitoes belonging to 9 genera and > 50 species were identified from CDC trap collections augmented with dry ice during 1992 and 1993. Culex tritaeniorhynchus Giles and Culex gelidus Giles were the most abundant species, and both increased in numbers with increases in rainfall. Overall, 45 JE virus isolations were made from 7 species-Cx. tritaeniorhynchus (24), Cx. gelidus (12), Culex fuscocephala Theobald (2), Aedes butleri Theobald (4), Culex quinquefasciatus Say (1), Aedes lineatopennis Ludlow (1), and Aedes (Cancraedes) sp. (1). Based on elevated abundance and JE infection rates, Cx. tritaeniorhynchus appears to be the most important vector of JE virus in Sepang.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culicidae/physiology
  11. Shafie A, Roslan MA, Ngui R, Lim YA, Sulaiman WY
    J Am Mosq Control Assoc, 2016 Dec;32(4):273-281.
    PMID: 28206867 DOI: 10.2987/16-6604.1
    Mosquito-borne diseases have been increasing at an alarming rate over the past decades. In Malaysia, one finds several important mosquito-borne diseases such as Japanese encephalitis, dengue, malaria, and chikungunya. Mosquito surveillance and control programs are the most effective way of detecting and controlling mosquito-borne diseases, but these programs are less effective without an aware and well-informed general public. In 2014 we used a questionnaire to evaluate the extent of awareness of basic mosquito biology and mosquito-borne diseases in 6 villages, Kampung Masjid, Kampung Teluk Gedung, Kampung Teluk Dalam, Kampung Ujung Kelawai, Kampung Sungai Pinang Besar, and Kampung Sungai Pinang Kechil on Pangkor Island, Malaysia. A total of 1,012 individuals responded to the questionnaire, consisting of 790 Malay (78.1%), 164 Chinese (16.2%), and 58 Indian (5.7%). More than 60% (Malay = 73.7%, Chinese = 64.0%, Indian = 79.3%) of the respondents were familiar with basic mosquito biology and practiced personal protection against mosquito bites, and the association was statistically significant (P = 0.02). However, the majority of the respondents had limited knowledge on mosquito-borne diseases, and this varied significantly among the 3 ethnic groups (P = 0.0001). Our recommendations are to improve and intensify public health education outreach programs to the island residents and to encourage community participation in vector control programs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culicidae/physiology*
  12. Mohamad N, Zuharah WF
    Trop Biomed, 2014 Mar;31(1):166-73.
    PMID: 24862057 MyJurnal
    Toxorhynchites splendens larvae are a natural predator of dengue vector mosquito larvae, Aedes albopictus. This study was carried out to evaluate the predation rate of Tx. splendens third instar larvae on Ae. albopictus larvae in 24 h. Each predator was offered prey at a density between 10 to 50 individuals. Predation rate of Tx. splendens were also tested with two manipulated factors; various types of container and different water volumes. The experiment was evaluated in man-made containers (tin cans, plastic drinking glasses and rubber tires) and natural container (bamboo stumps) which were filled with different water volumes (full, half full, 1/4 full, and 1/8 full). The prey density and the characteristics of the container were found as significant factors which influence the predation rate of Tx. splendens. The predator consumed significantly more prey at higher prey densities (40 and 50 preys) compared to the lowest density (10 preys) (F=3.935, df=4, p=0.008). The results showed significantly higher consumption in horizontal shaped container of rubber tire than in vertical shape of bamboo stumps (F=3.100, df=3, p=0.029). However, the water volume had no significant effect on predation rate of Tx. splendens (F=1.736, df=3, p=0.162). We generally suggest that Tx. splendens is best to be released in discarded tires or any other containers with horizontal shape design with wide opening since Tx. splendens can become more effective in searching prey in this type of container design. This predator is also a suitable biocontrol candidates to be introduced either in wet and dry seasons in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culicidae/physiology*
  13. Oli K, Jeffery J, Vythilingam I
    Trop Biomed, 2005 Dec;22(2):249-51.
    PMID: 16883295 MyJurnal
    Adult mosquito collections were conducted for 12 weeks in two residential areas in Kuala Lumpur. The CDC light traps were compared using dry ice and yeast as sources of carbon dioxide attractants for mosquitoes. The efficacy of the dry ice baited trap was significant over yeast generated CO2 trap. The predominant species obtained were Culex quinquefasciatus, Stegomyia albopicta and Armigeres subalbatus.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culicidae/physiology*
  14. Bamou R, Mayi MPA, Djiappi-Tchamen B, Nana-Ndjangwo SM, Nchoutpouen E, Cornel AJ, et al.
    Parasit Vectors, 2021 Oct 11;14(1):527.
    PMID: 34635176 DOI: 10.1186/s13071-021-04950-9
    The expansion of mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue, yellow fever, and chikungunya in the past 15 years has ignited the need for active surveillance of common and neglected mosquito-borne infectious diseases. The surveillance should be designed to detect diseases and to provide relevant field-based data for developing and implementing effective control measures to prevent outbreaks before significant public health consequences can occur. Mosquitoes are important vectors of human and animal pathogens, and knowledge on their biodiversity and distribution in the Afrotropical region is needed for the development of evidence-based vector control strategies. Following a comprehensive literature search, an inventory of the diversity and distribution of mosquitoes as well as the different mosquito-borne diseases found in Cameroon was made. A total of 290 publications/reports and the mosquito catalogue website were consulted for the review. To date, about 307 species, four subspecies and one putative new species of Culicidae, comprising 60 species and one putative new species of Anopheles, 67 species and two subspecies of Culex, 77 species and one subspecies of Aedes, 31 species and one subspecies of Eretmapodites, two Mansonia, eight Coquillettidia, and 62 species with unknown medical and veterinary importance (Toxorhynchites, Uranotaenia, Mimomyia, Malaya, Hodgesia, Ficalbia, Orthopodomyia, Aedeomyia, and Culiseta and Lutzia) have been collected in Cameroon. Multiple mosquito species implicated in the transmission of pathogens within Anopheles, Culex, Aedes, Eretmapodites, Mansonia, and Coquillettidia have been reported in Cameroon. Furthermore, the presence of 26 human and zoonotic arboviral diseases, one helminthic disease, and two protozoal diseases has been reported. Information on the bionomics, taxonomy, and distribution of mosquito species will be useful for the development of integrated vector management programmes for the surveillance and elimination of mosquito-borne diseases in Cameroon.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culicidae/physiology*
  15. Azil AH, Bruce D, Williams CR
    J Vector Ecol, 2014 Jun;39(1):153-63.
    PMID: 24820568 DOI: 10.1111/j.1948-7134.2014.12082.x
    We investigated spatial autocorrelation of female Aedes aegypti L. mosquito abundance from BG-Sentinel trap and sticky ovitrap collections in Cairns, north Queensland, Australia. BG-Sentinel trap collections in 2010 show a significant spatial autocorrelation across the study site and over a smaller spatial extent, while sticky ovitrap collections only indicate a non-significant, weak spatial autocorrelation. The BG-Sentinel trap collections were suitable for spatial interpolation using ordinary kriging and cokriging techniques. The uses of Premise Condition Index and potential breeding container data have helped improve our prediction of vector abundance. Semiovariograms and prediction maps indicate that the spatial autocorrelation of mosquito abundance determined by BG-Sentinel traps extends farther compared to sticky ovitrap collections. Based on our data, fewer BG-Sentinel traps are required to represent vector abundance at a series of houses compared to sticky ovitraps. A lack of spatial structure was observed following vector control treatment in the area. This finding has implications for the design and costs of dengue vector surveillance programs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culicidae/physiology*
  16. Rozilawati H, Faudzi AY, Rahidah AA, Azlina AH, Abdullah AG, Amal NM, et al.
    Indian J Med Res, 2011 Jun;133:670-3.
    PMID: 21727669
    Chikungunya infection has become a public health threat in Malaysia since the 2008 nationwide outbreaks. Aedes albopictus Skuse has been identified as the chikungunya vector in Johor State during the outbreaks. In 2009, several outbreaks had been reported in the State of Kelantan. Entomological studies were conducted in Kelantan in four districts, namely Jeli, Tumpat, Pasir Mas and Tanah Merah to identify the vector responsible for the virus transmission.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culicidae/physiology
  17. Moyes CL, Shearer FM, Huang Z, Wiebe A, Gibson HS, Nijman V, et al.
    Parasit Vectors, 2016 Apr 28;9:242.
    PMID: 27125995 DOI: 10.1186/s13071-016-1527-0
    BACKGROUND: Plasmodium knowlesi is a zoonotic pathogen, transmitted among macaques and to humans by anopheline mosquitoes. Information on P. knowlesi malaria is lacking in most regions so the first step to understand the geographical distribution of disease risk is to define the distributions of the reservoir and vector species.

    METHODS: We used macaque and mosquito species presence data, background data that captured sampling bias in the presence data, a boosted regression tree model and environmental datasets, including annual data for land classes, to predict the distributions of each vector and host species. We then compared the predicted distribution of each species with cover of each land class.

    RESULTS: Fine-scale distribution maps were generated for three macaque host species (Macaca fascicularis, M. nemestrina and M. leonina) and two mosquito vector complexes (the Dirus Complex and the Leucosphyrus Complex). The Leucosphyrus Complex was predicted to occur in areas with disturbed, but not intact, forest cover (> 60% tree cover) whereas the Dirus Complex was predicted to occur in areas with 10-100% tree cover as well as vegetation mosaics and cropland. Of the macaque species, M. nemestrina was mainly predicted to occur in forested areas whereas M. fascicularis was predicted to occur in vegetation mosaics, cropland, wetland and urban areas in addition to forested areas.

    CONCLUSIONS: The predicted M. fascicularis distribution encompassed a wide range of habitats where humans are found. This is of most significance in the northern part of its range where members of the Dirus Complex are the main P. knowlesi vectors because these mosquitoes were also predicted to occur in a wider range of habitats. Our results support the hypothesis that conversion of intact forest into disturbed forest (for example plantations or timber concessions), or the creation of vegetation mosaics, will increase the probability that members of the Leucosphyrus Complex occur at these locations, as well as bringing humans into these areas. An explicit analysis of disease risk itself using infection data is required to explore this further. The species distributions generated here can now be included in future analyses of P. knowlesi infection risk.

    Matched MeSH terms: Culicidae/physiology*
  18. Chiang GL, Cheong WH, Samarawickrema WA
    PMID: 6151743
    Studies on age groups within activity cycles, age composition and survivorship in natural populations of Mansonia in Kampung Pantai, Bengkoka Peninsula of Sabah state have been described. Early activity of 3-5 parous Ma. bonneae during the first hour after sunset was noted. Age composition of Ma. bonneae at forest shade, indoor and outdoor of house, comparative buffalo vs human bait outdoor in Kampung Pantai showed all round high parous rates ranging from 66.7 to 75.4%. Population 3-parous and older ranged from 18.8 to 26.7%. Nine of the 14 infective Ma. bonneae were 3-parous and this segment of the population was engaged in active transmission. High parous rates were observed in Ma. dives and Ma. uniformis taken in small numbers. Parous rates of Ma. bonneae taken in Kampung Delima and Kampung Taradas were also high. Estimates of daily survivorship of Ma. bonneae and Ma. dives determined by two methods were very high.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culicidae/physiology*
  19. Chang MS, Ho BC, Chan KL
    PMID: 1683011
    Successful colonization of Mansonia dives, the principal vector of subperiodic Brugia malayi was established in a field insectary. Mean egg clusters laid on Eichhornia crassipes, Pistia stratiotes, Homalomena cordata and polystyrofoam strips were 12.0, 10.4, 9.5 and 13.7 respectively. However, the mean number of first instar larvae hatched from each egg cluster laid by females on the three plant substrates (range 51.1 to 58.6) was higher than that laid on the polystyrofoam strips (41.8). There were no significant differences in the success pupation and adult emergence rates among the three host plants used as attachment substrates. Adult emergence occurred at a mean of 10.8 days. The first adult emergence was observed at the 25th day after hatching and continued till the 50th day. The 50% mortality rates for the adults were estimated as 8 days for the males and 14 days for the females. The mean gonotrophic cycle ranged from 3.8 to 4.3 days with a mean of 4.04 days. 63.6% of Ma. dives females oviposited in a medium of rat dung and water. The mean incubation period of eggs ranged from 5.2 to 6.5 days with a mean of 5.7 days. The biology of Ma. dives and Ma. bonneae is briefly compared.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culicidae/physiology
  20. Wong LP, Shakir SM, Atefi N, AbuBakar S
    PLoS One, 2015;10(4):e0122890.
    PMID: 25836366 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0122890
    Efforts to stamp dengue in many dengue endemic countries has met little success. There is a need to re-examine and understand how the public at large view the dengue prevention efforts. This study aimed to examine the demographic factors, theoretical constructs of the Health Belief Model and knowledge about dengue and how these influence the practice of dengue prevention.
    Matched MeSH terms: Culicidae/physiology
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